- Resource-Level Endpoints Reference
- Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats, Aggregation Formats and Options
- Event Formats
Resource-Level Endpoints Reference
- cdt_aci_application (ACI Application Profile)
- cdt_aci_bridge_domain (ACI Bridging Domain)
- cdt_aci_cep (ACI Client Endpoint)
- cdt_aci_epg (ACI Endpoint Groups)
- cdt_aci_fault (ACI Fault)
- cdt_aci_fault_summary (ACI Fault Summary)
- cdt_aci_node (ACI Node)
- cdt_aci_pod (ACI Pod)
- cdt_aci_subnet (ACI Subnet)
- cdt_aci_tenant (ACI Tenant)
- cdt_aci_vrf (ACI Private Network)
- cdt_apcon_port (Apcon Interface)
- cdt_appnav_cisco (Cisco APPNAV)
- cdt_bgp_peer (BGP Peer)
- cdt_bgp_peer_addr_family_prefix_cisco (BGP Peer Address Family Prefix - Cisco)
- cdt_bgp_peer_cisco (BGP Peer - Cisco)
- cdt_bgp_peer_juniper (BGP Peer - Juniper)
- cdt_bluecoat_proxy_client (Blue Coat - Proxy Clients)
- cdt_checkpoint_firewall (Checkpoint Firewall)
- cdt_checkpoint_vpn_sessions (Checkpoint VPN Sessions)
- cdt_cisco_activeDS0 (Cisco Active DS0)
- cdt_cisco_call_stats (Cisco Call Stats)
- cdt_cisco_cb_qos_class_map_config (Cisco CB QoS Config - ClassMap)
- cdt_cisco_cb_qos_class_map_data (Cisco CB QoS Data - Class)
- cdt_cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_class (Cisco CB QoS Config - Policy/Class)
- cdt_cisco_cb_qos_match_data (Cisco CB QoS Data - Match)
- cdt_cisco_cb_qos_match_map_config (Cisco CB QoS Config - Match)
- cdt_cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_config (Cisco CB QoS Config - PolicyMap)
- cdt_cisco_cb_qos_queue_data (Cisco CB QoS Data - Queue)
- cdt_cisco_cb_qos_queue_map_config (Cisco CB QoS Config - Queue)
- cdt_cisco_cdp_cache (Cisco Discovery Protocol Cache)
- cdt_cisco_eigrp (Cisco EIGRP)
- cdt_cisco_eigrp_peer (Cisco EIGRP Peer)
- cdt_cisco_fan (Cisco Fan Monitoring)
- cdt_cisco_fib_tcam (Cisco TCAM Entries)
- cdt_cisco_firewall_connections (Cisco Firewall Connections)
- cdt_cisco_fru (Cisco FRU)
- cdt_cisco_if_extension (Cisco IF Extension)
- cdt_cisco_ipsec_global (Cisco VPN Global Tunnels)
- cdt_cisco_ipsec_tun (Cisco VPN Tunnels)
- cdt_cisco_ipsla (Cisco IPSLA)
- cdt_cisco_nbar (Cisco NBAR)
- cdt_cisco_vpn_profiles (Cisco VPN Profiles)
- cdt_cisco_vpn_sessions (Cisco VPN Sessions)
- cdt_cisco_wan_3g (Cisco WAN 3G)
- cdt_cisco_wan_3g_nearby_cells (Cisco WAN 3G Nearby Cells)
- cdt_cisco_wan_4g (Cisco WAN 4G)
- cdt_cisco_wsa_cache (Cisco WSA (Web Security Appliance))
- cdt_citrix_netscaler_vpn_stats (Citrix Netscaler AAA Stats)
- cdt_connections_riverbed (Riverbed WAN Accelerator)
- cdt_cpu (CPU)
- cdt_cpu_alcatel (CPU - Alcatel)
- cdt_cpu_alcatel_aos7 (CPU - Alcatel - AOS7)
- cdt_cpu_alteon (CPU - Alteon)
- cdt_cpu_aruba (CPU - Aruba)
- cdt_cpu_avaya_rc (CPU - Avaya RC)
- cdt_cpu_avaya_s5 (CPU - Avaya S5)
- cdt_cpu_bluecoat (CPU - BlueCoat)
- cdt_cpu_cisco (CPU - Cisco)
- cdt_cpu_cisco_asa (CPU - Cisco ASA)
- cdt_cpu_cisco_nexus (CPU - Cisco Nexus)
- cdt_cpu_cisco_san (CPU - Cisco SAN)
- cdt_cpu_cisco_wsa (CPU - Cisco WSA)
- cdt_cpu_cisco_wsa_cache (CPU - Cisco WSA Cache)
- cdt_cpu_dell (CPU - Dell)
- cdt_cpu_dell_F10_S (CPU - Dell F10 S)
- cdt_cpu_dell_dnos (CPU - Dell DNOS)
- cdt_cpu_dell_x (CPU - Dell X Series)
- cdt_cpu_extreme (CPU - Extreme)
- cdt_cpu_extreme_vsp (CPU - Extreme VSP)
- cdt_cpu_fortinet_fortigate (CPU - Fortinet Fortigate)
- cdt_cpu_foundry (CPU - Foundry)
- cdt_cpu_foundry_mlx (CPU - Foundry MLX)
- cdt_cpu_freebsd (CPU - FreeBSD)
- cdt_cpu_juniper (CPU - Juniper)
- cdt_cpu_juniper_pulse (CPU - Juniper Pulse)
- cdt_cpu_juniper_srx (CPU - Juniper SRX)
- cdt_cpu_netscaler (CPU - NetScaler)
- cdt_cpu_netscreen (CPU - Netscreen)
- cdt_cpu_nokia (CPU - Nokia)
- cdt_cpu_procurve (CPU - Procurve)
- cdt_cpu_server (CPU - Server)
- cdt_cpu_ucd (CPU - UCD)
- cdt_cpu_viptela (CPU - Viptela)
- cdt_dell_inventory (Dell DNOS System Information)
- cdt_device (Device)
- cdt_device_apic (APIC)
- cdt_device_freebsd (Device - FreeBSD)
- cdt_device_oa (Observability Appliance)
- cdt_dhcp_infoblox_scopes (Infoblox - DHCP)
- cdt_dhcp_infoblox_stats (Infoblox - DHCP Stats)
- cdt_dhcp_microsoft_scopes (DHCP Scopes - Microsoft)
- cdt_dhcp_microsoft_stats (DHCP Stats - Microsoft)
- cdt_diskio (Disk IO - FreeBSD)
- cdt_dns_infoblox_stats (Infoblox - DNS)
- cdt_dns_infoblox_zone (Infoblox - DNS - Zone)
- cdt_eip_dhcp (EIP DHCP)
- cdt_eip_dns (EIP DNS)
- cdt_env_mon (Environment Monitors)
- cdt_env_mon_apc_ems (APC Environment Management System)
- cdt_env_mon_apc_internal (APC Internal Environment Monitor)
- cdt_env_mon_enviromux_external_dewpoint (Enviromux Environmental Monitoring - External - Dew Point)
- cdt_env_mon_enviromux_external_humidity (Enviromux Environmental Monitoring - External - Humidity)
- cdt_env_mon_enviromux_external_temperature (Enviromux Environmental Monitoring - External - Temperature)
- cdt_env_mon_enviromux_internal_dewpoint (Enviromux Environmental Monitoring - Internal - Dew Point)
- cdt_env_mon_enviromux_internal_humidity (Enviromux Environmental Monitoring - Internal - Humidty)
- cdt_env_mon_enviromux_internal_temperature (Enviromux Environmental Monitoring - Internal - Temperature)
- cdt_env_mon_geist_internal (Geist Internal Environment Monitor)
- cdt_env_mon_interseptor (Interseptor Environment Monitor)
- cdt_env_mon_vertiv (Vertiv Environmental Monitoring)
- cdt_f5_apm_sessions (F5 APM Sessions)
- cdt_f5_bigip_interface (F5 Big IP Monitoring)
- cdt_f5_firewall_connections (F5 Firewall Connections)
- cdt_f5_loadbalancer_ltm_pool (F5 Load Balancer LTM Pool)
- cdt_f5_loadbalancer_ltm_pool_member (F5 Load Balancer LTM Pool Member)
- cdt_f5_loadbalancer_ltm_virtual_server (F5 Load Balancer LTM Virtual Server)
- cdt_fan_sensor (Sensor - Fan)
- cdt_fan_sensor_cisco (Sensor - Fan - Cisco)
- cdt_fan_sensor_entity (Sensor - Fan - Entity)
- cdt_filesystem (File System)
- cdt_filesystem_freebsd (File System - FreeBSD)
- cdt_filesystem_hostres (File System - Host Resources)
- cdt_filesystem_informant (File System - SNMP Informant)
- cdt_fortigate_vpn_stats (Fortinet Fortigate VPN Stats)
- cdt_framerelay (Frame Relay)
- cdt_framerelay_cisco (Frame Relay - Cisco)
- cdt_framerelay_juniper (Frame Relay - Juniper)
- cdt_framerelay_nortel (Frame Relay - Nortel)
- cdt_fw_fortinet_fortigate (Fortinet Fortigate Firewall)
- cdt_hh3c_nqa (HH3C - NQA)
- cdt_host_resources (Host Statistics)
- cdt_ieee_80211 (IEEE 802.11)
- cdt_inventory (Inventory)
- cdt_inventory_device (Device Information)
- cdt_inventory_entity (Entity Asset Information)
- cdt_inventory_f5 (F5 Asset Information)
- cdt_inventory_f5_chassis (F5 Chassis Information)
- cdt_inventory_f5_slot (F5 Slot Information)
- cdt_inventory_juniper (Juniper Asset Information)
- cdt_inventory_riverbed (Riverbed Asset Information)
- cdt_ip_addr (IP Address Table)
- cdt_ip_addr_freebsd (IP Address Table - FreeBSD)
- cdt_ip_address (IP Address Table (includes IPv6))
- cdt_ip_system_stats (IP System Stats)
- cdt_juniper_cos (Juniper CoS)
- cdt_juniper_cos_class (Juniper CoS Classes)
- cdt_juniper_firewall (Juniper Firewall)
- cdt_juniper_ping (Juniper Ping)
- cdt_juniper_pulse_vpn_users (Juniper Pulse VPN Users)
- cdt_juniper_rpm (Juniper RPM)
- cdt_loadbalancer_alteon_group (Alteon Group)
- cdt_loadbalancer_alteon_rserv (Alteon Real Servers)
- cdt_loadbalancer_alteon_vserv (Alteon Virtual Servers)
- cdt_memory (Memory)
- cdt_memory_alcatel (Memory - Alcatel)
- cdt_memory_alcatel_aos7 (Memory - Alcatel - AOS7)
- cdt_memory_alteon (Memory - Alteon)
- cdt_memory_aruba (Memory - Aruba)
- cdt_memory_avaya_rc (Memory - Avaya - RC)
- cdt_memory_avaya_s5 (Memory - Avaya - S5)
- cdt_memory_bluecoat (Memory - BlueCoat)
- cdt_memory_checkpoint (Memory - Checkpoint)
- cdt_memory_checkpoint_virtual (Memory - Checkpoint Swap)
- cdt_memory_cisco (Memory - Cisco)
- cdt_memory_cisco_nexus (Memory - Cisco Enhanced)
- cdt_memory_cisco_san (Memory - Cisco SAN)
- cdt_memory_cisco_wsa (Memory - Cisco - WSA)
- cdt_memory_dell (Memory - Dell)
- cdt_memory_dell_F10_S (Memory - Dell F10 S)
- cdt_memory_dell_dnos (Memory - Dell DNOS)
- cdt_memory_extreme (Memory - Extreme)
- cdt_memory_extreme_vsp (Memory - Extreme VSP)
- cdt_memory_f5_host (Memory - F5 Host)
- cdt_memory_f5_host_other (Memory - F5 Host Other)
- cdt_memory_f5_swap (Memory - F5 Swap)
- cdt_memory_f5_tmm (Memory - F5 TMM)
- cdt_memory_fortinet_fortigate (Memory - Fortinet Fortigate)
- cdt_memory_fortinet_fortigate_hd (Memory - Fortinet Fortigate Hard Disk)
- cdt_memory_fortinet_fortigate_lowmem (Memory - Fortinet Fortigate Low Mem)
- cdt_memory_foundry (Memory - Foundry)
- cdt_memory_foundry_mlx (Memory - Foundry MLX)
- cdt_memory_freebsd (Memory - FreeBSD)
- cdt_memory_juniper (Memory - Juniper)
- cdt_memory_netscaler (Memory - NetScaler)
- cdt_memory_netscreen (Memory - Netscreen)
- cdt_memory_nokia (Memory - Nokia)
- cdt_memory_procurve (Memory - Procurve)
- cdt_memory_server (Memory - Server)
- cdt_memory_ucd_real (Memory - UCD - Real)
- cdt_memory_ucd_swap (Memory - UCD - Swap)
- cdt_memory_viptela (Memory - Viptela)
- cdt_memory_virtual (Memory - Virtual)
- cdt_memory_virtual_freebsd (Memory - Virtual - FreeBSD)
- cdt_meraki_client (Meraki Client)
- cdt_meraki_client_application (Meraki Client Application)
- cdt_meraki_device (Meraki Device)
- cdt_meraki_network (Meraki Network)
- cdt_meraki_organization (Meraki Organization)
- cdt_meraki_port (Meraki Interface)
- cdt_meraki_topology (Meraki Topology)
- cdt_meraki_uplink (Meraki Uplink)
- cdt_meraki_vpn (Meraki VPN)
- cdt_meraki_wireless (Meraki Wireless)
- cdt_mis (MAC/IP/Switch Port (Deprecated))
- cdt_optical (Optical Signal Monitoring)
- cdt_optical_adva (Optical Signal Monitoring - ADVA)
- cdt_optical_adva_measurement (Optical Signal Monitoring - ADVA - Loss)
- cdt_optical_aruba (Optical Signal Monitoring - Aruba)
- cdt_optical_hirschmann (Optical Signal Monitoring - Hirschmann)
- cdt_optical_hirschmann2 (Optical Signal Monitoring - Hirschmann2)
- cdt_optical_moxa (Optical Signal Monitoring - MOXA)
- cdt_optical_nbs (Optical Signal Monitoring - NBS)
- cdt_optical_sensor_cisco (Sensor - Optical - Cisco)
- cdt_ospf (OSPF Neighbor Monitoring)
- cdt_ospf_if (OSPF Neighbor Interfaces)
- cdt_other_sensor (Sensor - Other)
- cdt_other_sensor_cisco (Sensor - Other - Cisco)
- cdt_other_sensor_entity (Sensor - Other - Entity)
- cdt_palo_alto_firewall_connections (Palo Alto Firewall Connections)
- cdt_palo_alto_firewall_connections_zone (Palo Alto Firewall Connections Zone Stats)
- cdt_palo_alto_ha (Palo Alto HA)
- cdt_palo_alto_vpn (Palo Alto VPN)
- cdt_ping (Ping)
- cdt_poe_main (PoE Device)
- cdt_poe_main_cisco (PoE Device - Cisco)
- cdt_poe_port (PoE Interface)
- cdt_poe_port_cisco (PoE Interface - Cisco)
- cdt_port (Interface)
- cdt_port_etherlike (Interface EtherLike)
- cdt_port_freebsd (Interface - FreeBSD)
- cdt_port_nbar (Interface - Cisco NBAR)
- cdt_power_amps_sensor (Sensor - Power - Amps)
- cdt_power_amps_sensor_cisco (Sensor - Power - Amps - Cisco)
- cdt_power_amps_sensor_entity (Sensor - Power - Amps - Entity)
- cdt_power_system_battery (Power Systems - Battery)
- cdt_power_system_battery_alpha (Power Systems Battery - Alpha Power)
- cdt_power_system_battery_apcups (Power Systems Battery - APC Schneider Electric UPS)
- cdt_power_system_battery_generic_ups (Power Systems Battery - Generic UPS)
- cdt_power_system_input (Power Systems - Input)
- cdt_power_system_input_alpha (Power Systems Input - Alpha Power)
- cdt_power_system_input_apcpdu (Power Systems Input - APC Schneider Electric PDU)
- cdt_power_system_input_apcups (Power Systems Input - APC Schneider Electric UPS)
- cdt_power_system_input_generic_ups (Power Systems Input - Generic UPS)
- cdt_power_system_output (Power Systems - Output)
- cdt_power_system_output_alpha (Power Systems Output - Argus/Alpha)
- cdt_power_system_output_apcpdu (Power Systems Output - APC Schneider Electric PDU)
- cdt_power_system_output_apcups (Power Systems Output - APC Schneider Electric UPS)
- cdt_power_system_output_generic_ups (Power Systems Output - Generic UPS)
- cdt_power_system_status (Power Systems - Status)
- cdt_power_system_status_alpha (Power Systems Status - Alpha Power)
- cdt_power_system_status_apcpdu (Power Systems Status - APC Schneider Electric PDU)
- cdt_power_system_status_apcups (Power Systems Status - APC Schneider Electric UPS)
- cdt_power_system_status_generic_ups (Power Systems Status - Generic UPS)
- cdt_power_volts_sensor (Sensor - Power - Volts)
- cdt_power_volts_sensor_cisco (Sensor - Power - Volts - Cisco)
- cdt_power_volts_sensor_entity (Sensor - Power - Volts - Entity)
- cdt_power_watts_sensor (Sensor - Power - Watts)
- cdt_power_watts_sensor_cisco (Sensor - Power - Watts - Cisco)
- cdt_power_watts_sensor_entity (Sensor - Power - Watts - Entity)
- cdt_printer (Printer)
- cdt_printer_general (Printer - General)
- cdt_process_table (Process Details)
- cdt_ranges (Custom Data Type Ranges)
- cdt_sonicwall_vpn_users (SonicWall VPN Users)
- cdt_t128_peer (128T Router Peers)
- cdt_temperature (Temperature)
