

You can email any report that you are currently viewing, and where you find the requirement for regular reporting, you can establish a schedule to have a pre-configured report run and emailed automatically. In this way, targeted data from Statseeker can be provided to anyone within your organization, not just Statseeker users.

While emailing capabilities are built into your Statseeker deployment, they must be configured prior to use. For details on configuring Statseeker to work with your email server, and testing this configuration, see Email Configuration.


Save Report as PDF

All reports can be saved to PDF:

  • Run the report
  • Mouse-over the report options 'gear-wheel' icon
  • Select Export Report PDF

  • Specify the Page size, Orientation and Top N and click Export

  • Specify the save location and click OK


Emailing a Report

When emailing a report, the report is converted to a *.pdf and attached to your email. To email report:

  • Run the report
  • Mouse-over the report options 'gear-wheel' icon
  • Select Email this Report

This will open the Report Emailing and Scheduling window and add the report to the list of attachments.

  • To simply email the report, ignore the Scheduling section at the top
  • Address the email by selecting:
    • Email - specify and email address
    • User - specify a Statseeker user and have the email sent to their associated email address
    • Group - select a Statseeker group to have the email sent to all users contained within the group
  • Click the (+) icon to add additional recipients as required
  • Set the email Subject line
  • Include Contents to be displayed in the email body as required

The report has been converted to a .pdf and will be attached to the email when sent.

  • Click Email Now to send the email


Preview the Email Contents

The Report List section contains details of all reports that will be attached to the email when sent. You can preview the converted report prior to sending by clicking the csv or pdf icon associated with the report. If the content or layout of the attached report require adjustment prior to sending then this can be achieved from within the Report Emailing and Scheduling form, see Editing Email Reports.

Note: the default PDF layout and formatting options may be configured from the Administration Tool, see PDF Configuration.


Editing Email Reports

In some instances, you may wish to modify the report prior to sending. Statseeker allows you to edit the report layout, configuration, and format. The edit a report being sent via email:

  • Select the edit attachment button for the attached report

This expands the Report List section to present the options available for editing the attachment.

Note: the default PDF layout and formatting options may be configured from the Administration Tool, see PDF Configuration.

  • Edit the report as required and click Done
Note: the changes made to report attachments only affect the report when it is sent via email, these changes do not affect the base report when viewed from the Console or Reports panels.


Send Multiple Reports in a Single Email

To add multiple reports:

  • Run a report
  • Mouse-over the report options 'gear-wheel' icon
  • Select Email this Report
  • Leave the Report Emailing and Scheduling window open and return to the Console
  • Run additional reports, repeating the Email this Report action for each
  • Set the email recipients, clicking the (+) icon to add additional recipients as required
  • Set the email Subject line
  • Include Contents to be displayed in the email body as required
  • Click Email Now to send the email


Scheduling Reports

You can configure Statseeker to automatically run and email reports on a once-off or re-occurring schedule. You can access this functionality from within the report:

  • Mouse-over the report options 'gear-wheel' icon and select Email this Report
  • Set the Statseeker user that the reports will be run as
Note: The User option allows you to take advantage of the relationship between users and device/interface groups resulting in the report content being filtered to those elements of your network that the selected user is entitled to view. For more information on this feature see Users & Grouping.
  • From the Schedule section use the Choose Template drop-down to select a base template, see the table below for details on the stock templates
Template Description
Daily Send an email every day at the specified time
On Business Days Specify a range of days on which the email should be sent e.g. Monday to Friday
Weekly on Specify a day of the week on which to send the email
Fortnightly / Biweekly Specify a day per fortnight (2-week period) on which to send the email
Monthly by Day Specify a day of the month e.g. 3rd
Monthly by Week and Day Specify a week, and day of the week within each month e.g. First Monday of the month
Quarterly / Half-Yearly / Yearly Specify a month and day of the month, the quarterly / half-yearly periods are then calculated by month
Custom Manual configuration of all possible scheduling options
  • Modify the template as required
  • Specify a Name for the new schedule + email package
  • Set the Status of the schedule
    • On - the configuration is saved and applied, emails will be sent as per the schedule
    • Off - the configuration is saved but not used, no emails will be sent
  • Set the email recipients, clicking the (+) icon to add additional recipients as required
  • Set the email Subject line
  • Include Contents to be displayed in the email body as required

Reports can be added to the email schedule by:

  • Running a report
  • Mouse-over the report options 'gear-wheel' icon
  • Select Email this Report
  • Leave the Report Emailing and Scheduling window open and return to the Console
  • Run additional reports, repeating the Email this Report action for each
  • Click Save Schedule

The schedule is now saved and Statseeker will create and send email reports according to this schedule.


Editing Schedules

Editing the Schedule Configuration

All elements of the scheduled email configuration, with the exception of adding additional reports to the schedule, can be edited from the Admin Tool:

  • Select Administration Tool > Reporting / Scheduling > Email Scheduler
  • Select the email schedule to be edited from the Schedule drop-down list
  • Edit the configuration as needed and click Save Schedule


Adding a Report to an Existing Schedule

To add a report to an existing schedule:

  • Run the report to be added
  • Mouse-over the report options 'gear-wheel' icon
  • Select Email this Report

The schedule configuration window will be displayed.

  • Select the schedule you want to add the report to from the drop-down
  • Go back to the report window and again select Email this Report

The schedule config will be updated, adding the new report.

  • Repeat to add additional reports and Save when done

Disabling and Deleting Schedules

Existing scheduled emails can be disabled from the Administration Tool.

Disable a Schedule

To disable the schedule but retain the configuration for later use:

  • Select the email schedule to be disabled from the Schedule drop-down list
  • Set Status to off
  • Click Save Schedule

Delete a Schedule

To delete the schedule:

  • Select the email schedule to be deleted from the Schedule drop-down list
  • Click Delete Schedule