

Statseeker’s RESTful API v2.1 r16 (Statseeker v5.6.2) changes the way the API deals with the Discovery process. Anyone initiating Discovery via the API will need to update their scripts to address these changes.

The table below presents the new and updated API endpoints related to the Discovery process and links through to the API descriptions for each.

API Endpoint Description
discover Used to initiate a discovery process with:

  • Requires mode set to one of Discover, Hosts, Manual, or Rewalk
    Note: these values are case-sensitive and differ from those used in earlier API revisions
  • Offers a range of Options which can be passed in as parameters to customize the Discovery, this customization only applies to that Discovery run
discover_config Statseeker stores a single discover_config which provides the default configuration used for all Discovery processes.

This default config:

  • Targets all enabled ip_range_config entities
  • References all snmp_credential entities
  • The default values for iftype, ping_count, ping_rate, ping_skip, and sysdescr are found in Admin Tool > Network Discovery – Advanced Options > Advanced Options, and can be updated in the Admin Tool or via the API

This default discover_config is automatically applied to every Discovery that does not feature an alternate discover_config as a parameter. Including an updated discover_config as a parameter will override the default for that Discovery.

discover_history Contains details of completed Discoveries, including the discover_config used in that Discovery.

Note: when retrieving discover_history records, start and finish are time fields and requirea timefilter (global or field-specific)
discover_hosts Each discover_hosts entity is an entry in the server’s Hosts file, these entities are referenced when discover.mode=Hosts. The Hosts file support both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
ip_range_config IPv4 Range configurations used to target the Discovery process, each consists of:

  • At least one include range
  • Optionally, one or more exclude ranges
  • A list of snmp_credentials IDs
    • Only the listed snmp_credentials will be sent to the IPs in the specified range
    • An empty list will result in all saved snmp_credentials being referenced when attempting to communicate with devices in the specified range
snmp_credential SNMPv1\v2\v3 credential configurations. A default Discovery references all known SNMP credentials when attempting to discover a device.
irc_to_sc_map An entity automatically created when associating snmp_credentials entities with specific ip_range_config entities.

There is no need to interact with this endpoint.


Example Discovery Requests

Default Network Discovery

Network Discovery targeting all enabled IP Address Range configurations and referencing all SNMP Credentials.


Customized Network Discovery

Customize a Network Discovery by specifying an alternate discover_config object. This alternate configuration can restrict the IP Address Ranges or SNMP Credentials used by the discovery, and override any other default Discovery settings.

In this example we:

  • Use ip_range_configurations to specify specific snmp_credentails (identified by their id) to use with each IP Range configuration
  • Override the default iftype and sysdescr rules to further limit the devices and interfaces returned by the Discovery

/api/v2.1/discover/execute?mode=Discover&discover_config={"iftype":["ethernetCsmacd","fastEther","gigabitEthernet"],"ping_count":2,"ping_skip":256,"ping_rate":512,"sysdescr":["include Cisco","include Dell","include HP","include Juniper","include Linux"],"ranges":{"exclude":["","","",""],"include":["",""]},"ip_range_configurations":[{"ip_range":{"exclude":[],"include":[""]},"name":"myIpRange","snmp_credentials":[2]},{"ip_range":{"exclude":[],"include":["10.100.46.[250-255]"]},"name":"anotherIpRange","snmp_credentials":[1]}],"snmp_credentials":[{"id":1,"version":2,"community":"public"},{"id":2,"version":2,"community":"notpublic"}]}

Manual Discovery with SNMPv3 Credentials

Manual Discovery requires a manual_config parameter containing:

  • ipaddress
  • manual_name
  • Either an SNMP Credentials object, or the ping-only option ("ping_only":true)



Ping-Only Discovery using the Hosts File
  • A Ping-Only Discovery via IP Address Ranges is specified by setting mode="Ping Only Discover"
  • A ping-only Discovery via Hosts is specified by setting mode="Hosts" and snmp_versions=[] (an empty array)


Ping-Only Discovery, overriding the default IP Range Configurations with a custom range

/api/v2.1/discover/execute/?mode=Ping Only Discover&discover_config={"ping_count":2,"ping_rate":512,"ping_skip":256,"ranges":{"include":["10.100.59.[252-254]"],"exclude":[]}}

Rewalk Select Groups of Devices

The Rewalk can target all known devices, select devices, or select groups of devices. The groups option requires an array of group names.