- cdt_temperature_alcatel (Temperature - Alcatel)
- cdt_temperature_alcatel_aos7 (Temperature - Alcatel - AOS7)
- cdt_temperature_apc_env (Temperature - APC)
- cdt_temperature_apc_int (Temperature - APC Internal)
- cdt_temperature_avaya_s5 (Temperature - Avaya - S5)
- cdt_temperature_cisco (Temperature - Cisco)
- cdt_temperature_dell_F10_S (Temperature - Dell F10 S)
- cdt_temperature_dell_dnos (Temperature - Dell DNOS)
- cdt_temperature_dell_power (Temperature - Dell PowerConnect)
- cdt_temperature_extreme (Temperature - Extreme)
- cdt_temperature_extreme_vsp (Temperature - Extreme VSP)
- cdt_temperature_foundry (Temperature - Foundry)
- cdt_temperature_foundry_mlx (Temperature - Foundry MLX)
- cdt_temperature_juniper (Temperature - Juniper)
- cdt_temperature_netscreen (Temperature - Netscreen)
- cdt_temperature_sensor (Temperature - Sensor)
- cdt_temperature_sensor_cisco (Temperature - Cisco Sensor)
- cdt_ubiquiti_airmax (Ubiquiti AirMAX)
- cdt_ubiquiti_radio (Ubiquiti Radio)
- cdt_ubiquiti_wl_stats (Ubiquiti Wireless Statistics)
- cdt_ups (UPS)
- cdt_ups_apc (UPS - APC)
- cdt_ups_generic (UPS - Generic)
- cdt_waas_cisco (Cisco WAAS)
- cdt_wireless_ap (Wireless AP)
- cdt_wireless_ap_cisco (Wireless AP - Cisco)
- cdt_wireless_ap_extreme (Wireless AP - Extreme)
- cdt_wlc_cisco_ap (WLC - Cisco AP)
- cdt_wlc_cisco_ap_cdp (WLC - Cisco AP CDP)
- cdt_wlc_cisco_ap_if (WLC - Cisco AP Interfaces)
- config_build (Configuration Build)
- dashboard_panel_template (Statseeker Dashboard Panel Template)
- discover (Discover)
- discover_config (Discover Configuration)
- discover_history (Discover History)
- discover_hosts (Discover Hosts)
- entity (Statseeker Entities)
- event (Event Entity Details)
- event_record (Events)
- field (Field)
- group (Group)
- ip_range_config (IP Range Configuration)
- irc_to_sc_map (IP Range Configuration to SNMP Credential Map)
- license (License)
- link (API Links)
- mac (MAC Records)
- message (Message)
- mis_record (MAC-IP Records)
- nim_options (NIM Options)
- notification (Notifications)
- oa_application (OA Application)
- oa_component (OA Component)
- oa_component_service (OA Component Service)
- oa_filelist (Component Filelist)
- oa_service (Distributable Service)
- object (Object)
- snmp_credential (SNMP Credential Details)
- spe_aci (APIC Configurations)
- syslog (Syslog)
- task (Task)
- threshold (Threshold Configuration)
- threshold_event (Threshold Entity Details)
- threshold_record (Threshold Events)
- timefilter (Time Filter)
- trap (Trap)
- user (User)
ACI Application Profile
The custom data entities for the aci_application table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
aci_tenant | ACI Tenant | string | G | A policy owner in the virtual fabric. A tenant can be either a private or a shared entity. For example, you can create a tenant with contexts and bridge domains shared by other tenant. A shared type of tenant is typically named common, default, or infra. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
health | Health | integer | G | Health of ACI Application ProfileTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
title | Title | string | G | ACI Application Profile Name |
Link | Description | Link Target |
aci_tenant | Link to ACI Tenant | cdt_aci_tenant |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
ACI Bridging Domain
The custom data entities for the aci_bridge_domain table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
aci_tenant | ACI Tenant | string | G | A policy owner in the virtual fabric. A tenant can be either a private or a shared entity. For example, you can create a tenant with contexts and bridge domains shared by other tenant. A shared type of tenant is typically named common, default, or infra. |
broadcast_ip | Multicast Group IP Address | string | G | Outer multicast group IP address. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
health | Health | integer | G | HealthTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
mac | MAC | string | G | MAC Address |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
title | Title | string | G | Bridging Domain Name |
type | Type | string | G | Bridging Domain Type |
Link | Description | Link Target |
aci_tenant | Link to ACI Tenant | cdt_aci_tenant |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
ACI Client Endpoint
The custom data entities for the aci_cep table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
aci_epg | EPG | string | G | A set of requirements for the application-level EPG instance. The policy regulates connectivity and visibility among the end points within the scope of the policy. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ip | IP Address | string | G | IP Address of Client Endpoint |
mac | MAC Address | string | G | The MAC Address |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
title | Title | string | G | Name of Client Endpoint |
vlan | VLAN | string | G | The VXLAN or VLAN |
Link | Description | Link Target |
aci_application | Link to ACI Application Profile | cdt_aci_application |
aci_epg | Link to ACI Endpoint Groups | cdt_aci_epg |
aci_tenant | Link to ACI Tenant | cdt_aci_tenant |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
ACI Endpoint Groups
The custom data entities for the aci_epg table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
aci_application | ACI Application Profile | string | G | The application profile is a set of requirements that an application instance has on the virtualizable fabric. The policy regulates connectivity and visibility among endpoints within the scope of the policy. |
config_state | Configuration State | string | G | The configuration state of the endpoint groupCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
health | Health | integer | G | Health of the EPGTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
title | Title | string | G | Name of the Endpoint Group |
Link | Description | Link Target |
aci_application | Link to ACI Application Profile | cdt_aci_application |
aci_tenant | Link to ACI Tenant | cdt_aci_tenant |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
ACI Fault
The custom data entities for the aci_fault table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
ack | Acknowledged | string | G | Acknowledged |
cause | Cause | string | G | Fault Cause |
changeSet | Change | string | G | Change Set |
code | Code | string | G | Fault Code |
created | Created | time | G | Fault Creation Time |
delegated | Delegated | string | G | Delegated |
descr | Description | string | G | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
domain | Domain | string | G | Domain |
highestSeverity | High Severity | string | G | Highest Severity |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
lastTransition | Last Transition | time | G | Last Transition |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
occur | Occurrences | integer | G | Number of occurrences of this fault |
origSeverity | Original Severity | string | G | Original Severity |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
prevSeverity | Previous Severity | string | G | Previous Severity |
rule | Rule | string | G | Rule |
severity | Severity | string | G | Severity |
subject | Subject | string | G | Subject |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
type | Type | string | G | Type |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
ACI Fault Summary
The custom data entities for the aci_fault_summary table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
ack_delegated_faults | Acknowledged Delegated Faults | integer | G | Number of Acknowledged Delegated FaultsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ack_faults | Acknowledged Faults | integer | G | Number of Acknowledged FaultsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
delegated_faults | Delegated Faults | integer | G | Number of Delegated FaultsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
faults | Faults | integer | G | Number of FaultsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
severity | Severity | string | G | Severity |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
title | Title | string | G | Title |
type | Type | string | G | Type |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
ACI Node
The custom data entities for the aci_node table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
aci_pod | ACI Pod | string | G | ACI Pod |
admin_state | Admin State | string | G | ACI Node Administrative StateCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
fabric_domain | ACI Fabric Domain | string | G | ACI Fabric Domain |
fabric_state | ACI Fabric State | string | G | ACI Fabric StateCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
health | Health | integer | G | HealthTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ip | IP Address | string | G | ACI Node Management IP Address |
model | Model | string | G | Model |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
serial | Serial | string | G | Serial |
state | State | string | G | ACI Node StateCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
title | Title | string | G | ACI Node Name |
type | Type | string | G | ACI Node Type |
vendor | vendor | string | G | vendor |
Link | Description | Link Target |
aci_pod | Link to ACI Pod | cdt_aci_pod |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the aci_pod table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
health | Health | integer | G | HealthTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
title | Title | string | G | ACI Pod |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
ACI Subnet
The custom data entities for the aci_subnet table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
aci_bridge_domain | ACI Bridging Domain | string | G | ACI Bridging Domain |
alias | Alias | string | G | Subnet Alias |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ip | IP Address Range | string | G | IP Address Range |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
title | Title | string | G | Subnet Name |
Link | Description | Link Target |
aci_bridge_domain | Link to ACI Bridging Domain | cdt_aci_bridge_domain |
aci_tenant | Link to ACI Tenant | cdt_aci_tenant |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
ACI Tenant
The custom data entities for the aci_tenant table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
health | Health | integer | G | HealthTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
title | Title | string | G | ACI Tenant Name |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
ACI Private Network
The custom data entities for the aci_vrf table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
aci_tenant | ACI Tenant | string | G | aci_tenant |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
health | Health | integer | G | healthTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
title | Title | string | G | Name for the Network Context |
Link | Description | Link Target |
aci_tenant | Link to ACI Tenant | cdt_aci_tenant |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Apcon Interface
The custom data entities for the apcon_port table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
InBroadcastPkts | Rx Bcast Pkts | integer | G | Broadcast packets received. |
InMulticastPkts | Rx Mcast Pkts | integer | G | Multicast packets received. |
InOctets | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Receive byte count. |
InUcastPkts | Rx Ucast Pkts | integer | G | Unicast packets received. |
OutBroadcastPkts | Tx Bcast Pkts | integer | G | Broadcast packets transmitted. |
OutMulticastPkts | Tx Mcast Pkts | integer | G | Multicast packets transmitted. |
OutOctets | Tx Bytes | integer | G | Transmit byte count. |
OutUcastPkts | Tx Ucast Pkts | integer | G | Unicast packets transmitted. |
RxBps | Rx Bps | integer | G | Receive bits per second.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxUtil | Rx Util | float | G | Receive Utilization |
Speed | Speed | integer | G, U | Port Speed. |
TxBps | Tx Bps | integer | G | Transmit bits per second.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxUtil | Tx Util | float | G | Transmit Utilization |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the appnav_cisco table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cAppNavACACGName | Controller Group | string | G, U | This object indicates the name of the AppNav controller group to which given AppNav controller belongs. |
cAppNavACCurrentCMState | Controller Member State | string | G, U | This object indicates the current cluster membership state of the given AppNav controller.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
cAppNavACIpAddr | Controller IP | string | G, U | This object indicates the IP address of the AppNav controller |
cAppNavACIpAddrType | Controller IP Type | string | G, U | This object indicates the address type of the cAppNavACIpAddr. The cAppNavACEntries are only valid for address type of IPv4 and IPv6. |
