Legacy Documentation for Statseeker API v2.1 r10


Data Dictionary


This guide is specific to the latest version of the Statseeker RESTful API, version 2.1 r10, which was made available with Statseeker version 5.5.1.



The Statseeker API (Application Programming Interface) provides access to view and edit Statseeker configuration settings, as well to retrieve and manipulate timeseries data via an interface other than that provided by the Statseeker's web GUI (Graphical User Interface). Most of the processes and objects that you are used to interacting with in Statseeker (network discovery, users, groups, devices, interfaces, alerts, reporting data, etc.) are exposed as resources from the API standpoint and, through querying the API, these resources can be returned as data objects which you can review and modify.

The API adheres to basic RESTful API principles:

  • Implementing resource-oriented URLs
  • Uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors
  • Uses HTTP authentication
  • Accepts HTTP verbs (GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE)

All API responses are returned in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format and, depending on the nature of the query, the response message can be quite large. To avoid over burdening your Statseeker server when querying the API, consider the scope of the request and apply filters to limit this scope as needed for your Statseeker server. In addition to putting some thought into the requests being sent to the API, hard limits to the size of the response data were added in v2.1 r10 (Statseeker 5.5.1):

  • Number of rows being loaded is limited to 1 million
  • Total amount of API data being held in memory is limited to 1GB

These limits can be modified to suit the resources available to your Statseeker server, contact Statseeker Support for assistance.

Note: As of Statseeker v5.4.2, the Statseeker web server defaults to HTTPS. If upgrading from an earlier version you have the option to redirect HTTP connections to HTTPS. If HTTPS redirect is enabled, HTTP requests to the API will be redirected to HTTPS via a 308 response code and some older user agents may not handle this. Update your API scripts to use HTTPS.


Code Samples

Code samples have been provided throughout this guide in a range of languages. Regardless of your implementation, in the end your request is submitted to the Statseeker API via an HTTP request, and consequently, in many instances some method of character encoding will be required. While some implementations will incorporate libraries that will handle any required encoding, others may not. In response, we have provided sample code demonstrating the use of both Unicode and URL (percent) encoding throughout this guide, so you may need to modify this aspect of the samples to suit the requirements specific to your environment.

The simplest implementation is using cURL to query the API. This allows you to begin investigating the Statseeker API with little to no requisite environmental configuration. All cURL examples provided in this guide are suited to use on a Unix based cURL implementation, which allows the use of both single quotes (') and double quotes(") for nested data objects. A Windows-based cURL implementation may not allow the use of single quotes, in this instance use double quotes and escape any inner pairs with backslash (\).


curl \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST \
    -u user:pword \
    "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group/?indent=3" \
    -d '{"data":[{"name":"Group1"}]}' 

curl \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST \
    -u user:pword \
    "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group/?indent=3" \
    -d "{\"data\":[{\"name\":\"Group1\"}]}" 

Many instances of code samples in this document use nested quotes and, depending on your development environment, you may need to encode inner quote pairs so that they are interpreted correctly. In some examples we have URL encoded inner single-quotes and they are presented as %27. In other examples we have used the Unicode \u0027 for the same purpose. Presenting the samples in this way simply serves to highlight that there may be specific encoding requirements depending on your environment.


Request Headers

All requests should include the following HTTP headers:

Header Mandatory Value Notes
Accept no application/json This specifies the media type accepted in the response
Content-Type no application/json This specifies the media type of the content being sent to the API
Authorization yes Basic [base-64 encoded username:password] The Basic keyword indicates the authentication method being used and the base-64 encoded username:password pair provides the credentials needed to access the API. See Authentication for further details.



The Statseeker API uses the same HTTP Basic Access (BA) authentication used by Statseeker web interface (i.e. username:password). The admin user account (created during the Statseeker installation process) is configured with API access by default and, when creating additional Statseeker users, API access can be assigned:

  • Via the web interface, by checking the API Access box
  • Via the API, by setting api_access = rw, for read-write access (alternatively, r, or w, for read-only and write-only respectively)

This basic authentication must be included in the HTTP Authorization header for every request sent to the API, see below for examples of supplying this authorization.

Authentication Examples
cURLPython (urllib2)Python (requests)Ruby (rest-client)

curl \ 
	-H "Accept: application/json" \ 
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-u user:pword \


# imprt urllib for handling the https connection
# import base54 for encoding the authentication details
# import json for parsing the response data
import urllib2, base64, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
endpoint = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# encode  credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (user, pword)).replace('\n', '')

# build the request
request = urllib2.Request(endpoint)
request.add_header("Accept", "application/json")
request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)   

# send request, collect response, optionally format response for display on screen
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
data = json.load(response)
formatted_data = json.dumps(data, indent=3, sort_keys=True)


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# send request 
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'

# api root endpoint
$uri = 'https:/your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '?&indent=3'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.new({
      method: :get,
      url: $uri + $rspFormat,
      user: $user,
      password: $pword,
# output response to screen
puts "#{response.to_str}"

Response Codes

Statseeker uses RESTful HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of API requests

Code Message Notes
200 Success Successful API request

Note: when referencing deprecated objects/endpoints the response will return a Status: 200 OK, but the response header will contain a Warning 299 - Deprecated API. In this instance, refer to the Resource Reference for the resource being requested.
400 Bad Request Malformed request, check request syntax and supplied parameters
401 Unauthorized Authorization error, check the supplied username and password
404 Not Found The specified endpoint cannot be located
500 Server Error Something has gone wrong on Statseeker's end

Note: if the request is correctly formed but the specified resource does not exist, then the API will return a 200 response but the data object will be an empty array.

Example Request:
We are requesting a user with an ID of not_a_valid_user_id.


Example Response:
The response will return a data object containing all the data retrieved for the specified user, in this case an empty array and the corresponding data_total is 0.

    "version": "2.1",
    "revision": "9",
    "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
    "data": {
        "success": true,
        "errmsg": "ok",
        "time": 1575850381,
        "objects": [
                "type": "user",
                "sequence": 0,
                "status": {
                    "success": true,
                    "errcode": 0
                "data_total": 0,
                "data": []


Limits on Size of Response Object

The API has configurable limits on the size of the data being returned from any single API query. The default value of these limits are:

  • Event based data (syslog, threshold events) is limited to 1 million rows per request
  • Timeseries data is limited to 1GB of data returned per request

These default values are intentionally set very high, and should not impact typical use of the API. They will however prevent a single API query from consuming enough system resources to severely impact the performance of your Statseeker server. The limit values can be modified to suit your Statseeker server resources, please contact Statseeker Technical Support for assistance.



The API automatically paginates the response when large data sets are returned. By default, the API will return 50 results per response.

The number of results returned in a single response can be modified from the default value of 50 by setting the limit parameter on the request.

The following example HTTP request will return 200 results per response

When moving through paginated data with the pagination links (Next, Previous, etc) the request URL is altered to append an offset request parameter. Following on from the example above, with limit=200 and setting offset=100, the request will return the 101st to 300th result:



API Endpoints

The API allows you to add, retrieve and modify data relating to a large number of data-object/resource types. These resources are related to either the network hardware that your Statseeker server is monitoring, or various configuration settings (user accounts, thresholds and alerts, automated processes, network configuration details, etc.) applied to your Statseeker server.

Most API's feature a static selection of object-focused endpoints, which are available to everyone. The Statseeker API is a little different, while many resources are available through the default installation, some are available as modular Custom Data Type (CDT) packages which can be added and removed as needed. This feature, combined with the fact that Statseeker doesn't force users to upgrade their installation, means that the resource-level endpoints available on one Statseeker deployment may be quite different to those available on another.


The remainder of this section provides a basic overview of the types of endpoints available through the API, and the types of requests that can be made against those endpoint types. These endpoint types, and their available actions, are universal across deployments, but the data objects available at the resource level may differ between Statseeker installations.

Endpoint Example Description
/ https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/ The root endpoint for the API
/{resource} https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/user The resource endpoint, for running get, add, update, and delete queries on specific resources. This is the endpoint type used to retrieve your timeseries and configuration data from your Statseeker server, see:

  • Resource Endpoint for details on the parameters that can be passed when interacting with resource level endpoints
  • Resource Reference for details on the various resource level endpoints including fields, methods and requirements
/{resource}/describe https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/user/describe The describe endpoint, for running describe queries on specific resources
/{resource}/execute https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/discover/execute The execute endpoint, for running execute queries on specific resources
/{resource}/{id} https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/user/1234 The ID endpoint, for running get, update, and delete queries on a specific entry within a resource
/{resource}/{id}/{field} https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/user/1234/name The field endpoint, for running update queries on a field of a specific entry within a resource


Root Endpoint (/api/v2.1)

The base (root) endpoint for the API is:

  • https://your.statseeker.server/api/[api_version]

, where:

  • https://your.statseeker.server is the URL of your Statseeker server
  • [api_version] is one the accepted version references, see below
Version References Message
v1 Version 1 of the API, this is a legacy, read-only api, and is not covered in this document
v2, v2.0 Version 2 of the API, the initial implementation of the Statseeker RESTful Read-Write API
v2.1 Version 2.1 of the API, added access to all timeseries data (device\interface metrics) collected by Statseeker
latest Currently, Version 2.1 of the API



The base endpoint of /api/latest will return the latest version of the API installed on your Statseeker server. This version is identified in every response from the API in the api_version key.

Example Response:

    "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
    "version": "2.1",
    "data": {response_data},
    "revision": "10"

You can access an API version, other than the latest, by altering your base URL to specify the version you want to use.

E.g. /api/v1 will return API v1, or /api/v2 will return API v2.0.

There may be multiple revisions released for a given API version, these revisions address issues relating to bugs within the API itself, and issues relating to Custom Data Type (CDT) packages that the API can interact with.

For more information on the relationship between the API and CDT packages, see API Endpoints.



A GET request to the root endpoint will return all resource types available to your Statseeker installation.

The parameters that may be passed when sending a GET request.

Parameters Type/Valid Values Description
  • only - only return the links object, no data object
  • none - only return the data object, no links object
  • html - return html links. If the response is being displayed in a browser then the links may be clicked to send a GET request for the associated object/field.
  • htmlonly - only return html links, no data object
Modifies how the links contained within the response object are presented
indent positive integer Number of characters to indent when formatting code blocks for display


Resource Endpoint (/api/v2.1/{resource})

The resource level endpoints are where you will spend the vast majority if your time when interacting with the Statseeker API. In order to retrieve reporting data on your network infrastructure you will be routinely sending GET requests to resource level endpoints. These requests will contain:

  • The resource level endpoint to specify what type of data objects you are reporting on (device, interface, CPU, memory, etc.)
  • filters to specify which of these data objects to return
  • fields and formats parameters to specify what data is to be returned (average outbound traffic, maximum aggregated CPU load, etc.)
  • timefilters to specify the reporting period

The Statseeker RESTful API contains many resources allowing you to access and interact with both the data that Statseeker has collected on your network, and the configuration options used by Statseeker to collect and manage that data. Some of the object types available at the resource level endpoint include:

  • Users (/api/v2.1/user)
  • Groups (/api/v2.1/group)
  • Devices (/api/v2.1/cdt_device)
  • Interfaces (/api/v2.1/cdt_port)

As of Statseeker v5.5.1, the API contained over 185 resource level endpoints, all aspects of these endpoints are detailed in the Resource Reference. This list can be expanded upon by adding CDT packages and modules for new device types, so for a complete list of all resources available, from *your* Statseeker installation, you can:

  • Send a GET request to the root endpoint
  • Refer to the Resource Reference for details on each of those resources



Send a GET request to a resource endpoint to return details on instances of the specified resource.

The parameters that may be passed when sending a GET request.

Parameters Type/Valid Values Description
fields A comma separated list of field names
E.g. fields=id,name,location
The list of fields that will be returned in the response. This parameter will be ignored if fields_adv is also specified.
fields_adv A JSON string detailing the fields to be returned
E.g. fields_adv={"Device Name":{"field":"name"}, "IP":{"field":"ipaddress"},"Location":{"field":"sysLocation"},"SNMP Polling":{"field":"snmp_poll","filter":{"query":"=%27off%27"}}}
The list of fields that will be returned in the response
filter An SQL filter string
E.g. "SNMP Polling":{"field":"snmp_poll","filter":{"query":"=%27off%27"}}
A filter to be applied to the response data inside of fields_adv
groups A comma separated list of group names or group IDs A list of groups to be used to filter the response data, only data associated with members of the specified groups will be returned
  • AND
  • OR
The mode to use when processing multiple group parameters
group_by An array of fields names or a formula, each field name enclosed in braces ({})

E.g. group_by={cdt_device.name},{ifSpeed}



Provided when wanting to aggregate the rows in the retrieved data.

  • That the fields to be grouped by are specified in the fields parameter of the request
  • {field}_aggregation_format be specified for each field you wish to display aggregated data
interval positive integer
E.g. interval=300
The polling interval to be applied to all timeseries metrics specified in the fields parameter. When not specified, the default polling interval of 60 seconds is used.
limit positive integer
E.g. limit=100
The number of items to return per 'page' of the response, see Pagination for details. The API will automatically paginate response data with a default limit=50.
offset positive integer
E.g. offset=100
The number of result items to skip, see Pagination for details. The API will automatically paginate response data with a default offset={limit}.
sortmode string

  • novals_after - null values are always sorted after valid values, only valid values are affected by the {field}_sort parameter
  • novals_before - null values are always sorted before valid values, only valid values are affected by the {field}_sort parameter
  • novals_large - null values are counted as larger than any other value and will be sorted to the end of results if the field is sorted ascending, and sorted to the start if sorted descending
  • novals_small - null values are counted as smaller than any other value and will be sorted to the start of results if a field is sorted ascending, and sorted to end if sorted descending
Specify how the response should handle null values.
Default = novals_small, this setting is used in all instances where sortmode is not set.

timefmt string
The syntax for specifying the time format matches that used by STRFTIME.

E.g. timefmt=%A %H:%M:%S (%y-%m-%d)
will return a timestamp in the format
Wednesday 15:44:48 (19-07-17)
The format in which to return timestamps when value_time is set
value_time One of:

  • start - The timestamp at which the event began
  • mid - the midpoint of the start and end timestamps
  • end - the timestamp at which the event finished
  • all - an array of start, mid and end
  • none - do not return a timestamp

E.g. value_time=all

Optionally return a timestamp for returned timeseries data points. Timestamps are return in epoch time unless timefmt is also specified.

When the fields parameter has been specified, the following additional parameters may be used.

Parameters Type/Valid Values Description
{field}_field string A user defined variable name followed by a valid field name for the resource.

E.g. yesterday_RxUtil

See Named Fields for more information and examples.
{field}_formats Comma separated list, see Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options The formats to request from the API for the given field, required for timeseries data fields

Note: a global formats key (formats=) may also be used to apply the same values to all timeseries metrics specified in fields
{field}_filter string The filter to apply to the given field
{field}_filter_format string The format to use for the filter, required for timeseries data fields
{field}_interval integer The polling interval (in seconds) to use for the specified field. When used, a field-specific timefilter for the specified field must also also be used.

Note: when not specified, the default interval of 60 seconds is used. A global interval key (interval=) may also be used to apply the same values to all timeseries metrics specified in fields
{field}_timefilter string The timefilter to use for the given field, required for timeseries data fields.

Note: a global timefilter key (timefilter=) may also be used to apply the same values to all timeseries metrics specified in fields
{field}_tz string An alternate timezone to use for the {field}_timefilter.

All timefilters use the Statseeker server's timezone unless an override is specified by supplying {field}_tz.

Note: a global timezone key (tz=) may also be used to apply the same values to all timeseries metrics specified in fields
{field}_sort Comma separated list List specifying the sort hierarchy and direction, in the following format: {field}_sort={rank}{direction} and for Timeseries data: {field}_sort={rank}{direction}{format}
E.g. name_sort=1,asc
{field}_stats Comma separated list, see Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options The stats to use for the given field
{field}_aggregation_format One of:

Format Description
95th The 95th percentile of the values
avg The average of the values
cat Concatenation of the values. Not supported for non-scalar formats such as vals
count The number of rows that match, and have a non-null value
count_all The number of rows that match, including NULL values
first The first matching value
last The last matching value
list Concatenate values as per the cat format, but return the output as comma separated list of values
max The maximum value
median The median value
min The minimum value
stddev The standard deviation value
sum The sum of all values
total Similar to sum, but returns 0 instead of NULL if there are only NULL values in the data being aggregated
The aggregation format to use for the specified field

Note: using aggregation, the following rules apply:

  • When the aggregated data is a number - ignore all null values and return the aggregated value required based on non-null values only
  • When the aggregated data is NOT a number - attempt to convert all values to a number prior to aggregation. Any instance of null will result in the aggregated value being returned as null.


Linked Resources
Note: requires Statseeker v5.4.3+

Most resources are linked to at least one other resource in a parent-child relationship. The API allows you to use this linking to access any of the ancestor-resource fields from the child. This linking is one-way, from child to parent/ancestor, all requests for data from the child must be made explicitly to the child. The format for specifying a field from a linked resource is:

E.g. cdt_device.name

To see which parent-resources can be linked to from a given resource, run a GET command against the describe endpoint (api/v2.1/{resource}/describe) for that resource and review content of the info:links object.


api/v2.1/cdt_cpu/describe, will return something like:

    "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
    "version": "2.1",
    "data": {
        "objects": [
                "info": {
                    "inherits": null,
                    "category": "Device Health",
                    "vendor": "Standard",
                    "links": {
                        "deviceid": {
                            "dst": "cdt_device",
                            "type": "parent"
                    "tags": [...],
                    "inherited_by": [...],
                    "licenced": false
                "commands": {...}
                "description": "The custom data entities for the cpu table",
                "title": "CPU",
                "fields": {...},
                "type": "cdt_cpu"
        "errmsg": "ok",
        "success": true,
        "time": 1534215955
    "links": [...],
    "revision": "5"

We can see, in the response object above, that info: links specifies that cdt_device is considered a parent of cdt_cpu.

In addition to the standard parent-child relationship, a few resources feature a relates_to link allowing two-way referencing. For examples of this type of link run a describe command against one of the Cisco Class-Based QoS Data resources (cdt_cisco_cb_qos_{foo}_data), see the Resource Reference for details on these resources.


You can request data about interfaces showing a high rate of discarded packets from the cdt_port resource, and in the same call request ping-related data from the cdt_device resource of the parent device for each port.

api/v2.1/cdt_port/?fields=name,InOutDiscards,RxDiscardsPercent,TxDiscardsPercent,InOutOctets,cdt_device.name,cdt_device.ping_rtt&formats=avg&InOutDiscards_formats=total,avg&InOutOctets_formats=total&timefilter=range=now -45m to now&InOutDiscards_sort=1,desc,avg&limit=5&links=none

  • fields=name,InOutDiscards,RxDiscardsPercent,TxDiscardsPercent,InOutOctets,cdt_device.name,cdt_device.ping_rtt - the fields we want to retrieve, including name and ping from the parent object cdt_device.name,cdt_device.ping_rtt
  • formats=avg - a global formats parameter for all timeseries data
  • InOutDiscards_formats=total,avg&InOutOctets_formats=total - metric specific overrides for the formats to retrieve additional formats for some metrics
  • timefilter=range=now -45m to now - a global timefilter parameter for all timeseries data
  • InOutDiscards_sort=1,desc,avg - sort the interfaces presenting the highest discard rate to the top
  • limit=5&links=none - limit the initial response to 5 ports and don't show the links reference object

Once a field from a linked resource has been retrieved, it can be treated like any other field. You can specify formats, and timefilters for the field and you can sort and filter the response object by that field. In the example above we requested cdt_device.name, we can reference that to apply a filter to the request to only return data on the interfaces from a single device (or selection of devices).

api/v2.1/cdt_port/?fields=name,InOutDiscards,RxDiscardsPercent,TxDiscardsPercent,InOutOctets,cdt_device.name,cdt_device.ping_rtt&formats=avg&InOutDiscards_formats=total,avg&InOutOctets_formats=total&timefilter=range=now -45m to now&InOutDiscards_sort=1,desc,avg&limit=5&links=none&cdt_device.name_filter=LIKE("NewYork%25")

  • cdt_device.name_filter=LIKE("NewYork%25") - filter the response to only show ports on devices with a name starting with NewYork


    "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
    "version": "2.1",
    "data": {
        "objects": [
                "status": {
                    "errcode": 0,
                    "success": true
                "data": [
                        "name": "Gi6/20",
                        "cdt_device.ping_rtt": {
                            "avg": 35.5126
                        "InOutDiscards": {
                            "total": 5900.34,
                            "avg": 655.593
                        "InOutOctets": {
                            "total": 13768100000
                        "cdt_device.name": "NewYork-swt4",
                        "TxDiscardsPercent": {
                            "avg": 0.023552
                        "RxDiscardsPercent": {
                            "avg": 0
                        "id": 811
                        "name": "Gi2/28",
                        "cdt_device.ping_rtt": {
                            "avg": 47.5407
                        "InOutDiscards": {
                            "total": 5774.36,
                            "avg": 641.596
                        "InOutOctets": {
                            "total": 13159300000
                        "cdt_device.name": "NewYork-swt3",
                        "TxDiscardsPercent": {
                            "avg": 0.0231991
                        "RxDiscardsPercent": {
                            "avg": 0
                        "id": 1032
                        "name": "Gi6/18",
                        "cdt_device.ping_rtt": {
                            "avg": 35.5126
                        "InOutDiscards": {
                            "total": 5673.6,
                            "avg": 630.4
                        "InOutOctets": {
                            "total": 6980780000
                        "cdt_device.name": "NewYork-swt4",
                        "TxDiscardsPercent": {
                            "avg": 0.00432219
                        "RxDiscardsPercent": {
                            "avg": 0
                        "id": 808
                        "name": "Gi2/4",
                        "cdt_device.ping_rtt": {
                            "avg": 35.5126
                        "InOutDiscards": {
                            "total": 5418.93,
                            "avg": 602.103
                        "InOutOctets": {
                            "total": 1743290000
                        "cdt_device.name": "NewYork-swt4",
                        "TxDiscardsPercent": {
                            "avg": 0.0754798
                        "RxDiscardsPercent": {
                            "avg": 0
                        "id": 709
                        "name": "Gi7/22",
                        "cdt_device.ping_rtt": {
                            "avg": 25.2689
                        "InOutDiscards": {
                            "total": 5256.75,
                            "avg": 584.083
                        "InOutOctets": {
                            "total": 8214830000
                        "cdt_device.name": "NewYork-swt1",
                        "TxDiscardsPercent": {
                            "avg": 0
                        "RxDiscardsPercent": {
                            "avg": 0.013608
                        "id": 1491
                "type": "cdt_port",
                "data_total": 787,
                "sequence": 0
        "errmsg": "ok",
        "success": true,
        "time": 1534217902
    "revision": "5"


Named Fields

The API doesn't allow you to explicitly request the same field twice in the same call. When you want to request multiple sets of data for the same field, but with different options, you can use named fields; simply add a custom field to the fields parameter.


I want to request TxUtil data on all ports on a device but I want the data broken into today and yesterday. To do this I am going to:

  • Specify two named fields, yesterdayTx and todayTx
  • Define what those fields refer to
  • Set specific timefilters for each named field
    yesterdayTx_timefilter=range=start_of_today -1d to start_of_today&todayTx_timefilter=range=start_of_today to now
  • Use a global formats parameter to apply to both
  • Filter the response to just the device in question

My full request string will be:
api/v2.1/cdt_port/?fields=cdt_device.name,name,yesterdayTx,todayTx&todayTx_field=TxUtil&formats=max,min,avg,95th&todayTx_timefilter=range=start_of_today to now&yesterdayTx_field=TxUtil&yesterdayTx_timefilter=range=start_of_today -1d to start_of_today&cdt_device.name_filter=IS("NewYork-rtr")&links=none

The response is:

    "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
    "version": "2.1",
    "data": {
        "objects": [
                "status": {
                    "errcode": 0,
                    "success": true
                "data": [
                        "cdt_device.name": "NewYork-rtr",
                        "yesterdayTx": {
                            "max": 9.85221,
                            "avg": 9.78883,
                            "95th": 9.84576,
                            "min": 8.00007
                        "name": "Gi0/1",
                        "todayTx": {
                            "max": 9.8516,
                            "avg": 9.80882,
                            "95th": 9.84672,
                            "min": 9.34127
                        "id": 1975
                        "cdt_device.name": "NewYork-rtr",
                        "yesterdayTx": {
                            "max": 786.667,
                            "avg": 294.361,
                            "95th": 766.18,
                            "min": 83.6935
                        "name": "Gi0/2",
                        "todayTx": {
                            "max": 543.072,
                            "avg": 182.109,
                            "95th": 497.423,
                            "min": 95.8462
                        "id": 1976
                        "cdt_device.name": "NewYork-rtr",
                        "yesterdayTx": {
                            "max": 783.816,
                            "avg": 256.446,
                            "95th": 714.649,
                            "min": 94.7673
                        "name": "Gi0/3",
                        "todayTx": {
                            "max": 786.667,
                            "avg": 495.852,
                            "95th": 781.882,
                            "min": 96.1355
                        "id": 1977
                        "cdt_device.name": "NewYork-rtr",
                        "yesterdayTx": {
                            "max": 7.48404,
                            "avg": 3.68874,
                            "95th": 4.88369,
                            "min": 0.995533
                        "name": "Gi0/4",
                        "todayTx": {
                            "max": 7.70181,
                            "avg": 4.54324,
                            "95th": 5.55599,
                            "min": 2.71828
                        "id": 1978
                        "cdt_device.name": "NewYork-rtr",
                        "yesterdayTx": {
                            "max": 8.37714,
                            "avg": 2.99202,
                            "95th": 6.29977,
                            "min": 0.96669
                        "name": "Gi0/5",
                        "todayTx": {
                            "max": 8.24358,
                            "avg": 6.07991,
                            "95th": 7.4297,
                            "min": 3.94083
                        "id": 1979
                "type": "cdt_port",
                "data_total": 5,
                "sequence": 0
        "errmsg": "ok",
        "success": true,
        "time": 1533779107
    "revision": "5"


Example: Retrieving Details on Multiple Devices

Return specified details on all devices in the group AU_Servers, the fields to return are:

  • name
  • id
  • community
  • ipaddress
  • snmp_version

curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X GET \
	-u user:pword \


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "cdt_device/"

# specify fields to be returned and filters to use
getFields = "?fields=name,id,community,ipaddress,snmp_version&groups=AU_Servers"

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "&indent=3"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + getFields + rspFormat

# send request 
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '&indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'cdt_device/'

# set fields to return
$fields = '?fields=name,id,community,ipaddress,snmp_version&groups=AU_Servers'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :get,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $fields + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "objects": [
        "status": {
          "errcode": 0,
          "success": true
        "data": [
            "snmp_version": 2,
            "ipaddress": "",
            "name": "Brisbane-Server1",
            "community": "public",
            "id": 551
            "snmp_version": 2,
            "ipaddress": "",
            "name": "Brisbane-Server2",
            "community": "public",
            "id": 552
            "snmp_version": 2,
            "ipaddress": "",
            "name": "Sydney-Server1",
            "community": "public",
            "id": 555
            "snmp_version": 2,
            "ipaddress": "",
            "name": "Sydney-Server2",
            "community": "public",
            "id": 556
            "snmp_version": 2,
            "ipaddress": "",
            "name": "Melbourne-Server1",
            "community": "public",
            "id": 557
        "type": "cdt_device",
        "data_total": 5
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496188135
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device?fields=name,id,community,ipaddress,snmp_version&groups=AU_Servers&indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/describe",
      "rel": "describedby"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/552",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/555",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/556",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/557",
      "rel": "item"
  "api_version": "2.1"


Use the POST request to create new instances of the specified resource. The data object included in a POST request must be a json string with a single data key. Some resource types will require additional keys within the data object, use the /describe endpoint to view the requirements for a given resource.