Retrieving Historical Discovery Records

Returning details on completed Discoveries that were initiated since the start of the day.

/api/v2.1/discover_history/?fields=mode,status,start,details,logfile&timefilter=range=start-of-today to now&timefmt=%A %H:%M:%S (%y-%m-%d)


  • The start and finish fields are time fields, so when requested they must be accompanied by a timefilter (global or field-specific)
  • By default, time fields are returned in epoch time, the timefmt parameter can be applied to turn this value into a more readable format. See Resource Endpoint for details on timefmt and other generic GET request parameters


Adding an IP Range Configuration

Adding a new IP Address Range Configuration requires a POST request to the ip_range_config including the configuration as a JSON object in the body of the request.

In this example we specify:

  • A single include range:
  • Multiple exclude ranges: 10.100.58.[15-240] & 10.100.58.[5-10]
  • A name for the IP Address Range Configuration: MyNewRangeConfig

curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>" \
	-X POST \
	"https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/ip_range_config/?indent=3" \
	-d '{"data":[{"ip_range":{"include":[""],"exclude":["10.100.58.[15-240]","10.100.58.[5-10]"]},"enabled":0,"name":"MyNewRangeConfig"}]}'

# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests
import json
def do_request(server, query, user, pword, reqData):
    # Run auth request
    headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
    url = f'https://{server}/ss-auth'
    authData = {'user': user, 'password': pword}
    resp =, headers=headers, data=authData, verify=False)
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
    url = f'https://{server}/{query}'
    print(f'Get Auth Token: {resp.status_code}')
    if resp.status_code == 200:    
        # Authentication successful
        myToken = resp.json()
        headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {myToken["access_token"]}'
        resp =, headers=headers, data=reqData, verify=False)
    if resp.status_code == 401:
        print(f'Token auth failed: {resp.status_code}, trying basic auth')
        # Either Authentication was unsuccessful, or API set to use basic auth
        # Try basic auth
        resp =, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=reqData, verify=False)
    return resp

# Statseeker Server IP
server = 'your.statseeker.server'
# credentials
user = 'api_user'
pword = 'user_password'
# API root endpoint
query = 'api/v2.1'
# specify target endpoint
query += '/ip_range_config'
# optional response formatting
query += '/?indent=3&links=none'
# data
reqData = json.dumps({"data":[{"ip_range":{"include":[""],"exclude":["10.100.58.[15-240]","10.100.58.[5-10]"]},"enabled":0,"name":"MyNewRangeConfig"}]})
# Run the request
resp = do_request(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
if resp.status_code == 200:
    print(f'Error: {resp.status_code} {resp.reason}')

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require "rest_client"
require "json"
require "base64"

def try_basic(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
	headers = {
		:content_type => "application/json"
	url = "https://" + server + "/" + query
	headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + Base64.encode64("#{user}:#{pword}")
	return RestClient::Request.execute(
		:method => :post,
		:url => url,
		:headers => headers,
		:verify_ssl => false,
		:payload => reqData

def do_request(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
    # Run auth request
    headers = {
        :content_type => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    url = "https://" + server + "/ss-auth"
    authData = {
       :user => user,
       :password => pword
        resp = RestClient::Request.execute(
            :method => :post,
            :url => url,
            :headers => headers,
            :verify_ssl => false,
            :payload => authData
    rescue RestClient::Unauthorized
		# bad credentials
        try_basic(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
        # Authentication successful
		headers = {
		:content_type => "application/json"
        url = "https://" + server + "/" + query
        rdata = JSON.parse(resp)
        headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + rdata.fetch("access_token")
        return RestClient::Request.execute(
			:method => :post,
			:url => url,
			:headers => headers,
			:verify_ssl => false,
			:payload => reqData
	rescue RestClient::Unauthorized
		# Statseeker may be configured for basic auth
        try_basic(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
# Statseeker Server IP
$server = 'your.statseeker.server'
# api user credentials
$user = 'api_user'
$pword = 'user_password'
# api root endpoint
$query = 'api/v2.1'
# specify target endpoint
$query += '/ip_range_config'
# optional response formatting
$query += '/?indent=3&links=none'
# configure payload
$reqData = '{"data":[{"ip_range":{"include":[""],"exclude":["10.100.58.[15-240]","10.100.58.[5-10]"]},"enabled":0,"name":"MyNewRangeConfig"}]}'
# Run the request
resp = do_request($server, $query, $user, $pword, $reqData)
puts "#{resp.to_str}"