cAppNavACServContextName | Controller Service Context | string | G, U | This object indicates the name of the service context to which given AppNav controller belongs. |
cAppNavSNCurrentCMState | Node Member State | string | G, U | This object indicats the current cluster membership state of the given service node.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
cAppNavSNIpAddr | Node IP | string | G, U | This object indicates the IP address of the given service node. |
cAppNavSNIpAddrType | Node IP Type | string | G, U | This object indicates the address type of cacSnIpAddr. cacSNEntries are only valid for address type of IPv4 and IPv6. |
cAppNavSNSNGName | Node Group | string | G, U | This object indicates the name of the service node group to which given service node belongs. |
cAppNavSNServContextName | Node Context | string | G, U | This object indicates the name of the service context to which given service node belongs. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
BGP Peer
The custom data entities for the bgp_peer table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
AdminStatus | Admin Status | string | G, U | The desired state of the BGP connection.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ConnectRetryInterval | ConnectRetry Interval | integer | G, U | Time interval for the ConnectRetry timer. |
FsmEstablishedTime | FSM Established Time | integer | G | This timer indicates how long this peer has been in the established state or how long since this peer was last in the established state.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
FsmEstablishedTransitions | FSM Established Transitions | integer | G | The total number of times the BGP FSM transitioned into the established state for this peer. |
HoldTime | Hold Time | integer | G, U | Time interval for the Hold Timer established with the peer. |
KeepAlive | Keep Alive | integer | G, U | Time interval for the KeepAlive timer established with the peer. |
LocalAddr | Local IP | string | G, U | The local IP address of this entry's BGP connection. |
LocalPort | Local Port | integer | G, U | The local port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers. |
MinASOriginationInterval | Min AS Origination Interval | integer | G, U | Time interval for the MinASOriginationInterval timer. |
MinRouteAdvertisementInterval | Min Route Advertisement Interval | integer | G, U | Time interval for the MinRouteAdvertisementInterval timer. |
NegotiatedVersion | Negotiated Version | integer | G, U | The negotiated version of BGP running between the two peers. |
PeerIdentifier | Peer Identifier | string | G, U | |
RemoteAddr | Remote IP | string | G, U | The remote IP address of this entry's BGP peer. |
RemoteAs | Remote Autonomous System Number | string | G, U | The remote autonomous system number received in the BGP OPEN message. |
RemotePort | Remote Port | integer | G, U | The remote port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers. |
RxTotalMessages | Rx Messages | integer | G | The total number of messages received from the remote peer on this connection. |
RxUpdateElapsedTime | Rx Update Elapsed Time | integer | G | Elapsed time since the last BGP UPDATE message was received from the peer.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxUpdates | Rx Updates | integer | G | The number of BGP UPDATE messages received on this connection. |
State | State | string | G, U | The BGP peer connection state.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
TxTotalMessages | Tx Messages | integer | G | The total number of messages transmitted to the remote peer on this connection. |
TxUpdates | Tx Updates | integer | G | The number of BGP UPDATE messages transmitted on this connection. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
BGP Peer Address Family Prefix - Cisco
The custom data entities for the bgp_peer_addr_family_prefix_cisco table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
AcceptedPrefixes | Accepted Prefixes | integer | G | Number of accepted route prefixes for an address family on this connection. |
AddrFamilyAfi | AFI Index | string | G | Address family identifier (e.g. IPv4, IPv6). |
AddrFamilyName | Address family name | string | G, U | Implementation specific address family name. |
AddrFamilySafi | SAFI Index | string | G | Subsequent address family identifier (e.g. unicast, multicast). |
AdvertisedPrefixes | Advertised Prefixes | integer | G | Incremented when a route prefix is advertised for an address family on this connection |
DeniedPrefixes | Denied Prefixes | integer | G | Incremented when a route prefix for an address family on this connection is denied. |
PrefixAdminLimit | Admin Limit | integer | G, U | Max number of route prefixes accepted for an address family on this connection. |
PrefixClearThreshold | Clear Threshold | integer | G, U | Prefix threshold value (%) to clear warning message for an address family on this connection. |
PrefixThreshold | Prefix Threshold | integer | G, U | Prefix threshold value (%) to generate warning message for an address family on this connection. |
RemoteAddr | Remote IP | string | G | The remote IP address of this entry's BGP peer. |
SuppressedPrefixes | Suppressed Prefixes | integer | G | Incremented when a route prefix is suppressed from being sent for an address family on this connection. |
WithdrawnPrefixes | Withdrawn Prefixes | integer | G | Incremented when a route prefix is withdrawn for an address family on this connection |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
remoteAddrLink | Link to BGP Peer | cdt_bgp_peer |
BGP Peer - Cisco
The custom data entities for the bgp_peer_cisco table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
AdminStatus | Admin Status | string | G | The desired state of the BGP connection.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ConnectRetryInterval | ConnectRetry Interval | integer | G | Time interval for the ConnectRetry timer. |
FsmEstablishedTime | FSM Established Time | integer | G | This timer indicates how long this peer has been in the established state or how long since this peer was last in the established state.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
FsmEstablishedTransitions | FSM Established Transitions | integer | G | The total number of times the BGP FSM transitioned into the established state for this peer. |
HoldTime | Hold Time | integer | G | Time interval for the Hold Timer established with the peer. |
KeepAlive | Keep Alive | integer | G | Time interval for the KeepAlive timer established with the peer. |
LocalAddr | Local IP | string | G | The local IP address of this entry's BGP connection. |
LocalPort | Local Port | integer | G | The local port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers. |
MinASOriginationInterval | Min AS Origination Interval | integer | G | Time interval for the MinASOriginationInterval timer. |
MinRouteAdvertisementInterval | Min Route Advertisement Interval | integer | G | Time interval for the MinRouteAdvertisementInterval timer. |
NegotiatedVersion | Negotiated Version | integer | G | The negotiated version of BGP running between the two peers. |
PeerIdentifier | Peer Identifier | string | G | |
RemoteAddr | Remote IP | string | G | The remote IP address of this entry's BGP peer. |
RemoteAs | Remote Autonomous System Number | string | G | The remote autonomous system number received in the BGP OPEN message. |
RemotePort | Remote Port | integer | G | The remote port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers. |
RxTotalMessages | Rx Messages | integer | G | The total number of messages received from the remote peer on this connection. |
RxUpdateElapsedTime | Rx Update Elapsed Time | integer | G | Elapsed time since the last BGP UPDATE message was received from the peer.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxUpdates | Rx Updates | integer | G | The number of BGP UPDATE messages received on this connection. |
State | State | string | G | The BGP peer connection state.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
TxTotalMessages | Tx Messages | integer | G | The total number of messages transmitted to the remote peer on this connection. |
TxUpdates | Tx Updates | integer | G | The number of BGP UPDATE messages transmitted on this connection. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
BGP Peer - Juniper
The custom data entities for the bgp_peer_juniper table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
AdminStatus | Admin Status | string | G | The desired state of the BGP connection.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ConnectRetryInterval | ConnectRetry Interval | integer | G | Time interval for the ConnectRetry timer. |
FsmEstablishedTime | FSM Established Time | integer | G | This timer indicates how long this peer has been in the established state or how long since this peer was last in the established state.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
FsmEstablishedTransitions | FSM Established Transitions | integer | G | The total number of times the BGP FSM transitioned into the established state for this peer. |
HoldTime | Hold Time | integer | G | Time interval for the Hold Timer established with the peer. |
KeepAlive | Keep Alive | integer | G | Time interval for the KeepAlive timer established with the peer. |
LocalAddr | Local IP | string | G | The local IP address of this entry's BGP connection. |
LocalPort | Local Port | integer | G | The local port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers. |
MinASOriginationInterval | Min AS Origination Interval | integer | G | Time interval for the MinASOriginationInterval timer. |
MinRouteAdvertisementInterval | Min Route Advertisement Interval | integer | G | Time interval for the MinRouteAdvertisementInterval timer. |
NegotiatedVersion | Negotiated Version | integer | G | The negotiated version of BGP running between the two peers. |
PeerIdentifier | Peer Identifier | string | G | |
RemoteAddr | Remote IP | string | G | The remote IP address of this entry's BGP peer. |
RemoteAs | Remote Autonomous System Number | string | G | The remote autonomous system number received in the BGP OPEN message. |
RemotePort | Remote Port | integer | G | The remote port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers. |
RxTotalMessages | Rx Messages | integer | G | The total number of messages received from the remote peer on this connection. |
RxUpdateElapsedTime | Rx Update Elapsed Time | integer | G | Elapsed time since the last BGP UPDATE message was received from the peer.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxUpdates | Rx Updates | integer | G | The number of BGP UPDATE messages received on this connection. |
State | State | string | G | The BGP peer connection state.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
TxTotalMessages | Tx Messages | integer | G | The total number of messages transmitted to the remote peer on this connection. |
TxUpdates | Tx Updates | integer | G | The number of BGP UPDATE messages transmitted on this connection. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Blue Coat - Proxy Clients
The custom data entities for the bluecoat_proxy_client table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
RxBps | Rx Bps | float | G | Bits per second throughputTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxBps | Tx Bps | float | G | Bits per second throughputTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
sgProxyHttpClientConnections | Client Connections Total | integer | G | Client Connections TotalTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sgProxyHttpClientConnectionsActive | Client Connections Active | integer | G | Client Connections ActiveTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sgProxyHttpClientConnectionsIdle | Client Connections Idle | integer | G | Client Connections IdleTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sgProxyHttpClientInBytes | Client In Bytes | integer | G | Client In Bytes |
sgProxyHttpClientOutBytes | Client Out Bytes | integer | G | Client Out Bytes |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Checkpoint Firewall
The custom data entities for the checkpoint_firewall table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
Accepted | Accepted Pkts | integer | G | The number of accepted packets. |
Connections | Connections | integer | G | The number of connections.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Dropped | Dropped Pkts | integer | G | The number of dropped packets. |
InstallTime | Install Time | string | G, U | The time that the filter was installed. |
Logged | Logged Pkts | integer | G | The number of logged packets. |
Rejected | Rejected Pkts | integer | G | The number of rejected packets. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Checkpoint VPN Sessions