Example: Creating Multiple Groups

Creating new groups named B1 and B2.


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X POST \
	-u user:pword \
	"https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group/?indent=3" \
	-d '{"data":[{"name":"B1"},{"name":"B2"}]}' 


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# api user credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "group/"

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "?indent=3"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + rspFormat

# data
data = json.dumps({"data":[{"name":"B1"},{"name":"B2"}]})

# send request 
r = requests.post(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=data)

# print response to the screen

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https:/your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '?indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'group/'

# set payload in json format
$group1 = {
   :name => 'B1',
$group2 = {
   :name => 'B2',
$jData = '{"data":[' + $group1.to_json + ',' + $group2.to_json + ']}'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :post,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
	:payload => $jData
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "objects": [
        "status": {
          "errcode": 0,
          "success": true
        "data": [
            "name": "B1",
            "id": 46458
            "name": "B2",
            "id": 46459
        "type": "group",
        "data_total": 2
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496190459
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group?indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/describe",
      "rel": "describedby"
  "api_version": "2.1"

PUT Requests

Use the PUT request to update an existing instance of the specified resource. The data object included must be a json string with both a fields key (to identify the resource/s to be updated) and a data key (to specify the data to be updated). Some resource types will require additional keys within the data object, use the /describe endpoint to view the requirements for a given resource.

When sending a PUT request, the data object (request payload) requires both a data key and a fields key.

Example: Updating a Group Name

Updating the name of a group from B1 to Bangalore1.


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X PUT \
	-u user:pword \
	"https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group/?indent=3" \
	-d '{"fields":{"name":{"field":"name","filter":{"query":"=\u0027B1\u0027"}}},"data":[{"name":"Bangalore1"}]}'


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group/"

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# data contains both 'fields' key and a 'data' key
data = json.dumps({"fields":{"name":{"field":"name","filter":{"query":"='B1'"}}},"data":[{"name":"Bangalore1"}]})

# send request and 
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=data)

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https:/your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '?indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'group/'

# set payload in json format
$jData = '{"fields":{"name":{"field":"name","filter":{"query":"=\'B1\'"}}},"data":[{"name":"Bangalore1"}]}'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :put,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
	:payload => $jData
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496190511
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group?indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/describe",
      "rel": "describedby"
  "api_version": "2.1"



Use the DELETE request to delete an existing instance of the specified resource. The data object included must be a json string with a single fields key. Some resource types will require additional keys within the data object, use the /describe endpoint to view the requirements for a given resource.


Example: Deleting Multiple Groups

We will be deleting all groups with the name B followed by a single character, i.e. both groups we created in the previous POST example


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-u user:pword \
	"https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group/?indent=3" \ 
	-d '{"fields":{"name":{"field":"name","filter":{"query":"LIKE \u0027B_\u0027"}}}}'


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group/"

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# data
data = json.dumps({"fields":{"name":{"field":"name","filter":{"query":"LIKE 'B_'"}}}})

# send request and 
r = requests.delete(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=data)

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '?indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'group/'

# set payload in json format
$jData = '{"fields":{"name":{"field":"name","filter":{"query":"LIKE \'B_\'"}}}}'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :delete,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
	:payload => $jData
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496190845
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group?indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/describe",
      "rel": "describedby"
  "api_version": "2.1"

The Describe Endpoint (/api/v2.1/{resource}/describe)

The /describe endpoint is particularly useful as it allows you to query a specified resource to return details on the resource.

The response from a GET request targeting the {resource}/describe endpoint will contain:

  • All fields pertaining to the resource
  • All request methods that can be applied to the resource
  • All fields and data that can be used with each request method

The various HTTP request types are mapped to commands within the API.

HTTP Request Method API Command
GET get
POST add
PUT update
DELETE delete

The /describe endpoint can be applied to any resources returned from a GET request applied to the root endpoint.
I.e. https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/ will return all resources available to the Statseeker installation, and any of these can have /describe applied to return details on the resource.



The parameters that may be passed when sending a GET request.

Parameters Type/Valid Values Description
  • only - only return the links object, no data object
  • none - only return the data object, no links object
  • html - return html links. If the response is being displayed in a browser then the links may be clicked to send a GET request for the associated object/field.
  • htmlonly - only return html links, no data object
Modifies how the links contained within the response object are presented
indent positive integer Number of characters to indent when formatting code blocks for display


Example: Requesting a /describe on the User Resource

curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X GET \
	-u user:pword \


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/user/describe/"

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# send request and 
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '?indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'user/describe/'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :get,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,

#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"
  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "objects": [
        "fields": {
          "tz": {
            "datatype": "string",
            "description": "User time zone",
            "title": "Time Zone"
          "name": {
            "datatype": "string",
            "description": "User name",
            "title": "Name"
          "auth": {
            "datatype": "string",
            "description": "User authentication method",
            "title": "Authentication method"
          "email": {
            "datatype": "string",
            "description": "User email address",
            "title": "Email"
          "api": {
            "datatype": "string",
            "description": "User API access permission",
            "title": "API Access"
          "password": {
            "datatype": "string",
            "description": "User password",
            "title": "Password"
          "id": {
            "datatype": "integer",
            "description": "User Identifier",
            "title": "ID"
        "commands": {
          "delete": {
            "valid_fields": {
              "tz": {
                "required": false
              "name": {
                "required": false
              "auth": {
                "required": false
              "email": {
                "required": false
              "api": {
                "required": false
              "password": {
                "required": false
              "id": {
                "required": false
            "valid_data": null
          "add": {
            "valid_fields": null,
            "valid_data": {
              "tz": {
                "required": false
              "name": {
                "required": true
              "auth": {
                "required": false
              "api": {
                "required": false
              "password": {
                "required": false
              "email": {
                "required": false
          "describe": {
            "valid_fields": null,
            "valid_data": null
          "update": {
            "valid_fields": {
              "tz": {
                "required": false
              "name": {
                "required": false
              "auth": {
                "required": false
              "email": {
                "required": false
              "api": {
                "required": false
              "password": {
                "required": false
              "id": {
                "required": false
            "valid_data": {
              "api": {
                "required": false
              "password": {
                "required": false
              "tz": {
                "required": false
              "email": {
                "required": false
              "auth": {
                "required": false
          "get": {
            "valid_fields": {
              "tz": {
                "required": false
              "name": {
                "required": false
              "auth": {
                "required": false
              "email": {
                "required": false
              "api": {
                "required": false
              "password": {
                "required": false
              "id": {
                "required": false
            "valid_data": null
        "type": "user",
        "description": "Statseeker Users",
        "title": "User"
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496190907
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/user/describe?indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/user",
      "rel": "collection"
  "api_version": "2.1"

The Execute Endpoint (/api/v2.1/{resource}/execute)

The execute endpoint is used to run an execute command on a specific resource, currently this functionality is limited to:

  • the discover resource (/api/v2.1/discover/execute)
  • the config_build resource (/api/v2.1/config_build/execute)



A GET request to a {resource}/execute endpoint will run the command associated with that resource.

The parameters that may be passed when sending a GET request depend upon the resource the execute is being run against.
For example, the valid parameters for running an execute against the discover resource are:

Parameters Type/Valid Values Description
getNext Boolean, defaults to false Discover using SNMP getNext. Only for use with mode=single.
snmpv3config Path The path to the configuration file containing details on the SNMPv3 devices to be added. Only for use with mode=snmpv3add
verbose Values:

  • 0 - least verbose
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3 - most verbose
Verbosity level to be used when outputting to the log file
ip IP address The IP address of the device to be discovered. Only for use with mode=single.
minimal Boolean, defaults to false Perform a minimal discovery on the specified device. A minimal discovery only walks the following tables:

  • SNMPv2-MIB.system
  • IF-MIB.ifTable
  • IF-MIB.ifXTable

Only for use with mode=single

snmperrlog Boolean, defaults to false Enable SNMP error logging
device string The name of the device to rewalk. Only for use with mode=rewalk.
logfile Path, defaults to defaults to ~/nim/etc/discover.log The path to the discovery process log file ()
snmpv1 Boolean, defaults to false Force SNMPv1 collection. Only for use with mode=single
block Boolean, defaults to false If set to true, then the discovery process will not run if another discovery process is already in progress
mode Values:

  • hosts - discover by the Statseeker hosts file
  • ranges - discover by Statseeker ranges configuration
  • rewalk - rewalk the discovered network for changes
  • single - discover a single device
  • snmpv3add - add an SNMPv3 device
The mode of discovery to be used


Example: Discovering a Single Device

The device IP is


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X GET \
	-u user:pword \


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "discover/execute/"

# specify fields to be returned and filters to use
getFields = "?mode=single&ip="

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "&links=none"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + getFields + rspFormat

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# send request and 
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '&links=none'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'discover/execute/'

# set feilds, filters etc
$fields = '?mode=single&ip='

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :get,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $fields + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,

#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

    "version": "2.1",
    "revision": "9",
    "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
    "data": {
        "success": true,
        "errmsg": "ok",
        "time": 1575867957,
        "objects": [
                "type": "discover",
                "sequence": 1,
                "status": {
                    "success": true,
                    "errcode": 0

ID Endpoint (/api/v2.1/{resource}/{id})

The ID endpoint is used to run queries on a specific resource.



The parameters that may be passed when sending a GET request.

Parameters Type/Valid Values Description
fields A comma separated list of field names
E.g. fields=id,name,location
The list of fields that will be returned in the response. This parameter will be ignored if fields_adv is also specified.
fields_adv A JSON string detailing the fields to be returned
E.g. fields_adv={"Device Name":{"field":"name"}, "IP":{"field":"ipaddress"},"Location":{"field":"sysLocation"},"SNMP Polling":{"field":"snmp_poll","filter":{"query":"=\u0027off\u0027"}}}
The list of fields that will be returned in the response
interval positive integer
E.g. interval=300
The polling interval to be applied to all timeseries metrics specified in the fields parameter. When not specified, the default polling interval of 60 seconds is used.
limit positive integer
E.g. limit=100
The number of items to return per 'page' of the response, see Pagination for details. The API will automatically paginate response data with a default limit=50.
offset positive integer
E.g. offset=100
The number of result items to skip, see Pagination for details. The API will automatically paginate response data with a default offset={limit}.
groups A comma separated list of group names or group IDs A list of groups to be used to filter the response data, only data associated with members of the specified groups will be returned
  • and
  • or
The mode to use when processing multiple values in the group parameter
filter An SQL filter string
E.g. "SNMP Polling":{"field":"snmp_poll","filter":{"query":"=\u0027off\u0027"}}
A filter to be applied to the response data

When the fields parameter has been specified, the following additional parameters may be used.

Parameters Type/Valid Values Description
{field}_field string A user defined variable name followed by a valid field name for the resource.

E.g. yesterday_RxUtil

See Named Fields for more information and examples.
{field}_formats Comma separated list, see Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options The formats to request from the API for the given field, required for timeseries data fields

Note: a global formats key (formats=) may also be used to apply the same values to all timeseries metrics specified in fields
{field}_filter string The filter to apply to the given field
{field}_filter_format string The format to use for the filter, required for timeseries data fields
{field}_interval integer The polling interval (in seconds) to use for the specified field. When used, a field-specific timefilter for the specified field must also also be used.

Note: when not specified, the default interval of 60 seconds is used. A global interval key (interval=) may also be used to apply the same values to all timeseries metrics specified in fields
{field}_timefilter string The timefilter to use for the given field, required for timeseries data fields.

Note: a global timefilter key (timefilter=) may also be used to apply the same values to all timeseries metrics specified in fields
{field}_tz string An alternate timezone to use for the {field}_timefilter.

All timefilters use the Statseeker server's timezone unless an override is specified by supplying {field}_tz.

Note: a global timezone key (tz=) may also be used to apply the same values to all timeseries metrics specified in fields
{field}_sort Comma separated list specifying the sort hierarchy and direction, in the following format: {field}_sort={rank}{direction} and for Timeseries data: {field}_sort={rank}{direction}{format}
E.g. name_sort=1,asc
{field}_stats Comma separated list, see Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options The stats to use for the given field
{field}_aggregation_format One of:

Format Description
95th The 95th percentile of the values
avg The average of the values
cat Concatenation of the values. Not supported for non-scalar formats such as vals
count The number of rows that match, and have a non-null value
count_all The number of rows that match, including NULL values
first The first matching value
last The last matching value
list Concatenate values as per the cat format, but return the output as comma separated list of values
max The maximum value
median The median value
min The minimum value
stddev The standard deviation value
sum The sum of all values
total Similar to sum, but returns 0 instead of NULL if there are only NULL values in the data being aggregated
The aggregation format to use for the specified field

Note: using aggregation, the following rules apply:

  • When the aggregated data is a number - ignore all null values and return the aggregated value required based on non-null values only
  • When the aggregated data is NOT a number - attempt to convert all values to a number prior to aggregation. Any instance of null will result in the aggregated value being returned as null.


Example: Retrieving Details on a Device

Return specified details on a device with id = 551. Details to retrieve are:

  • name
  • id
  • .community
  • .ipaddress
  • .snmp_version

curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X GET \
	-u user:pword \


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "cdt_device/551"

# specify fields to be returned
getFields = "?fields=name,id,community,ipaddress,snmp_version"

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "&indent=3"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + getFields + rspFormat

# send request 
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is simply used to format the contents of the response object for readability.
$rspFormat = '&indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'cdt_device/551'

# set fields to return
$fields = '?fields=name,id,community,ipaddress,snmp_version'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :get,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $fields + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "objects": [
        "status": {
          "errcode": 0,
          "success": true
        "data": [
            "snmp_version": 2,
            "ipaddress": "",
            "name": "Brisbane-Server1",
            "community": "public",
            "id": 551
        "type": "cdt_device",
        "data_total": 1
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496191542
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551?fields=name,id,community,ipaddress,snmp_version&indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device",
      "rel": "collection"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/ping_poll",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/auth_pass",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/snmp_poll",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/ping_state",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/sysObjectID",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/community",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/priv_pass",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/table",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/poll",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/id",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/ping_rtt",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/ping_outage",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/ping_dup",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/hostname",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/memorySize",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/snmp_version",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/sysDescr",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/ping_lost1",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/sysName",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/ping_lost3",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/ping_lost2",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/ping_lost4",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/priv_method",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/ipaddress",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/auth_method",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/sysContact",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/name",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/idx",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/sysLocation",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/sysServices",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/snmpEngineID",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/deviceid",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/context",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/auth_user",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/551/snmp_maxoid",
      "rel": "item"
  "api_version": "2.1"


The PUT request can be used to update the fields associated with the specified resource. Not all fields contained within a specific resource may be updated, use the /describe endpoint to view the requirements for a given resource.

Example: Updating a Group Name

The group, B1, has an id = 42579; we will rename this group to Bangalore1


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X PUT \
	-u user:pword \
	"https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group/42579/?indent=3" \
	-d '{"data":[{"name":"Bangalore1"}]}' 


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "group/42579/"

# set data object
data = json.dumps({"data":[{"name":"Bangalore1"}]})

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "?indent=3"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + rspFormat

# send request 
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=data)

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is simply used to format the contents of the response object for readability.
$rspFormat = '?indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'group/42579/'

# set payload in json format
$jData = '{"data":[{"name":"Bangalore1"}]}'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :put,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
	 :payload => $jData
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496192693
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/42579?indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group",
      "rel": "collection"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/42579/entities",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/42579/name",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/42579/id",
      "rel": "item"
  "api_version": "2.1"


The DELETE request can be used to delete the specified resource.


Example: Deleting a Group

Deleting a group with id = 42579


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-u user:pword \


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "group/42579/"

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "?indent=3"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + rspFormat

# send request 
r = requests.delete(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is simply used to format the contents of the response object for readability.
$rspFormat = '?indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'group/42579/'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :delete,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496192850
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/42579?indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group",
      "rel": "collection"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/42579/entities",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/42579/name",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/42579/id",
      "rel": "item"
  "api_version": "2.1"

Field Endpoint (/api/v2.1/{resource}/{id}/{field})

The Field endpoint is used to run queries on a specific field within a specified resource, use the /describe endpoint to view the field restrictions for a given resource.



The parameters that may be passed when sending a GET request behave exactly like the {field}_* parameters for the Resource and ID endpoints. When targeting timeseries metrics, the following parameters may be specified.

Parameters Type/Valid Values Description
formats Comma separated list, see Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options The formats to request from the API for the given field, required for timeseries data fields

Note: a global formats key (formats=) may also be used to apply the same values to all timeseries metrics specified in fields
filter string The filter to apply to the given field
filter_format string The format to use for the filter, required for the timeseries data field
interval integer The polling interval (in seconds) to use for the specified field.

Note: when not specified, the default interval of 60 seconds is used.
timefilter string The timefilter to use for the field
tz string An alternate timezone to use for the timefilter.

All timefilters use the Statseeker server's timezone unless an override is specified
stats Comma separated list, see Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options The stats to use for the given field


Example: Returning a User's Time Zone

The user's id is 42572.


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X GET \
	-u user:pword \


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "user/42572/tz/"

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "?indent=3"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + rspFormat

# send request 
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is simply used to format the contents of the response object for readability.
$rspFormat = '?indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'user/42572/tz/'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :get,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "objects": [
        "status": {
          "errcode": 0,
          "success": true
        "data": [
            "tz": "Europe/London",
            "id": 42572
        "type": "user",
        "data_total": 1
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496193742
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/user/42572/tz?indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/user/42572",
      "rel": "collection"
  "api_version": "2.1"


The PUT request can be used to update the specified field. Not all fields contained within a specific resource may be updated, use the /describe endpoint to view the restrictions for a given resource. The data object must contain a value key containing the new value/s to be set for the field.

Example: Updating a User's Time Zone

The user's id is 42572.


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X PUT \
	-u user:pword \
	"https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/user/42572/tz/?indent=3" \
	-d '{"value":"Europe/Paris"}'


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "user/42572/tz/"

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "?indent=3"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + rspFormat

# set data object
data = json.dumps({"value":"Europe/Paris"})

# send request 
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=data)

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is simply used to format the contents of the response object for readability.
$rspFormat = '?indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'user/42572/tz/'

# set payload in json format
$jData = '{"value":"Europe/Paris"}'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :put,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
	:payload => $jData
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496193864
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/user/42572/tz?indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/user/42572",
      "rel": "collection"
  "api_version": "2.1"

Common Resources: Examples and Sample Code

Most of the processes and objects that you are used to interacting with in Statseeker (network discovery, users, groups, devices, interfaces, alerts, etc.) are exposed as resources from the API standpoint and through querying the API these resources can be returned as data objects which you can review and modify.

Statseeker exposes many resources via the API but most API users will spend the majority of their time working with just a few. The most commonly used resources are presented below along with examples of interacting with those resources.

Note: a full reference to all resources is available from the Resource Reference.



The User resource allows you to interact with (create, edit, delete, and report on) Statseeker user records.

The user object
Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
api API Access string G, A, U User API access permission, one of:

  • r
  • rw
auth Authentication method string G, A, U User authentication method, one of:

  • file
  • ldap
  • radius
email Email string G, A, U User email address
exportDateFormat Date Format string G, A, U User specified Date Format
id ID integer G User Identifier
is_admin Is Admin integer G, A, U Whether the user has admin access, one of:

  • 0
  • 1
name Name string G, A (required), U User name
password Password string G, A, U User password
top_n Top N integer G, A, U The default Top N number for the user
tz Time Zone string G, A, U User time zone. If not available, the system time zone will be used.


Example: Creating a New User


curl \ 
	-H "Accept: application/json" \ 
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X POST \
	-u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/user/?indent=3" \
	-d '{"data":[{"name":"minerva","password":"transfiguration","auth":"File","email":"mmcgonagall@hogwarts.ac.uk","api":"r","tz":"Australia/Brisbane"}]}' 


# import urllib for handling the https connection
# import base54 for encoding the authentication details
# import json for parsing the response data
import urllib2, base64, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
endpoint = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/user"

# encode  credentials
user = "username"
pword = "statseekerpassword"
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (user, pword)).replace('\n', '')

# data
data = json.dumps({"data":[{"name":"minerva","password":"transfiguration","auth":"File","email":"mmcgonagall@hogwarts.ac.uk","api":"r","tz":"Australia/Brisbane"}]})

# build the request
request = urllib2.Request(endpoint, data)
request.add_header("Accept", "application/json")
request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)   

response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
data = json.load(response)
formatted_data = json.dumps(data, indent=3, sort_keys=True)

# use pygments to pretty-up the onscreen output, omit when writing to another output
from pygments import highlight, lexers, formatters
colorful_json = highlight(unicode(formatted_data, 'UTF-8'), lexers.JsonLexer(), formatters.TerminalFormatter())

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '?&indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'user/'

# define payload in json format
$jData = {
   :name => 'Minerva',
   :password => 'transfiguration',
   :auth => 'File',
   :email => 'mmcgonagall@hogwarts.ac.uk',
   :api => 'r',
   :tz => 'Australia/Brisbane'
# set the json content as the value for the 'data' key
$jData = '{"data":[' + $jData.to_json + ']}'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :post,
	:url => $baseUri+$targetEndpoint+$rspFormat,
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
	:payload => $jData
#output response to screen
puts "#{response.to_str}"

   "info":"The Statseeker RESTful API",


Example: Updating an Existing User


curl \ 
	-H "Accept: application/json" \ 
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X PUT \
	-u user:pword \
	"https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/user/46460?indent=3" \
	-d '{"data":[{"api":"r","tz":"Europe/London"}]}' 


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/user/46460"

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# data
data = json.dumps({"data":[{"api":"rw","tz":"Europe/London"}]})

# send request
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=data)

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '?&indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'user/46460'

# set payload in json format
$jData = {:tz => 'Europe/London'}
$jData = '{"data":[' + $jData.to_json + ']}'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :put,
	:url => $baseUri+$targetEndpoint+$rspFormat,
	:headers => {:content_type => :json},
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
	:payload => $jData,
#output response to screen
puts "#{response.to_str}"

   "info":"The Statseeker RESTful API",


Devices (cdt_device)

The cdt_device resource allows you to interact with your currently discovered network devices.

The cdt_device object
Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
auth_method SNMPv3 Authentication Method string G, A, U Authentication method for SNMPv3 devices, one of:

  • md5
  • sha
auth_pass SNMPv3 Authentication Password string G, A, U Authentication password for SNMPv3 devices
auth_user SNMPv3 Authentication Username string G, A, U Authentication user for SNMPv3 devices
community Community string G, A, U The community string status of the device
context SNMPv3 Context string G, A, U Context for SNMPv3 devices
deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
discover_getNext Use GetNext string G, U Walk this device using SNMP getNext instead of getBulk, one of:

  • 0
  • 1
discover_minimal Use Minimal Walk string G, U Walk this device using a minimal set of oids, one of:

  • 0
  • 1
discover_snmpv1 Use SNMPv1 string G, U Walk this device using SNMPv1, one of:

  • 0
  • 1
hostname Hostname string G, A, U The hostname of the device
id ID integer G The entity identifier
idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
ipaddress IP Address string G, A (required), U The IP address of the device
latitude Latitude float G, U The user defined latitude of the device's location
longitude Longitude float G, U The user defined longitude of the device's location
manual_name User Defined Name string G, U The user defined name of the device
memorySize Memory Size integer G The amount of physical read-write memory contained by the entity
mis MAC/IP/Switch Collection State string G, U Include this device in the MIS report calculations, one of

  • on
  • off
name Name string G The entity name
ping_dup Ping Duplicate integer G Number of duplicate ping responses received
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
ping_lost1 Ping Lost 1 integer G Number of times that a single ping request is lost
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
ping_lost2 Ping Lost 2 integer G Number of times that two ping requests in a row have been lost
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
ping_lost3 Ping Lost 3 integer G Number of times that three ping requests in a row have been lost
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
ping_lost4 Ping Lost 4 integer G Number of times that four ping requests in a row have been lost
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
ping_outage Ping Outage integer G, U Number of seconds to wait before a device is considered to be down
ping_poll Ping Poll string G, A, U The ping polling status of the device, one of:

  • on
  • off
ping_rtt Ping RTT integer G The current ping state of the device
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
ping_state Ping State string G, U The current ping state of the device, one of:

  • up
  • down

Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

poll Poll State string G, U The poll state of the entity

  • on
  • off
priv_method SNMPv3 Privacy Method string G, A, U Privacy method for SNMPv3 devices, one of:

  • aes
  • aes192
  • aes256
  • des
  • des3
priv_pass SNMPv3 Privacy Password string G, A, U Privacy password for SNMPv3 devices
retired Retired string G, U The device has been Retired, one of:

  • on
  • off
snmpEngineID SNMP Engine ID string G, U An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier
snmp_maxoid SNMP Max OID integer G, U Maximum number of oids to poll in a single request
snmp_poll SNMP Poll string G, A, U The SNMP polling status of the device, one of:

  • on
  • off
snmp_version SNMP Version integer G, A, U The SNMP version of the device, one of:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
sysContact Contact string G, U The textual identification of the contact person for the entity
sysDescr System Description string G, U A textual description of the entity
sysLocation Location string G, U The physical location of the entity
sysName System Name string G, U An administratively-assigned name for the entity
sysObjectID Object ID string G, U The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity
sysServices Services integer G, U A value which indicates the set of services that the entity may potentially offer
table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
vendor Vendor string G The vendor name for the device


Example: Configuring a Device as Ping-Only


curl \ 
	-H "Accept: application/json" \ 
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X PUT \
	-u user:pword \
	"https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/?indent=3" \
	-d '{"data":[{"ping_poll":"on","snmp_poll":"off"}]}'


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425"

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# data, the key:value pair to be used to turn ping polling on and SNMP polling off
data = json.dumps({"data":[{"ping_poll":"on","snmp_poll":"off"}]}

# send request 
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=data)

# display the response status code

# display the contents of the response object

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '?&indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'cdt_device/425'

# set payload in json format
$jData = {
	:'ping_poll' => "on",
	:'snmp_poll' => "off"

$jData = '{"data":[' + $jData.to_json + ']}'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :put,
	:url => $baseUri+$targetEndpoint+$rspFormat,
	:headers => {:content_type => :json},
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
	:payload => $jData,
#output response to screen
puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496195512
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425?indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device",
      "rel": "collection"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/ping_poll",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/auth_pass",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/snmp_poll",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/ping_state",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/sysObjectID",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/community",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/priv_pass",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/table",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/poll",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/id",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/ping_rtt",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/ping_outage",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/ping_dup",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/hostname",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/memorySize",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/snmp_version",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/sysDescr",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/ping_lost1",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/sysName",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/ping_lost3",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/ping_lost2",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/ping_lost4",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/priv_method",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/ipaddress",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/auth_method",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/sysContact",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/name",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/idx",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/sysLocation",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/sysServices",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/snmpEngineID",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/deviceid",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/context",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/auth_user",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/425/snmp_maxoid",
      "rel": "item"
  "api_version": "2.1"


Example: Returning Details on all Ping-Only Devices


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X GET \
	-u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_device/?fields=name,ipaddress,sysLocation,snmp_poll,ping_poll&snmp_poll_filter=IS(%27off%27)&ping_poll_filter=IS(%27on%27)" 


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_device/?fields=name,ipaddress,sysLocation,snmp_poll,ping_poll&snmp_poll_filter=IS(\u0027off\u0027)&ping_poll_filter=IS(\u0027on\u0027)"

# credentials
user = "user"
pword = "pword"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# send request
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'

$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '?&indent=3&links=none'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'cdt_device/'

#specify fields to return
$fields = '&fields=name,ipaddress,sysLocation,snmp_poll,ping_poll'

#specify filters to only return the details on the devices you want
$filters = '&snmp_poll_filter=IS(%27off%27)&ping_poll_filter=IS(%27on%27)'

response = RestClient::Request.new({
      method: :get,
      url: $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat + $fields + $filters,
      user: $user,
      password: $pword,
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "objects": [
        "status": {
          "errcode": 0,
          "success": true
        "data": [
            "snmp_poll": "off",
            "name": "Athens-swt2",
            "ping_poll": "on",
            "sysLocation": "Athens",
            "ipaddress": "",
            "id": 315
            "snmp_poll": "off",
            "name": "Adelaide-swt1",
            "ping_poll": "on",
            "sysLocation": "Adelaide",
            "ipaddress": "",
            "id": 425
        "type": "cdt_device",
        "data_total": 2
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496196534
  "api_version": "2.1"

Example: Requesting Ping Metrics for a Device

Return ping times for the last 15 minutes as well as the average ping trip time for that period.