    "version": "2.1",
    "revision": "16",
    "info": "The Statseeker RESTful API",
    "data": {
        "success": true,
        "errmsg": "ok",
        "time": 1726455388,
        "objects": [
                "type": "ip_range_config",
                "sequence": 3,
                "status": {
                    "success": true,
                    "errcode": 0
                "data_total": 1,
                "data": [
                        "enabled": 0,
                        "ip_range": {
                            "include": [
                            "exclude": [
                        "name": "MyNewRangeConfig",
                        "id": 2
Note: the above example doesn’t specify which SNMNP Credentials to associate with the IP Range. If a Discovery was run against this IP range configuration, all SNMP Credentials would be referenced and an irc_to_sc_map entity would be created for each snmp_credential that at least one IP responded to.

If you would like to restrict which SNMP Credentials are referenced when running Discovery against the IP range, then it can be specified in the ip_range_config by setting snmp_credentials – this field takes a list of snmp_credential IDs.




Updating an IP Range Configuration

Updating an IP Address Range Configuration requires a PUT request to the ip_range_config including the configuration changes as a JSON object in the body of the request.

In this example we:

  • Apply a filter to the name filter to identify the ip_range_config to be updated
  • Specify an alternate set of exclude ranges by updating the ip_range field
    Note: the update is performed by replacing the existing ip_range value with a new value. A valid ip_range value requires at least one include range statement, so even though we are only updating the exclude statement, we are required to also specify an include statement.

curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>" \
	-X PUT \
	"https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/ip_range_config/?links=none&indent=3" \
	-d '{"fields":{"name":{"field":"name","filter":{"query":"='MyNewRangeConfig'"}}},"data":[{"ip_range":{"include":[""],"exclude":["10.100.58.[15-240]"]}}]}'

# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests
import json
def do_request(server, query, user, pword, reqData):
    # Run auth request
    headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
    url = f'https://{server}/ss-auth'
    authData = {'user': user, 'password': pword}
    resp =, headers=headers, data=authData, verify=False)
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
    url = f'https://{server}/{query}'
    print(f'Get Auth Token: {resp.status_code}')
    if resp.status_code == 200:    
        # Authentication successful
        myToken = resp.json()
        headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {myToken["access_token"]}'
        resp = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=reqData, verify=False)
    if resp.status_code == 401:
        print(f'Token auth failed: {resp.status_code}, trying basic auth')
        # Either Authentication was unsuccessful, or API set to use basic auth
        # Try basic auth
        resp = requests.put(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=reqData, verify=False)
    return resp

# Statseeker Server IP
server = 'your.statseeker.server'
# credentials
user = 'api_user'
pword = 'user_password'
# API root endpoint
query = 'api/v2.1'
# specify target endpoint
query += '/ip_range_config'
# optional response formatting
query += '/?indent=3&links=none'
# data
reqData = json.dumps({"fields":{"name":{"field":"name","filter":{"query":"='MyNewRangeConfig'"}}},"data":[{"ip_range":{"include":[""],"exclude":["10.100.58.[15-240]"]}}]})
# Run the request
resp = do_request(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
if resp.status_code == 200:
    print(f'Error: {resp.status_code} {resp.reason}')