The custom data entities for the checkpoint_vpn_sessions table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
ActiveHwUserTunnels | Active Hw User Tunnels | integer | G | IPsec high-watermark active tunnels with remote access usersTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxError | Rx Errors | integer | G | Decryption Errors |
RxPackets | Rx Packets | integer | G | Decrypted packets |
TxError | Tx Errors | integer | G | Encryption Errors |
TxPackets | Tx Packets | integer | G | Encrypted packets |
activeHwTunnels | Active Hw Tunnels | integer | G | IPsec high-watermark active tunnelsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
activeTunnels | Active IPsec Tunnels | integer | G | IPsec current active tunnelsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
activeTunnelsLimit | Active Tunnels Limit | integer | G, U | IPsec active tunnels limit |
activeUserTunnels | Active User Tunnels | integer | G | IPsec current active tunnels with remote access usersTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco Active DS0
The custom data entities for the cisco_activeDS0 table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
curActiveDS0s | Active DS0s | integer | G | The number of DS0s that are currently in use.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
maxActiveDS0s | Max Active DS0s | integer | G | The high water mark for number of DS0s active simultaneously.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco Call Stats
The custom data entities for the cisco_call_stats table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
MaxConnections | Max Connections | integer | G | This object represents the licensed call capacity for a voice gateway. |
RxCalls | Rx Calls | integer | G | This object represents the total number of inbound active media calls through this IP interface.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TotalActiveConnections | Total Active Connections | integer | G | This object represents the total number of active call legs in the voice gateway.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxCalls | Tx Calls | integer | G | This object represents the total number of outbound active media calls through this IP interface.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Cisco CB QoS Config - ClassMap
The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_class_map_config table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
description | Description | string | G, U | Description of the PolicyMap. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
matchType | Match Type | string | G, U | Match all vs Match any in a given class |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco CB QoS Data - Class
The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_class_map_data table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
direction | Direction | string | G | Direction of the top level policy |
drop | Dropped Bytes | integer | G | The 64 bits counter of dropped bytes per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g., police, random detect, etc.). |
dropBitRate | Drop BitRate | float | G | The bit rate of the drops per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g., police, random detect, etc.).Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
dropPercent | Dropped Percent | float | G | Percentage of bytes droppedTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
postPolicy | Post Policy Byte | integer | G | The 64 bits count of outbound octets after executing QoS policies. |
postPolicyBitRate | Post Policy BitRate | float | G | The bit rate of the traffic after executing QoS policies.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
prePolicy | Pre Policy Byte | integer | G | The 64 bits count of inbound octets prior to executing any QoS policies. |
prePolicyBitRate | Pre Policy BitRate | float | G | The bit rate of the traffic prior to executing any QoS policies.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
cisco_cb_qos_class_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - ClassMap | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_class_map_config |
cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_classLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - Policy/Class | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_class |
cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - PolicyMap | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_config |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
parentMatchLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Data - Match | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_match_data |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Cisco CB QoS Config - Policy/Class
The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_class table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
cisco_cb_qos_class_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - ClassMap | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_class_map_config |
cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - PolicyMap | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_config |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco CB QoS Data - Match
The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_match_data table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
bitRate | BitRate | float | G | The bit rate of the traffic prior to executing any QoS policies.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
bytes | Bytes | integer | G | Bytes |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
packets | Packets | integer | G | Packets |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
cdt_cisco_cb_qos_class_map_data:parentMatchLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Data - Match | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_match_data |
cisco_cb_qos_class_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - ClassMap | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_class_map_config |
cisco_cb_qos_class_map_dataLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Data - Class | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_class_map_data |
cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_classLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - Policy/Class | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_class |
cisco_cb_qos_match_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - Match | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_match_map_config |
cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - PolicyMap | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_config |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Cisco CB QoS Config - Match
The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_match_map_config table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
statement | Statement | string | G | The match statement |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
type | Type | string | G | Match vs Match Not in a given class |
Link | Description | Link Target |
cisco_cb_qos_class_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - ClassMap | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_class_map_config |
cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_classLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - Policy/Class | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_class |
cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - PolicyMap | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_config |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco CB QoS Config - PolicyMap
The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_config table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
description | Description | string | G, U | Description of the PolicyMap. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco CB QoS Data - Queue
The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_queue_data table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
discard | Discard | integer | G | The count of octets, associated with this class, that were dropped by queueing |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
percentUsed | Used Percent | float | G | The percent of the Queue Depth usedTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
size | Size | integer | G | The maximum depth of the queue.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
used | Used | integer | G | The current depth of the queueTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
cdt_cisco_cb_qos_class_map_data:parentMatchLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Data - Match | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_match_data |
cisco_cb_qos_class_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - ClassMap | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_class_map_config |
cisco_cb_qos_class_map_dataLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Data - Class | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_class_map_data |
cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_classLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - Policy/Class | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_class |
cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - PolicyMap | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_config |
cisco_cb_qos_queue_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - Queue | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_queue_map_config |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Cisco CB QoS Config - Queue
The custom data entities for the cisco_cb_qos_queue_map_config table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
aggregateQueueLimit | Aggregate Queue Limit | string | G | Maximum allowed queue size for all the individual queues associated with this class. When the queue size exceed this value, the packets will be dropped. |
aggregateQueueSize | Aggregate Queue Size | integer | G | Maximum number of packets that can be held in all the individual queues associated with this class before packets are dropped. |
bandwidth | Bandwidth | string | G | The bandwidth configuration value |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
dynamicQueueNumber | Dynamic Queue Number | integer | G | Number of dynamic queues supported when flow-based fair-queue is in use. |
flowEnabled | Flow Enabled | string | G | Indicate if flow-based fair-queue is enabled for this class. |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
individualQueueSize | Individual Queue Size | integer | G | Maximum number of packets that can be held in an individual Flow-based fair-queue associated with this class before it drops packets (once the AggregateQSize has been reached). This field only makes sense in the context of Flow-based fair-queueing. |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
priorityBurstSize | Priority Burst Size | integer | G | In the priority queue, this is the number of bytes allowed in a single burst. This parameter only makes sense if Priority is enabled |
priorityEnabled | Priority Enabled | string | G | Indicate if low latency queueing (priority) is enabled for this class. |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
cisco_cb_qos_class_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - ClassMap | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_class_map_config |
cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_classLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - Policy/Class | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_config_policy_class |
cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_configLink | Link to Cisco CB QoS Config - PolicyMap | cdt_cisco_cb_qos_policy_map_config |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco Discovery Protocol Cache
The custom data entities for the cisco_cdp_cache table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cdpCacheAddressIP | Remote Device IP | string | G | |
cdpCacheAddressName | Remote Device | string | G | |
cdpCacheDeviceId | Remote Device ID | string | G, U | |
cdpCacheDevicePort | Remote Interface | string | G, U | |
cdpCacheIfIndex | Local ifIndex | string | G | Interface Index (IF-MIB.ifIndex) of the local interface |
cdpCachePlatform | Remote Device Platform | string | G, U | |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
The custom data entities for the cisco_eigrp table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
AcksRcvd | Acks Received | integer | G | Acks Received |
AcksSent | Acks Sent | integer | G | Acks Sent |
AsNumber | AS Number | integer | G | The Autonomous System number which is unique integer per VPN |
AsRouterId | Router Id | string | G | The router-id configured or automatically selected for the EIGRP AS. Each EIGRP routing process has a unique router-id selected from each autonomous system configured. The format is governed by object cEigrpAsRouterIdType. |
