Statseeker allows any displayed report to be converted to *.pdf format for the purposes of printing or emailing (both ad-hoc and scheduled emailing, see Emailing and Scheduling Reports for details). When converting these reports, you have extensive options for modifying the report layout and content. The default layout options for PDF reports are configured within the Administration Tool.
These default page size and orientation settings may be overridden, when configuring emailed and scheduled reports, on a per report basis.
Setting Default PDF Layout Configuration
To set the layout defaults:
- Select Administration Tool > Reporting / Scheduling > PDF Configuration
Field | Description |
Page Size | The page/paper size to be used with the report |
Orientation | Standard options of Landscape and Portrait |
Grayscale | Convert the report to display in grayscale |
Margin - Top | Margin is in millimeters.Offset the report content from the top edge of the page |
Margin - Bottom | Margin is in millimeters.Offset the report content from the bottom edge of the page |
Margin - Left | Margin is in millimeters.Offset the report content from the left edge of the page |
Margin - Right | Margin is in millimeters.Offset the report content from the right edge of the page |
- Set the default PDF configuration as required and click Save
The defaults set can be overridden on a case-by-case basis from the pop-up presented when Create PDF is selected from within the report.