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require "rest_client"
require "json"
require "base64"

def try_basic(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
	headers = {
		:content_type => "application/json"
	url = "https://" + server + "/" + query
	headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + Base64.encode64("#{user}:#{pword}")
	return RestClient::Request.execute(
		:method => :post,
		:url => url,
		:headers => headers,
		:verify_ssl => false,
		:payload => reqData

def do_request(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
    # Run auth request
    headers = {
        :content_type => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    url = "https://" + server + "/ss-auth"
    authData = {
       :user => user,
       :password => pword
        resp = RestClient::Request.execute(
            :method => :post,
            :url => url,
            :headers => headers,
            :verify_ssl => false,
            :payload => authData
    rescue RestClient::Unauthorized
		# bad credentials
        try_basic(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
        # Authentication successful
		headers = {
		:content_type => "application/json"
        url = "https://" + server + "/" + query
        rdata = JSON.parse(resp)
        headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + rdata.fetch("access_token")
        return RestClient::Request.execute(
			:method => :put,
			:url => url,
			:headers => headers,
			:verify_ssl => false,
			:payload => reqData
	rescue RestClient::Unauthorized
		# Statseeker may be configured for basic auth
        try_basic(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
# Statseeker Server IP
$server = 'your.statseeker.server'
# api user credentials
$user = 'api_user'
$pword = 'user_password'
# api root endpoint
$query = 'api/v2.1'
# specify target endpoint
$query += '/ip_range_config'
# optional response formatting
$query += '/?indent=3&links=none'
# configure payload
$reqData = '{"fields":{"name":{"field":"name","filter":{"query":"='MyNewRangeConfig'"}}},"data":[{"ip_range":{"include":[""],"exclude":["10.100.58.[15-240]"]}}]}'
# Run the request
resp = do_request($server, $query, $user, $pword, $reqData)
puts "#{resp.to_str}"




   "info":"The Statseeker RESTful API",








Deleting an IP Range Configuration

Deleting an IP Address Range Configuration requires a DELETE request to the ip_range_config

In this example we apply a filter to the name filter to identify the ip_range_config to be deleted.


curl \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>" \
	"https://your.statseeker.server/api/v2.1/ip_range_config/?links=none&indent=3" \
	-d '{"fields":{"name":{"field":"name","filter":{"query":"='MyNewRangeConfig'"}}}}'

# import requests for handling connection and encoding
import requests
import json
def do_request(server, query, user, pword, reqData):
    # Run auth request
    headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
    url = f'https://{server}/ss-auth'
    authData = {'user': user, 'password': pword}
    resp =, headers=headers, data=authData, verify=False)
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
    url = f'https://{server}/{query}'
    print(f'Get Auth Token: {resp.status_code}')
    if resp.status_code == 200:    
        # Authentication successful
        myToken = resp.json()
        headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {myToken["access_token"]}'
        resp = requests.delete(url, headers=headers, data=reqData, verify=False)
    if resp.status_code == 401:
        print(f'Token auth failed: {resp.status_code}, trying basic auth')
        # Either Authentication was unsuccessful, or API set to use basic auth
        # Try basic auth
        resp = requests.delete(url, headers=headers, auth=(user, pword), data=reqData, verify=False)
    return resp

# Statseeker Server IP
server = 'your.statseeker.server'
# credentials
user = 'api_user'
pword = 'user_password'
# API root endpoint
query = 'api/v2.1'
# specify target endpoint
query += '/ip_range_config'
# optional response formatting
query += '/?indent=3&links=none'
# data
reqData = json.dumps({"fields":{"name":{"field":"name","filter":{"query":"='MyNewRangeConfig'"}}}})
# Run the request
resp = do_request(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
if resp.status_code == 200:
    print(f'Error: {resp.status_code} {resp.reason}')

# install with: $ gem install rest-client
require "rest_client"
require "json"
require "base64"

def try_basic(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
	headers = {
		:content_type => "application/json"
	url = "https://" + server + "/" + query
	headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + Base64.encode64("#{user}:#{pword}")
	return RestClient::Request.execute(
		:method => :post,
		:url => url,
		:headers => headers,
		:verify_ssl => false,
		:payload => reqData