AsRouterIdType | Router Type | string | G, U | The format of the router-id configured or automatically selected for the EIGRP AS. |
HellosRcvd | Hellos Received | integer | G | Hellos Received |
HellosSent | Hellos Sent | integer | G | The total number Hello packets that have been sent to all EIGRP neighbors formed on all interfaces whose IP addresses fall under networks configured for the EIGRP AS. |
NbrCount | Neighbor Count | integer | G | The total number of live EIGRP neighbors formed on all interfaces whose IP addresses fall under networks configured in the EIGRP AS.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
QueriesRcvd | Queries Received | integer | G | The total number alternate route query packets that have been received from all EIGRP neighbors formed on all interfaces whose IP addresses fall under networks configured for the EIGRP AS. |
QueriesSent | Queries Sent | integer | G | The total number alternate route query packets that have been sent to all EIGRP neighbors formed on all interfaces whose IP addresses fall under networks configured for the EIGRP AS. |
RepliesRcvd | Replies Received | integer | G | Replies Received |
RepliesSent | Replies Sent | integer | G | Replies Sent |
TopoRoutes | Routes | integer | G | The total number of EIGRP derived routes currently existing in the topology table for the AS.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
UpdatesRcvd | Updates Received | integer | G | Updates Received |
UpdatesSent | Updates Sent | integer | G | Updates Sent |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco EIGRP Peer
The custom data entities for the cisco_eigrp_peer table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
HoldTime | Hold Time | integer | G | The count-down timer indicating how much time must pass without receiving a hello packet from this EIGRP peer before this router declares the peer down. A peer declared as down is removed from the table and is no longer visible.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
LastSeq | Last Seq | integer | G | All transmitted EIGRP packets have a sequence number assigned. This is the sequence number of the last EIGRP packet sent to this peer. |
PeerAddrType | Peer Address Type | string | G, U | The format of the remote source IP address used by the peer to establish the EIGRP adjacency with this router. |
PeerIfIndex | Peer Interface Index | integer | G, U | The ifIndex of the interface on this router through which this peer can be reached. |
PktsEnqueued | Packets Enqueued | integer | G | The number of any EIGRP packets currently enqueued waiting to be sent to this peer. |
RemotePeerDevice | Remote Peer | string | G | Remote Peer |
Retrans | Retransmits | integer | G | Retransmits |
Retries | Retries | integer | G | Retries |
Rto | Retransmission Timeout | integer | G | The computed retransmission timeout for the peer. This value is computed over time as packets are sent to the peer and acknowledgements are received from it, and is the amount of time to wait before resending a packet from the retransmission queue to the peer when an expected acknowledgement has not been received. |
Srtt | SRTT | integer | G | The computed smooth round trip time for packets to and from the peer.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Version | Eigrp Version | string | G, U | Eigrp Version |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
portLink | portLink | string | G, U | portLink |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Port | cdt_port |
Cisco Fan Monitoring
The custom data entities for the cisco_fan table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
ciscoEnvMonFanState | Fan State | string | G, U | The current state of the fan being instrumented.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ciscoEnvMonFanStatusDescr | Fan Description | string | G, U | Textual description of the fan being instrumented. This description is a short textual label, suitable as a human-sensible identification for the rest of the information in the entry. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco TCAM Entries
The custom data entities for the cisco_fib_tcam table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
ciscoTcamProtocolType | TCAM Protocol | string | G | The Layer 3 protocol utilizing FIB TCAM resource |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
entPhysicalName | Component Name | string | G | |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
tcamFree | Physical Free | integer | G | Amount of Physical TCAM entries freeTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
tcamFreePercent | Physical Free Percent | float | G | Amount of Physical TCAM entries free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
tcamLogicalFree | Logical Free | integer | G | Amount of Logical TCAM entries freeTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
tcamLogicalFreePercent | Logical Free Percent | float | G | Amount of TCAM entries free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
tcamLogicalSize | Logical Total | integer | G | Amount of Logical TCAM entriesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
tcamLogicalUsed | Logical Used | integer | G | Amount of Logical TCAM entries usedTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
tcamLogicalUsedPercent | Logical Used Percent | float | G | Amount of Logical TCAM entries used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
tcamSize | Physical Total | integer | G | Amount of Physical TCAM entriesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
tcamUsed | Physical Used | integer | G | tsgTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
tcamUsedPercent | Physical Used Percent | float | G | Amount of Physical TCAM entries used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
tcamWidth | TCAM Width | string | G, U | Indicates the entry width type for the protocol |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco Firewall Connections
The custom data entities for the cisco_firewall_connections table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cfwConnectionService | Service | string | G | Connection service |
cfwConnectionStatCount | Count | integer | G | This is an integer that contains the value of the resource statistic. |
cfwConnectionStatDescription | Description | string | G, U | A detailed textual description of this statistic. |
cfwConnectionStatValue | Value | integer | G | This is an integer that contains the value of the resource statistic.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cfwConnectionType | Type | string | G | Connection type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco FRU
The custom data entities for the cisco_fru table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cefcModuleOperStatus | Oper Status | string | G, U | This object shows the modules operational state.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ciscoFruDescr | Entity Name | string | G, U | Description |
ciscoFruName | FRU Name | string | G | FRU Name |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
ciscoFruIndex | Link to Inventory | cdt_inventory_entity |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco IF Extension
The custom data entities for the cisco_if_extension table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cieIfInAbortErrs | In Abort Errs | integer | G | Number of input packets which were dropped because the receiver aborted. Examples of this could be when an abort sequence aborted the input frame or when there is a collision in an ethernet segment. |
cieIfInFramingErrs | In Framing Errs | integer | G | The number of input packets on a physical interface which were misaligned or had framing errors. This happens when the format of the incoming packet on a physical interface is incorrect. |
cieIfInGiantsErrs | In Giants Errs | integer | G | The number of input packets on a particular physical interface which were dropped as they were larger than the ifMtu (largest permitted size of a packet which can be sent/received on an interface). |
cieIfInIgnored | In Ignored | integer | G | The number of input packets which were simply ignored by this physical interface due to insufficient resources to handle the incoming packets. For example, this could indicate that the input receive buffers are not available or that the receiver lost a packet. |
cieIfInOverrunErrs | In Overrun Errs | integer | G | The number of input packets which arrived on a particular physical interface which were too quick for the hardware to receive and hence the receiver ran out of buffers. |
cieIfInRuntsErrs | In Runts Errs | integer | G | The number of packets input on a particular physical interface which were dropped as they were smaller than the minimum allowable physical media limit. |
cieIfInputQueueDrops | Input Queue Drops | integer | G | The number of input packets which were dropped. Some reasons why this object could be incremented are: o Input queue is full. o Errors at the receiver hardware while receiving the packet. |
cieIfOutputQueueDrops | Output Queue Drops | integer | G | This object indicates the number of output packets dropped by the interface even though no error had been detected to prevent them being transmitted. The packet could be dropped for many reasons, which could range from the interface being down to errors in the format of the packet. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
cieName | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco VPN Global Tunnels
The custom data entities for the cisco_ipsec_global table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
ActiveTunnels | Active Tunnels | integer | G | The total number of currently active IPsec Phase-1 Tunnels.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
InDropPkts | RxDropPkts | integer | G | The total number of packets dropped during receive processing by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 Tunnels |
InOctets | RxBytes | integer | G | The total number of octets received by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. |
InPkts | RxPkts | integer | G | The total number of packets received by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. |
OutDropPkts | TxDropPkts | integer | G | The total number of packets dropped during send processing by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 Tunnels |
OutOctets | TxBytes | integer | G | The total number of octets sent by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. |
OutPkts | TxPkts | integer | G | The total number of packets sent by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco VPN Tunnels
The custom data entities for the cisco_ipsec_tun table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
ActiveTime | Active Time | integer | G | The length of time the IPsec Phase-1 IKE tunnel has been active in seconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
InDropPkts | RxDropPkts | integer | G | The total number of packets dropped by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel during receive processing. |
InOctets | RxBytes | integer | G | The total number of octets received by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. |
InPkts | RxPkts | integer | G | The total number of packets received by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. |
LifeTime | Life Time | integer | G | The negotiated LifeTime the IPsec Phase-1 IKE tunnel in seconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
LocalAddr | Local IP | string | G | Local IP of the Tunnel |
LocalName | Local DNS Name | string | G, U | DNS name of the local IP, or NULL if not known. |
LocalType | Tunnel Type | string | G, U | Local Peer Identity Type |
LocalValue | Tunnel Local Value | string | G, U | Local Peer Identity Value |
OutDropPkts | TxDropPkts | integer | G | The total number of packets dropped by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel during send processing |
OutOctets | TxBytes | integer | G | The total number of octets sent by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. |
OutPkts | TxPkts | integer | G | The total number of packets sent by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. |
RemoteAddr | Remote IP | string | G | Remote IP of the Tunnel |
RemoteName | Remote DNS Name | string | G, U | DNS name of the Remote IP, or NULL if not known. |
RemoteType | Tunnel Type | string | G, U | Remote Peer Identity Type |
RemoteValue | Tunnel Remote Value | string | G, U | Remote Peer Identity Value |
Status | Tun Status | string | G, U | Tunnel Status |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the cisco_ipsla table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
AdminFrequency | Frequency | integer | G, U | Specifies the duration between initiating each RTT operation |
AdminOwner | Owner | string | G, U | Identifies the entity that created this table row |