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X GET \
	-u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_device/cdt_device/426?fields=name,ping_rtt&ping_rtt_formats=avg,vals&ping_rtt_timefilter=range%3Dnow%20-%2015m%20TO%20now%20-1m" 


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426?fields=name,ping_rtt&ping_rtt_formats=avg,vals&ping_rtt_timefilter=range%3Dnow%20-%2015m%20TO%20now%20-1m"

# credentials
user = "user"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# send request 
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is simply used to format the contents of the response object for readability
$rspFormat = '&indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'cdt_device/426'

# set fields to return
$fields = '?fields=name,ping_rtt'

# set formats for timeseries data
$tsFormats = '&ping_rtt_formats=avg,vals'

# set time-filter for timeseries data
$tsTimeFilter = '&ping_rtt_timefilter=range%3Dnow%20-%2015m%20TO%20now%20-1m'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :get,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $fields + $tsFormats + $tsTimeFilter + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "objects": [
        "status": {
          "errcode": 0,
          "success": true
        "data": [
            "ping_rtt": {
              "vals": [
              "avg": 52.8
            "id": 426,
            "name": "Adelaide-rtr"
        "type": "cdt_device",
        "data_total": 1
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496203449
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426?fields=name,ping_rtt&ping_rtt_formats=avg,vals&ping_rtt_timefilter=range%3Dnow%20-%2015m%20TO%20now%20-1m",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device",
      "rel": "collection"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/ping_poll",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/auth_pass",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/snmp_poll",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/ping_state",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/sysObjectID",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/community",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/priv_pass",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/table",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/poll",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/id",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/ping_rtt",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/ping_outage",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/ping_dup",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/hostname",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/memorySize",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/snmp_version",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/sysDescr",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/ping_lost1",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/sysName",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/ping_lost3",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/ping_lost2",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/ping_lost4",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/priv_method",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/ipaddress",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/auth_method",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/sysContact",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/name",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/idx",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/sysLocation",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/sysServices",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/snmpEngineID",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/deviceid",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/context",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/auth_user",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/cdt_device/426/snmp_maxoid",
      "rel": "item"
  "api_version": "2.1"

Example: Deleting Multiple Devices via IP Address

Delete multiple devices in a single call by filter the device list by ipaddress.

We will delete devices with ipaddress =,


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_device/cdt_device/" 
	-d '{"fields":{"ipaddress":{"field":"ipaddress","filter":{"query":"IN(\"\",\"\")"}}}}'


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_device/"

# credentials
user = "user"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# data
data = json.dumps({"fields":{"ipaddress":{"field":"ipaddress","filter":{"query":"IN(\"\",\"\")"}}}})

# send request 
r = requests.delete(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=data)

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is simply used to format the contents of the response object for readability
$rspFormat = '?indent=3&links=none'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'cdt_device/'

# set payload in json format
$jData = '{"fields":{"ipaddress":{"field":"ipaddress","filter":{"query":"IN(\'\',\'\')"}}}}'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :delete,
	:url => $baseUri+$targetEndpoint,
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
	:payload => $jData
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

   "info":"The Statseeker RESTful API",

Interface (cdt_port)

The cdt_port resource allows you to interact with the network interfaces being monitored by Statseeker.

The cdt_port object
Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
id ID integer G The entity identifier
idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
if90day if90day integer G, U Status of port usage over 90 days, one of:

  • 0
  • 1
ifAdminStatus ifAdminStatus string G, U The desired state of the interface, one of:

  • up
  • down
  • testing

Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

ifAlias Alias string G, U Interface Alias (ifAlias)
ifDescr Description string G, U Interface Description (ifDescr)
ifDuplex ifDuplex string G, U Interface Duplex, one of:

  • auto
  • half
  • full
  • unknown
ifIndex ifIndex string G, U Interface Index (IF-MIB.ifIndex)
ifInSpeed Rx Speed integer G, U Interface Input Speed (Statseeker custom attribute)
ifName ifName string G, U Interface Name (IF-MIB.ifName)
ifNonUnicast NUcast Polling string G, U NonUnicast Polling status of the port, one of:

  • on
  • off
  • global
ifOperStatus ifOperStatus string G, U Current operational status of port, one of:

  • dormant
  • down
  • lowerLayerDown
  • notPresent
  • testing
  • unknown
  • up

Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

ifOutSpeed Tx Speed integer G, U Interface Output Speed (Statseeker custom attribute)
ifPhysAddress PhysAddress string G, U Interface MAC Address (ifPhysAddress)
ifPoll ifPoll string G, U Polling status of the port, one of:

  • on
  • off
ifSpeed Speed integer G, U Interface Speed (based on ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed)
ifTitle Title string G, U Interface Title (Statseeker custom attribute - ifTitle)
ifType Type string G, U Interface Type, one of:

  • a12MppSwitch
  • aal2
  • aal5
  • actelisMetaLOOP
  • adsl
  • adsl2
  • adsl2plus
  • aflane8023
  • aflane8025
  • arap
  • arcnet
  • arcnetPlus
  • async
  • atm
  • atmbond
  • atmDxi
  • atmFuni
  • atmIma
  • atmLogical
  • atmRadio
  • atmSubInterface
  • atmVciEndPt
  • atmVirtual
  • aviciOpticalEther
  • basicISDN
  • bgppolicyaccounting
  • bridge
  • bsc
  • cblVectaStar
  • cctEmul
  • ces
  • channel
  • ciscoISLvlan
  • cnr
  • coffee
  • compositeLink
  • dcn
  • ddnX25
  • digitalPowerline
  • digitalWrapperOverheadChannel
  • dlsw
  • docsCableDownstream
  • docsCableMaclayer
  • docsCableMCmtsDownstream
  • docsCableUpstream
  • docsCableUpstreamChannel
  • ds0
  • ds0Bundle
  • ds1
  • ds1FDL
  • ds3
  • dtm
  • dvbAsiIn
  • dvbAsiOut
  • dvbRccDownstream
  • dvbRccMacLayer
  • dvbRccUpstream
  • e1
  • econet
  • eon
  • eplrs
  • escon
  • ethernet3Mbit
  • ethernetCsmacd
  • fast
  • fastEther
  • fastEtherFX
  • fcipLink
  • fddi
  • fibreChannel
  • frameRelay
  • frameRelayInterconnect
  • frameRelayMPI
  • frameRelayService
  • frDlciEndPt
  • frf16MfrBundle
  • frForward
  • g703at2mb
  • g703at64k
  • gfp
  • gigabitEthernet
  • gr303IDT
  • gr303RDT
  • gtp
  • h323Gatekeeper
  • h323Proxy
  • hdh1822
  • hdlc
  • hdsl2
  • hiperlan2
  • hippi
  • hippiInterface
  • homepna
  • hostPad
  • hssi
  • hyperchannel
  • ibm370parChan
  • idsl
  • ieee1394
  • ieee80211
  • ieee80212
  • ieee80216WMAN
  • ieee8023adLag
  • if-gsn
  • imt
  • infiniband
  • interleave
  • ip
  • ipForward
  • ipOverAtm
  • ipOverCdlc
  • ipOverClaw
  • ipSwitch
  • isdn
  • isdns
  • isdnu
  • iso88022llc
  • iso88023Csmacd
  • iso88024TokenBus
  • iso88025CRFPInt
  • iso88025Dtr
  • iso88025Fiber
  • iso88025TokenRing
  • iso88026Man
  • isup
  • l2vlan
  • l3ipvlan
  • l3ipxvlan
  • lapb
  • lapd
  • lapf
  • linegroup
  • lmp
  • localTalk
  • macSecControlledIF
  • macSecUncontrolledIF
  • mediaMailOverIp
  • mfSigLink
  • miox25
  • mocaVersion1
  • modem
  • mpc
  • mpegTransport
  • mpls
  • mplsTunnel
  • msdsl
  • mvl
  • myrinet
  • nfas
  • nsip
  • opticalChannel
  • opticalChannelGroup
  • opticalTransport
  • other
  • para
  • pdnEtherLoop1
  • pdnEtherLoop2
  • plc
  • pon155
  • pon622
  • pos
  • ppp
  • pppMultilinkBundle
  • primaryISDN
  • propAtm
  • propBWAp2Mp
  • propCnls
  • propDocsWirelessDownstream
  • propDocsWirelessMaclayer
  • propDocsWirelessUpstream
  • propMultiplexor
  • propPointToPointSerial
  • propVirtual
  • propWirelessP2P
  • proteon10Mbit
  • proteon80Mbit
  • q2931
  • qam
  • qllc
  • radioMAC
  • radsl
  • reachDSL
  • regular1822
  • rfc1483
  • rfc877x25
  • rpr
  • rs232
  • rsrb
  • sdlc
  • sdsl
  • shdsl
  • sip
  • sipSig
  • sipTg
  • sixToFour
  • slip
  • smdsDxi
  • smdsIcip
  • softwareLoopback
  • sonet
  • sonetOverheadChannel
  • sonetPath
  • sonetVT
  • srp
  • ss7SigLink
  • stackToStack
  • starLan
  • tdlc
  • teLink
  • termPad
  • tr008
  • trasnpHdlc
  • tunnel
  • ultra
  • usb
  • v11
  • v35
  • v36
  • v37
  • vdsl
  • virtualIpAddress
  • virtualTg
  • voiceDID
  • voiceEM
  • voiceEMFGD
  • voiceEncap
  • voiceFGDEANA
  • voiceFGDOS
  • voiceFXO
  • voiceFXS
  • voiceOverAtm
  • voiceOverCable
  • voiceOverFrameRelay
  • voiceOverIp
  • x213
  • x25huntGroup
  • x25mlp
  • x25ple
InBroadcastPkts Rx Bcast Pkts integer G Number of received broadcast packets
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InBroadcastPps Rx Bcast Pps float G Number of received broadcast packets per second
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InDiscards Rx Discards integer G Number of received discards
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InErrors Rx Errors integer G Number of received errors
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InMulticastPkts Rx Mcast Pkts integer G Number of received multicast packets
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InMulticastPps Rx Mcast Pps float G Number of received multicast packets per second
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InOctets Rx Bytes integer G Number of received bytes
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InOutBroadcastPkts Total Bcast Pkts integer G Combined Rx and Tx broadcast packets
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InOutDiscards Total Discards integer G Combined Rx and Tx Discards
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InOutErrors Total Errors integer G Combined Rx and Tx Errors
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InOutMulticastPkts Total Mcast Pkts integer G Combined Rx and Tx multicast packets
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InOutOctets Total Bytes integer G Combined Rx and Tx Bytes
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InOutSpeed Total Speed integer G Combined Rx and Tx Speed
InOutUcastPkts Total Ucast Pkts integer G Combined Rx and Tx unicast packets
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InUcastPkts Rx Ucast Pkts integer G Number of received unicast packets
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
InUcastPps Rx Ucast Pps float G Number of received unicast packets per second
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
name Name string G The entity name
OutBroadcastPkts Tx Bcast Pkts integer G Number of transmitted broadcast packets
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
OutBroadcastPps Tx Bcast Pps float G Number of transmitted broadcast packets per second
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
OutDiscards Tx Discards integer G Number of transmitted discards
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
OutErrors Tx Errors integer G Number of transmitted errors
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
OutMulticastPkts Tx Mcast Pkts integer G Number of transmitted multicast packets
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
OutMulticastPps Tx Mcast Pps float G Number of transmitted multicast packets per second
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
OutOctets Tx Bytes integer G Number of transmitted bytes
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
OutUcastPkts Tx Ucast Pkts integer G Number of transmitted unicast packets
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
OutUcastPps Tx Ucast Pps float G Number of transmitted unicast packets per second
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
poll Poll State string G, U The poll state of the entity

  • on
  • off
RxBps Rx Bps float G Received bits per second
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
RxDiscardsPercent Rx Discards Percent float G Rx discards percentage
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
RxErrorPercent Rx Errors Percent float G Rx errors percentage
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
RxTxDiscardsPercent Total Discards Percent float G Total discards percentage
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
RxTxErrorPercent Total Errors Percent float G Total errors percentage
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
RxUtil Rx Util float G Rx Utilization
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
TxBps Tx Bps float G Transmitted bits per second
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
TxDiscardsPercent Tx Discards Percent float G Tx discards percentage
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
TxErrorPercent Tx Errors Percent float G Tx errors percentage
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
TxUtil Tx Util float G Tx Utilization
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options


Example: Turning Off an Interface

In this example we will use the device and interface name to identify the interface and then update the polling status on the selected interface.

  • Start with a device name and an interface name (NewYork-Floor53-Switch1 Fa0/36)
  • Use these to get the interface ID (The interface is identified as ID=31619)
  • Use the interface ID to update the polling status of the interface

curl \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X GET \
    -u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_port/?fields=name,cdt_device.name&name_filter=IS(%27Fa0/36%27)&cdt_device.name_filter=IS(%27NewYork-Floor53-Switch1%27)&indent=3&links=none"
curl \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X PUT \
    -u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_port/31619/?indent=3"
    -d '{"data":[{%27poll%27:%27off%27}]}'


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json, urllib3

# Specify server endpoint, device and interface name
server = "https://my.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_port/"
deviceName = "NewYork-Floor53-Switch1"
interfaceName = "Fa0/36"

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json, urllib3

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# specify the api endpoint to be used, return the interface name, interface ID and device ID. Use the device and interface name to filter the results down to just the interface we want.
url = server + '?fields=name,cdt_device.name&name_filter=IS("' + interfaceName + '")&cdt_device.name_filter=IS("' + deviceName + '")&links=none'

# send request to get interfaceId
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), verify=False)

# print request response code to screen
print("GET interfaceId: " + str(r.status_code)) 

# decode the response and walk the object to the 'id' field
rdata = r.json()
p = rdata['data']['objects'][0]['data'][0]['id']

#print interface ID to screen
print("interfaceId: " + str(p))

# specify the api endpoint to be used and format output to remove links
format = "/?links=none&indent=3"
url = server + str(p) + format
# update poll status to turn off polling
data = json.dumps({"data":[{"poll":"off"}]})

# send request to update polling status
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=data, verify=False)

# print request response code to screen
print("Update interface poll status: " + str(r.status_code))

# print response body to screen

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# specify the device name and interface name
$deviceName = "NewYork-Floor53-Switch1"
$interfaceName = "Fa0/36"

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'cdt_port/'

# this is used to format the contents of the response object for readability
$rspFormat = '?&indent=3&links=none'

#specify fields to return
$fields = '&fields=id,name,cdt_device.name'

#specify filters
$filters = '&name_filter=IS("' + $interfaceName + '")&cdt_device.name_filter=IS("' + $deviceName +'")'

response = RestClient::Request.new({
      method: :get,
	  verify_ssl: false,
      url: $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat + $fields + $filters,
      user: $user,
      password: $pword,

# output response code to screen
puts "#{'GET interfaceid: ' + response.code.to_s}"

# walk the response object to retrieve the interface ID
$rData = JSON.parse(response)
$p = $rData['data']['objects'][0]['data'][0]['id']

# output interface ID to screen
puts "#{'interfaceID: ' + $p.to_s}"

$targetEndpoint = 'cdt_port/'+ $p.to_s + '/'
$jData = '{"data":[{"poll":"off"}]}'

response = RestClient::Request.new({
      method: :put,
      headers: {
      	content_type: 'application/json'
	  verify_ssl: false,
      url: $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat,
      user: $user,
      password: $pword,
      payload: $jData,

#output response to screen
puts "#{response.to_str}"

#This response includes some logging (preceding the response data object) which is only relevant to the Python and Ruby implementations
GET interfaceid: 200
interfaceID: 11411
Update interface poll status: 200
   "info":"The Statseeker RESTful API",


Example: Requesting Timeseries Data from all Interfaces on a Device


  • Identifying data: the name and ID of the interface
  • Timeseries data: total inbound/outbound discard percentage for the reporting period, minimum, average, and 95th percentile values for inbound/outbound utilization
  • Time filter of 'start of the day until now'
  • Sort results on the average inbound utilization, descending
  • Filter the results to show only those interfaces on a specific device (ID=426)

curl \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X GET \
    -u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_port/?fields=deviceid,id,name,RxTxDiscardsPercent,TxUtil,RxUtil&RxUtil_sort=1,desc,avg&deviceid_filter=IS(%22426%22)&RxUtil_formats=95th,avg,min&TxUtil_formats=95th,avg,min&RxTxDiscardsPercent_formats=total&RxTxDiscardsPercent_timefilter=range=start_of_today%20to%20now&RxUtil_timefilter=range=start_of_today%20to%20now&TxUtil_timefilter=range=start_of_today%20to%20now"


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "cdt_port/"

# specify fields to be returned and filters to use
getFields = "?fields=deviceid,id,name,RxTxDiscardsPercent,TxUtil,RxUtil"

# specify data formats for each metric
dataFormats = "&RxUtil_formats=95th,avg,min&TxUtil_formats=95th,avg,min&RxTxDiscardsPercent_formats=total"

#specify time filters, one for each timeseries metric being requested
timeFilters = "&RxTxDiscardsPercent_timefilter=range=start_of_today to now&RxUtil_timefilter=range=start_of_today to now&TxUtil_timefilter=range=start_of_today to now"

# specify data filters to select only those devices\interfaces you want to report on
dataFilters = "&deviceid_filter=IS('426')"

# optionally specify sorting of the response contents
sorting = "&RxUtil_sort=1,desc,avg"

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "&indent=3&links=none"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + getFields + dataFormats + timeFilters + dataFilters + sorting + rspFormat

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# send request and 
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is simply used to format the contents of the response object for readability.
$rspFormat = '&indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'cdt_port/'

# set fields to return
$fields = '?fields=deviceid,id,name,RxTxDiscardsPercent,TxUtil,RxUtil'

# set formats for timeseries data
$tsFormats = '&RxUtil_formats=95th,avg,min&TxUtil_formats=95th,avg,min&RxTxDiscardsPercent_formats=total'

# set time-filter for timeseries data
$tsTimeFilter = '&RxTxDiscardsPercent_timefilter=range=start_of_today to now&RxUtil_timefilter=range=start_of_today to now&TxUtil_timefilter=range=start_of_today to now'

# specify data filters to select only those devices\interfaces you want to report on
$dataFilters = "&deviceid_filter=IS('426')"

# optionally specify sorting of the response contents
$sorting = "&RxUtil_sort=1,desc,avg"

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :get,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $fields + $tsFormats + $tsTimeFilter + $dataFilters + $sorting + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"


    "info":"The Statseeker RESTful API",


Example: Return the 10 Most Congested Interfaces (inbound) over the Last 30mins


curl \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X GET \
    -u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_port/?fields=deviceid,id,name,RxUtil&RxUtil_formats=vals,avg&RxUtil_timefilter=range=now%20-%2030m%20to%20now%20-%201m&RxUtil_sort=1,desc,avg&limit=10&indent=3"


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "cdt_port/"

# specify fields to be returned and filters to use
getFields = "?fields=deviceid,id,name,RxUtil"

# specify data filters to select only those devices\interfaces you want to report on
# we want the top 10 across the network so no restrictions are applied
dataFilters = "" 

# set formats for timeseries data
dataFormats = "&RxUtil_formats=vals,avg"

#specify time filters, one for each timeseries metric being requested
timeFilters = "&RxUtil_timefilter=range=now - 30m to now - 1m"

# optionally specify sorting of the response contents
sorting = "&RxUtil_sort=1,desc,avg"

# use the 'limit' parameter to only return the 'top-10' interfaces
limit = "&limit=10"

# optional response formatting, useful when viewing the response data directly
rspFormat = "&indent=3"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + getFields + dataFormats + timeFilters + dataFilters + sorting + limit + rspFormat

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# send request and 
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is simply used to format the contents of the response object for readability.
$rspFormat = '&indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'cdt_port/'

# set fields to return
$fields = '?fields=deviceid,id,name,RxUtil'

# set formats for timeseries data
$tsFormats = '&RxUtil_formats=vals,avg'

# set time-filter for timeseries data. 
# The range end-point of 'now - 1m' is used because the metrics have a 1minute polling interval
# and this ensures that the only 'null' value you see will be because the interface was unreachable
$tsTimeFilter = '&RxUtil_timefilter=range=now - 30m to now - 1m'

# specify data filters to select only those devices\interfaces you want to report on
$dataFilters = "" # we want the top 10 across the network so no restrictions are applied

# optionally specify sorting of the response contents
$sorting = "&RxUtil_sort=1,desc,avg"

# use the 'limit' parameter to only return the "top-10" interfaces
$limit = "&limit=10"

# Optional: the indent parameter is used to format the contents of the response object for readability when viewing it directly.
$rspFormat = '&indent=3'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :get,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $fields + $tsFormats + $tsTimeFilter + $dataFilters + $sorting + $limit + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

   "info":"The Statseeker RESTful API",


Example: Return the 10 Busiest Interfaces, According to their 90th Percentile Values, over the Last Hour

We are returning the deviceid and interface name to identify the interface.


curl \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X GET \
    -u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_port/?fields=cdt_device.name,name,RxUtil,InOctets&timefilter=range=now%20-%201h%20to%20now&RxUtil_formats=avg,max&InOctets_formats=percentile&InOctets_stats={"percentile":90}&InOctets_sort=1,desc,percentile&limit=10&indent=3"	


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "cdt_port/"

# specify fields to be returned and filters to use
getFields = "?fields=cdt_device.name,name,RxUtil,InOctets"

# specify data formats for each metric
dataFormats = "&RxUtil_formats=avg,max&InOctets_formats=percentile"

#specify time filters
timeFilters = "&timefilter=range=now -1h to now"

# set Stats format for timeseries data
dataStats = "&InOctets_stats={%22percentile%22:90}"

# optionally specify sorting of the response contents
sorting = "&RxUtil_sort=1,desc,avg"

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "&limit=10&indent=3&links=none"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + getFields + dataFormats + timeFilters + dataStats + sorting + rspFormat

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# send request and 
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is simply used to format the contents of the response object for readability.
$rspFormat = '&indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'cdt_port/'

# set fields to return
$fields = '?fields=cdt_device.name,name,RxUtil,InOctets'

# set formats for timeseries data
$tsFormats = '&RxUtil_formats=avg,max&InOctets_formats=percentile'

# set stats for timeseries data
$tsStats = '&InOctets_stats={"percentile":90}'

# set time-filter for timeseries data
$tsTimeFilter = '&timefilter=range=now -1h to now'

# optionally specify sorting of the response contents
$sorting = "&InOctets_sort=1,desc,percentile"

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :get,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $fields + $tsFormats + $tsTimeFilter + $tsStats + $sorting + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

   "info":"The Statseeker RESTful API",
					"cdt_device.name": "NewYork-swt4",
					"name": "Gi5/15",
					"RxUtil": {
						"max": 98.2481,
						"avg": 48.017
					"InOctets": {
						"percentile": 7341280000
					"id": 1933
					"cdt_device.name": "Delhi-swt2",
					"name": "Gi2/13",
					"RxUtil": {
						"max": 98.2907,
						"avg": 44.0038
					"InOctets": {
						"percentile": 7295740000
					"id": 15052
					"cdt_device.name": "Tokyo-swt1",
					"name": "Gi2/19",
					"RxUtil": {
						"max": 98.2907,
						"avg": 32.8421
					"InOctets": {
						"percentile": 7287930000
					"id": 12776
					"cdt_device.name": "Chicago-swt4",
					"name": "Gi5/18",
					"RxUtil": {
						"max": 98.216,
						"avg": 34.635
					"InOctets": {
						"percentile": 7285220000
					"id": 26691
					"cdt_device.name": "Paris-swt2",
					"name": "Gi6/15",
					"RxUtil": {
						"max": 98.1732,
						"avg": 46.4893
					"InOctets": {
						"percentile": 7281300000
					"id": 7022
					"cdt_device.name": "Shanghai-swt2",
					"name": "Gi3/25",
					"RxUtil": {
						"max": 98.2907,
						"avg": 31.501
					"InOctets": {
						"percentile": 7272460000
					"id": 11885
					"cdt_device.name": "Lisbon-swt1",
					"name": "Gi6/13",
					"RxUtil": {
						"max": 97.8852,
						"avg": 37.6228
					"InOctets": {
						"percentile": 7254440000
					"id": 9684
					"cdt_device.name": "Paris-swt2",
					"name": "Gi4/7",
					"RxUtil": {
						"max": 97.9,
						"avg": 42.9049
					"InOctets": {
						"percentile": 7252390000
					"id": 7064
					"cdt_device.name": "NewYork-swt3",
					"name": "Gi7/9",
					"RxUtil": {
						"max": 97.8103,
						"avg": 30.7644
					"InOctets": {
						"percentile": 7252000000
					"id": 2039
					"cdt_device.name": "Budapest-swt3",
					"name": "Gi6/11",
					"RxUtil": {
						"max": 96.9925,
						"avg": 24.6683
					"InOctets": {
						"percentile": 7251030000
					"id": 7943

Example: Return the Inbound Traffic 90th Percentile for the Last Hour

Returning data on a specified interface (ID = 3839).


curl \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X GET \
    -u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/cdt_port/3839/RxUtil?timefilter=range=%20now%20-%201h%20to%20now&formats=percentile&stats={"percentile":90}&links=none&indent=3"	


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "cdt_port/3839/RxUtil"

# specify data formats for each metric
dataFormats = "?formats=percentile"

#specify time filters, one for each timeseries metric being requested
timeFilters = "&timefilter=range=now -1h to now"

# set Stats format for timeseries data
dataStats = "&stats={%22percentile%22:90}"

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "&indent=3&links=none"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + dataFormats + timeFilters + dataStats + rspFormat

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# send request and 
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# api user credentials
$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'

# api root endpoint
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is simply used to format the contents of the response object for readability.
$rspFormat = '&indent=3&links=none'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'cdt_port/3839/RxUtil'

# set formats for timeseries data
$tsFormats = '?formats=percentile'

# set stats for timeseries data
$tsStats = '&stats={"percentile":90}'

# set time-filter for timeseries data
$tsTimeFilter = '&timefilter=range=now -1h to now'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :get,
	:url => $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $tsFormats + $tsTimeFilter + $tsStats + $rspFormat, 
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

   "info":"The Statseeker RESTful API",



The group resource allows you to create and populate the groups used by Statseeker for reporting, and for authorization when restricting visibility and access to functionality for users within Statseeker.

The group object
Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
entities Entities object G, U The entities that are assigned to this group

Formats Description
count Number of entities assigned to the group
exc_count Number of entities assigned to the group (excluding child entities not explicitly assigned)
exc_hexstr Hex bitstring representation of assigned entities (excluding child entities not explicitly assigned)
exc_list Array of entity ids assigned to the group (excluding child entities not explicitly assigned)
hexstr Hex bitstring representation of assigned entities
list Array of entity ids assigned to the group
objects Array of object names that have entities assigned to the group
id ID integer G ID of the group
name Name string G, A (required), U Name of the group

Group Mode

The Group object requires a mode be specified when performing PUT requests to make changes to the group's members (entities). The mode specifies what the API should do with the entities when making changes.

