

The clock panel offers both a clock and a countdown-timer. The clock is automatically set to the current users’ timezone, as specified in the users’ Statseeker account settings.

Clicking the panel header opens the panel menu, offering the following options:

  • View – view the panel in fullscreen mode
  • Edit – edit the panel configuration
  • Share – options for sharing the panel contents with others, both internal and external to your organization
  • More
    • Duplicate – place a duplicate of the panel on the current dashboard
    • Copy – copy the dashboard configuration in order to add the panel to another dashboard
    • Panel JSON – view/edit the JSON underlying the panel configuration
  • Remove – delete the panel from the dashboard


Clock Configuration

You can edit the clock configuration by:

  • Clicking the panel title to open the panel menu and selecting Edit



The General tab is used to configure the panel title, description and panel-level links.

  • Title – the panel title, displayed at the top
  • Description – the panel description, displayed on hover of info icon in the upper left corner of the panel
  • Transparent – if checked, removes the solid background of the panel (default not checked)
  • Repeat – repeat a panel for each value of a variable, see Repeating Panels for details
  • Drilldown – configure panel-level links displayed on hover of info icon in the upper left corner of the panel
    • Type – link to a Statseeker dashboard or any URL
    • Dashboard/URL – the dashboard or URL to link to
    • Title – the display name for the link
    • URL paramskey=value pairs to be appended to the end of the URL as parameters
    • Include time range – include the current panel time range as a URL parameter
    • Include variables – include all dashboard variables as key=value pairs to be appended to the end of the URL as parameters
    • Open in a new tab – open the linked destination in a new tab



The Options tab allows you to configure the panel content.

  • Clock Options
    • Clock Mode – set panel to show the time or a countdown
    • BG Color– set panel background color
  • Time Format
    • 12 or 24 hour – configure time format
    • Font Size – displayed text size
    • Font Weight – text style
  • Date Options
    • Show – display date
    • Format– set date format
    • Font Size – displayed text size
    • Font Weight – text style
  • Timezone – specify the timezone for the clock. Requires Clock Mode = time

  • Countdown Options – Requires Clock Mode = countdown
    • Deadline – set date/time for the end of the countdown. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (e.g.2019-06-10T14:15:00)
    • End Text – text that will be displayed when countdown ends
    • Custom Format – format the countdown display
    • Font Size – displayed text size



When the Sync options is set, the panel display only updates when the dashboard is refreshed