AdminProtocol | Protocol | string | G, U | Specifies the protocol to be used to perform the RTT operationOne of:
AdminRttType | RTT Type | string | G, U | The type of RTT operation to be performed.One of:
AdminStatus | Admin Status | string | G, U | The Admin status of the conceptual RTT control rowCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
AdminTag | Tag | string | G, U | A string which is used by a managing application to identify the RTT target |
AdminThreshold | Threshold | integer | G, U | This object defines an administrative threshold limit |
AdminTimeout | Timeout | integer | G, U | Specifies the duration to wait for a RTT operation completion |
CompletionStatus | Completion Status | string | G, U | The completion status of the conceptual RTT control rowCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
JitterAvgDSJ | Jitter - Dst to Src | integer | G | The average of positive and negative jitter values from destination to source.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterAvgSDJ | Jitter - Src to Dst | integer | G | The average of positive and negative jitter values from source to destination.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterMaxNegDS | Jitter - Neg Dst to Src Max | integer | G | The maximum of all absolute negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to sourceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterMaxNegSD | Jitter - Neg Src to Dst Max | integer | G | The maximum of all absolute negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterMaxPosDS | Jitter - Pos Dst to Src Max | integer | G | The maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to sourceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterMaxPosSD | Jitter - Pos Src to Dst Max | integer | G | The maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterMinNegDS | Jitter - Neg Dst to Src Min | integer | G | The minimum of all absolute negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to sourceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterMinNegSD | Jitter - Neg Src to Dst Min | integer | G | The minimum of all absolute negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterMinPosDS | Jitter - Pos Dst to Src Min | integer | G | The maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to sourceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterMinPosSD | Jitter - Pos Src to Dst Min | integer | G | The maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterRTTAvg | Latency - RTT Avg | integer | G | The average latency from of the measured RTT'sTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterRTTMax | Latency - RTT Max | integer | G | The maximum of RTT's that were successfully measured.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterRTTMin | Latency - RTT Min | integer | G | The minimum of RTT's that were successfully measured.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
LatencyAvgDS | Latency - Dst to Src | integer | G | The average latency from source to destination.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
LatencyAvgSD | Latency - Src to Dest | integer | G | The average latency from source to destination.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
LatestRttOperCompletionTime | Latest RTT Completion Time | integer | G | The completion time of the latest RTT operation successfully completedTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TargetAddress | Target Address | string | G | The target address of the ipsla probe. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
packetLossPercent | Jitter - Percent of Loss | integer | G | Jitter - Percent of LossTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
rttMonEchoAdminNumPackets | Num RTT's | integer | G | This value represents the number of packets that need to be transmitted. This value is currently used for Jitter probe. This object is applicable to jitter probe only.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rttMonLatestIcmpJitterPktLoss | Latest RTT Icmp Pkt Loss | integer | G | The number of packets lost.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rttMonLatestJitterOperICPIF | ICPIF | integer | G | ICPIFTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rttMonLatestJitterOperMOS | MOS | integer | G | MOSTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rttMonLatestJitterOperNumOfRTT | Jitter - Total Successfully Measured | integer | G | The number of RTT's that were successfully measured.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketLateArrival | Jitter - Packets Late Arrival | integer | G | The number of packets that arrived after the timeout.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketLossDS | Jitter - Packets Lost Dst to Src | integer | G | The number of packets lost when sent from destination to sourceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketLossSD | Jitter - Packets Lost Src to Dst | integer | G | The number of packets lost when sent from source to destinationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketMIA | Jitter - Packets no-Direction | integer | G | The number of packets that are lost for which we cannot determine the direction.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketOutOfSequence | Jitter - Packets Out of Sequence | integer | G | The number of packets arrived out of sequenceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco NBAR
The custom data entities for the cisco_nbar table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
Interface | Interface Name | string | G, U | Interface Name |
ProtocolName | Protocol Name | string | G, U | Protocol Name |
RxBps | Rx Bps | integer | G | Tx Bits Per second (Calculated from Bytes)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxBytes | Rx Bytes | integer | G | The byte count of inbound octets as determined by Protocol Discovery. |
RxPkts | Rx Pkts | integer | G | The packet count of inbound packets as determined by Protocol Discovery. |
RxUtil | Rx Util | float | G | The Rx Utilization of this protocol.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxBps | Tx Bps | integer | G | Tx Bits Per second (Calculated from Bytes)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxBytes | Tx Bytes | integer | G | The byte count of outbound octets as determined by Protocol Discovery. |
TxPkts | Tx Pkts | integer | G | The packet count of outbound packets as determined by Protocol Discovery. |
TxUtil | Tx Util | float | G | The Tx Utilization of this protocol.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Type | Type | string | G | Application Monitor Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
ifIdx | ifIdx | cdt_port |
Cisco VPN Profiles
The custom data entities for the cisco_vpn_profiles table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
crasActGrNumUsers | Num Users | integer | G | The number of users in this group currently connected to the managed device.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
crasActGrpInDropPkts | Rx Drop Pkts | integer | G | The total number of packets dropped by this session which were received for processing. |
crasActGrpInOctets | Rx Octets | integer | G | The total number of octets received by this session. |
crasActGrpInPkts | Rx Pkts | integer | G | The total number of packets received by this session. |
crasActGrpOutDropPkts | Tx Drop Pkts | integer | G | The total number of outgoing packets which were dropped during transmit processing by this session. |
crasActGrpOutOctets | Tx Octets | integer | G | The total number of octets transmitted by this session. |
crasActGrpOutPkts | Tx Pkts | integer | G | The total number of packets transmitted by this session. |
crasActGrpRxBps | Rx Bps | float | G | The Bits per second throughputTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
crasActGrpTxBps | Tx Bps | float | G | The Bits per second throughputTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco VPN Sessions
The custom data entities for the cisco_vpn_sessions table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
IPSecSessions | Established IPSec Sessions | integer | G | The number of IPSec sessions established. |
L2LSessions | Established L2L Sessions | integer | G | The number of LAN to LAN sessions established. |
LBSessions | Established LB Sessions | integer | G | The number of load balancing sessions established. |
MaxGroupsSuport | Maximum Supported Groups | integer | G, U | Maximum number of remote access groups supported. |
MaxSessionsSuport | Maximum Supported Sessions | integer | G, U | Maximum number of remote access sessions supported. |
MaxUsersSuport | Maximum Supported Users | integer | G, U | Maximum number of remote access users supported. |
SVCSessions | Established SVC Sessions | integer | G | The number of secure VPN client sessions sessions established. |
WebvpnSessions | Established Webvpn Sessions | integer | G | The number of secure VPN client sessions sessions established. |
activeEmailSessions | Active Email Sessions | integer | G | The number of active Email proxy sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
activeGroups | Active Groups | integer | G | The number of user groups whose members have active sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
activeIPSecSessions | Active IPSec Sessions | integer | G | The number of active IPSec sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
activeL2LSessions | Active L2L Sessions | integer | G | The number of active LAN to LAN sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
activeLBSessions | Active LB Sessions | integer | G | The number of active load balancing sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
activeSVCSessions | Active SVC Sessions | integer | G | The number of active secure VPN client sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
activeSessions | Active Sessions | integer | G | Number of active remote access sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
activeUsers | Active Users | integer | G | The number of users who have active sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
activeWebvpnSessions | Active Webvpn Sessions | integer | G | The number of secure VPN client sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
emailSessions | Established Email Sessions | integer | G | The number of Email proxy sessions established. |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
maxSvcSessions | Max Concurrent SVC Sessions | integer | G | Maximum number of concurrent SVC sessions since system up.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
prevSessions | Previous Sessions | integer | G | The number of remote access sessions which were previously active but which where since terminated. |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco WAN 3G
The custom data entities for the cisco_wan_3g table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
GsmCountry | GSM Country | string | G, U | GSM Country |
GsmEcIo | GSM Ec/Io | integer | G | GSM Ec/IoTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
GsmNetwork | GSM Network | string | G, U | GSM Network |
GsmRSSI | GSM RSSI | integer | G | GSM RSSITimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
IMEI | IMEI | string | G | International Mobile Equipment Identifier |
ModemTemp | Modem Temperature | integer | G | The modem temperature in degrees celsiusTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
NearbyCells | Nearby Cells | integer | G | The current total number of nearby cells in the c3gGsmNearbyCellTable.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RetriesRemaining | Retries Remaining | integer | G | Indicates the number of attempts remaining in case the SIM is locked. If the number of retries becomes zero, the SIM is blocked and becomes unusable.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxBytes | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Rx Bytes |
TxBytes | Tx Bytes | integer | G | Tx Bytes |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco WAN 3G Nearby Cells
The custom data entities for the cisco_wan_3g_nearby_cells table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
EcIoMeasurement | EcIo Measurement | integer | G | EcIo MeasurementTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
PrimaryScramblingCode | Primary Scrambling Code | integer | G | Primary Scrambling CodeTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RSCP | RSCP | integer | G | Received Signal Code Power (RSCP).Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
wan3gIndex | Cisco WAN 3G Index | string | G | Index to parent cisco_wan_3g entity. |
Link | Description | Link Target |
cisco_wan_3gLink | Link to Cisco WAN 3G | cdt_cisco_wan_3g |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco WAN 4G
The custom data entities for the cisco_wan_4g table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