def do_request(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
    # Run auth request
    headers = {
        :content_type => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    url = "https://" + server + "/ss-auth"
    authData = {
       :user => user,
       :password => pword
        resp = RestClient::Request.execute(
            :method => :post,
            :url => url,
            :headers => headers,
            :verify_ssl => false,
            :payload => authData
    rescue RestClient::Unauthorized
		# bad credentials
        try_basic(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
        # Authentication successful
		headers = {
		:content_type => "application/json"
        url = "https://" + server + "/" + query
        rdata = JSON.parse(resp)
        headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + rdata.fetch("access_token")
        return RestClient::Request.execute(
			:method => :delete,
			:url => url,
			:headers => headers,
			:verify_ssl => false,
			:payload => reqData
	rescue RestClient::Unauthorized
		# Statseeker may be configured for basic auth
        try_basic(server, query, user, pword, reqData)
# Statseeker Server IP
$server = 'your.statseeker.server'
# api user credentials
$user = 'api_user'
$pword = 'user_password'
# api root endpoint
$query = 'api/v2.1'
# specify target endpoint
$query += '/ip_range_config'
# optional response formatting
$query += '/?indent=3&links=none'
# configure payload
$reqData = '{"fields":{"name":{"field":"name","filter":{"query":"='MyNewRangeConfig'"}}}}'
# Run the request
resp = do_request($server, $query, $user, $pword, $reqData)
puts "#{resp.to_str}"




   "info":"The Statseeker RESTful API",








Discovery Related API Endpoints





Discovery Process

Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
config Config json G A JSON object containing the configuration options used for the discovery process
details Details json G A JSON object containing details about what has occurred in the discovery process
duration Duration integer G The length of time the discovery process has taken
finish Finish Time time G The timestamp that the discovery process finished
id ID integer G Unique Identifier for the discovery process
logfile Log File string G The filesystem location of the log file for the discovery process
mode Mode string G The mode the discovery process was run in
One of:

  • Hosts – Host Discovery
  • Rewalk – Rewalk
  • Manual – Manual Device Addition
  • Discover – Network Discovery
start Start Time time G The timestamp that the discovery process started
status Status string G The current status of the discovery process
user User string G The user that triggered the discover process (‘auto’ if triggered automatically)
Option Description
block Block if another discover is running (default to false)

false: Return an error if another discover is running

true: Block if another discover is running

data A configuration used for specifying IP Ranges

datafile Path to config file containing IP Range Configuration (uploaded)

devices Optional array of devices to rewalk (for ‘Rewalk’ mode only)

discover_add_ping_only When running an snmp discovery, if a device is pingable, but doesn’t respond to snmp, still add device as ping only(Defaults to false)

false: Don’t add devices as ping only devices when devices do not respond to snmp

true: Add devices which don’t respond to snmp as ping only devices (Default only when snmp_versions is an empty list)

discover_adminstatus Override Advanced options for interface admin status polling

false: Disable interface admin status polling for newly discovered devices.

true: Enable interface admin status polling for newly discovered devices.

discover_config Override discover configuration.

discover_getNext Discover using SNMP getNext (Not valid for ‘Rewalk’, defaults to false)

false: Use bulk requests for discovery

true: Use getNext requests for discovery

discover_grouping If runPostProcessing is enabled, create groups based on configured autogroup rules (Defaults to discover_grouping in Advanced Options)

false: Even if runPostProcessing is enabled, don’t run the configured autogrouping rules

true: If runPostProcessing is enabled, run the configured autogrouping rules

discover_minimal Perform minimal discover (Not valid for ‘Rewalk’, defaults to false)

false: Perform full discover

true: Perform minimal discover (only walk a few core tables)

discover_nucast Override Advanced options for Non Unicast monitoring

global: Set non unicast polling based on Advanced options value

off: Override Advanced options and disable non unicast polling for newly discovered interfaces

on: Override Advanced options and enable non unicast polling for newly discovered interface

discover_operstatus Override Advanced options for interface operstatus polling

false: Disable interface operstatus polling for newly discovered devices.

true: Enable interface operstatus polling for newly discovered devices.

discover_prune_existing_devices When running a discover, Don’t include IP addresses already in Product (Defaults to false)

false: Include IP Addresses already in Product when performing a discovery

true: Don’t include IP Addresses already in Product when performing a discovery

discover_rules Override Custom Data Type discover rules.

