
How do I delete a device?

There are two ways to delete a device.

  • From the Console:
    • Select Report List > General > Device Details
    • Click to select the device entry in the Device column
    • Click Delete
  • From the Administration Tool
    • Select Network Discover > Delete/Retire Devices
    • Click to select a device from the list provided. Hold Shift while clicking to select groups of devices and Ctrl to add an additional device to the selection
    • Click Delete


How do I rename or re-IP a device?

From the Console:

  • Select Report List > General > Device Details

To rename a device:

  • Click to select the device entry in the Device column
  • Enter a new device name
  • Click Rename

To re-IP a device:

  • Click to select the existing device IP entry in the IPAddress column
  • Enter the required IP
  • Set Flags to Lock
  • Click Save


What happens when I Retire a device?

When a device is retired, it is no longer polled and no new data will be collected for it, but all historical data for that device remains. Retired devices are tagged with a tilde (~) in front of their name and can be found at the bottom of the Device Filter list

Action Details
Rename the device
  • All polling and data collection for the device will be disabled
  • A retired device will no longer count towards licensing limits
  • All historical and configuration data relating to the device is retained
  • The device is renamed, prepended with ~ and appended with -retired.
    • e.g. Melb-Router-1 becomes ~Melb-Router-1-retired

    This pushes all retired devices to the bottom of the devices list and allows a replacement device to take the same name as the old device.

Stop polling ping and SNMP polling are set to off
Stop Mac/IP and inventory data collection Inventory reporting and discovery will be disabled for the device
Regroup the device
  • Remove the device from all groups
  • Add the device to the Retired Devices group
Filter status reports The device will not appear in any current device status reports
Edit Hosts File If the device appeared in the Hosts File, remove it
Edit SNMP Conf If the device appeared in the SNMP Conf file, remove it
Note: the IP address assigned to a retired device/interface cannot be reused. If you wish to reuse the IP address, then change the address of the device to a range reserved for the purpose prior to retiring.


How do I make a device active again after deleting or retiring?

Unfortunately, there is no way to undelete or unretire a device and retain its historical data. A new device with the same name and IP can be discovered to replace the deleted one, but it will only have data from the time of discovery onward.

If you want to replace a retired device, you will need to delete the device and then rediscover the device. Again, data will only exist from the time of discovery onward.


How do I change the device details?

From the Console go to:

  • Report List > General > Device Details

The following options can be changed by clicking on a column entry to open the NIM Config Editor for that value:

  • Device – rename or delete the device
  • IP Address – change the IP address, lock/nolock
  • Ping – poll on / off
  • SNMP – poll on / off
  • Community/Credentials – SNMP credentials


How do I turn Ping or SNMP Polling off for a device?

Ping Polling and SNMP polling for a device can be disabled from within the Device Details report. From the Console:

  • select Report List > General > Device Details
  • Click an entry in either the Ping or SNMP columns to toggle the setting

Changes can also be made using the Config Tool, see Administration Tool > Expert Tools > Config Tool. Extreme caution must be taken using this tool, please contact Statseeker Technical Support for assistance.


How do I change the interface details?

From the Console:

  • Select Report List > Interfaces (or Frame Relay, as required) > Details

The following options can be changed by clicking on a column entry to open the NIM Config Editor for that value:

  • Title – the interface title you wish to see appear in reports
  • Speed – the Speed of the interface used for calculations and reporting
  • Tx – the Tx speed for calculations and reporting
  • Rx – the Rx speed for calculations and reporting
  • Oper – polling ifOperStatus on interfaces
  • Non-Unicast – polling of non-unicast packet counters including multicast and broadcast where available
  • Poll – sets polling on or off (off will stop Statseeker polling interface
  • lock – will lock the fields so that future SNMP walks do not change these fields
  • nolock – values will change when a new value for the SNMP object is found during a rewalk


How do I manually configure speed on an interface?

Associated with each interface are several speeds, these appear in the Interface Detail report as:

  • Speed – the interface speed that was set from ifSpeed when a device was last walked
  • RX – the Receive speed
  • TX – the Transmit speed

These speeds are inherited from the Speed setting when walking the devices. This works for symmetrical interfaces, but for asymmetrical interfaces, the ifInSpeed and ifOutSpeed must be manually set.

To manually set the speed on an interface:

  • Select the device in the Device list
  • From the Console select Report List > General > Device Details
  • Select Report List > Interfaces: > Details
  • Click the Speed, TX or RX value to be configured
  • The NIM Config Editor box will appear.

  • Set the speed in bytes/s (1 Gig = 1000000000 bytes)
  • Set Flags to Lock
  • Click Save


How does Statseeker handle asynchronous speeds on Interfaces?

The Rx and Tx values for asynchronous links must be manually set, see How do I manually configure speed on an interface? for details.