operatingBand | Operating Band | integer | G | Operating Band |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
rsrp | Reference Signal Receive Power (RSRP) | integer | G | Reference Signal Receive Power (RSRP)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rsrq | Reference Signal Receive Quality (RSRQ) | integer | G | Reference Signal Receive Quality (RSRQ)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sinr | Signal-to-Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) | integer | G | Signal-to-Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
snr | Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR) | integer | G | Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
cisco_wan_3gLink | Link to Cisco WAN 3G | cdt_cisco_wan_3g |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Cisco WSA (Web Security Appliance)
The custom data entities for the cisco_wsa_cache table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cacheBwidthSavingNow | Bandwidth Saving | integer | G | Bandwidth savings in the last minute (in b/sec)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheBwidthSpentNow | Bandwidth Spent | integer | G | Bandwidth spent in the last minute (in b/sec)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheBwidthTotalNow | Bandwidth Total | integer | G | Bandwidth total in the last minute (in b/sec)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheClientIdleConns | Idle Client Connections | integer | G | The number of connected but idle persistent client connections.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheClientTotalConns | Total Client Connections | integer | G | The current number of active + idle client connections.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheDeniedNow | Cache Denial Throughput Time | integer | G | Cache denial throughput time in the last minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheDeniedRespTimeNow | Cache Denial Resp Time | integer | G | Cache denial response time in the last minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheErrRespTimeNow | Cache Error Resp Time | integer | G | Cache error response time in the last minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheErrsNow | Cache Error Throughput Time | integer | G | Cache error throughput time in the last minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheHitRespTimeNow | Cache Hit Response Time | integer | G | Cache hit response time in the last minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheHitsNow | Cache Hits | integer | G | Hit throughput in the last minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheMissRespTimeNow | Cache Miss Response Time | integer | G | Cache miss response time in the last minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheMissesNow | Cache Misses | integer | G | Miss throughput in the last minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheServerIdleConns | Idle Server Connections | integer | G | The number of connected but idle persistent server connections.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheServerTotalConns | Total Server Connections | integer | G | The current number of active + idle server connections.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheThruputNow | Cache Request Throughput | integer | G | Request throughput in the last minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cacheTotalRespTimeNow | Cache Total Resp Time | integer | G | Cache total response time in the last minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Citrix Netscaler AAA Stats
The custom data entities for the citrix_netscaler_vpn_stats table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
AuthFail | Auth Fail Count | integer | G | Count of authentication failures |
AuthNonHttpFail | Non-HTTP Fail Count | integer | G | Count of non HTTP connections that failed authorization |
AuthNonHttpSuccess | Non-HTTP Success Count | integer | G | Count of non HTTP connections that succeeded authorization |
AuthOnlyHttpFail | HTTP Fail Count | integer | G | Count of HTTP connections that failed authorization |
AuthOnlyHttpSuccess | HTTP Success Count | integer | G | Count of HTTP connections that succeeded authorization |
AuthSuccess | Auth Success Count | integer | G | Count of authentication successes |
CurICAOnlyConn | ICA Only Connections | integer | G | Count of current ICA only connectionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
CurICASessions | ICA Only Sessions | integer | G | Count of current ICA only sessionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
CurSessions | AAA Currrent Sessions | integer | G | Count of all AAA current sessionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
CurTMSessions | AAATM Only Sessions | integer | G | Count of current AAATM only sessionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TotSessionTimeout | AAA Total Sessions Timed Out | integer | G | Count of all AAA sessions that have timed out |
TotSessions | AAA Total Sessions | integer | G | Count of all AAA sessions |
TotTMSessions | AAATM Total Sessions | integer | G | Count of all AAATM sessions |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Riverbed WAN Accelerator
The custom data entities for the connections_riverbed table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
LANRxOptBps | LANRxOpt Bps | float | G | Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the WAN to LAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the LAN side.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
LANRxTotal | LANRxTotal Bytes | integer | G | Rx Optimized + Rx Passthrough Bytes over LAN |
LANRxTotalBps | LANRxTotalBps | float | G | Rx Optimized + Rx Passthrough Bytes over LANTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
LANTotal | LAN Total Bytes | integer | G | LAN Rx + Tx Total Bytes |
LANTotalBps | LAN Total Bps | float | G | LAN Rx + Tx Total BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
LANTxOptBps | LANTxOpt Bps | float | G | Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the LAN to WAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the LAN sideTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
LANTxTotal | LANTxTotal Bytes | integer | G | Tx Optimized + Tx Passthrough Bytes over LAN |
LANTxTotalBps | LANTxTotal Bps | float | G | Tx Optimized + Tx Passthrough Bytes over LANTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
PassThroughRxBps | PassThrough WAN to LAN Bps | float | G | Passthrough Bps in WAN to LAN direction.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
PassThroughTxBps | PassThrough LAN to WAN Bps | float | G | Passthrough Bps in LAN to WAN direction.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TotalLANOptBps | LAN Optimized Total | float | G | LAN Optimized Total BpsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TotalPassThroughBps | PassThrough Total Bps | float | G | Passthrough Bps in LAN to WAN direction.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TotalWANOptBps | Total WAN Optimized Bps | float | G | WAN Optimized Total BpsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
WANOptTotal | WAN Optimized Total Bytes | integer | G | Bytes WAN Optimized Total |
WANRxOptBps | WANRxOpt Bps | float | G | Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the WAN to LAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the WAN side.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
WANRxTotal | WANRxTotal Bytes | integer | G | Rx Optimized + Rx Passthrough Bytes over WAN |
WANRxTotalBps | WANRxTotal Bps | float | G | Rx Optimized + Rx Passthrough Bytes over WANTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
WANTotal | WAN Total Bytes | integer | G | WANRx + Tx Total Bytes |
WANTotalBps | WAN Total Bps | float | G | WAN Rx + Tx Total BpsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
WANTxOptBps | WANTxOpt Bps | float | G | Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the LAN to WAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the WAN side.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
WANTxTotal | WANTxTotal Bytes | integer | G | Tx Optimized + Tx Passthrough Bytes over WAN |
WANTxTotalBps | WANTxTotal Bps | float | G | Tx Optimized + Tx Passthrough Bytes over WANTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
activeConnections | Connections Active | integer | G | Current number of active (optimized) connectionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
bpsReduction | Reduction Bps | integer | G | Bps ReductionTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
bwAggHCOutWan | WANTxOpt Bytes | integer | G | Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the LAN to WAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the WAN side |
bwHCAggInLan | LANRxOpt Bytes | integer | G | Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the WAN to LAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the LAN side |
bwHCAggInWan | WANRxOpt Bytes | integer | G | Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the WAN to LAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the WAN side |
bwHCAggOutLan | LANTxOpt Bytes | integer | G | Total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the LAN to WAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the LAN side |
bwPassThroughIn | Bytes PassThrough WAN to LAN | integer | G | Passthrough bytes in WAN to LAN direction |
bwPassThroughOut | Bytes PassThrough LAN to WAN | integer | G | Passthrough bytes in LAN to WAN direction |
bwPassThroughTotal | Passthrough Total Bytes | integer | G | Total passthrough bytes |
bytesReduction | Reduction Bytes | integer | G | Bytes ReductionTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
establishedConnections | Connections Established | integer | G | Current number of established (optimized) connectionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
halfClosedConnections | Connections Half Closed | integer | G | Current total number of half-closed (optimized) connectionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
halfOpenedConnections | Connections Half Opened | integer | G | Current total number of half-opened (optimized) connectionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
health | Health | string | G, U | Current health of the system. The value is one amongst Healthy, Admission Control, Degraded, CriticalCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
optimizedConnections | Connections Optimized | integer | G | Current total number of optimized connectionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
passthroughConnections | Connections Passthrough | integer | G | Current total number of pass-through connectionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
percentConnections | Connections Used Percent | float | G | Percentage of total connections in use.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
shMaxBandwidth | Max Bandwidth | integer | G | Maximum possible bandwidth for this applianceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
shMaxConnections | Connections Max Optimized | integer | G | Maximum possible connections through this applianceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
totalConnections | Connections Total Current | integer | G | Total number of connectionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the cpu table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Alcatel
The custom data entities for the cpu_alcatel table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Alcatel - AOS7
The custom data entities for the cpu_alcatel_aos7 table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Alteon
The custom data entities for the cpu_alteon table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Aruba
The custom data entities for the cpu_aruba table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Avaya RC
The custom data entities for the cpu_avaya_rc table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Avaya S5
The custom data entities for the cpu_avaya_s5 table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - BlueCoat
The custom data entities for the cpu_bluecoat table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Cisco
The custom data entities for the cpu_cisco table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
inventory_entityLink | Link to Inventory Information | cdt_inventory_entity |
CPU - Cisco ASA
The custom data entities for the cpu_cisco_asa table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
inventory_entityLink | Link to Inventory Information | cdt_inventory_entity |
CPU - Cisco Nexus
The custom data entities for the cpu_cisco_nexus table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Cisco SAN
The custom data entities for the cpu_cisco_san table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Cisco WSA