Mode Description
clear Remove the specified entities from the group
set Remove all existing entities and then add the specified entities to the group
add Add the specified entities to the group


Example: Create a Group


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X POST \
	-u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group/?indent=3" \
	-d '{"data":[{"name":"Budapest"}]}'


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group"

# credentials
user = "user"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# data, this is the name of group that will be created
data = json.dumps({"data":[{"name":"Budapest"}]})

# send request 
r = requests.post(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=data)

# display the response status code

# display the contents of the response object

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '?&indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'group/'

# set payload in json format
$jData = {
   :name => 'Budapest',
$jData = '{"data":[' + $jData.to_json + ']}'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :post,
	:url => $baseUri+$targetEndpoint+$rspFormat,
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
	:payload => $jData
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "objects": [
        "status": {
          "errcode": 0,
          "success": true
        "data": [
            "name": "Budapest",
            "id": 46461
        "type": "group",
        "data_total": 1
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496198383
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group?indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/describe",
      "rel": "describedby"
  "api_version": "2.1"

Example: Populate a Group

When populating a group you use the /entities field endpoint and must specify a mode instructing the API on how to populate the group.


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X PUT \
	-u user:pword \
	"https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group/46461/entities/?indent=3" \
	-d '{"value":[286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293],"mode":"add"}'


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
# we are going to entries to the entities list of the group
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group/46461/entities"

# credentials
user = "user"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# data specify the ID's of the devices to be added to the group, this adds the device plus all children (interfaces, in this case) 
# specify the mode, we are using "add" to add the devices without affecting any existing group members
data = json.dumps({"value":[286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293],"mode":"add"})

# send request 
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=data)

# display the response status code

# display the contents of the response object

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '?&indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'group/46461/entities'

# set payload in json format
$jData = {
   :value => [286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293],
   :mode => 'add',
$jData = $jData.to_json

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :put,
	:url => $baseUri+$targetEndpoint+$rspFormat,
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
	:payload => $jData
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

   "info":"The Statseeker RESTful API",

Example: Deleting a Group


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-u user:pword \


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/group/46461"

# credentials
user = "user"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# send request 
r = requests.delete(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# display the response status code

# display the contents of the response object

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# optional formatting of the response for onscreen readability
$rspFormat = '?&indent=3'

# set target endpoint, specifying the ID of the group to be deleted
$targetEndpoint = 'group/46461'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :delete,
	:url => $baseUri+$targetEndpoint+$rspFormat,
	:headers => { 
		:content_type => :json,
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword
#output response to screen
    puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496200297
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/46461?indent=3",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group",
      "rel": "collection"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/46461/entities",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/46461/name",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/group/46461/id",
      "rel": "item"
  "api_version": "2.1"

Discovery Configuration

The discover_config resource allows you to configure Statseeker's discovery process.

The discover_config Object
Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
communities Community Strings object G, U Comma separated SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 community strings
id ID integer G Discover config identifier/key
iftype Interface Types object G, U Comma separated list of interface types to include
ip_range_configurations Per IP Address Range Configuration string G, U An array of Discover Configuration objects associated to IP Address Ranges. Each configuration in the array contains the following fields:

Field ID Type Description
communities string Comma separated SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 community strings
enabled boolean Set the range configuration to be enabled/disabled
excludes string Comma separated sysdescr strings for entities to exclude from the configuration
iftypes string Comma separated iftypes strings for entities to include in the configuration
includes string Comma separated sysdescr strings for entities to include in the configuration
ip_range_text string Include range string specifying the IP range to be covered by the configuration
title string Name for the configuration rule

These configurations are in addition to the global discovery settings for the IP range specified in ranges. This allows you to apply specific include/exclude rules based on sysDescr and iftype to select IP ranges, and to restrict which community strings are sent to a given IP.

Note: community strings, and include/exclude rules, added in this way are in addition to the global rules, they do not replace the global rules. All exclude rules take precedence over any include rule.
ping_count Ping Run Count integer G, U Number of passes for the ping discover
ping_rate Ping Rate integer G, U Number of pings to send per second
ping_skip Ping Skip integer G, U Number of ipaddress to skip between each ping
ranges Ranges object G, U Comma separated discover ranges (using include/exclude syntax)
sysdescr SysDescr object G, U Comma separated SysDescr values to decide which devices to discover

Example: Updating the IP Ranges to be used during Discovery


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X PUT \
	-u user:pword \
	"https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/discover_config/1?indent=3" \
	-d "{"data":[{"ranges":["include","exclude 10.100.[50-100].*","include","include"]}]}"


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# specify the api endpoint to be used
url = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/discover_config/1"

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# data
data = json.dumps({"data":[{"ranges":["include","exclude 10.100.[50-100].*","include","include"]}]})

# send request 
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=data)

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is simply used to format the contents of the response object for readability.
$rspFormat = '?&indent=3'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'discover_config/1'

# set payload in json format
$jData = '{"data":[{"ranges":["include","exclude 10.100.[50-100].*","include","include"]}]}'

# send request
response = RestClient::Request.execute(
	:method => :put,
	:url => $baseUri+$targetEndpoint+$rspFormat,
	:headers => {:content_type => :json},
	:user => $user,
	:password => $pword,
	:payload => $jData,
#output response to screen
puts "#{response.to_str}"

  "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
  "data": {
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "success": true,
    "time": 1496200675
  "links": [
      "link": "/api/v2.1/discover_config/1",
      "rel": "self"
      "link": "/api/v2.1",
      "rel": "base"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/discover_config",
      "rel": "collection"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/discover_config/1/iftype",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/discover_config/1/ranges",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/discover_config/1/ping_rate",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/discover_config/1/ping_count",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/discover_config/1/communities",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/discover_config/1/id",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/discover_config/1/sysdescr",
      "rel": "item"
      "link": "/api/v2.1/discover_config/1/ping_skip",
      "rel": "item"
  "api_version": "2.1"


The syslog resource provides access to the syslog messages collected by Statseeker. The contents of these records can be reported on and used to trigger alerts.

The syslog Object
Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
entity Entity string G The name of the entity that owns this message
entityid Entity ID integer G, A (required) The ID of the entity that owns this message
id ID integer G Message Identifier
text Message Text string G, A (required) The message text
time Time integer G Message Time
type Type string G, A (required) Message Type

  • lastx - Display the last x records, rather than using a timefilter


Example: Retrieving details, from Syslog Records, on devices that 'went down' in the previous 24hrs

In this example we will retrieve details on all Syslog messages that record a 'down-device' state change in the previous 24h hours.


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X GET \
	-u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/syslog/?indent=3&links=none&fields=entity,entityid,text,type,time&text_filter=LIKE(%22%25changed%20state%20to%20down%25%22)&time_timefilter=range%20=%20now%20-%201d%20to%20now"


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "syslog/"

# specify fields to be returned and filters to use
getFields = "?fields=entity,entityid,text,type,time"

#specify filters for syslog events when the device went 'down'
filters = '&text_filter=LIKE("%25changed state to down%25")'

#specify time filter
timefilters = '&time_timefilter=range = now - 1d to now'

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "&indent=3&links=none"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + getFields + filters + timefilters + rspFormat

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# send request 
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is used to format the contents of the response object for readability
$rspFormat = '?indent=3&links=none'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'syslog/'

#specify fields to return
$fields = '&fields=entity,entityid,text,type,time'

#specify filters for syslog events when the device went 'down'
$filters = '&text_filter=LIKE("%25changed state to down%25")'

#specify time filter
$timefilters = '&time_timefilter=range = now - 1d to now'

response = RestClient::Request.new({
      method: :get,
      url: $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat + $fields + $filters + $timefilters,
      user: $user,
      password: $pword,

puts "#{response.to_str}"

	"info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
	"data": {
		"objects": [{
			"status": {
				"errcode": 0,
				"success": true
			"data": [{
				"text": "local0.info  %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/10, changed state to down",
				"entity": "LosAngeles-swt1",
				"time": 1490240152,
				"entityid": 174,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126619
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/7, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Helsinki-swt1",
				"time": 1490245557,
				"entityid": 313,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126626
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/12, changed state to down",
				"entity": "CapeTown-swt2",
				"time": 1490246759,
				"entityid": 412,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126628
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/18, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Mumbai-swt2",
				"time": 1490251556,
				"entityid": 379,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126631
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/19, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Unknown (",
				"time": 1490270147,
				"entityid": 0,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126641
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/24, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Budapest-swt4",
				"time": 1490271059,
				"entityid": 271,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126642
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/18, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Phoenix-swt4",
				"time": 1490271643,
				"entityid": 201,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126643
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/7, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Bangkok-swt1",
				"time": 1490279033,
				"entityid": 374,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126647
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/20, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Unknown (",
				"time": 1490286824,
				"entityid": 0,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126652
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet2/0/16, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Chicago-rtr",
				"time": 1490294444,
				"entityid": 185,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126657
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/8, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Tokyo-swt1",
				"time": 1490301348,
				"entityid": 355,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126661
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8, changed state to down",
				"entity": "LosAngeles-rtr",
				"time": 1490305548,
				"entityid": 175,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126664
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/18, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Helsinki-swt3",
				"time": 1490307644,
				"entityid": 311,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126667
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/14, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Athens-rtr",
				"time": 1490316041,
				"entityid": 299,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126671
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/28, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Melbourne-swt2",
				"time": 1490316942,
				"entityid": 397,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126672
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/11, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Chicago-swt2",
				"time": 1490317855,
				"entityid": 183,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126673
			}, {
				"text": "local0.info  %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet3/0/5, changed state to down",
				"entity": "Copenhagen-swt3",
				"time": 1490318756,
				"entityid": 331,
				"type": "syslog",
				"id": 126674
			"type": "syslog",
			"data_total": 17
		"errmsg": "ok",
		"success": true,
		"time": 1490325593
	"api_version": "2.1"

Device and Interface Event Records (event_record)

The event_record resource provides access to the device and interface events recorded by Statseeker. The contents of these records can be reported on and used to trigger alerts.

The event_record Object
Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
delta Delta integer G The number of seconds since the last record of the same event
device Device string G The name of the device that owns the entity
deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the device that owns the entity
entity Entity string G The name of the entity that owns the event
entityid Entity ID integer G, A The ID of the entity that owns the entity
entityTypeName Entity Type Name string G The name of the type of entity that owns the event
entityTypeTitle Entity Type Title string G The title of the type of entity that owns the event
event Event string G, A The event text associated to the record
eventid Event ID integer G, A (required) The event id associated to the record
id ID string G Event Record Identifier
note Note string G, U The note associated with the record
state State string G, A (required) The state text associated to the record
stateid State ID integer G, A The state id associated to the record
time Time integer G, A Epoch time that the record was created

  • lastx - Display the last x records, rather than using a timefilter


Example: Retrieving details, from Event Records, of interfaces that recovered from a 'down' state in the previous 3hrs

The delta value, found in each record in the response, details the duration that the interface was in a down state.

Note: a similar process can be used with the threshold_record resource to retrieve data on events triggered by breaches of configured thresholds.


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-X GET \
	-u user:pword "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/event_record/?indent=3&links=none&fields=event,eventid,device,deviceid,state,delta,time&state_filter=IS(%22up%22)&event_filter=IS(%22IF-MIB.ifOperStatus%22)&time_timefilter=range%20=%20now%20-%203h%20to%20now"


# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests, json

# credentials
user = "username"
pword = "password"

# API root endpoint
rootUri = "https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/"

# specify target endpoint
targetUri = "event_record/"

# specify fields to be returned and filters to use
getFields = "?fields=event,eventid,device,deviceid,state,delta,time"

#specify filters
filters = '&state_filter=IS("up")&event_filter=IS("IF-MIB.ifOperStatus")'

#specify time filter
timefilters = '&time_timefilter=range = now - 3h to now'

# optional response formatting
rspFormat = "&indent=3&links=none"

# set URL to be used
url = rootUri + targetUri + getFields + filters + timefilters + rspFormat

# headers
headers = {"Accept":"application/json", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

# send request
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword))

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

$user = 'username'
$pword = 'password'
$baseUri = 'https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/'

# this is used to format the contents of the response object for readability
$rspFormat = '?indent=3&links=none'

# set target endpoint
$targetEndpoint = 'event_record/'

#specify fields to return
$fields = '&fields=event,eventid,device,deviceid,state,delta,time'

#specify filters
$filters = '&state_filter=IS("up")&event_filter=IS("IF-MIB.ifOperStatus")'

#specify time filter
$timefilter = '&time_timefilter=range = now - 3h to now'

response = RestClient::Request.new({
      method: :get,
      url: $baseUri + $targetEndpoint + $rspFormat + $fields + $filters + $timefilter,
      user: $user,
      password: $pword,

puts "#{response.to_str}"

	"info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
	"data": {
		"objects": [{
			"status": {
				"errcode": 0,
				"success": true
			"data": [{
				"eventid": 17,
				"time": 1490328180,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 185,
				"delta": 23520,
				"device": "Chicago-rtr",
				"id": "58D49A74-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 81,
				"time": 1490324821,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 284,
				"delta": 3960,
				"device": "Warsaw-rtr",
				"id": "58D48D55-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 81,
				"time": 1490327161,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 284,
				"delta": 480,
				"device": "Warsaw-rtr",
				"id": "58D49679-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 97,
				"time": 1490329921,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 293,
				"delta": 3540,
				"device": "Athens-srv1",
				"id": "58D4A141-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 97,
				"time": 1490332501,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 293,
				"delta": 1080,
				"device": "Athens-srv1",
				"id": "58D4AB55-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 129,
				"time": 1490326021,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 334,
				"delta": 4260,
				"device": "Copenhagen-rtr",
				"id": "58D49205-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 145,
				"time": 1490324821,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 350,
				"delta": 6900,
				"device": "Shanghai-rtr",
				"id": "58D48D55-2-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 145,
				"time": 1490328421,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 350,
				"delta": 2040,
				"device": "Shanghai-rtr",
				"id": "58D49B65-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 177,
				"time": 1490329802,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 378,
				"delta": 19741,
				"device": "Delhi-rtr",
				"id": "58D4A0CA-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 209,
				"time": 1490332022,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 390,
				"delta": 840,
				"device": "Chennai-rtr",
				"id": "58D4A976-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 209,
				"time": 1490332142,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 390,
				"delta": 60,
				"device": "Chennai-rtr",
				"id": "58D4A9EE-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 209,
				"time": 1490332502,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 390,
				"delta": 120,
				"device": "Chennai-rtr",
				"id": "58D4AB56-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 225,
				"time": 1490325842,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 414,
				"delta": 840,
				"device": "CapeTown-rtr",
				"id": "58D49152-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 225,
				"time": 1490328002,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 414,
				"delta": 1080,
				"device": "CapeTown-rtr",
				"id": "58D499C2-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 241,
				"time": 1490323442,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 417,
				"delta": 300,
				"device": "PortElizabeth-rtr",
				"id": "58D487F2-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 241,
				"time": 1490327942,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 417,
				"delta": 3900,
				"device": "PortElizabeth-rtr",
				"id": "58D49986-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 241,
				"time": 1490329982,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 417,
				"delta": 1440,
				"device": "PortElizabeth-rtr",
				"id": "58D4A17E-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 257,
				"time": 1490326322,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 423,
				"delta": 6060,
				"device": "Pretoria-rtr",
				"id": "58D49332-1-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 257,
				"time": 1490330462,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 423,
				"delta": 2280,
				"device": "Pretoria-rtr",
				"id": "58D4A35E-2-1"
			}, {
				"eventid": 257,
				"time": 1490331122,
				"event": "IF-MIB.ifOperStatus",
				"state": "up",
				"deviceid": 423,
				"delta": 360,
				"device": "Pretoria-rtr",
				"id": "58D4A5F2-1-1"
			"type": "event_record",
			"data_total": 20
		"errmsg": "ok",
		"success": true,
		"time": 1490333357
	"api_version": "2.0"

Resource Reference

ACI Application Profile


The custom data entities for the aci_application table



Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
aci_tenant ACI Tenant string G A policy owner in the virtual fabric. A tenant can be either a private or a shared entity. For example, you can create a tenant with contexts and bridge domains shared by other tenant. A shared type of tenant is typically named common, default, or infra.
deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
health Health integer G Health of ACI Application Profile
Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
id ID integer G The entity identifier
idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
name Name string G The entity name
poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

  • on
  • off
  • table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    title Title string G ACI Application Profile Name
    [reference]  [top]

    ACI Bridging Domain


    The custom data entities for the aci_bridge_domain table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    aci_tenant ACI Tenant string G A policy owner in the virtual fabric. A tenant can be either a private or a shared entity. For example, you can create a tenant with contexts and bridge domains shared by other tenant. A shared type of tenant is typically named common, default, or infra.
    broadcast_ip Multicast Group IP Address string G Outer multicast group IP address.
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    health Health integer G Health
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    mac MAC string G MAC Address
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    title Title string G Bridging Domain Name
    type Type string G Bridging Domain Type
    [reference]  [top]

    ACI Client Endpoint


    The custom data entities for the aci_cep table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    aci_epg EPG string G A set of requirements for the application-level EPG instance. The policy regulates connectivity and visibility among the end points within the scope of the policy.
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    ip IP Address string G IP Address of Client Endpoint
    mac MAC Address string G The MAC Address
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    title Title string G Name of Client Endpoint
    vlan VLAN string G The VXLAN or VLAN
    [reference]  [top]

    ACI Endpoint Groups


    The custom data entities for the aci_epg table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    aci_application ACI Application Profile string G The application profile is a set of requirements that an application instance has on the virtualizable fabric. The policy regulates connectivity and visibility among endpoints within the scope of the policy.
    config_state Configuration State string G The configuration state of the endpoint group
    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    health Health integer G Health of the EPG
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    title Title string G Name of the Endpoint Group
    [reference]  [top]

    ACI Fault


    The custom data entities for the aci_fault table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    ack Acknowledged string G Acknowledged
    cause Cause string G Fault Cause
    changeSet Change string G Change Set
    code Code string G Fault Code
    created Created time G Fault Creation Time
    delegated Delegated string G Delegated
    descr Description string G Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    domain Domain string G Domain
    highestSeverity High Severity string G Highest Severity
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    lastTransition Last Transition time G Last Transition
    name Name string G The entity name
    occur Occurrences integer G Number of Occurrences
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    origSeverity Original Severity string G Original Severity
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    prevSeverity Previous Severity string G Previous Severity
    rule Rule string G Rule
    severity Severity string G Severity
    subject Subject string G Subject
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    type Type string G Type
    [reference]  [top]

    ACI Fault Summary


    The custom data entities for the aci_fault_summary table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    ack_delegated_faults Acknowledged Delegated Faults integer G Number of Acknowledged Delegated Faults
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ack_faults Acknowledged Faults integer G Number of Acknowledged Faults
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    delegated_faults Delegated Faults integer G Number of Delegated Faults
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    faults Faults integer G Number of Faults
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    severity Severity string G Severity
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    title Title string G Title
    type Type string G Type
    [reference]  [top]

    ACI Node


    The custom data entities for the aci_node table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    aci_pod ACI Pod string G ACI Pod
    admin_state Admin State string G ACI Node Administrative State
    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    fabric_domain ACI Fabric Domain string G ACI Fabric Domain
    fabric_state ACI Fabric State string G ACI Fabric State
    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.
    health Health integer G Health
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    ip IP Address string G ACI Node Management IP Address
    model Model string G Model
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    serial Serial string G The serial number of the device
    state State string G ACI Node State
    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    title Title string G ACI Node Name
    type Type string G ACI Node Type
    vendor vendor string G vendor
    [reference]  [top]

    ACI Pod


    The custom data entities for the aci_pod table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    health Health integer G Health
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    title Title string G ACI Pod
    [reference]  [top]

    ACI Subnet


    The custom data entities for the aci_subnet table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    aci_bridge_domain ACI Bridging Domain string G ACI Bridging Domain
    alias Alias string G Subnet Alias
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    ip IP Address Range string G IP Address Range
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    title Title string G Subnet Name
    [reference]  [top]

    ACI Tenant


    The custom data entities for the aci_tenant table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    health Health integer G Health
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    title Title string G ACI Tenant Name
    [reference]  [top]

    ACI Private Network


    The custom data entities for the aci_vrf table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    aci_tenant ACI Tenant string G aci_tenant
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    health Health integer G health
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    title Title string G Name for the Network Context
    [reference]  [top]

    Apcon Interface


    The custom data entities for the apcon_port table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    InBroadcastPkts Rx Bcast Pkts integer G Broadcast packets received.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InMulticastPkts Rx Mcast Pkts integer G Multicast packets received.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InOctets Rx Bytes integer G Receive byte count.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InUcastPkts Rx Ucast Pkts integer G Unicast packets received.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    OutBroadcastPkts Tx Bcast Pkts integer G Broadcast packets transmitted.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutMulticastPkts Tx Mcast Pkts integer G Multicast packets transmitted.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutOctets Tx Bytes integer G Transmit byte count.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutUcastPkts Tx Ucast Pkts integer G Unicast packets transmitted.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    RxBps Rx Bps integer G Receive bits per second.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUtil Rx Util float G Receive Utilization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    Speed Speed integer G, U Port Speed (bytes/s)
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxBps Tx Bps integer G Transmit bits per second.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TxUtil Tx Util float G Transmit Utilization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco APPNAV


    The custom data entities for the appnav_cisco table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cAppNavACACGName Controller Group string G, U This object indicates the name of the AppNav controller group to which given AppNav controller belongs.
    cAppNavACCurrentCMState Controller Member State string G, U This object indicates the current cluster membership state of the given AppNav controller, one of:

    • alive - the AppNav controller or service node is in contact of the AppNav cluster
    • dead - contact to the given AppNav controller or service node from the AppNav cluster is lost
    • excluded - the AppNav controller/service node is not a part of the AppNav cluster
    • inactive - the given AppNav controller is added to config but is inactive because of zombies
    • na - the given AppNav controller/service node has no status information available when service context is in the admin disabled state
    • partial - the given AppNav controller/service node is partially part of the AppNav cluster
    • zombie - the AppNav controller is removed from config but is still alive

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    cAppNavACIpAddr Controller IP string G, U This object indicates the IP address of the AppNav controller
    cAppNavACIpAddrType Controller IP Type string G, U This object indicates the address type of the cAppNavACIpAddr. The cAppNavACEntries are only valid for address type of IPv4 and IPv6.
    cAppNavACServContextName Controller Service Context string G, U This object indicates the name of the service context to which given AppNav controller belongs.
    cAppNavSNCurrentCMState Node Member State string G, U This object indicates the current cluster membership state of the given service node, one of:

    • alive - the AppNav controller or service node is in contact of the AppNav cluster
    • dead - contact to the given AppNav controller or service node from the AppNav cluster is lost
    • excluded - the AppNav controller/service node is not a part of the AppNav cluster
    • inactive - the given AppNav controller is added to config but is inactive because of zombies
    • na - the given AppNav controller/service node has no status information available when service context is in the admin disabled state
    • partial - the given AppNav controller/service node is partially part of the AppNav cluster
    • zombie - the AppNav controller is removed from config but is still alive

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    cAppNavSNIpAddr Node IP string G, U This object indicates the IP address of the given service node.
    cAppNavSNIpAddrType Node IP Type string G, U This object indicates the address type of cacSnIpAddr. cacSNEntries are only valid for address type of IPv4 and IPv6.
    cAppNavSNServContextName Node Context string G, U This object indicates the name of the service context to which given service node belongs.
    cAppNavSNSNGName Node Group string G, U This object indicates the name of the service node group to which given service node belongs.
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    BGP Peer


    The custom data entities for the bgp_peer table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    AdminStatus Admin Status string G, U The desired state of the BGP connection.
    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    • Start
    • Stop
    ConnectRetryInterval ConnectRetry Interval integer G, U Time interval for the ConnectRetry timer.
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    FsmEstablishedTime FSM Established Time integer G This timer indicates how long this peer has been in the established state or how long since this peer was last in the established state.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    FsmEstablishedTransitions FSM Established Transitions integer G The total number of times the BGP FSM transitioned into the established state for this peer.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    HoldTime Hold Time integer G, U Time interval for the Hold Timer established with the peer.
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    KeepAlive Keep Alive integer G, U Time interval for the KeepAlive timer established with the peer.
    LocalAddr Local IP string G, U The local IP address of this entry's BGP connection.
    LocalPort Local Port integer G, U The local port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers.
    MinASOriginationInterval Min AS Origination Interval integer G, U Time interval for the MinASOriginationInterval timer.
    MinRouteAdvertisementInterval Min Route Advertisement Interval integer G, U Time interval for the MinRouteAdvertisementInterval timer.
    name Name string G The entity name
    NegotiatedVersion Negotiated Version integer G, U The negotiated version of BGP running between the two peers.
    PeerIdentifier Peer Identifier string G, U
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    RemoteAddr Remote IP string G, U The remote IP address of this entry's BGP peer.
    RemoteAs Remote Autonomous System Number string G, U The remote autonomous system number received in the BGP OPEN message.
    RemotePort Remote Port integer G, U The remote port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers.
    RxTotalMessages Rx Messages integer G The total number of messages received from the remote peer on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUpdateElapsedTime Rx Update Elapsed Time integer G Elapsed time since the last BGP UPDATE message was received from the peer.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUpdates Rx Updates integer G The number of BGP UPDATE messages received on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    State State string G, U The BGP peer connection state, one of:

    • active
    • connect
    • established
    • idle
    • opensent
    • openconfirm

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxTotalMessages Tx Messages integer G The total number of messages transmitted to the remote peer on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TxUpdates Tx Updates integer G The number of BGP UPDATE messages transmitted on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    BGP Peer Address Family Prefix - Cisco


    The custom data entities for the bgp_peer_addr_family_prefix_cisco table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    AcceptedPrefixes Accepted Prefixes integer G Number of accepted route prefixes for an address family on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    AddrFamilyAfi AFI Index string G Address family identifier (e.g. IPv4, IPv6).
    AddrFamilyName Address family name string G, U Implementation specific address family name.
    AddrFamilySafi SAFI Index string G Subsequent address family identifier (e.g. unicast, multicast).
    AdvertisedPrefixes Advertised Prefixes integer G Incremented when a route prefix is advertised for an address family on this connection
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    DeniedPrefixes Denied Prefixes integer G Incremented when a route prefix for an address family on this connection is denied.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    PrefixAdminLimit Admin Limit integer G, U Max number of route prefixes accepted for an address family on this connection.
    PrefixClearThreshold Clear Threshold integer G, U Prefix threshold value (%) to clear warning message for an address family on this connection.
    PrefixThreshold Prefix Threshold integer G, U Prefix threshold value (%) to generate warning message for an address family on this connection.
    RemoteAddr Remote IP string G The remote IP address of this entry's BGP peer.
    SuppressedPrefixes Suppressed Prefixes integer G Incremented when a route prefix is suppressed from being sent for an address family on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    WithdrawnPrefixes Withdrawn Prefixes integer G Incremented when a route prefix is withdrawn for an address family on this connection
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    BGP Peer - Cisco