email A array of email addresses. When select the output log will be emailed to these addresses on completion of the task. If a ‘logfile’ is specified, the logfile will be kept, otherwise a temporary logfile is used which is later removed. If a ‘subject’ is given, this will be used for the email subject, otherwise a default subject line is used

groups Optional array of groups to rewalk (for ‘Rewalk’ mode only)

interface_speed_autogrouping If runPostProcessing is enabled, create groups based on interface speeds (Defaults to discover_grouping in Advanced Options)

false: Even if runPostProcessing is enabled, don’t run the interface autogrouping

true: If runPostProcessing is enabled, run the interface autogrouping

interface_type_autogrouping If runPostProcessing is enabled, create groups based on interface types (Defaults to discover_grouping in Advanced Options)

false: Even if runPostProcessing is enabled, don’t run the interface autogrouping

true: If runPostProcessing is enabled, run the interface autogrouping

logfile Path to store the discover log (defaults to ~/nim/etc/discover.log)

manual_config Manual Configuration which has been generated from a previous discover (after processing data or datafile)

manual_force_add When running a manual discover, Force add devices from configuration into Product (Defaults to false)

false: Only add devices into product if device is both ping and snmp discoverable

true: Even if IP address is not pingable, and snmp fails, still add device to Product based on configuration

mode The type of discovery to run

Discover: Discover all devices in the ip ranges file

Hosts: Discover devices from the host file

Manual: Discover using provided configuration

Ping Only Discover: Discover all devices in the ip ranges via icmp only

Rewalk: Rewalk devices that have already been discovered

ping_only_force_add When running a Ping Only Discover, Force add ping only devices for secondary IP addresses of monitored devices (Defaults to false)

false: Only add devices into product if device is ping discoverable and doesn’t already exist

true: Even if IP address is associated to monitored device, add device as a ping only device

rediscover_custom_data_types When walking custom data type tables, try to rediscover Custom Data types if already discovered (Defaults to false)

false: Only walk tables of entity types already discovered for device

true: Walk all snmp tables associated to defined entity types.

retest_snmp_credentials re-test snmp credentials for know devices

all: Re-test snmp credentials for all existing devices

down: Re-test snmp credentials for existing devices which a ping up, but snmp down

none: Don’t re-test snmp credentials for existing devices

runPostProcessing Whether to run discover post-processing steps. Currently this includes Autogrouping and the Hardware Inventory report generation. This will result in a quicker discover but means that the added devices won’t be added to any Autogroups or the Hardware Inventory report until the next full discover. (defaults to true)

false: Don’t perform post processing steps

true: Perform post processing steps

snmp_max_files Maximum number of walk files opened by an Snmpwalk(Defaults to value in snmp.cfg)

snmp_max_repetitions SNMP Max Repetition to use for each walk (Defaults to value in snmp.cfg)

snmp_retry_count SNMP Retry Count to use for each walk command (Defaults to 2)

snmp_timeout SNMP Timeout in seconds to use for each get command (Defaults to 5)

snmp_versions Array of SNMP versions to check during a discovery (defaults to [ 2, 3 ]
snmp_walk_timeout SNMP Timeout in seconds to use for each walk command (Defaults value defined in Advanced options or 10)

snmp_window_size SNMP Window Size to use for each walk command (Defaults to 10)

snmperrlog Enable SNMP error logging (default to false)

false: Disable SNMP error logging

true: Enable SNMP error logging

subject The subject line to use if the ’email’ option is specified

verbose Verbose level for the output (defaults to 0)

0: Disable verbose output

1: Enable verbose output (low)

2: Enable verbose output (medium)

3: Enable verbose output (high)


Discover Configuration




The configuration options for Statseeker’s discovery mechanism

Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
id ID integer G Discover config identifier/key
iftype Interface Types object G, U Comma separated list of interface types to include
ip_range_configurations Per IP Address Range Configuration object G A list of Discover Configuration objects associated to IP Address Ranges
ping_count Ping Run Count integer G, U Number of passes for the ping discover
ping_rate Ping Rate integer G, U Number of pings to send per second
ping_skip Ping Skip integer G, U Number of ipaddress to skip between each ping
ranges Ranges object G Comma separated discover ranges (using include/exclude syntax)
snmp_credentials SNMP Credentials object G A list of SNMP Credentials to use for discovery
sysdescr SysDescr object G, U Comma separated SysDescr values to decide which devices to discover


Discover History




This object contains details about current and past discovery and rewalk processes.

Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
config Config json G, A (required) A JSON object containing the configuration options used for the discovery process
datafile Data File string G, A, U The filesystem location of the compress data file for the discovery process(This may be removed based on data autorotation)
details Details json G, A, U A JSON object containing details about what has occurred in the discovery process
duration Duration integer G, A, U The length of time the discovery process has taken
finish Finish Time time G, A, U The timestamp that the discovery process finished
id ID integer G Unique Identifier for the discovery process
logfile Log File string G, A, U The filesystem location of the log file for the discovery process(This may be removed based on log autorotation
mode Mode string G, A (required) The mode the discovery process was run in
One of:

  • Manual – Manual Device Addition
  • Ping Only Discover – Ping Only Discovery
  • Hosts – Host Discovery
  • Rewalk – Rewalk
  • Discover – Network Discovery
start Start Time time G, A (required) The timestamp that the discovery process started
status Status string G, A, U The current status of the discovery process
user User string G, A (required) The user that triggered the discover process (‘auto’ if triggered automatically)


Discover Hosts




Hosts used for discovery

Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
enable Enabled integer G, A, U Whether this host is enabled for discovery (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
hostname Hostname string G, A (required), U Name of the host
id ID integer G Host identifier
ipaddress IP Address string G, A (required), U IP address of the host


IP Range Configuration




This defines the IP Ranges

Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
enabled Enabled integer G, A, U Indicates whether this IP Range Configuration has been enabled.
id ID integer G, A, U IP Range Configuration ID
ip_range IP Range json G, A (required), U An object containing include and exclude arrays of IPv4 and IPv6 Ranges.
name Name string G, A (required), U Name of IP Range Configuration
snmp_credentials SNMP Credential IDs object G, A, U Array of SNMP Credential IDs (add and update only)

Format Description
list Array of snmp_credential ids to assign to this configuration
Link Description Link Target
IRCtoSCMapLink Link to IP Range Configuration to SNMP Credential Map irc_to_sc_map


IP Range Configuration to SNMP Credential Map




This is an intermediate table for linking IP Range Configurations to SNMP Credentials

Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
id ID integer G, A, U SNMP Credential identifier/key
ip_range_config IP Range Configuration integer G, A (required), U ID of the IP Range Configuration
snmp_credential SNMP Credential ID integer G, A (required), U ID of the SNMP Credential
Link Description Link Target
ipRangeConfigLink Link to IP Range Configuration ip_range_config
snmpCredentialLink Link to SNMP Credential snmp_credential


SNMP Credential Details




The saved SNMP Credentials which are used for discovery and associating to SNMP monitored devices

Field ID Field Title Type Get, Add, Update Description
auth_method Authentication string G, A, U The SNMPv3 Authentication Method
One of:

  • None – None
  • SHA256 – SHA256
  • SHA1 – SHA1
  • MD5 – MD5
  • SHA224 – SHA224
  • SHA384 – SHA384
  • SHA512 – SHA512
auth_pass Authentication Password string G, A, U The Password to use when authenticating an SNMPv3 request
auth_user Authentication User string G, A, U The Username to use when authenticating an SNMPv3 request
community Community string G, A, U SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 community string
context Context string G, A, U The SNMPv3 Context
id ID integer G SNMP Credential identifier/key
ip_range_configs IP Range Config IDs object G, A, U Array of IP Range Configs IDs (add and update only)

Format Description
list Array of ip_range_config ids to assign to this configuration
name Name string G, A (required), U Name identifer for SNMP Credentials
priv_method Privacy string G, A, U The Privacy Method used when encrypting/decrypting SNMPv3 requests and responses
One of:

  • DES – DES
  • DES3 – Triple DES
  • AES192 – AES 192
  • AES512 – AES 512
  • None – None
  • AES – AES
  • AES256 – AES 256
priv_pass Privacy Password string G, A, U The Password to use when encrypting/decrypting SNMPv3 requests and responses
version SNMP Version integer G, A (required), U The SNMP version
Option Description
auth_pass_encrypted Indicates whether auth_pass has already been encrypted when calling add or update

false: Indicates that auth_pass has not been encrypted (default if not provided)

true: Indicates that auth_pass has already been encrypted

priv_pass_encrypted Indicates whether priv_pass has already been encrypted when calling add or update

false: Indicates that priv_pass has not been encrypted (default if not provided)

true: Indicates that priv_pass has already been encrypted
Link Description Link Target
IRCtoSCMapLink Link to IP Range Configuration to SNMP Credential Map irc_to_sc_map
