Statseeker Custom Scripts (SCS) are data description packages provided by Statseeker that can be used to:
- Extend the functionality of a default Statseeker installation
- Address a minor issue though an optional patch
In most cases, the functionality provided by an SCS package is later incorporated into a release of the core Statseeker product.
Statseeker's existing SCS library is available for download to all licensed Statseeker users, contact Customer Support for details.
Installing a Statseeker Custom Script Package
In order to install a previously downloaded SCS package:
- Select Administration Tool > Statseeker Custom Services > Manage Scripts
- Click Choose File browse to your previously downloaded SCS package, select it and click Open
- Click Upload
Once the upload process is complete a summary of the results is displayed
Note: some scripts modify existing report configurations or add additional configuration options. Others add new functionality and can be interacted with (edited, run, etc.) by clicking the associated