    The custom data entities for the bgp_peer_cisco table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    AdminStatus Admin Status string G The desired state of the BGP connection.
    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    • Start
    • Stop
    ConnectRetryInterval ConnectRetry Interval integer G Time interval for the ConnectRetry timer.
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    FsmEstablishedTime FSM Established Time integer G This timer indicates how long this peer has been in the established state or how long since this peer was last in the established state.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    FsmEstablishedTransitions FSM Established Transitions integer G The total number of times the BGP FSM transitioned into the established state for this peer.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    HoldTime Hold Time integer G Time interval for the Hold Timer established with the peer.
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    KeepAlive Keep Alive integer G Time interval for the KeepAlive timer established with the peer.
    LocalAddr Local IP string G The local IP address of this entry's BGP connection.
    LocalPort Local Port integer G The local port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers.
    MinASOriginationInterval Min AS Origination Interval integer G Time interval for the MinASOriginationInterval timer.
    MinRouteAdvertisementInterval Min Route Advertisement Interval integer G Time interval for the MinRouteAdvertisementInterval timer.
    name Name string G The entity name
    NegotiatedVersion Negotiated Version integer G The negotiated version of BGP running between the two peers.
    PeerIdentifier Peer Identifier string G
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    RemoteAddr Remote IP string G The remote IP address of this entry's BGP peer.
    RemoteAs Remote Autonomous System Number string G The remote autonomous system number received in the BGP OPEN message.
    RemotePort Remote Port integer G The remote port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers.
    RxTotalMessages Rx Messages integer G The total number of messages received from the remote peer on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUpdateElapsedTime Rx Update Elapsed Time integer G Elapsed time since the last BGP UPDATE message was received from the peer.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUpdates Rx Updates integer G The number of BGP UPDATE messages received on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    State State string G The BGP peer connection state

    • active
    • connect
    • established
    • idle
    • opensent
    • openconfirm

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxTotalMessages Tx Messages integer G The total number of messages transmitted to the remote peer on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TxUpdates Tx Updates integer G The number of BGP UPDATE messages transmitted on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    BGP Peer - Juniper


    The custom data entities for the bgp_peer_juniper table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    AdminStatus Admin Status string G The desired state of the BGP connection.
    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    • Start
    • Stop
    ConnectRetryInterval ConnectRetry Interval integer G Time interval for the ConnectRetry timer.
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    FsmEstablishedTime FSM Established Time integer G This timer indicates how long this peer has been in the established state or how long since this peer was last in the established state.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    FsmEstablishedTransitions FSM Established Transitions integer G The total number of times the BGP FSM transitioned into the established state for this peer.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    HoldTime Hold Time integer G Time interval for the Hold Timer established with the peer.
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    KeepAlive Keep Alive integer G Time interval for the KeepAlive timer established with the peer.
    LocalAddr Local IP string G The local IP address of this entry's BGP connection.
    LocalPort Local Port integer G The local port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers.
    MinASOriginationInterval Min AS Origination Interval integer G Time interval for the MinASOriginationInterval timer.
    MinRouteAdvertisementInterval Min Route Advertisement Interval integer G Time interval for the MinRouteAdvertisementInterval timer.
    name Name string G The entity name
    NegotiatedVersion Negotiated Version integer G The negotiated version of BGP running between the two peers.
    PeerIdentifier Peer Identifier string G
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    RemoteAddr Remote IP string G The remote IP address of this entry's BGP peer.
    RemoteAs Remote Autonomous System Number string G The remote autonomous system number received in the BGP OPEN message.
    RemotePort Remote Port integer G The remote port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers.
    RxTotalMessages Rx Messages integer G The total number of messages received from the remote peer on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUpdateElapsedTime Rx Update Elapsed Time integer G Elapsed time since the last BGP UPDATE message was received from the peer.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUpdates Rx Updates integer G The number of BGP UPDATE messages received on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    State State string G The BGP peer connection state

    • active
    • connect
    • established
    • idle
    • opensent
    • openconfirm

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxTotalMessages Tx Messages integer G The total number of messages transmitted to the remote peer on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TxUpdates Tx Updates integer G The number of BGP UPDATE messages transmitted on this connection.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Checkpoint Firewall


    The custom data entities for the checkpoint_firewall table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    Accepted Accepted Pkts integer G The number of accepted packets.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    Dropped Dropped Pkts integer G The number of dropped packets.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    InstallTime Install Time string G, U The time that the filter was installed.
    Logged Logged Pkts integer G The number of logged packets.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    Rejected Rejected Pkts integer G The number of rejected packets.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco Active DS0


    The custom data entities for the cisco_activeDS0 table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    curActiveDS0s Active DS0s integer G The number of DS0s that are currently in use.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    maxActiveDS0s Max Active DS0s integer G The high water mark for number of DS0s active simultaneously.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco Call Stats


    The custom data entities for the cisco_call_stats table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    MaxConnections Max Connections integer G This object represents the licensed call capacity for a voice gateway.
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    RxCalls Rx Calls integer G This object represents the total number of inbound active media calls through this IP interface.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TotalActiveConnections Total Active Connections integer G This object represents the total number of active call legs in the voice gateway.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TxCalls Tx Calls integer G This object represents the total number of outbound active media calls through this IP interface.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco CB QoS Config - ClassMap


    The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_class_map_config table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    description Description string G, U Description of the PolicyMap.
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    matchType Match Type string G, U Match all vs Match any in a given class, one of:

    • None
    • MatchAll
    • MatchAny
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco CB QoS Data - Class


    The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_class_map_data table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    direction Direction string G Direction of the top level policy
    drop Dropped Bytes integer G The 64 bits counter of dropped bytes per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g., police, random detect, etc.).
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    dropBitRate Drop BitRate float G The bit rate of the drops per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g., police, random detect, etc.).
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    dropPercent Dropped Percent float G Percentage of bytes dropped
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    postPolicy Post Policy Byte integer G The 64 bits count of outbound octets after executing QoS policies.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    postPolicyBitRate Post Policy BitRate float G The bit rate of the traffic after executing QoS policies.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    prePolicy Pre Policy Byte integer G The 64 bits count of inbound octets prior to executing any QoS policies.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    prePolicyBitRate Pre Policy BitRate float G The bit rate of the traffic prior to executing any QoS policies.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco CB QoS Config - Policy/Class


    The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_class table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco CB QoS Data - Match


    The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_match_data table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    bitRate BitRate float G The bit rate of the traffic prior to executing any QoS policies.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bytes Bytes integer G Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    packets Packets integer G Packets
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco CB QoS Config - Match


    The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_match_map_config table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    statement Statement string G The match statement
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    type Type string G Match vs Match Not in a given class
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco CB QoS Config - PolicyMap


    The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_config table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    description Description string G, U Description of the PolicyMap.
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco CB QoS Data - Queue


    The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_queue_data table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    discard Discard integer G The count of octets, associated with this class, that were dropped by queuing
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    percentUsed Used Percent float G The percent of the Queue Depth used
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    size Size integer G The maximum depth of the queue.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    used Used integer G The current depth of the queue
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco CB QoS Config - Queue


    The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_queue_map_config table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    aggregateQueueLimit Aggregate Queue Limit string G Maximum allowed queue size for all the individual queues associated with this class. When the queue size exceed this value, the packets will be dropped.
    aggregateQueueSize Aggregate Queue Size integer G Maximum number of packets that can be held in all the individual queues associated with this class before packets are dropped.
    bandwidth Bandwidth string G The bandwidth configuration value
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    dynamicQueueNumber Dynamic Queue Number integer G Number of dynamic queues supported when flow-based fair-queue is in use.
    flowEnabled Flow Enabled string G Indicate if flow-based fair-queue is enabled for this class, one of:

    • true
    • false
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    individualQueueSize Individual Queue Size integer G Maximum number of packets that can be held in an individual Flow-based fair-queue associated with this class before it drops packets (once the AggregateQSize has been reached). This field only makes sense in the context of Flow-based fair-queuing.
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    priorityBurstSize Priority Burst Size integer G In the priority queue, this is the number of bytes allowed in a single burst. This parameter only makes sense if Priority is enabled
    priorityEnabled Priority Enabled string G Indicate if low latency queuing (priority) is enabled for this class, one of:

    • true
    • false
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco Discovery Protocol Cache


    The custom data entities for the cisco_cdp_cache table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cdpCacheAddressIP Remote Device IP string G
    cdpCacheAddressName Remote Device string G
    cdpCacheDeviceId Remote Device ID string G, U
    cdpCacheDevicePort Remote Interface string G, U
    cdpCacheIfIndex Local ifIndex string G Interface Index (IF-MIB.ifIndex) of the local interface
    cdpCachePlatform Remote Device Platform string G, U
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco TCAM Entries


    The custom data entities for the cisco_fib_tcam table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    ciscoTcamProtocolType TCAM Protocol string G The Layer 3 protocol utilizing FIB TCAM resource, one of

    • ipv4
    • mpls
    • eom
    • ipv6
    • ipv4Multicast
    • ipv6Multicast
    • l2VpnPeer
    • l2VpnIpv4Multicast
    • fcoe
    • mplsVpn
    • fcMpls
    • ipv6LocalLink
    • allProtocols
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    entPhysicalName Component Name string G
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    tcamFree Physical Free integer G Amount of Physical TCAM entries free
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    tcamFreePercent Physical Free Percent float G Amount of Physical TCAM entries free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    tcamLogicalFree Logical Free integer G Amount of Logical TCAM entries free
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    tcamLogicalFreePercent Logical Free Percent float G Amount of TCAM entries free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    tcamLogicalSize Logical Total integer G Amount of Logical TCAM entries
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    tcamLogicalUsed Logical Used integer G Amount of Logical TCAM entries used
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    tcamLogicalUsedPercent Logical Used Percent float G Amount of Logical TCAM entries used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    tcamSize Physical Total integer G Amount of Physical TCAM entries
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    tcamUsed Physical Used integer G tsg
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    tcamUsedPercent Physical Used Percent float G Amount of Physical TCAM entries used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    tcamWidth TCAM Width string G, U Indicates the entry width type for the protocol
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco Firewall Connections


    The custom data entities for the cisco_firewall_connections table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cfwConnectionService Service string G Connection service
    cfwConnectionStatCount Count integer G This is an integer that contains the value of the resource statistic.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cfwConnectionStatDescription Description string G, U A detailed textual description of this statistic.
    cfwConnectionStatValue Value integer G This is an integer that contains the value of the resource statistic.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cfwConnectionType Type string G Connection type, one of:

    • Other
    • Total Open
    • Current Open
    • Current Closing
    • Current Half-Open
    • Current In Use
    • High
    • Unknown Type
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco VPN Global Tunnels


    The custom data entities for the cisco_ipsec_global table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    ActiveTunnels Active Tunnels integer G The total number of currently active IPsec Phase-1 Tunnels.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    InDropPkts RxDropPkts integer G The total number of packets dropped during receive processing by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 Tunnels
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InOctets RxBytes integer G The total number of octets received by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InPkts RxPkts integer G The total number of packets received by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    OutDropPkts TxDropPkts integer G The total number of packets dropped during send processing by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 Tunnels
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutOctets TxBytes integer G The total number of octets sent by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutPkts TxPkts integer G The total number of packets sent by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco VPN Tunnels


    The custom data entities for the cisco_ipsec_tun table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    ActiveTime Active Time integer G The length of time the IPsec Phase-1 IKE tunnel has been active in seconds.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    InDropPkts RxDropPkts integer G The total number of packets dropped by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel during receive processing.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InOctets RxBytes integer G The total number of octets received by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InPkts RxPkts integer G The total number of packets received by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LifeTime Life Time integer G The negotiated LifeTime the IPsec Phase-1 IKE tunnel in seconds.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LocalAddr Local IP string G Local IP of the Tunnel
    LocalName Local DNS Name string G, U DNS name of the local IP, or NULL if not known.
    LocalType Tunnel Type string G, U Local Peer Identity Type, one of:

    • ipAddrPeer
    • namePeer
    LocalValue Tunnel Local Value string G, U Local Peer Identity Value
    name Name string G The entity name
    OutDropPkts TxDropPkts integer G The total number of packets dropped by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel during send processing
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutOctets TxBytes integer G The total number of octets sent by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutPkts TxPkts integer G The total number of packets sent by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    RemoteAddr Remote IP string G Remote IP of the Tunnel
    RemoteName Remote DNS Name string G, U DNS name of the Remote IP, or NULL if not known.
    RemoteType Tunnel Type string G, U Remote Peer Identity Type
    RemoteValue Tunnel Remote Value string G, U Remote Peer Identity Value
    Status Tun Status string G, U Tunnel Status, one of:

    • initializePhase1
    • awaitXauth
    • awaitCommit
    • active
    • destroy
    • rekey
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco IPSLA


    The custom data entities for the cisco_ipsla table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    AdminFrequency Frequency integer G, U Specifies the duration between initiating each RTT operation
    AdminOwner Owner string G, U Identifies the entity that created this table row
    AdminProtocol Protocol string G, U Specifies the protocol to be used to perform the RTT operation, one of:

    • apolloEcho
    • apolloEchoAppl
    • appleTalkEcho
    • appleTalkEchoAppl
    • decNetEcho
    • decNetEchoAppl
    • dhcpAppl
    • dlswAppl
    • dnsAppl
    • ethernetJitterAppl
    • ethernetPingAppl
    • ftpAppl
    • httpsAppl
    • icmpJitterAppl
    • ipIcmpEcho
    • ipTcpConn
    • ipUdpEchoAppl
    • ipxEcho
    • ipxEchoAppl
    • isoClnsEcho
    • isoClnsEchoAppl
    • jitterAppl
    • mcastJitterAppl
    • mplsLspPingAppl
    • netbiosEchoAppl
    • notApplicable
    • rtpAppl
    • snaLU0EchoAppl
    • snaLU2EchoAppl
    • snaLU62Echo
    • snaLU62EchoAppl
    • snaRUEcho
    • videoAppl
    • vinesEcho
    • vinesEchoAppl
    • voipAppl
    • xnsEcho
    • xnsEchoAppl
    • y17311dm
    • y1731dmm
    • y1731lmm
    • y1731slm
    AdminRttType RTT Type string G, U Admin Round Trip Time Type, one of:

    • dhcp
    • dlsw
    • dns
    • echo
    • ethernetJitter
    • ethernetPing
    • fileIO
    • ftp
    • https
    • icmpjitter
    • jitter
    • lspGroup
    • lspPing
    • lspPingPseudowire
    • lspTrace
    • mcastJitter
    • pathEcho
    • rtp
    • script
    • tcpConnect
    • udpEcho
    • video
    • voip
    • y1731Delay
    • y1731Loss
    AdminStatus Admin Status string G, U The status of the conceptual RTT control row, one of:

    • active
    • createAndGo
    • createAndWait
    • destroy
    • notInService
    • notReady
    AdminTag Tag string G, U A string which is used by a managing application to identify the RTT target
    AdminThreshold Threshold integer G, U This object defines an administrative threshold limit
    AdminTimeout Timeout integer G, U Specifies the duration to wait for a RTT operation completion
    CompletionStatus Completion Status string G, U The completion status of the conceptual RTT control row, one of:

    • applicationSpecific - the application generating the operation had a specific error
    • busy - the operation did not occur because a previous operation is still outstanding
    • disconnected - the operation did not occur because the connection to the target was lost
    • dnsQueryError - DNS Query error
    • dnsServerTimeout - NS Server Timeout
    • dropped - the operation did not occur due to lack of internal resource
    • enableAbort - Control enable request abort
    • enableAuthFail - Control enable request fail due to authentication fail
    • enableFail - Control enable request fail
    • enableFormatError - Control enable request fail due to format error
    • enableInternalError - Control enable request internal error
    • enableNoConnect - Control enable request fail due to no connection to the target
    • enableOk - Control enable request OK
    • enablePortInUse - Control enable request fail due to port in use
    • enableVersionFail - Control enable request version fail
    • error - socket failures or some other errors not relevant to the actual probe
    • httpError - HTTP Response StatusCode is not OK (200), or permanent redirect(301), temporary redirect (302)
    • httpTransactionTimeout - HTTP Transaction Timeout
    • mplsLspEchoTxError - MPLS echo request transmission failure
    • mplsLspMalformedReq - MPLS echo request was malformed, pointed out by the reply router
    • mplsLspReachButNotFEC - MPLS echo request processed by the downstream router but not the target
    • mplsLspUnreachable - MPLS Target FEC not reachable or unsupported mpls echo reply code
    • notConnected - the operation did not occur because no connection (session) exists with the target
    • ok - a valid completion occurred and timed successfully
    • other - the operation is not started or completed or this object is not applicable for the probe type
    • overThreshold - a valid completion was received but the completion time exceeded a threshold value
    • sequenceError - a completed operation did not contain the correct sequence id, no completion time recorded
    • statsRetrieveAbort - Stats retrieve request abort
    • statsRetrieveAuthFail - Stats retrieve request fail due to authentication fail
    • statsRetrieveFail - Stats retrieve request fail
    • statsRetrieveFormatError - Stats retrieve request fail due to format error
    • statsRetrieveInternalError - Stats retrieve request internal error
    • statsRetrieveNoConnect - Stats retrieve request fail due to no connection to the target
    • statsRetrieveOk - Stats retrieve request OK
    • statsRetrievePortInUse - Stats retrieve request fail due to port in use
    • statsRetrieveVersionFail - Stats retrieve request version fail
    • tcpConnectTimeout - TCP Connect Timeout
    • timeout - an operation timed out, no completion time recorded
    • verifyError - a completed operation was received, but the data it contained did not match the expected data, no completion time recorded

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    JitterAvgDSJ Jitter - Dst to Src integer G The average of positive and negative jitter values from destination to source.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    JitterAvgSDJ Jitter - Src to Dst integer G The average of positive and negative jitter values from source to destination.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    JitterMaxNegDS Jitter - Neg Dst to Src Max integer G The maximum of all absolute negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    JitterMaxNegSD Jitter - Neg Src to Dst Max integer G The maximum of all absolute negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    JitterMaxPosDS Jitter - Pos Dst to Src Max integer G The maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    JitterMaxPosSD Jitter - Pos Src to Dst Max integer G The maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    JitterMinNegDS Jitter - Neg Dst to Src Min integer G The minimum of all absolute negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    JitterMinNegSD Jitter - Neg Src to Dst Min integer G The minimum of all absolute negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    JitterMinPosDS Jitter - Pos Dst to Src Min integer G The maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    JitterMinPosSD Jitter - Pos Src to Dst Min integer G The maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    JitterRTTAvg Latency - RTT Avg integer G The average latency from of the measured RTT's
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    JitterRTTMax Latency - RTT Max integer G The maximum of RTT's that were successfully measured.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    JitterRTTMin Latency - RTT Min integer G The minimum of RTT's that were successfully measured.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LatencyAvgDS Latency - Dst to Src integer G The average latency from source to destination.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LatencyAvgSD Latency - Src to Dest integer G The average latency from source to destination.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LatestRttOperCompletionTime Latest RTT Completion Time integer G The completion time of the latest RTT operation successfully completed
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    rttMonEchoAdminNumPackets Num RTT's integer G This value represents the number of packets that need to be transmitted. This value is currently used for Jitter probe. This object is applicable to jitter probe only.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rttMonLatestJitterOperICPIF ICPIF integer G ICPIF
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rttMonLatestJitterOperMOS MOS integer G MOS
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TargetAddress Target Address string G The target address of the ipsla probe.
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco NBAR


    The custom data entities for the cisco_nbar table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    Interface Interface Name string G, U Interface Name
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    ProtocolName Protocol Name string G, U Protocol Name
    RxBps Rx Bps integer G Tx Bits Per second (Calculated from Bytes)
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxBytes Rx Bytes integer G The byte count of inbound octets as determined by Protocol Discovery.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxPkts Rx Pkts integer G The packet count of inbound packets as determined by Protocol Discovery.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUtil Rx Util float G The Rx Utilization of this protocol.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxBps Tx Bps integer G Tx Bits Per second (Calculated from Bytes)
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TxBytes Tx Bytes integer G The byte count of outbound octets as determined by Protocol Discovery.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TxPkts Tx Pkts integer G The packet count of outbound packets as determined by Protocol Discovery.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TxUtil Tx Util float G The Tx Utilization of this protocol.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    Type Type string G Application Monitor Type
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco VPN Sessions


    The custom data entities for the cisco_vpn_sessions table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    activeSessions Active VPN Sessions integer G Number of active VPN sessions.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    activeSvcSessions Active SVC Sessions integer G Number of active SVC sessions.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    maxSessions Max VPN Sessions integer G Maximum number of concurrent VPN sessions since system up.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    maxSvcSessions Max SVC Sessions integer G Maximum number of concurrent SVC sessions since system up.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco WAN 3G


    The custom data entities for the cisco_wan_3g table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    GsmCountry GSM Country string G, U GSM Country
    GsmEcIo GSM Ec/Io integer G GSM Ec/Io
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    GsmNetwork GSM Network string G, U GSM Network
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    IMEI IMEI string G International Mobile Equipment Identifier
    ModemTemp Modem Temperature integer G The modem temperature in degrees Celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    NearbyCells Nearby Cells integer G The current total number of nearby cells in the c3gGsmNearbyCellTable.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    RetriesRemaining Retries Remaining integer G Indicates the number of attempts remaining in case the SIM is locked. If the number of retries becomes zero, the SIM is blocked and becomes unusable.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxBytes Rx Bytes integer G Rx Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxBytes Tx Bytes integer G Tx Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco WAN 3G Nearby Cells


    The custom data entities for the cisco_wan_3g_nearby_cells table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    EcIoMeasurement EcIo Measurement integer G EcIo Measurement
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    PrimaryScramblingCode Primary Scrambling Code integer G Primary Scrambling Code
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RSCP RSCP integer G Received Signal Code Power (RSCP).
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    wan3gIndex Cisco WAN 3G Index string G Index to parent cisco_wan_3g entity.
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco WAN 4G


    The custom data entities for the cisco_wan_4g table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    operatingBand Operating Band integer G Operating Band
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    rsrp Reference Signal Receive Power (RSRP) integer G Reference Signal Receive Power (RSRP)
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rsrq Reference Signal Receive Quality (RSRQ) integer G Reference Signal Receive Quality (RSRQ)
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    sinr Signal-to-Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) integer G Signal-to-Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR)
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    snr Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR) integer G Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR)
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Riverbed WAN Accelerator


    The custom data entities for the connections_riverbed table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    activeConnections Connections Active integer G Current number of active (optimized) connections
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bpsReduction Reduction Bps integer G Bps Reduction
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bwAggHCOutWan WANTxOpt Bytes integer G Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the LAN to WAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the WAN side
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bwHCAggInLan LANRxOpt Bytes integer G Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the WAN to LAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the LAN side
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bwHCAggInWan WANRxOpt Bytes integer G Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the WAN to LAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the WAN side
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bwHCAggOutLan LANTxOpt Bytes integer G Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the LAN to WAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the LAN side
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bwPassThroughIn Bytes PassThrough WAN to LAN integer G Passthrough bytes in WAN to LAN direction
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bwPassThroughOut Bytes PassThrough LAN to WAN integer G Passthrough bytes in LAN to WAN direction
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bwPassThroughTotal Passthrough Total Bytes integer G Total passthrough bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bytesReduction Reduction Bytes integer G Bytes Reduction
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    establishedConnections Connections Established integer G Current number of established (optimized) connections
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    halfClosedConnections Connections Half Closed integer G Current total number of half-closed (optimized) connections
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    halfOpenedConnections Connections Half Opened integer G Current total number of half-opened (optimized) connections
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    health Health string G, U Current health of the system, one of:

    • Admission
    • Control
    • Critical
    • Degraded
    • Healthy

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    LANRxOptBps LANRxOpt Bps float G Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the WAN to LAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the LAN side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LANRxTotal LANRxTotal Bytes integer G Rx Optimized + Rx Passthrough Bytes over LAN
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LANRxTotalBps LANRxTotalBps float G Rx Optimized + Rx Passthrough Bytes over LAN
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LANTotal LAN Total Bytes integer G LAN Rx + Tx Total Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LANTotalBps LAN Total Bps float G LAN Rx + Tx Total Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LANTxOptBps LANTxOpt Bps float G Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the LAN to WAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the LAN side
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LANTxTotal LANTxTotal Bytes integer G Tx Optimized + Tx Passthrough Bytes over LAN
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LANTxTotalBps LANTxTotal Bps float G Tx Optimized + Tx Passthrough Bytes over LAN
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    optimizedConnections Connections Optimized integer G Current total number of optimized connections
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    passthroughConnections Connections Passthrough integer G Current total number of pass-through connections
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    PassThroughRxBps PassThrough WAN to LAN Bps float G Passthrough Bps in WAN to LAN direction.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    PassThroughTxBps PassThrough LAN to WAN Bps float G Passthrough Bps in LAN to WAN direction.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    percentConnections Connections Used Percent float G Percentage of total connections in use.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    shMaxBandwidth Max Bandwidth integer G Maximum possible bandwidth for this appliance
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    shMaxConnections Connections Max Optimized integer G Maximum possible connections through this appliance
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    totalConnections Connections Total Current integer G Total number of connections
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TotalLANOptBps LAN Optimized Total float G LAN Optimized Total Bps
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TotalPassThroughBps PassThrough Total Bps float G Passthrough Bps in LAN to WAN direction.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TotalWANOptBps Total WAN Optimized Bps float G WAN Optimized Total Bps
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    WANOptTotal WAN Optimized Total Bytes integer G Bytes WAN Optimized Total
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    WANRxOptBps WANRxOpt Bps float G Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the WAN to LAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the WAN side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    WANRxTotal WANRxTotal Bytes integer G Rx Optimized + Rx Passthrough Bytes over WAN
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    WANRxTotalBps WANRxTotal Bps float G Rx Optimized + Rx Passthrough Bytes over WAN
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    WANTotal WAN Total Bytes integer G WANRx + Tx Total Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    WANTotalBps WAN Total Bps float G WAN Rx + Tx Total Bps
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    WANTxOptBps WANTxOpt Bps float G Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the LAN to WAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the WAN side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    WANTxTotal WANTxTotal Bytes integer G Tx Optimized + Tx Passthrough Bytes over WAN
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    WANTxTotalBps WANTxTotal Bps float G Tx Optimized + Tx Passthrough Bytes over WAN
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]



    The custom data entities for the cpu table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Alcatel


    The custom data entities for the cpu_alcatel table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Alcatel - AOS7


    The custom data entities for the cpu_alcatel_aos7 table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Aruba


    The custom data entities for the cpu_aruba table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Avaya RC


    The custom data entities for the cpu_avaya_rc table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Avaya S5


    The custom data entities for the cpu_avaya_s5 table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Cisco


    The custom data entities for the cpu_cisco table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Cisco ASA


    The custom data entities for the cpu_cisco_asa table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Cisco Nexus


    The custom data entities for the cpu_cisco_nexus table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Cisco SAN


    The custom data entities for the cpu_cisco_san table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Dell


    The custom data entities for the cpu_dell table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    agentSwitchCpuProcessTotalUtilizationSixty CPU Load integer G Total CPU utilization over a period of 60 seconds.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Dell F10 S


    The custom data entities for the cpu_dell_F10_S table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Dell DNOS


    The custom data entities for the cpu_dell_dnos table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Dell X Series


    The custom data entities for the cpu_dell_x table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    rlCpuUtilDuringLastMinute CPU Load integer G Total CPU utilization over a period of 60 seconds.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Extreme


    The custom data entities for the cpu_extreme table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Extreme VSP


    The custom data entities for the cpu_extreme_vsp table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Fortinet Fortigate


    The custom data entities for the cpu_fortinet_fortigate table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Foundry


    The custom data entities for the cpu_foundry table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Foundry MLX


    The custom data entities for the cpu_foundry_mlx table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Juniper


    The custom data entities for the cpu_juniper table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G, U Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - NetScaler


    The custom data entities for the cpu_netscaler table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Netscreen


    The custom data entities for the cpu_netscreen table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Nokia


    The custom data entities for the cpu_nokia table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Procurve


    The custom data entities for the cpu_procurve table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    CPU - Server


    The custom data entities for the cpu_server table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cpuDescr Description string G Description
    cpuLoad Load Percentage float G Load Percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cpuType Vendor string G Vendor
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]



    The custom data entities for the device table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    auth_method SNMPv3 Authentication Method string G, A, U Authentication method for SNMPv3 devices, one of:

    • md5
    • sha
    auth_pass SNMPv3 Authentication Password string G, A, U Authentication password for SNMPv3 devices
    auth_user SNMPv3 Authentication Username string G, A, U Authentication user for SNMPv3 devices
    community Community string G, A, U The community string status of the device
    context SNMPv3 Context string G, A, U Context for SNMPv3 devices
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    discover_getNext Use GetNext string G, U Walk this device using SNMP getNext instead of getBulk, one of:

    • 0
    • 1
    discover_minimal Use Minimal Walk string G, U Walk this device using a minimal set of oids, one of:

    • 0
    • 1
    discover_snmpv1 Use SNMPv1 string G, U Walk this device using SNMPv1, one of:

    • 0
    • 1
    hostname Hostname string G, A, U The hostname of the device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    ipaddress IP Address string G, A (required), U The IP address of the device
    latitude Latitude float G, U The user defined latitude of the device's location
    longitude Longitude float G, U The user defined longitude of the device's location
    manual_name User Defined Name string G, U The user defined name of the device
    memorySize Memory Size integer G The amount of physical read-write memory contained by the entity
    mis MAC/IP/Switch Collection State string G, U Include this device in the MIS report calculations, one of

    • on
    • off
    name Name string G The entity name
    ping_dup Ping Duplicate integer G Number of duplicate ping responses received
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_lost1 Ping Lost 1 integer G Number of times that a single ping request is lost
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_lost2 Ping Lost 2 integer G Number of times that two ping requests in a row have been lost
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_lost3 Ping Lost 3 integer G Number of times that three ping requests in a row have been lost
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_lost4 Ping Lost 4 integer G Number of times that four ping requests in a row have been lost
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_outage Ping Outage integer G, U Number of seconds to wait before a device is considered to be down
    ping_poll Ping Poll string G, A, U The ping polling status of the device, one of:

    • on
    • off
    ping_rtt Ping RTT integer G The current ping state of the device
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_state Ping State string G, U The current ping state of the device, one of:

    • up
    • down

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    poll Poll State string G, U The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    priv_method SNMPv3 Privacy Method string G, A, U Privacy method for SNMPv3 devices, one of:

    • aes
    • aes192
    • aes256
    • des
    • des3
    priv_pass SNMPv3 Privacy Password string G, A, U Privacy password for SNMPv3 devices
    retired Retired string G The device has been Retired, one of:

    • on
    • off
    snmpEngineID SNMP Engine ID string G, U An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier
    snmp_maxoid SNMP Max OID integer G, U Maximum number of oids to poll in a single request
    snmp_poll SNMP Poll string G, A, U The SNMP polling status of the device, one of:

    • on
    • off
    snmp_version SNMP Version integer G, A, U The SNMP version of the device, one of:

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    sysContact Contact string G, U The textual identification of the contact person for the entity
    sysDescr System Description string G, U A textual description of the entity
    sysLocation Location string G, U The physical location of the entity
    sysName System Name string G, U An administratively-assigned name for the entity
    sysObjectID Object ID string G, U The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity
    sysServices Services integer G, U A value which indicates the set of services that the entity may potentially offer
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G The vendor name for the device
    [reference]  [top]



    The custom data entities for the device_apic table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    auth_method SNMPv3 Authentication Method string G Authentication method for SNMPv3 devices, one of:

    • md5
    • sha
    auth_pass SNMPv3 Authentication Password string G Authentication password for SNMPv3 devices
    auth_user SNMPv3 Authentication Username string G Authentication user for SNMPv3 devices
    community Community string G The community string status of the device
    context SNMPv3 Context string G Context for SNMPv3 devices
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    discover_getNext Use GetNext string G Walk this device using SNMP getNext instead of getBulk, one of:

    • 0
    • 1
    discover_minimal Use Minimal Walk string G Walk this device using a minimal set of oids, one of:

    • 0
    • 1
    discover_snmpv1 Use SNMPv1 string G Walk this device using SNMPv1, one of:

    • 0
    • 1
    health Health integer G Health
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    hostname Hostname string G The hostname of the device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    ipaddress IP Address string G The IP address of the device
    latitude Latitude float G The user defined latitude of the device's location
    longitude Longitude float G The user defined longitude of the device's location
    manual_name User Defined Name string G The user defined name of the device
    memorySize Memory Size integer G The amount of physical read-write memory contained by the entity
    mis MAC/IP/Switch Collection State string G Include this device in the MIS report calculations, one of

    • on
    • off
    name Name string G The entity name
    noApplications Application Profiles integer G Number of Application Profiles
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    noBridgeDomains Bridging Domains integer G Number of Bridging Domains
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    noCEPs Client Endpoints integer G Number of Client Endpoints
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    noControllers Controllers integer G Number of Controllers
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    noEPGs Endpoint Groups integer G Number of Endpoint Groups
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    noLeaves Leaves integer G Number of Leaves
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    noNodes Nodes integer G Number of Nodes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    noPods Pods integer G Number of Pods
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    noSpines Spines integer G Number of Spines
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    noTenants Tenants integer G Number of Tenants
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    noVRFs VRFs integer G Number of VRFs
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_dup Ping Duplicate integer G Number of duplicate ping responses received
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_lost1 Ping Lost 1 integer G Number of times that a single ping request is lost
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_lost2 Ping Lost 2 integer G Number of times that two ping requests in a row have been lost
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_lost3 Ping Lost 3 integer G Number of times that three ping requests in a row have been lost
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_lost4 Ping Lost 4 integer G Number of times that four ping requests in a row have been lost
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_outage Ping Outage integer G Number of seconds to wait before a device is considered to be down
    ping_poll Ping Poll string G The ping polling status of the device, one of:

    • on
    • off
    ping_rtt Ping RTT integer G The current ping state of the device
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ping_state Ping State string G The current ping state of the device, one of:

    • up
    • down

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    priv_method SNMPv3 Privacy Method string G Privacy method for SNMPv3 devices, one of:

    • aes
    • aes192
    • aes256
    • des
    • des3
    priv_pass SNMPv3 Privacy Password string G Privacy password for SNMPv3 devices
    retired Retired string G The device has been Retired, one of:

    • on
    • off
    snmpEngineID SNMP Engine ID string G An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier
    snmp_maxoid SNMP Max OID integer G Maximum number of oids to poll in a single request
    snmp_poll SNMP Poll string G The SNMP polling status of the device, one of:

    • on
    • off
    snmp_version SNMP Version integer G The SNMP version of the device, one of:

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    sysContact Contact string G The textual identification of the contact person for the entity
    sysDescr System Description string G A textual description of the entity
    sysLocation Location string G The physical location of the entity
    sysName System Name string G An administratively-assigned name for the entity
    sysObjectID Object ID string G The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity
    sysServices Services integer G A value which indicates the set of services that the entity may potentially offer
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G The vendor name for the device
    [reference]  [top]

    Environment Monitors


    The custom data entities for the env_mon table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    Humidity Environment Humidity float G Environment Humidity
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    Status Status string G Status
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    Temperature Environment Temperature float G Environment Temperature
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TemperatureUnit Environment Temperature Units string G Environment Temperature Units
    Type Type string G Type
    [reference]  [top]

    APC Internal Environment Monitor


    The custom data entities for the env_mon_apc_internal table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    Humidity Environment Humidity float G Environment Humidity
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    Status Status string G, U Status, one of:

    • connected
    • disconnected
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    Temperature Environment Temperature float G Environment Temperature
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TemperatureUnit Environment Temperature Units string G, U Environment Temperature Units
    Type Type string G Type
    [reference]  [top]

    Geist Internal Environment Monitor


    The custom data entities for the env_mon_geist_internal table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    Humidity Environment Humidity float G Environment Humidity
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    Status Status string G Status
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    Temperature Environment Temperature float G Environment Temperature
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TemperatureUnit Environment Temperature Units string G Environment Temperature Units
    Type Type string G Type
    [reference]  [top]

    Interseptor Environment Monitor


    The custom data entities for the env_mon_interseptor table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    Humidity Environment Humidity float G Environment Humidity
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    Status Status string G, U Status, one of:

    • unknown
    • disabled
    • eMD-HT
    • eMD-T
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    Temperature Environment Temperature float G Environment Temperature
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TemperatureUnit Environment Temperature Units string G, U Environment Temperature Units
    Type Type string G Type
    [reference]  [top]

    F5 APM Sessions


    The custom data entities for the f5_apm_sessions table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    curConns Active SSL/VPN Connections integer G The total current SSL/VPN connections in the system
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    currentActiveSessions Active Sessions integer G The total active user sessions in the system
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    F5 Firewall Connections


    The custom data entities for the f5_firewall_connections table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    clientCurConns Current Client Connections integer G The current connections from client side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    clientMaxConns Max Client Connections integer G The maximum connections from client side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    clientTotConns Total Client Connections integer G The total connections from client side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    connectionMemoryErrors Connection Errors - Memory Full integer G The errors of that connection could not be created because memory was not available.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    currPvaAssistConn Current PVA Assisted Connections integer G The current number of the connections that are partially accelerated.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    maintenanceModeDeny Connection Errors - Maintenance integer G The connection requests rejected because the virtual server was in maintenance mode.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    maxConnVirtualPathDeny Connection Errors - Over Limit integer G The connection requests rejected because they exceeded the connection limit for a virtual server (IP:port).
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    pvaClientCurConns Current PVA Client Connections integer G The current connections from PVA client side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    pvaClientMaxConns Max PVA Client Connections integer G The maximum connections from PVA client side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    pvaClientTotConns Total PVA Client Connections integer G The total connections from PVA client side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    pvaServerCurConns Current PVA Server Connections integer G The current connections from PVA server side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    pvaServerMaxConns Max PVA Server Connections integer G The maximum connections from PVA server side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    pvaServerTotConns Total PVA Server Connections integer G The total connections from PVA server side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    serverCurConns Current Server Connections integer G The current connections from server side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    serverMaxConns Max Server Connections integer G The maximum connections from server side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    serverTotConns Total Server Connections integer G The total connections from server side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    totPvaAssistConn Total PVA Assisted Connections integer G The total number of the connections that are partially accelerated.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    F5 LoadBalance Pool Connections


    The custom data entities for the f5_loadbalance table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    bytesIn Rx Bytes integer G The number of bytes received by the specified pool from server-side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bytesOut Tx Bytes integer G The number of bytes sent to server-side from the specified pool.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    curConns Current Client Connections integer G The current connections from server-side to the specified pool.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    maxConns Max Client Connections integer G The maximum connections from server-side to the specified pool.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    pktsIn Rx Pkts integer G The number of packets received by the specified pool from server-side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    pktsOut Tx Pkts integer G The number of packets sent to server-side from the specified pool.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    poolName Pool Name string G The Name of the Pool.
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    totConns Total Client Connections integer G The total connections from server-side to the specified pool.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    F5 LoadBalance Pool Member Connections


    The custom data entities for the f5_loadbalance_member table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    bytesIn Rx Bytes integer G The number of bytes received by the specified pool from server-side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bytesOut Tx Bytes integer G The number of bytes sent to server-side from the specified pool.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    curConns Current Client Connections integer G The current connections from server-side to the specified pool.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    maxConns Max Client Connections integer G The maximum connections from server-side to the specified pool.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    pktsIn Rx Pkts integer G The number of packets received by the specified pool from server-side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    pktsOut Tx Pkts integer G The number of packets sent to server-side from the specified pool.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    poolName Pool Name string G The Name of the Pool.
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    totConns Total Client Connections integer G The total connections from server-side to the specified pool.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    F5 LoadBalance Virtual Server


    The custom data entities for the f5_loadbalance_virtual table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    bytesIn Rx Bytes integer G The number of bytes received by the specified virtual server from client-side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    bytesOut Tx Bytes integer G The number of bytes sent to client-side from the specified virtual server.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    csMaxConnDur Max Connection Time integer G The maximum connection duration in milliseconds among all connections through the specified virtual server.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    csMeanConnDur Average Connection Time integer G The average connection duration in milliseconds for all connections through the specified virtual server.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    csMinConnDur Minimum Connection Time integer G The minimum connection duration in milliseconds among all connections through the specified virtual server.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    curConns Current Client Connections integer G The current connections from client-side to the specified virtual server.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    currentConnsPerSec Connections/Sec integer G The number of current connections per second to the specified virtual server.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    maxConns Max Client Connections integer G The maximum connections from client-side to the specified virtual server.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    pktsIn Rx Pkts integer G The number of packets received by the specified virtual server from client-side.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    pktsOut Tx Pkts integer G The number of packets sent to client-side from the specified virtual server.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    totConns Total Client Connections integer G The total connections from client-side to the specified virtual server.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    virtualServName Virtual Server Name string G The Name of the Virtual Server.
    [reference]  [top]

    File System


    The custom data entities for the filesystem table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    storageAllocationUnits DEPRECATED Allocation Units integer G DEPRECATED
    storageDesc Description string G Eg: Mount point, fs type
    storageFree Free integer G The amount of storage free in Bytes.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    storageFreePercent Free Percent integer G The amount of storage free as a percentage.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    storageSize Size integer G The size of the storage in Bytes.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    storageType Vendor string G Type of storage device
    storageUsed Used integer G The amount of storage used in Bytes.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    storageUsedPercent Used Percent integer G The amount of storage used as a percentage.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    File System - Host Resources


    The custom data entities for the filesystem_hostres table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    storageAllocationUnits DEPRECATED Allocation Units integer G DEPRECATED
    storageDesc Description string G, U Eg: Mount point, fs type
    storageFree Free G The amount of storage free in Bytes.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    storageFreePercent Free Percent G The amount of storage free as a percentage.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    storageSize Size integer G The size of the storage in Bytes.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    storageType Vendor string G Vendor
    storageUsed Used G The amount of storage used in Bytes.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    storageUsedPercent Used Percent G The amount of storage used as a percentage.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    File System - SNMP Informant


    The custom data entities for the filesystem_informant table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    storageAllocationUnits DEPRECATED Allocation Units integer G DEPRECATED
    storageDesc Description string G, U Eg: Mount point, fs type
    storageFree Free G The amount of storage free in Bytes.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    storageFreePercent Free Percent G The amount of storage free as a percentage.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    storageSize Size integer G The size of the storage in Bytes.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    storageType Vendor string G Vendor
    storageUsed Used G The amount of storage used in Bytes.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    storageUsedPercent Used Percent G The amount of storage used as a percentage.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Frame Relay


    The custom data entities for the framerelay table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    Discards Discards integer G The number of inbound frames dropped because of format errors, or because the VC is inactive
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    Dlci Data Link Connection ID string G The Data Link Connection Identifier for this virtual circuit
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    ifPoll Interface Poll string G, U Polling state of the interface, one of:

    • on
    • off
    InSpeed Rx Speed integer G Interface Input Speed (Statseeker custom attribute)
    name Name string G The entity name
    OutSpeed Tx Speed integer G Interface Output Speed (Statseeker custom attribute)
    poll Poll State string G, U The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    ReceivedBECNs Rx BECNs integer G Number of frames received from the network indicating backward congestion since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedDEs Rx DEs integer G Number of frames received from the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedFECNs Rx FECNs integer G Number of frames received from the network indicating forward congestion since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedFrames Rx Frames integer G Number of frames received over this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedOctets Rx Bytes integer G Number of octets received over this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUtil Rx Util float G The Rx Utilization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SentDEs Tx DEs integer G Number of frames sent to the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SentFrames Tx Frames integer G The number of frames sent from this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SentOctets Tx Bytes integer G The number of octets sent from this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    State State string G, U Indicates whether the particular virtual circuit is operational, one of:

    • active
    • inactive
    • invalid

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    subifIndex Interface Index string G Index of the connected interface
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxUtil Tx Util float G The Tx Utilization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Frame Relay - Cisco


    The custom data entities for the framerelay_cisco table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    Discards Discards integer G The number of inbound frames dropped because of format errors, or because the VC is inactive
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    Dlci Data Link Connection ID string G The Data Link Connection Identifier for this virtual circuit
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    ifPoll Interface Poll string G, U Polling state of the interface, one of:

    • on
    • off
    InSpeed Rx Speed integer G Interface Input Speed (Statseeker custom attribute)
    name Name string G The entity name
    OutSpeed Tx Speed integer G Interface Output Speed (Statseeker custom attribute)
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    ReceivedBECNs Rx BECNs integer G Number of frames received from the network indicating backward congestion since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedDEs Rx DEs integer G Number of frames received from the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedFECNs Rx FECNs integer G Number of frames received from the network indicating forward congestion since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedFrames Rx Frames integer G Number of frames received over this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedOctets Rx Bytes integer G Number of octets received over this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUtil Rx Util float G The Rx Utilization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SentDEs Tx DEs integer G Number of frames sent to the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SentFrames Tx Frames integer G The number of frames sent from this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SentOctets Tx Bytes integer G The number of octets sent from this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    State State string G, U Indicates whether the particular virtual circuit is operational, one of:

    • active
    • inactive
    • invalid

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    subifIndex Interface Index string G Index of the connected interface
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxUtil Tx Util float G The Tx Utilization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Frame Relay - Juniper


    The custom data entities for the framerelay_juniper table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    Discards Discards integer G The number of inbound frames dropped because of format errors, or because the VC is inactive
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    Dlci Data Link Connection ID string G The Data Link Connection Identifier for this virtual circuit
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    ifPoll Interface Poll string G, U Polling state of the interface, one of:

    • on
    • off
    InSpeed Rx Speed integer G Interface Input Speed (Statseeker custom attribute)
    name Name string G The entity name
    OutSpeed Tx Speed integer G Interface Output Speed (Statseeker custom attribute)
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    ReceivedBECNs Rx BECNs integer G Number of frames received from the network indicating backward congestion since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedDEs Rx DEs integer G Number of frames received from the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedFECNs Rx FECNs integer G Number of frames received from the network indicating forward congestion since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedFrames Rx Frames integer G Number of frames received over this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedOctets Rx Bytes integer G Number of octets received over this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUtil Rx Util float G The Rx Utilization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SentDEs Tx DEs integer G Number of frames sent to the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SentFrames Tx Frames integer G The number of frames sent from this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SentOctets Tx Bytes integer G The number of octets sent from this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    State State string G, U Indicates whether the particular virtual circuit is operational, one of:

    • active
    • inactive
    • invalid

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    subifIndex Interface Index string G Index of the connected interface
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxUtil Tx Util float G The Tx Utilization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Frame Relay - Nortel


    The custom data entities for the framerelay_nortel table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    Discards Discards integer G The number of inbound frames dropped because of format errors, or because the VC is inactive
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    Dlci Data Link Connection ID string G The Data Link Connection Identifier for this virtual circuit
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    ifPoll Interface Poll string G, U Polling state of the interface, one of:

    • on
    • off
    InSpeed Rx Speed integer G Interface Input Speed (Statseeker custom attribute)
    name Name string G The entity name
    OutSpeed Tx Speed integer G Interface Output Speed (Statseeker custom attribute)
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    ReceivedBECNs Rx BECNs integer G Number of frames received from the network indicating backward congestion since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedDEs Rx DEs integer G Number of frames received from the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedFECNs Rx FECNs integer G Number of frames received from the network indicating forward congestion since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedFrames Rx Frames integer G Number of frames received over this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ReceivedOctets Rx Bytes integer G Number of octets received over this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUtil Rx Util float G The Rx Utilization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SentDEs Tx DEs integer G Number of frames sent to the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SentFrames Tx Frames integer G The number of frames sent from this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SentOctets Tx Bytes integer G The number of octets sent from this virtual circuit since it was created
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    State State string G, U Indicates whether the particular virtual circuit is operational, one of:

    • active
    • inactive
    • invalid

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    subifIndex Interface Index string G Index of the connected interface
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxUtil Tx Util float G The Tx Utilization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Fortinet Fortigate Firewall


    The custom data entities for the fw_fortinet_fortigate table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    sessionCount Active Sessions integer G Number of active sessions on the device
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    sessionCountIpv6 Active IPv6 Sessions integer G Number of active IPv6 sessions on the device
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    IEEE 802.11


    The custom data entities for the ieee_80211 table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    macAddress Mac Address string G, U Mac Address
    manufacturerName Manufacturer Name string G, U The name of the manufacturer
    manufacturerOUI Organizationally Unique Identifier string G, U A 24-bit number that uniquely identifies an organization.
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    productName Product Name string G, U The name of the product
    productVersion Product Version string G, U The version of the product
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]



    The custom data entities for the inventory table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    class Class string G An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity
    description Description string G A textual description of physical entity
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    firmwareRev Firmware Revision string G The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity
    hardwareRev Hardware Revision string G The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    isFRU Is Field Replaceable Unit string G Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor
    model Model string G The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    serial Serial Number string G The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity
    softwareRev Software Revision string G The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G The name of the manufacturer of this physical component
    [reference]  [top]

    Device Information


    The custom data entities for the inventory_device table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    class Class string G An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity
    description Description string G A textual description of physical entity
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    firmwareRev Firmware Revision string G The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity
    hardwareRev Hardware Revision string G The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    isFRU Is Field Replaceable Unit string G Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor
    model Model string G The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    serial Serial Number string G The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity
    softwareRev Software Revision string G The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G The name of the manufacturer of this physical component
    [reference]  [top]

    Entity Asset Information


    The custom data entities for the inventory_entity table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    class Class string G, U An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity
    description Description string G, U A textual description of physical entity
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    firmwareRev Firmware Revision string G, U The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity
    hardwareRev Hardware Revision string G, U The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    isFRU Is Field Replaceable Unit string G, U Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor
    model Model string G, U The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    physicalName Physical Name string G, U Physical Name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    serial Serial Number string G, U The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity
    softwareRev Software Revision string G, U The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G The name of the manufacturer of this physical component
    [reference]  [top]

    F5 Asset Information


    The custom data entities for the inventory_f5 table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    class Class string G An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity
    description Description string G A textual description of physical entity
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    firmwareRev Firmware Revision string G The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity
    hardwareRev Hardware Revision string G The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    isFRU Is Field Replaceable Unit string G Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor
    model Model string G The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    serial Serial Number string G The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity
    softwareRev Software Revision string G The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G The name of the manufacturer of this physical component
    [reference]  [top]

    F5 Chassis Information


    The custom data entities for the inventory_f5_chassis table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    class Class string G An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity
    description Description string G A textual description of physical entity
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    firmwareRev Firmware Revision string G The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity
    hardwareRev Hardware Revision string G The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    isFRU Is Field Replaceable Unit string G Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor
    model Model string G, U The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    serial Serial Number string G, U The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity
    softwareRev Software Revision string G The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G The name of the manufacturer of this physical component
    [reference]  [top]

    F5 Slot Information


    The custom data entities for the inventory_f5_slot table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    class Class string G An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity
    description Description string G A textual description of physical entity
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    firmwareRev Firmware Revision string G The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity
    hardwareRev Hardware Revision string G The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    isFRU Is Field Replaceable Unit string G Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor
    model Model string G, U The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    serial Serial Number string G, U The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity
    softwareRev Software Revision string G The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G The name of the manufacturer of this physical component
    [reference]  [top]

    Juniper Asset Information


    The custom data entities for the inventory_juniper table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    class Class string G An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity
    description Description string G, U A textual description of physical entity
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    firmwareRev Firmware Revision string G The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity
    hardwareRev Hardware Revision string G The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    isFRU Is Field Replaceable Unit string G Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor
    model Model string G, U The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    serial Serial Number string G, U The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity
    softwareRev Software Revision string G The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G The name of the manufacturer of this physical component
    [reference]  [top]

    Riverbed Asset Information


    The custom data entities for the inventory_riverbed table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    class Class string G An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity
    description Description string G A textual description of physical entity
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    firmwareRev Firmware Revision string G The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity
    hardwareRev Hardware Revision string G The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    isFRU Is Field Replaceable Unit string G Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor
    model Model string G, U The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    serial Serial Number string G, U The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity
    softwareRev Software Revision string G, U The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G The name of the manufacturer of this physical component
    [reference]  [top]

    IP Address Table


    The custom data entities for the ip_addr table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    broadcast BroadCast string G, U BroadCast Address.
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    ipaddress IP Address string G, U IP Address
    maxReasembleSize ReasmMaxSize string G, U Re-assembly Max Size.
    name Name string G The entity name
    netmask NetMask string G, U Network Mask
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    IP System Stats


    The custom data entities for the ip_system_stats table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    discontinuityTime Discontinuity Time integer G, U The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this entry's counters suffered a discontinuity.
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    ipDefaultTTL Default TTL integer G The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live field of the IPv4 header of datagrams originated at this entity, whenever a TTL value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol.
    ipReasmTimeout Reassembly Timeout integer G The maximum number of seconds that received fragments are held while they are awaiting reassembly at this entity.
    ipv4Forwarding IPv4 Forwarding string G The indication of whether this entity is acting as an IPv4 router in respect to the forwarding of datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this entity. One of:

    • forwarding
    • notforwarding
    ipv6DefaultHopLimit IPv6 Default Hop Limit integer G The default value inserted into the Hop Limit field of the IPv6 header of datagrams originated at this entity whenever a Hop Limit value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol.
    ipv6Forwarding IPv6 Forwarding string G The indication of whether this entity is acting as an IPv6 router on any interface in respect to the forwarding of datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this entity. One of:

    • forwarding
    • notforwarding
    ipVersion IP Version string G IP version, one of:

    • ipv4
    • ipv6
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    reasmFails Reassembly Fail integer G The number of failures detected by the IP re-assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc).
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    reasmOKs Reassembly Success integer G The number of IP datagrams successfully re-assembled.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    reasmReqds Reassembly Required integer G The number of IP fragments received which needed to be reassembled at this entity.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    refreshRate Refresh Rate integer G, U The minimum reasonable polling interval for this entry.
    routingDiscards Routing Discards integer G The number of routing entries which were chosen to be discarded even though they are valid.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxAddrErrors Rx Address Errors integer G The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxBcastPkts Rx Bcast Pkts integer G The number of IP broadcast datagrams received.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxBytes Rx Bytes integer G The total number of octets received in input IP datagrams, including those received in error.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxDelivers Rx Delivers integer G The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP).
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxDiscards Rx Discards integer G The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued processing, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxForwPackets Rx Forward Pkts integer G The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination, as a result of which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxHdrErrors Rx Header Errors integer G The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IPv4 headers, including bad checksums, version number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IPv4 options, etc.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxMcastBytes Rx Mcast Bytes integer G The total number of octets received in IP multicast datagrams.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxMcastPkts Rx Mcast Pkts integer G The number of IP multicast datagrams received.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxNoRoutes Rx No Routes integer G The number of input IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxPackets Rx Pkts integer G The total number of input datagrams received from interfaces, including those received in error.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxTruncatedPkts Rx Truncated Pkts integer G The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the datagram frame didn't carry enough data.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    rxUnknownProtos Rx Unknown Protocols integer G The number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    txBcastPkts Tx Bcast Pkts integer G The number of IP broadcast datagrams transmitted.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    txBytes Tx Bytes integer G The total number of octets in IP datagrams delivered to the lower layers for transmission.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    txDiscards Tx Discards integer G The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    txForwPackets Tx Forwarded Pkts integer G The number of datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination and for which it was successful in finding a path to their final destination.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    txFragCreates Fragments Created integer G The number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated as a result of fragmentation at this entity.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    txFragFails Fragment Fail integer G The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could not be, e.g., because their Don't Fragment flag was set.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    txFragOKs Fragment Success integer G The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented at this entity.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    txFragReqds Fragment Required integer G The number of IP datagrams that would require fragmentation in order to be transmitted.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    txMcastBytes Tx Mcast Bytes integer G The total number of octets transmitted in IP multicast datagrams.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    txMcastPkts Tx Mcast Pkts integer G The number of IP multicast datagrams transmitted.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    txNoRoutes Tx No Routes integer G The number of IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    txPackets Tx Pkts integer G The total number of IP datagrams that this entity supplied to the lower layers for transmission.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    txRequests Tx Requests integer G The total number of IP datagrams which local IP user protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Juniper Firewall


    The custom data entities for the juniper_firewall table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    Connections Connections integer G Incoming connections established
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    Denied Denied integer G Packets dropped due to policy deny
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    RxPermitted Rx Permitted integer G Incoming bytes permitted by policy
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxPermitted Tx Permitted integer G Outgoing bytes permitted by policy
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Juniper Ping


    The custom data entities for the juniper_ping table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    AvgRtt Avg Rtt integer G Average round trip time from all probes during this test. Measured in microseconds.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    JitterRtt Jitter Rtt integer G Variation in round trip time from all probes during this test. Measured in microseconds.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    LastRtt Last Rtt integer G Round trip time from most recent successful probe during this test. Measured in microseconds.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    MaxRtt Max Rtt integer G Maximum round trip time from all probes during this test. Measured in microseconds.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    MinRtt Min Rtt integer G Minimum round trip time from all probes during this test. Measured in microseconds.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TestName Test Name string G, U The name of the ping test.
    [reference]  [top]

    Alteon Group


    The custom data entities for the loadbalancer_alteon_group table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    CurrSessions Current Sessions integer G Group Current Sessions
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    HighestSessions Highest Sessions integer G Group Highest Sessions
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    lbName name string G name
    name Name string G The entity name
    Octets Octets integer G RServer Octets Tx + Rx
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TotalSessions Total Sessions integer G Group Total Sessions
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Alteon Real Servers


    The custom data entities for the loadbalancer_alteon_rserv table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    CurrSessions Current Sessions integer G RServer Current Sessions
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    Failures Failures integer G The total number of times that the real server is claimed down.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    FailureTime Failure Time string G, U Time of the last failure.
    HighestSessions Highest Sessions integer G RServer Highest Sessions
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    Octets Octets integer G RServer Octets Tx + Rx
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    RealState State string G, U Current state of the Real Server, one of:

    • disabled - the server is disabled
    • failed - the server failed
    • running - the server is running

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    RealStatus Status string G, U Current status of the Real Server, one of:

    • cookiepersistent - Cookie Persistent
    • cookiepersistentfastage - Cookie Persistent Fastage
    • disable - Disable
    • enable - Enable
    • fastage - Fastage

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TotalSessions Total Sessions integer G RServer Total Sessions
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Alteon Virtual Servers


    The custom data entities for the loadbalancer_alteon_vserv table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    CurrSessions Current Sessions integer G VServer Current Sessions
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    HighestSessions Highest Sessions integer G VServer Highest Sessions
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    IPAddress IpAddress string G, U Virtual Server IP Address
    name Name string G The entity name
    Octets Octets integer G VServer Octets Tx + Rx
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TotalSessions Total Sessions integer G VServer Total Sessions
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]



    The custom data entities for the memory table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object, one of:

    • HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.hrStorageCompactDisc
    • HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.hrStorageFixedDisk
    • HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.hrStorageFlashMemory
    • HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.hrStorageFloppyDisk
    • HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.hrStorageNetworkDisk
    • HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.hrStorageOther
    • HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.hrStorageRamDisk
    • HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.hrStorageRemovableDisk
    • HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES.hrStorageVirtualMemory

    Alternatively, a vendor name may be returned depending on the implementation (e.g. Cisco, Juniper, etc)

    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Alcatel


    The custom data entities for the memory_alcatel table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Aruba


    The custom data entities for the memory_aruba table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Avaya - RC


    The custom data entities for the memory_avaya_rc table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Avaya - S5


    The custom data entities for the memory_avaya_s5 table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryAllocHit Allocation Success integer G The number of successful allocations from the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryAllocMiss Allocation Fail integer G The number of unsuccessful allocations from the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreeHit Free Success integer G The number of successful frees/deallocations from the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreeMiss Free Fail integer G The number of unsuccessful frees/deallocations from the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryHighestFree Free High Water Mark integer G The largest number of free bytes from the memory pool on the physical entity
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryHighestUsed Used High Water Mark integer G The largest number of used bytes from the memory pool on the physical entity
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryLargestFreeBlock Largest Free Block integer G The largest number of contiguous free bytes from the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryLowestFree Free Low Water Mark integer G The lowest recorded amount of available memory in the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryLowestUsed Used Low Water Mark integer G The lowest number of bytes from the memory pool that have been used by applications on the physical entity since sysUpTime
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryShared Shared integer G The number of shared bytes in the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Cisco


    The custom data entities for the memory_cisco table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Cisco Nexus


    The custom data entities for the memory_cisco_nexus table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryAllocHit Allocation Success integer G The number of successful allocations from the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryAllocMiss Allocation Fail integer G The number of unsuccessful allocations from the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreeHit Free Success integer G The number of successful frees/deallocations from the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreeMiss Free Fail integer G The number of unsuccessful frees/deallocations from the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryHighestFree Free High Water Mark integer G The largest number of free bytes from the memory pool on the physical entity
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryHighestUsed Used High Water Mark integer G The largest number of used bytes from the memory pool on the physical entity
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryLargestFreeBlock Largest Free Block integer G The largest number of contiguous free bytes from the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryLowestFree Free Low Water Mark integer G The lowest recorded amount of available memory in the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryLowestUsed Used Low Water Mark integer G The lowest number of bytes from the memory pool that have been used by applications on the physical entity since sysUpTime
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryShared Shared integer G The number of shared bytes in the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Cisco SAN


    The custom data entities for the memory_cisco_san table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Dell


    The custom data entities for the memory_dell table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable Size integer G The total memory available.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree Free integer G The total memory free for utilization.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Dell F10 S


    The custom data entities for the memory_dell_F10_S table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Dell DNOS


    The custom data entities for the memory_dell_dnos table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Extreme


    The custom data entities for the memory_extreme table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Extreme VSP


    The custom data entities for the memory_extreme_vsp table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Fortinet Fortigate


    The custom data entities for the memory_fortinet_fortigate table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Fortinet Fortigate Hard Disk


    The custom data entities for the memory_fortinet_fortigate_hd table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Fortinet Fortigate Low Mem


    The custom data entities for the memory_fortinet_fortigate_lowmem table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Foundry


    The custom data entities for the memory_foundry table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Foundry MLX


    The custom data entities for the memory_foundry_mlx table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Juniper


    The custom data entities for the memory_juniper table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - NetScaler


    The custom data entities for the memory_netscaler table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memSizeMB Size integer G, U Total amount of system memory, in megabytes.
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Netscreen


    The custom data entities for the memory_netscreen table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Nokia


    The custom data entities for the memory_nokia table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Procurve


    The custom data entities for the memory_procurve table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Server


    The custom data entities for the memory_server table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryAllocationUnits Allocation Units integer G, U The size, in bytes, of the data objects allocated from this pool. If this entry is monitoring sectors, blocks, buffers, or packets, for example, this number will commonly be greater than one. Otherwise this number will typically be one.
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G, U Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - UCD - Real


    The custom data entities for the memory_ucd_real table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryBuffer Buffer integer G The total amount of real or virtual memory currently allocated for use as memory buffers.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryCached Cached integer G The total amount of real or virtual memory currently allocated for use as cached memory.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryShared Shared integer G The number of shared bytes in the memory pool
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - UCD - Swap


    The custom data entities for the memory_ucd_swap table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Memory - Virtual


    The custom data entities for the memory_virtual table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    hrStorageAllocationUnits Allocation Units integer G, U The size, in bytes, of the data objects allocated from this pool. If this entry is monitoring sectors, blocks, buffers, or packets, for example, this number will commonly be greater than one. Otherwise this number will typically be one.
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    memoryDesc Description string G Description
    memoryFree Free integer G Amount of memory free in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryFreePercent Free Percent float G Amount of memory free as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memorySize Size integer G Size of this memory object in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryType Type string G, U Type of this memory object
    memoryUsed Used integer G Amount of memory used in Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    memoryUsedPercent Used Percent float G Amount of memory used as a percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    MAC/IP/Switch Port


    The custom data entities for the mis table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    ip IP Address ipv4 G, U IP Address
    lastresolved Last Resolved time G, U Last Resolved
    linktype Link Type string G, U Link Type
    mac MAC string G, U MAC Address
    name Name string G The entity name
    oui Vendor string G, U Organisationally Unique Identifier
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vlanid VLAN Id string G, U VLAN Id
    vlan_name VLAN Name string G, U VLAN Name
    [reference]  [top]

    Optical Signal Monitoring


    The custom data entities for the optical table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    opticalName Name string G Name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    rxPower Rx Power integer G Rx Power
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SNR SNR integer G SNR
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Optical Signal Monitoring - ADVA


    The custom data entities for the optical_adva table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    opticalName Name string G, U Name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    portAdminState Admin State string G, U Administrative State of the port, one of:

    • dsbld - Disabled
    • is - IS
    • mgt - Management

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    portAidString portAidString string G, U portAidString
    portOperState portOperState string G, U Operational State of the port, one of:

    • anr - ANR
    • nr - NR
    • out - OUT
    • un - UN
    • undefined - Undefined

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    portRemark Remark string G, U Remark
    rxPower Rx Power integer G Rx Power
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SNR SNR integer G SNR
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Optical Signal Monitoring - ADVA - Loss


    The custom data entities for the optical_adva_measurement table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    linkLoss Link Loss integer G Link loss at termination in tenth of dB.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    measurementFpLineEndPos End Pos integer G End Pos
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    portLink Port Link string G Port Link
    portMeasurementName Measurement Name string G Measurement Name
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Optical Signal Monitoring - NBS


    The custom data entities for the optical_nbs table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    nbsOsaChannelOSNRMax Maximum OSNR integer G The user-specified maximum OSNR of this channel
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    nbsOsaChannelOSNRMin Minimum OSNR integer G The user-specified minimum OSNR of this channel
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    nbsOsaChannelRxPowerMax Power Max integer G The user-specified maximum signal strength, in millidecibels (mdBm), of this channel. Not supported value: -100001
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    nbsOsaChannelRxPowerMin Power Min integer G The user-specified minimum signal strength, in millidecibels (mdBm), of this channel. Not supported value: -100001
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    nbsOsaChannelStatus Status string G, U If the OSA thinks the channel is there or not, one of:

    • absent
    • present

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    opticalName Name string G Name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    rxPower Rx Power integer G Rx Power
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    SNR SNR integer G SNR
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Palo Alto Firewall Connections


    The custom data entities for the palo_alto_firewall_connections table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    ActiveConnections Active Connections integer G Total number of active sessions.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ActiveIcmpConnections Active ICMP Connections integer G Total number of active ICMP sessions.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ActiveTcpConnections Active TCP Connections integer G Total number of active TCP sessions.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ActiveUdpConnections Active UDP Connections integer G Total number of active UDP sessions.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ConnectionUtil Connection Util integer G Session table utilization percentage. Values should be between 0 and 100.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    MaxConnections Max Connections integer G, U Total number of sessions supported.
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Palo Alto Firewall Connections Zone Stats


    The custom data entities for the palo_alto_firewall_connections_zone table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    panZoneActiveOtherIpCps Other IP Cps integer G Number of active Other IP connections per second for this zone.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    panZoneActiveTcpCps TCP Cps integer G Number of active TCP connections per second for this zone.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    panZoneActiveUdpCps UDP Cps integer G Number of active UDP connections per second for this zone.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]



    The custom data entities for the port table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    if90day if90day integer G, U Status of port usage over 90 days, one of:

    • 0
    • 1
    ifAdminStatus ifAdminStatus string G, U The desired state of the interface, one of:

    • up
    • down
    • testing

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    ifAlias Alias string G, U Interface Alias (ifAlias)
    ifDescr Description string G, U Interface Description (ifDescr)
    ifDuplex ifDuplex string G, U Interface Duplex, one of:

    • auto
    • half
    • full
    • unknown
    ifIndex ifIndex string G, U Interface Index (IF-MIB.ifIndex)
    ifInSpeed Rx Speed integer G, U Interface Input Speed (Statseeker custom attribute)
    ifName ifName string G, U Interface Name (IF-MIB.ifName)
    ifNonUnicast NUcast Polling string G, U NonUnicast Polling status of the port, one of:

    • on
    • off
    • global
    ifOperStatus ifOperStatus string G, U Current operational status of port, one of:

    • dormant
    • down
    • lowerLayerDown
    • notPresent
    • testing
    • unknown
    • up

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    ifOutSpeed Tx Speed integer G, U Interface Output Speed (Statseeker custom attribute)
    ifPhysAddress PhysAddress string G, U Interface MAC Address (ifPhysAddress)
    ifPoll ifPoll string G, U Polling status of the port, one of:

    • on
    • off
    ifSpeed Speed integer G, U Interface Speed (based on ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed)
    ifTitle Title string G, U Interface Title (Statseeker custom attribute - ifTitle)
    ifType Type string G, U Interface Type, one of:

    • a12MppSwitch
    • aal2
    • aal5
    • actelisMetaLOOP
    • adsl
    • adsl2
    • adsl2plus
    • aflane8023
    • aflane8025
    • arap
    • arcnet
    • arcnetPlus
    • async
    • atm
    • atmbond
    • atmDxi
    • atmFuni
    • atmIma
    • atmLogical
    • atmRadio
    • atmSubInterface
    • atmVciEndPt
    • atmVirtual
    • aviciOpticalEther
    • basicISDN
    • bgppolicyaccounting
    • bridge
    • bsc
    • cblVectaStar
    • cctEmul
    • ces
    • channel
    • ciscoISLvlan
    • cnr
    • coffee
    • compositeLink
    • dcn
    • ddnX25
    • digitalPowerline
    • digitalWrapperOverheadChannel
    • dlsw
    • docsCableDownstream
    • docsCableMaclayer
    • docsCableMCmtsDownstream
    • docsCableUpstream
    • docsCableUpstreamChannel
    • ds0
    • ds0Bundle
    • ds1
    • ds1FDL
    • ds3
    • dtm
    • dvbAsiIn
    • dvbAsiOut
    • dvbRccDownstream
    • dvbRccMacLayer
    • dvbRccUpstream
    • e1
    • econet
    • eon
    • eplrs
    • escon
    • ethernet3Mbit
    • ethernetCsmacd
    • fast
    • fastEther
    • fastEtherFX
    • fcipLink
    • fddi
    • fibreChannel
    • frameRelay
    • frameRelayInterconnect
    • frameRelayMPI
    • frameRelayService
    • frDlciEndPt
    • frf16MfrBundle
    • frForward
    • g703at2mb
    • g703at64k
    • gfp
    • gigabitEthernet
    • gr303IDT
    • gr303RDT
    • gtp
    • h323Gatekeeper
    • h323Proxy
    • hdh1822
    • hdlc
    • hdsl2
    • hiperlan2
    • hippi
    • hippiInterface
    • homepna
    • hostPad
    • hssi
    • hyperchannel
    • ibm370parChan
    • idsl
    • ieee1394
    • ieee80211
    • ieee80212
    • ieee80216WMAN
    • ieee8023adLag
    • if-gsn
    • imt
    • infiniband
    • interleave
    • ip
    • ipForward
    • ipOverAtm
    • ipOverCdlc
    • ipOverClaw
    • ipSwitch
    • isdn
    • isdns
    • isdnu
    • iso88022llc
    • iso88023Csmacd
    • iso88024TokenBus
    • iso88025CRFPInt
    • iso88025Dtr
    • iso88025Fiber
    • iso88025TokenRing
    • iso88026Man
    • isup
    • l2vlan
    • l3ipvlan
    • l3ipxvlan
    • lapb
    • lapd
    • lapf
    • linegroup
    • lmp
    • localTalk
    • macSecControlledIF
    • macSecUncontrolledIF
    • mediaMailOverIp
    • mfSigLink
    • miox25
    • mocaVersion1
    • modem
    • mpc
    • mpegTransport
    • mpls
    • mplsTunnel
    • msdsl
    • mvl
    • myrinet
    • nfas
    • nsip
    • opticalChannel
    • opticalChannelGroup
    • opticalTransport
    • other
    • para
    • pdnEtherLoop1
    • pdnEtherLoop2
    • plc
    • pon155
    • pon622
    • pos
    • ppp
    • pppMultilinkBundle
    • primaryISDN
    • propAtm
    • propBWAp2Mp
    • propCnls
    • propDocsWirelessDownstream
    • propDocsWirelessMaclayer
    • propDocsWirelessUpstream
    • propMultiplexor
    • propPointToPointSerial
    • propVirtual
    • propWirelessP2P
    • proteon10Mbit
    • proteon80Mbit
    • q2931
    • qam
    • qllc
    • radioMAC
    • radsl
    • reachDSL
    • regular1822
    • rfc1483
    • rfc877x25
    • rpr
    • rs232
    • rsrb
    • sdlc
    • sdsl
    • shdsl
    • sip
    • sipSig
    • sipTg
    • sixToFour
    • slip
    • smdsDxi
    • smdsIcip
    • softwareLoopback
    • sonet
    • sonetOverheadChannel
    • sonetPath
    • sonetVT
    • srp
    • ss7SigLink
    • stackToStack
    • starLan
    • tdlc
    • teLink
    • termPad
    • tr008
    • trasnpHdlc
    • tunnel
    • ultra
    • usb
    • v11
    • v35
    • v36
    • v37
    • vdsl
    • virtualIpAddress
    • virtualTg
    • voiceDID
    • voiceEM
    • voiceEMFGD
    • voiceEncap
    • voiceFGDEANA
    • voiceFGDOS
    • voiceFXO
    • voiceFXS
    • voiceOverAtm
    • voiceOverCable
    • voiceOverFrameRelay
    • voiceOverIp
    • x213
    • x25huntGroup
    • x25mlp
    • x25ple
    InBroadcastPkts Rx Bcast Pkts integer G Number of received broadcast packets
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InBroadcastPps Rx Bcast Pps float G Number of received broadcast packets per second
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InDiscards Rx Discards integer G Number of received discards
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InErrors Rx Errors integer G Number of received errors
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InMulticastPkts Rx Mcast Pkts integer G Number of received multicast packets
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InMulticastPps Rx Mcast Pps float G Number of received multicast packets per second
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InOctets Rx Bytes integer G Number of received bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InOutBroadcastPkts Total Bcast Pkts integer G Combined Rx and Tx broadcast packets
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InOutDiscards Total Discards integer G Combined Rx and Tx Discards
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InOutErrors Total Errors integer G Combined Rx and Tx Errors
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InOutMulticastPkts Total Mcast Pkts integer G Combined Rx and Tx multicast packets
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InOutOctets Total Bytes integer G Combined Rx and Tx Bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InOutSpeed Total Speed integer G Combined Rx and Tx Speed
    InOutUcastPkts Total Ucast Pkts integer G Combined Rx and Tx unicast packets
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InUcastPkts Rx Ucast Pkts integer G Number of received unicast packets
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    InUcastPps Rx Ucast Pps float G Number of received unicast packets per second
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    OutBroadcastPkts Tx Bcast Pkts integer G Number of transmitted broadcast packets
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutBroadcastPps Tx Bcast Pps float G Number of transmitted broadcast packets per second
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutDiscards Tx Discards integer G Number of transmitted discards
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutErrors Tx Errors integer G Number of transmitted errors
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutMulticastPkts Tx Mcast Pkts integer G Number of transmitted multicast packets
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutMulticastPps Tx Mcast Pps float G Number of transmitted multicast packets per second
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutOctets Tx Bytes integer G Number of transmitted bytes
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutUcastPkts Tx Ucast Pkts integer G Number of transmitted unicast packets
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    OutUcastPps Tx Ucast Pps float G Number of transmitted unicast packets per second
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G, U The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    RxBps Rx Bps float G Received bits per second
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxDiscardsPercent Rx Discards Percent float G Rx discards percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxErrorPercent Rx Errors Percent float G Rx errors percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxTxDiscardsPercent Total Discards Percent float G Total discards percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxTxErrorPercent Total Errors Percent float G Total errors percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxUtil Rx Util float G Rx Utilization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxBps Tx Bps float G Transmitted bits per second
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TxDiscardsPercent Tx Discards Percent float G Tx discards percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TxErrorPercent Tx Errors Percent float G Tx errors percentage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    TxUtil Tx Util float G Tx Utilization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Interface EtherLike


    The custom data entities for the port_etherlike table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    alignmentErrors Alignment Errors integer G A count of frames received on a particular interface that are not an integral number of octets in length and do not pass the FCS check. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the alignmentError status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for which multiple error conditions pertain are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    carrierSenseErrors Carrier Sense Errors integer G The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame on a particular interface. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented at most once per transmission attempt, even if the carrier sense condition fluctuates during a transmission attempt. This counter does not increment when the interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deferredTransmissions Deferred Transmissions integer G A count of frames for which the first transmission attempt on a particular interface is delayed because the medium is busy. The count represented by an instance of this object does not include frames involved in collisions.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    excessiveCollisions Excessive Collisions integer G A count of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails due to excessive collisions.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    fcsErrors FCS Errors integer G A count of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check. This count does not include frames received with frame-too-long or frame-too-short error.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    frameTooLongs Frame Too Long integer G Interface that exceed the maximum permitted frame size. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameTooLong status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user).
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    InPauseFrames Rx Pause integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    internalMacReceiveErrors Internal MAC Receive Errors integer G A count of frames for which reception on a particular interface fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    internalMacTransmitErrors Internal MAC Transmit Errors integer G A count of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    lateCollisions Late Collisions integer G The number of times that a collision is detected on a particular interface later than 512 bit-times into the transmission of a packet. Five hundred and twelve bit-times corresponds to 51.2 microseconds on a 10 Mbit/s system. A (late) collision included in a count represented by an instance of this object is also considered as a (generic) collision for purposes of other collision-related statistics.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    multipleCollisions Multiple Collisions integer G A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by more than one collision. A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts or ifOutNUcastPkts object and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames object.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    OutPauseFrames Tx Pause integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    singleCollisions Single Collisions integer G A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by exactly one collision. A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts or ifOutNUcastPkts object and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames object.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    symbolErrors Symbol Errors integer G Number of times there was an invalid data symbol when a valid carrier was present. See MIB for details
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Interface - Cisco NBAR


    The custom data entities for the port_nbar table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    DiscoverEnable Protocol Discovery Enable string G, U Whether protocol discovery is enabled on an interface, one of:

    • true
    • false
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    portIdx Port Index string G Index of the host interface
    portName Port Name string G Name of the host interface
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]



    The custom data entities for the printer table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Printer - General


    The custom data entities for the printer_general table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    MarkerSuppliesLevel Marker Supplies Level integer G The current level of the supply container
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    MarkerSuppliesMaxCapacity Marker Supplies Max Capacity string G, U The maximum capacity of the supply container
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    SerialNumber Serial Number string G Printer serial number
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Custom Data Type Ranges


    IP address ranges for discovering custom data type entities



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    autoremove Autoremove string G, U Whether discovery should remove data not in latest rewalk, one of:

    • on
    • off
    • default
    enable Enable integer G, U Whether discovery is enabled for this CDT, one of:

    • 0
    • 1
    id ID string G Custom data type identifier/key
    ranges Ranges string G, U IP address ranges (using include/exclude syntax)
    [reference]  [top]



    The custom data entities for the temperature table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - Alcatel


    The custom data entities for the temperature_alcatel table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - APC


    The custom data entities for the temperature_apc_env table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - Avaya - S5


    The custom data entities for the temperature_avaya_s5 table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - Cisco


    The custom data entities for the temperature_cisco table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G, U Description of this entity
    temperatureState State string G, U Current state of the entity, one of:

    • critical
    • normal
    • notFunctioning
    • notPresent
    • shutdown
    • warning

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - Dell F10 S


    The custom data entities for the temperature_dell_F10_S table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - Dell DNOS


    The custom data entities for the temperature_dell_dnos table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - Dell PowerConnect


    The custom data entities for the temperature_dell_power table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - Extreme


    The custom data entities for the temperature_extreme table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - Extreme VSP


    The custom data entities for the temperature_extreme_vsp table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - Foundry


    The custom data entities for the temperature_foundry table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - Foundry MLX


    The custom data entities for the temperature_foundry_mlx table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G, U Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - Juniper


    The custom data entities for the temperature_juniper table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G, U Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Temperature - Netscreen


    The custom data entities for the temperature_netscreen table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    temperatureDescr Description string G, U Description of this entity
    temperatureType Vendor string G Vendor for this entity
    temperatureValueCelsius Celsius float G Temperature in celsius
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    temperatureValueFahrenheit Fahrenheit float G Temperature in fahrenheit
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]

    Ubiquiti AirMAX


    The custom data entities for the ubiquiti_airmax table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    capacity Capacity integer G AirMAX Capacity
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    quality Quality integer G AirMAX Quality
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Ubiquiti Radio


    The custom data entities for the ubiquiti_radio table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    frequency Operating Frequency integer G, U The current operating frequency
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    mode Operating Mode string G, U The current mode, one of:

    • ap
    • aprepeater
    • apwds
    • sta
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxPower Transmit Power integer G, U The current transmit power
    [reference]  [top]

    Ubiquiti Wireless Statistics


    The custom data entities for the ubiquiti_wl_stats table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    ApMac AP MAC address string G, U The MAC address of the connected AP
    ccq CCQ integer G Client Connection Quality
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    count Station Count integer G The number of stations currently connected (Only valid if in AP mode)
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    rssi RSSI integer G Received Signal Strength Indicator
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    RxBps Rx Bps integer G The current received bitrate
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    strength Signal Strength integer G The current signal strength
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    TxBps Tx Bps integer G The current transmitted bitrate
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    [reference]  [top]



    The custom data entities for the ups table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    batteryCurrent Battery Current float G Battery Current
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    batteryPercentRemaining Battery Percent Remaining float G Battery Percent Remaining
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    batteryVoltage Battery Voltage float G Battery Voltage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    UPS - APC


    The custom data entities for the ups_apc table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    advInputLineVoltage Input Line Voltage integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    advOutputCurrent Output Current integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    advOutputVoltage Output Voltage integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    batteryCurrent Battery Current float G Battery Current
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    batteryPercentRemaining Battery Percent Remaining float G Battery Percent Remaining
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    batteryReplaceIndicator Battery Replace Indicator string G, U One of:

    • batteryNeedsReplacing
    • noBatteryNeedsReplacing

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    batteryVoltage Battery Voltage float G Battery Voltage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    phaseInputCurrent Phase Input Current integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    phaseInputVoltage Phase Input Voltage integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    phaseOutputCurrent Phase Output Current integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    phaseOutputVoltage Phase Output Voltage integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    UPS - Generic


    The custom data entities for the ups_generic table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    batteryCurrent Battery Current float G Battery Current
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    batteryPercentRemaining Battery Percent Remaining float G Battery Percent Remaining
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    batteryStatus Battery Status string G, U One of:

    • batteryDepleted
    • batteryLow
    • batteryNormal
    • unknown

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    batteryVoltage Battery Voltage float G Battery Voltage
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    inputCurrent Input Current integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    inputVoltage Input Voltage integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    name Name string G The entity name
    outputCurrent Output Current integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    outputSource Output Source string G, U One of:

    • battery
    • booster
    • bypass
    • none
    • normal
    • other
    • reducer

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    outputVoltage Output Voltage integer G Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Cisco WAAS


    The custom data entities for the waas_cisco table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cwoTfoStatsActiveOptConn Active Opt Connections integer G This object contains number of currently active TCP connections getting optimized
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cwoTfoStatsActiveOptTCPPlusConn TCP Plus Opt Connections integer G This object contains number of active TCP connections going through TCP plus other optimization
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cwoTfoStatsLoadStatus Load Status integer G, U This object indicates the load status of the Traffic Flow Optimizer, one of:

    • green - feature is operating normally, within acceptable load limits
    • red - feature is not healthy, and existing as well as new connections received by it may not get optimized
    • unknown - feature is not active or disabled
    • yellow - feature is overloaded, and new connections received by it may not get optimized

    Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats.

    cwoTfoStatsMaxActiveConn Max Connections integer G This object contains maximum number of active TCP connections that this device can optimize. This figure need only be pooled irregularly and used as the 100% highWaterMark for active connection count threshold assessment or x axis scaling.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    cwoTfoStatsTotalOptConn Total Opt Connections integer G This object contains total number of TCP connections optimized since TFO was started or its statistics were last reset
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    [reference]  [top]

    Wireless AP


    The custom data entities for the wireless_ap table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    ClientCount Clients integer G Clients
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G Vendor
    [reference]  [top]

    Wireless AP - Cisco


    The custom data entities for the wireless_ap_cisco table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    ActiveBridges Active Bridges integer G This is the number of bridges currently associating with this device on this interface.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ActiveRepeaters Active Repeaters integer G This is the number of repeaters currently associating with this device on this interface.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ClientCount Clients integer G Clients
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ClientsAssociated Client Associations integer G This object counts the number of stations associated with this device on this interface since device re-started.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ClientsAuthenticated Client Auths integer G This object counts the number of stations authenticated with this device on this interface since device re-started.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ClientsDeauthenticated Client DeAuths integer G This object counts the number of stations deauthenticated with this device on this interface since device re-started.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ClientsRoamedAway Roamed Away integer G This object counts the number of stations roamed away from this device on this interface since device re-started.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    ClientsRoamedIn Roamed In integer G This object counts the number of stations roamed from another device to this device on this interface since device re-started.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    CurrentChannel Channel integer G The current operating frequency channel of the DSSS PHY, as selected either by selective scanning or via IEEE802dot11-MIB dot11CurrentChannel. Valid channel numbers are defined in the IEEE 802.11 Standard. For North America, 802.11b channels allowed are 1 to 11 and 802.11a channels allowed are 36,40,44,48,52,56, 60, and 64.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    CurrentTxPowerLevel Power Level integer G The TxPowerLevel N currently configured to transmit data.
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G Vendor
    [reference]  [top]

    Wireless AP - Extreme


    The custom data entities for the wireless_ap_extreme table



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    ClientCount Clients integer G Clients
    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the parent device
    id ID integer G The entity identifier
    idx Index string G The base SNMP index for this entity
    name Name string G The entity name
    poll Poll State string G The poll state of the entity

    • on
    • off
    table Table string G The table to which the entity belongs
    vendor Vendor string G Vendor
    [reference]  [top]

    Configuration Build


    Build the custom datatype configurations




    No Fields

    Options - force
    force key Description
    false Only run a build if changes have occurred
    true Force a build, even if no changes have occurred

    Run with the execute command (/api/v2.1/config_build/execute), see the Execute Endpoint for details.

    [reference]  [top]



    Statseeker Discovery Process




    No Fields

    Option Description
    block Block if another discover is running, defaults to false. Set to one of:

    • false - return an error if another discover is running
    • true - block if another discover is running
    device Requires mode = rewalk.
    Optional, name of the device to rewalk
    discover_config Override discover configuration
    email A list of comma-separated email addresses. When selected the output log will be emailed to these addresses on completion of the task. If logfile is set, the logfile will be kept, otherwise a temporary logfile is used which is later removed. If subject is set, the value will be used for the email subject, otherwise a default subject line is used
    getNext Requires mode = single.
    Discover using SNMP getNext, defaults to false.

    • false - use bulk requests for discovery
    • true - use getNext requests for discovery
    ip Requires mode = single.
    The IP address of the device being discovered.
    logfile Path to store the discover log, defaults to ~/nim/etc/discover.log
    minimal Requires mode = single
    Whether to perform a minimal discover, defaults to false. Set to one of:

    • false - perform full discover
    • true - perform minimal discover (only walk a few core tables)
    mode The type of discovery to run, set to one of:

    • hosts - discover all devices in the hostfile
    • ranges - discover all devices in the IP scan ranges file
    • rewalk - rewalk devices that have previously been discovered
    • single - discover a single device
    • snmpv3add - discover SNMPv3 devices
    runPostProcessing Whether to run discover post-processing steps. Currently this includes Auto-grouping and the Hardware Inventory report generation. This will result in a quicker discover but means that the added devices won't be added to any Auto-groups or the Hardware Inventory report until the next full discover, defaults to true. Set to one of:

    • false - don't perform post processing steps
    • true - perform post processing steps
    snmperrlog Enable SNMP error logging, defaults to false. Set to one of:

    • false - disable SNMP error logging
    • true - enable SNMP error logging
    snmpv1 Requires mode = single.
    Force SNMPv1 collection, defaults to false.

    • false - allow SNMPv2 collection
    • true - force SNMPv1 collection
    subject The subject line to use when the email option is specified
    verbose Verbosity level for discovery process output, defaults to 0. Set to one of:

    • 0 - disable verbose output
    • 1 - set output verbosity to low
    • 2 - set output verbosity to medium
    • 3 - set output verbosity to high
    snmpv3config Requires mode = snmpv3add.
    Path to the config file containing details of devices to add.

    Run with the execute command (/api/v2.1/discover/execute), see the Execute Endpoint for details.

    [reference]  [top]

    Discover Configuration


    The configuration options for Statseekers discovery mechanism



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    communities Community Strings object G, U Comma separated SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 community strings
    id ID integer G Discover config identifier/key
    iftype Interface Types object G, U Comma separated list of interface types to include
    ip_range_configurations Per IP Address Range Configuration string G, U An array of Discover Configuration objects associated to IP Address Ranges. Each configuration in the array contains the following fields:

    Field ID Type Description
    communities string Comma separated SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 community strings
    enabled boolean Set the range configuration to be enabled/disabled
    excludes string Comma separated sysdescr strings for entities to exclude from the configuration
    iftypes string Comma separated iftypes strings for entities to include in the configuration
    includes string Comma separated sysdescr strings for entities to include in the configuration
    ip_range_text string Include range string specifying the IP range to be covered by the configuration
    title string Name for the configuration rule

    These configurations are in addition to the global discovery settings for the IP range specified in ranges. This allows you to apply specific include/exclude rules based on sysDescr and iftype to select IP ranges, and to restrict which community strings are sent to a given IP.

    Note: community strings, and include/exclude rules, added in this way are in addition to the global rules, they do not replace the global rules. All exclude rules take precedence over any include rule.
    ping_count Ping Run Count integer G, U Number of passes for the ping discover
    ping_rate Ping Rate integer G, U Number of pings to send per second
    ping_skip Ping Skip integer G, U Number of ipaddress to skip between each ping
    ranges Ranges object G, U Comma separated discover ranges (using include/exclude syntax)
    sysdescr SysDescr object G, U Comma separated SysDescr values to decide which devices to discover
    [reference]  [top]

    Discover Hosts


    Hosts used for discovery



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    enable Enabled integer G, A, U Whether this host is enabled for discovery, one of:

    • 0
    • 1
    hostname Hostname string G, A (required), U Name of the host
    id ID integer G Host identifier
    ipaddress IP Address string G, A (required), U IP address of the host
    [reference]  [top]

    Statseeker Entities


    Entries in the Statseeker entity database



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    id ID integer G Entity identifier/key
    name Name string G The name of the entity
    parentid Parent ID integer G The id of the entities parent
    parentname Parent Name string G The name of the entities parent
    type Type string G The entity type
    [reference]  [top]

    Event Entity Details


    Statseeker Events



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    availability Availability object G Statistics describing specific states for this event

    Format Description
    inPercent The percent of time the event has been in any of the requested states
    inTime The time the event has been in any of the requested states
    inTransitions The number of transitions from one of the requested states to a state not requested
    outPercent The percent of time the event has not been in any of the states
    outTime The time the event has not been in any of the requested states
    outTransitions The number of transitions from a state that wasn't requested to a requested state
    totalTransitions The total number of transition between all of the states
    description Description string G, A (required), U A description of the type of event
    device Device string G The name of the device that owns the entity
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the device that owns the entity
    entityid Entity ID integer G, A (required), U The ID of the entity that owns the entity
    entity Entity string G The name of the entity that owns the event
    entityTypeName Entity Type Name string G The name of the type of entity that owns the event
    entityTypeTitle Entity Type Title string G The title of the type of entity that owns the event
    id ID integer G Event Identifier
    status Current Status object G The current state of the event

    Format Description
    delta The number of seconds to the previous record
    inTime The number of seconds that the current state has been active
    state The current state of the event
    stateid The current state identifier of the event
    time The time of of the last transition
    [reference]  [top]



    Statseeker Event Records



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    delta Delta integer G The number of seconds since the last record of the same event
    device Device string G The name of the device that owns the entity
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the device that owns the entity
    entity Entity string G The name of the entity that owns the event
    entityid Entity ID integer G, A The ID of the entity that owns the entity
    entityTypeName Entity Type Name string G The name of the type of entity that owns the event
    entityTypeTitle Entity Type Title string G The title of the type of entity that owns the event
    event Event string G, A The event text associated to the record
    eventid Event ID integer G, A (required) The event id associated to the record
    id ID string G Event Record Identifier
    note Note string G, U The note associated with the record
    state State string G, A (required) The state text associated to the record
    stateid State ID integer G, A The state id associated to the record
    time Time integer G, A Epoch time that the record was created

    • lastx - Display the last x records, rather than using a timefilter
    [reference]  [top]



    API Groups



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    entities Entities object G, U The entities that are assigned to this group

    Formats Description
    count Number of entities assigned to the group
    exc_count Number of entities assigned to the group (excluding child entities not explicitly assigned)
    exc_hexstr Hex bitstring representation of assigned entities (excluding child entities not explicitly assigned)
    exc_list Array of entity ids assigned to the group (excluding child entities not explicitly assigned)
    hexstr Hex bitstring representation of assigned entities
    list Array of entity ids assigned to the group
    objects Array of object names that have entities assigned to the group
    id ID integer G ID of the group
    name Name string G, A (required), U Name of the group

    Options - mode
    mode key Description
    add Add entities to the group
    clear Remove entities from the group
    set Add entities to the group (after removing all existing entities)
    [reference]  [top]



    Statseeker License



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    custnum Customer Number object G, A Valid customer number/server ID
    end End object G License end time
    entityCounts Entity Counts object G Number of polled, exceeded and total entities for each Custom Data Type
    feature95thPercent Feature - 95 Percentile reporting object G 95th percent feature status
    featureAnomaly Feature - Anomaly Detection object G Anomaly detection feature status
    featureAPIRead Feature - API Read object G API Read feature status
    featureAPIWrite Feature - API Write object G API Write feature status
    featureCDR Feature - Custom Data Reporting object G CDR feature status
    featureCDT Feature - Custom Data Types object G CDT feature status
    featureDash Feature - Dashboard object G Dashboard feature status
    featureFastpoll Feature - 1 Second Poller object G 1 second poller feature status
    featureFastpollExt Feature - 1 Second Poller: Extended object G 1 Second Poller: Extended feature status
    featureForecast Feature - Forecasting object G Forecasting feature status
    featureHA Feature - High Availability object G HA feature status
    featureIPv6 Feature - IPv6 object G IPv6 feature status
    featureL2Subnet Feature - Layer 2 Subnet object G Layer 2 Subnet feature status
    featureMIS Feature - Mac/IP Switch object G Mac/IP switch feature status
    featureMultiTennant Feature - Multitennant UI object G Multitennant feature status
    featureNetflow Feature - Netflow object G Netflow feature status
    featureNthPercent Feature - Custom percentile reporting object G Nth percent feature status
    featureSDN Feature - SDN object G SDN feature status
    featureSpanningTree Feature - Spanning Tree object G Spanning Tree feature status
    featureTrend Feature - Trendlines object G Trendlines feature status
    featureUD Feature - Upstream Devices object G Upstream devices feature status
    featureUserAuth Feature - Extended User Authentication object G Extended user authentication feature status
    hardwareid Hardware ID object G Valid Hardware ID's
    id ID integer G License Identifier
    key Key object G, A (required) License Key
    limitCustom Custom Entity Limit object G Number of custom entities polled/allowed
    limitDevice Device Limit object G Number of devices polled/allowed
    limitMISHistory MIS History Limit object G Maximum allowed history for MIS data
    limitPort Port Limit object G Number of ports polled/allowed
    start Start object G License start time
    tier Tier object G License Tier

    Options - test
    test key Description
    true Test the license
    false Add the license
    [reference]  [top]



    Statseeker Messages



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    entity Entity string G The name of the entity that owns this message
    entityid Entity ID integer G, A (required) The ID of the entity that owns this message
    id ID integer G Message Identifier
    text Message Text string G, A (required) The message text
    time Time integer G Message Time
    type Type string G, A (required) Message Type

    • lastx - Display the last x records, rather than using a timefilter
    [reference]  [top]

    NIM Options


    Configuration options for statseeker



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    id ID string G Option identifier/key
    value Value string G, U Option value
    [reference]  [top]



    Notifications for Statseeker



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    id ID integer G Notification identifier/key
    message Message string G, A (required), U The notification message
    state State string G, A, U The state of notification
    timestamp Timestamp time G, A, U The time that the notification was created
    type Type string G, A (required), U The type of notification, one of:

    • error
    • warning
    • info
    [reference]  [top]



    API Objects



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    category Category string G Category of object
    commands Commands object G The valid commands for an object
    description Description string G Description of the object
    fields Fields object G The valid fields for an object
    id ID integer G Object Identifier
    inherits Inherits object G List of objects inherited by this object
    name Name string G Name of the object
    title Title string G Title of the object
    [reference]  [top]

    APIC Configurations


    APIC Configuration details which will be used for ACI Poller



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    cleanup Cleanup Interval string G, A, U Cleanup interval for stale entities
    id ACI Device ID integer G, A (required) ACI Device ID
    password Password string G, A (required), U Password for APIC User
    port APIC Port integer G, A, U APIC Port
    proto APIC Protocol string G, A, U APIC Protocol, one of:

    • http
    • https
    username User string G, A (required), U Username to use for communication with APIC Device
    [reference]  [top]



    Syslog Messages



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    entity Entity string G The name of the entity that owns this message
    entityid Entity ID integer G, A (required) The ID of the entity that owns this message
    id ID integer G Message Identifier
    text Message Text string G, A (required) The message text
    time Time integer G Message Time
    type Type string G, A (required) Message Type

    • lastx - Display the last x records, rather than using a timefilter
    [reference]  [top]



    Statseeker Task



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    commands Commands object G, A (required), U Array of api commands to run (will be run sequentially)
    id ID integer G Task Identifier
    progress Progress integer G, U Percentage completed of the task
    results Results object G, U Array of api results for the commands (only most recently result displayed)
    status Status string G, U Current status of the task
    time Time object G, A, U Time to run the command

    Format Description
    cron Cron format string, for recurring tasks
    unix Unix/Epoch timestamp
    ttl Time to Live integer G, A, U The number of seconds to keep the task results
    [reference]  [top]

    Threshold Configuration


    Statseeker Thresholds



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    above Above integer G, A, U Whether the threshold triggers on above or below the specified value, one of:

    • 0 - below
    • 1 - above
    field Field string G, A (required) The field associated to the threshold
    field_opts Field Options string G, A, U Any options provided to the field
    filters Filters object G, A, U The filters to use for retrieving the data
    format Format string G, A (required) The format to use for the threshold field, one of:

    • Average
    • Total
    • Maximum
    • Median
    • Minimum
    • Standard Deviation
    • Total
    • 95th Percentile
    • Trendline Prediction
    • Trendline Daily Change
    • Trendline Strength
    • Anomaly Metric
    • Anomaly Strength
    • Forecast Value
    • Forecast Upper Value
    • Forecast Lower Value
    • Forecast Daily Change
    group_by_format Group by Format string G, A If provided, thresholds will use this format to aggregate data by device, one of:

    • Average
    • Maximum
    • Median
    • Minimum
    • Standard Deviation
    • Total
    • 95th Percentile
    • Disabled
    id ID integer G Threshold Identifier
    interval Interval integer G, A (required), U The interval to apply to the time filter query
    name Name string G, A (required) The name of the threshold
    object Object string G, A (required) The object type associated to the threshold
    timefilter Time Filter string G, A, U The time filter query to use for retrieving the data
    trigger Trigger string G, A, U The type of trigger to be used for alerting, one of:

    • breach
    • transition
    tz Time Zone string G, A, U The time zone to use for the time filter query
    value Value float G, A (required) The threshold value
    [reference]  [top]

    Threshold Entity Details


    Statseeker Threshold Events



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    description Description string G A description of the type of event
    device Device string G The name of the device that owns the entity
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the device that owns the entity
    entity Entity string G The name of the entity that owns the event
    entityid Entity ID integer G The ID of the entity that owns the entity
    entityTypeName Entity Type Name string G The name of the type of entity that owns the event
    entityTypeTitle Entity Type Title string G The title of the type of entity that owns the event
    id ID integer G Event Identifier
    status Current Status object G The current state of the event

    Formats Description
    breach Where the event is breached
    delta The number of seconds to the previous record
    state The current state of the event
    stateid The current state identifier of the event
    time The time of of the last transition
    value The value of the data that triggered the transition
    threshold Threshold Name string G The name of the threshold that owns the event
    thresholdAbove Threshold Above bool G A boolean indicating whether the threshold breach state is above (1) or below the threshold (0)
    thresholdField Threshold Field string G The timeseries field of the threshold that owns the event
    thresholdFormat Threshold Format string G The timeseries format of the threshold that owns the event
    thresholdid Threshold ID integer G The id of the threshold that owns the event
    thresholdInterval Threshold Interval integer G The interval of the threshold that owns the event
    thresholdTable Threshold Object string G The object/table of the threshold that owns the event
    thresholdValue Threshold Value float G The trigger value of the threshold that owns the event
    transitions Transitions object G Statistics describing specific state transitions for this event

    Formats Description
    inPercent The percent of time the event has been in any of the requested states
    inTime The time the event has been in any of the requested states
    inTransitions The number of transitions from one of the requested states to a state not requested
    outPercent The percent of time the event has not been in any of the states
    outTime The time the event has not been in any of the requested states
    outTransitions The number of transitions from a state that wasn't requested to a requested state
    totalTransitions The total number of transition between all of the states
    [reference]  [top]

    Threshold Events


    Statseeker Threshold Records



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    delta Delta integer G The number of seconds since the last record of the same event
    device Device string G The name of the device that owns the entity
    deviceid Device ID integer G The ID of the device that owns the entity
    entity Entity string G The name of the entity that owns the event
    entityid Entity ID integer G The ID of the entity that owns the entity
    entityTypeName Entity Type Name string G The name of the type of entity that owns the event
    entityTypeTitle Entity Type Title string G The title of the type of entity that owns the event
    event Event string G The event text associated to the record
    eventid Event ID integer G The event id associated to the record
    id ID string G Threshold Record Identifier
    note Note string G, U The note associated with the record
    state State string G The state text associated to the record
    stateid State ID integer G The state id associated to the record
    thresholdid Threshold ID integer G The id of the threshold that owns the event
    time Time integer G Epoch time that the record was created
    value Breach Value float G Value that triggered the threshold breach.

    • lastx - Display the last x records, rather than using a timefilter
    [reference]  [top]

    Time Filter


    Time filter favorites



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    id ID integer G Time filter identifier
    locked Locked integer G Whether the time filter is locked, one of:

    • 0
    • 1
    name Name string G, A (required), U Time filter name
    order Order integer G, A, U Sort order for the time filter
    query Query string G, A (required), U Time filter query
    user User integer G User that created the time filter
    [reference]  [top]



    Trap Messages



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    entity Entity string G The name of the entity that owns this message
    entityid Entity ID integer G, A (required) The ID of the entity that owns this message
    id ID integer G Message Identifier
    text Message Text string G, A (required) The message text
    time Time integer G Message Time
    type Type string G, A (required) Message Type

    • lastx - Display the last x records, rather than using a timefilter
    [reference]  [top]



    Statseeker Users



    Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
    api API Access string G, A, U User API access permission, one of:

    • r
    • rw
    auth Authentication method string G, A, U User authentication method, one of:

    • file
    • ldap
    • radius
    email Email string G, A, U User email address
    exportDateFormat Date Format string G, A, U User specified Date Format
    id ID integer G User Identifier
    is_admin Is Admin integer G, A, U Whether the user has admin access, one of:

    • 0
    • 1
    name Name string G, A (required) User name
    password Password string G, A, U User password
    top_n Top N integer G, A, U The default Top N number for the user
    tz Time Zone string G, A, U User time zone. If not available, the system time zone will be used.
    [reference]  [top]

    Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats, Aggregation Formats, and Field Options

    All Statseeker timeseries data metrics can have a statistical analysis applied to the raw data prior to being displayed in tables or graphs. The combination of stats, formats, and field option values that can be specified for a given metric offer you the flexibility to present your data in a condensed, easy to interpret and meaningful manner.

    Timeseries Stats

    Implemented with:



    stats={"forecast":{"predict_time":"now +30d"}

    Stats Key Description
    forecast Forecast related input options:

    • data_range: Timefilter for the historical data range used to calculate forecasts, the default being 6 months.
    • data_range: Timefilter for the historical data range used to calculate forecasts, the default being 6 months.
    • is_cumulative-[True, False]: Whether to use a cumulative forecasts
    • max: Manually set upper boundary of feasible forecast value range
    • min: Manually set lower boundary of feasible forecast value range
    • predict_time: Time to use for the forecast_predict, forecast_predict_peak or forecast_predict_offpeak values
    percentile The value to use for the percentile format (between 0 and 100)
    trendline Trendline related input options:

    • constrained=[True, False]: Whether to use a constrained trendline
    • is_cumulative-[True, False]: Whether to use a cumulative trendline
    • lwr_stddev: The number of standard deviations to use for the trendline_lwr format
    • predict_time: The time to use for the trendline_predict value
    • upr_stddev: The number of standard deviations to use for the trendline_upr format
    [reference]  [top]

    Timeseries Field Formats

    Implemented with: {field}_formats={formats}

    Format Required Field Option Description
    95th 95th percentile of the data
    anomaly_metric Metric from -100 to 100 indicating whether requested timeseries values are unusually large or small
    anomaly_strength Metric from 0 to 100 indicating whether requested timeseries values are extreme or unusual
    avg Average of the data
    count Number of non-null data points
    cvals Cumulative data values
    forecast_boundary_time forecast.predict_time Time forecast exceeds feasible value range if before end of timefilter range
    forecast_daily_change The average daily change of forecast values
    forecast_fit forecast.predict_range An array of forecast values without periodic deviations at peak and offpeak times
    forecast_max Upper boundary of feasible forecast value range
    forecast_min Lower boundary of feasible forecast value range
    forecast_predict forecast.predict_time Long term prediction value calculated from historical data
    forecast_predict_offpeak forecast.predict_time Long term prediction value calculated from historical data at offpeak times
    forecast_predict_peak forecast.predict_time Long term prediction value calculated from historical data at peak times
    forecast_vals forecast.predict_range An array of forecast values with periodic deviations at peak and offpeak times
    max Maximum data value
    median Median of the data
    min Minimum data value
    percentile Custom percentile of the data
    start_time Time of the first data point
    start_tz_offset The timezone offset of the first data point
    stddev Standard deviation of the data
    total Sum of the data
    trendline_daily_change Slope of the trendline (units/day)
    trendline_fit Trendline data values
    trendline_lwr Trendline confidence interval values (lower)
    trendline_predict trendline.predict_time Prediction value from the trendline
    trendline_start Value of the first trendline data point
    trendline_strength Goodness of fit (R-squared) of the trendline
    trendline_upr Trendline confidence interval values (upper)
    vals Timeseries data values
    [reference]  [top]

    Timeseries Field Options

    Implemented with: {field}_option={value}

    Timeseries Field Option Description
    forecast.max Manually sets a maximum boundary for forecast data
    forecast.min Manually sets a minimum boundary for forecast data
    • A timefilter for forecast output arrays
    • Only the start and end of the timefilter range are used
    forecast.predict_time A timefilter range value for forecast predictions
    • A timefilter for forecast input arrays
    • Only the start and end of the timefilter range are used
    • Defaults to 6 months
    trendline.lwr_stddev Number of standard deviations from trendline to lower bound
    Default = 3
    trendline.predict_time A timefilter range value (e.g. 'now + 5m' or 'end-of-today') used by format trendline_predict for outputting the value of a trendline at trendline.predict_time
    trendline.upper_stddev Number of standard deviations from trendline to upper bound
    Default = 3
    [reference]  [top]

    Timeseries Aggregation Formats

    Implemented with: {field}_aggregation_format={aggregation_format}

    Note: using aggregation, the following rules apply:

    • When the aggregated data is a number - ignore all null values and return the aggregated value required based on non-null values only
    • When the aggregated data is NOT a number - attempt to convert all values to a number prior to aggregation. Any instance of null will result in the aggregated value being returned as null.
    Format Description
    95th The 95th percentile of the values
    avg The average of the values
    cat Concatenation of the values. Not supported for non-scalar formats such as vals
    count The number of rows that match, and have a non-null value
    count_all The number of rows that match, including NULL values
    first The first matching value
    last The last matching value
    list Concatenate values as per the cat format, but return the output as comma separated list of values
    max The maximum value
    median The median value
    min The minimum value
    stddev The standard deviation value
    sum The sum of all values
    total Similar to sum, but returns 0 instead of NULL if there are only NULL values in the data being aggregated
    [reference]  [top]

    Event Formats

    Statseeker event data metrics can have a statistical analysis applied to the raw data prior to being displayed in tables or graphs.

    The availability formats (avl_{format} in the table below) require an additional parameter specifying the state/s in question. This additional parameter syntax is {field}_states={comma separated list of states}. For example: ifOperStatus_states=down,lowerLayerDown.

    Format Description
    avl_inPercent The percent of time the event has been in any of the requested states
    avl_inTime The time the event has been in any of the requested states
    avl_inTransitions The number of transitions from one of the requested states to a state not requested
    avl_outPercent The percent of time the event has not been in any of the states
    avl_outTime The time the event has not been in any of the requested states
    avl_outTransitions The number of transitions from a state that wasn't requested to a requested state
    avl_totalTransitions The total number of transition between all of the states
    poll Whether polling is enabled for the event

    • on : polling enabled
    • off : polling disabled
    state The current state of the event
    state_delta The number of seconds to the previous record
    state_id The current state identifier of the event
    state_inTime The number of seconds that the current state has been active
    state_time The time of of the last transition

    Example of using Event Formats:

    Return the percentage of time that a device was "Up" in the previous month during business hours (Mon-Sat, 6am - 6pm), limit this to devices in the Routers group.

    /api/v2.1/cdt_device?fields=name,ipaddress,ping_state&ping_state_formats=avl_inPercent&ping_state_states=up&ping_state_timefilter=range = start_of_last_month to end_of_last_month;time = 06:00 to 18:00;wday = Mon to Sat;&groups=Routers

    • fields=name,ipaddress,ping_state - fields to return
    • ping_state_formats=avl_inPercent - return the percentage of time that the device in the specified ping state
    • ping_state_states=up - the specified ping state is "up"
    • ping_state_timefilter=range = start_of_last_month to end_of_last_month; time = 06:00 to 18:00; wday = Mon to Sat; - the reporting period is Mon - Sat, 6am - 6pm, last month
    • groups=Routers - only return data on devices in the "Routers" group
    Note: for readability purposes, the above example request string is not URL encoded. To encode the string for use, replace all spaces with %20.
    [reference]  [top]