The custom data entities for the cpu_cisco_wsa table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
perCentCPUUtilization | CPU Load | integer | G | CPU LoadTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Cisco WSA Cache
The custom data entities for the cpu_cisco_wsa_cache table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cacheCpuUsage | Cpu Usage | integer | G | Proxy CPU percent (0-100) used - measured every 10 secondsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Dell
The custom data entities for the cpu_dell table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
agentSwitchCpuProcessTotalUtilizationSixty | CPU Load | integer | G | Total CPU utilization over a period of 60 seconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Dell F10 S
The custom data entities for the cpu_dell_F10_S table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the cpu_dell_dnos table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Dell X Series
The custom data entities for the cpu_dell_x table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
rlCpuUtilDuringLastMinute | CPU Load | integer | G | Total CPU utilization over a period of 60 seconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Extreme
The custom data entities for the cpu_extreme table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Extreme VSP
The custom data entities for the cpu_extreme_vsp table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Fortinet Fortigate
The custom data entities for the cpu_fortinet_fortigate table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Foundry
The custom data entities for the cpu_foundry table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Foundry MLX
The custom data entities for the cpu_foundry_mlx table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the cpu_freebsd table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idle_cpu | Idle Percentage | float | G | Percentage of time the CPU was idle |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
interrupt_cpu | Interrupt Load Percentage | float | G | Load percentage of servicing hardware or software interrupts |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
nice_cpu | Nice Load Percentage | float | G | Load percentage of user-level applications with nice priority |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
system_cpu | System Load Percentage | float | G | Load percentage of system-level applications |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
total_cpu | Total CPU Usage | integer | G | Total amount of cpu usage |
user_cpu | User Load Percentage | float | G | Load percentage of user-level applications |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Juniper
The custom data entities for the cpu_juniper table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G, U | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Juniper Pulse
The custom data entities for the cpu_juniper_pulse table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Juniper SRX
The custom data entities for the cpu_juniper_srx table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
jnxJsSPUMonitoringCPUUsage | CPU Usage | integer | G | Current SPU(CPU) Utilization in percentage.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - NetScaler
The custom data entities for the cpu_netscaler table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Netscreen
The custom data entities for the cpu_netscreen table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Nokia
The custom data entities for the cpu_nokia table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Procurve
The custom data entities for the cpu_procurve table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Server
The custom data entities for the cpu_server table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the cpu_ucd table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuNicePercent | Nice Percent | integer | G | Nice PercentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuRawIdlePercent | Idle Percent | integer | G | Idle PercentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuRawInterruptPercent | Interrupt Percent | integer | G | Interrupt PercentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuRawKernelPercent | Kernel Percent | integer | G | Kernel PercentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuRawWaitPercent | Wait Percent | integer | G | Wait PercentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuSystemUsedPercent | System Percent | integer | G | System PercentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuTotal | Total | integer | G | Total of raw cpu data types.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
cpuUserUsedPercent | User Percent | integer | G | User PercentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
CPU - Viptela
The custom data entities for the cpu_viptela table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
cpuDescr | Description | string | G | Description |
cpuLoad | Load Percentage | float | G | Load PercentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
cpuType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Dell DNOS System Information
The custom data entities for the dell_inventory table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
dellNetStackUnitModelId | Model | string | G, U | The Dell Networking OS Model number for this unit. |
description | Description | string | G, U | Inventory Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
model | Model | string | G, U | Inventory Model |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
serial | Serial Number | string | G, U | Serial Number |
softwareRev | Software Revision | string | G, U | Software Revision |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vendor | Vendor | string | G | Inventory Vendor |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the device table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
auth_method | SNMPv3 Authentication Method | string | G | Authentication method for SNMPv3 devices |
auth_pass | SNMPv3 Authentication Password | string | G | Authentication password for SNMPv3 devices |
auth_user | SNMPv3 Authentication Username | string | G | Authentication user for SNMPv3 devices |
chassisId | Chassis ID | string | G | The string value used to identify the chassis component associated with the local system. |
community | Community | string | G | The community string status of the device |
context | SNMPv3 Context | string | G | Context for SNMPv3 devices |
custom_data_details | Custom Data Details | string | G, U | A JSON string object indicating which custom entities have been found during a discovery |
default_poller | Default Poller | string | G, A, U | The poller where ping metrics for this device are polled from |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
discover_getNext | Use GetNext | string | G, U | Walk this device using SNMP getNext instead of getBulk |
discover_minimal | Use Minimal Walk | string | G, U | Walk this device using a minimal set of oids |
discover_snmpv1 | Use SNMPv1 | string | G, U | Walk this device using SNMPv1 |
hostname | Hostname | string | G, A, U | The hostname of the device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ipaddress | IP Address | string | G, A (required), U | The IP address of the device |
latitude | Latitude | float | G, A, U | The user defined latitude of the device's location |
longitude | Longitude | float | G, A, U | The user defined longitude of the device's location |
manual_name | User Defined Name | string | G, A, U | The user defined name of the device |
memorySize | Memory Size | integer | G | The amount of physical read-write memory contained by the entity |
mis | MAC/IP/Switch Collection State | string | G, U | Include this device in the MIS report calculations |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
ping_dup | Ping Duplicate | integer | G | Number of duplicate ping responses received from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_jitter | Ping Jitter | float | G | The ping rtt jitter to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_lost | Ping Lost | integer | G | Number of times that a ping request was lost from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_lost_percent | Ping Lost Percent | integer | G | The percentage of lost ping packets from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_outage | Ping Outage | integer | G | Number of seconds to wait before a device is considered to be down |
ping_poll | Ping Poll | string | G, A, U | The ping polling status of the device from the default poller |
ping_received | Ping Received | integer | G | Number of ping request received from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_rtt | Ping RTT | float | G | The current 1 minute average ping rtt to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_rtt_max | Maximum Ping RTT | float | G | The maximum ping rtt to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_rtt_min | Minimum Ping RTT | float | G | The minimum ping rtt to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_sent | Ping Sent | integer | G | Number of ping request sent from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_state | Ping State | string | G | The current ping state of the device from the default pollerCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
priv_method | SNMPv3 Privacy Method | string | G | Privacy method for SNMPv3 devices |
priv_pass | SNMPv3 Privacy Password | string | G | Privacy password for SNMPv3 devices |
region | Region | string | G, A, U | The region of the device |
retired | Retired | string | G | The device has been Retired |
site | Site | string | G, A, U | The site location of the device |
snmpEngineID | SNMP Engine ID | string | G, U | An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier |
snmp_credential | SNMP Credential | integer | G, A, U | The SNMP credentials currently used to poll the device |
snmp_maxoid | SNMP Max OID | integer | G, U | Maximum number of oids to poll in a single request |
snmp_poll | SNMP Poll | string | G, A, U | The SNMP polling status of the device |
snmp_state | SNMP State | string | G, U | The current SNMP state of the device from the default pollerCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
snmp_version | SNMP Version | integer | G | The SNMP version of the device |
sysContact | Contact | string | G, U | The textual identification of the contact person for the entity |
sysDescr | System Description | string | G, U | A textual description of the entity |
sysLocation | Location | string | G, U | The physical location of the entity |
sysName | System Name | string | G, U | An administratively-assigned name for the entity |
sysObjectID | Object ID | string | G, U | The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity |
sysServices | Services | integer | G, U | A value which indicates the set of services that the entity may potentially offer |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vendor | Vendor | string | G, A, U | The vendor name for the device |
Link | Description | Link Target |
macLink | Link to MAC | mac |
merakiDeviceLink | Link to Meraki Device | cdt_meraki_device |
snmpCredentialLink | Link to SNMP Credential | snmp_credential |
The custom data entities for the device_apic table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
auth_method | SNMPv3 Authentication Method | string | G | Authentication method for SNMPv3 devices |
auth_pass | SNMPv3 Authentication Password | string | G | Authentication password for SNMPv3 devices |
auth_user | SNMPv3 Authentication Username | string | G | Authentication user for SNMPv3 devices |
chassisId | Chassis ID | string | G | The string value used to identify the chassis component associated with the local system. |
community | Community | string | G | The community string status of the device |
context | SNMPv3 Context | string | G | Context for SNMPv3 devices |
custom_data_details | Custom Data Details | string | G | A JSON string object indicating which custom entities have been found during a discovery |
default_poller | Default Poller | string | G | The poller where ping metrics for this device are polled from |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
discover_getNext | Use GetNext | string | G | Walk this device using SNMP getNext instead of getBulk |
discover_minimal | Use Minimal Walk | string | G | Walk this device using a minimal set of oids |
discover_snmpv1 | Use SNMPv1 | string | G | Walk this device using SNMPv1 |
health | Health | integer | G | HealthTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hostname | Hostname | string | G | The hostname of the device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ipaddress | IP Address | string | G | The IP address of the device |
latitude | Latitude | float | G | The user defined latitude of the device's location |
longitude | Longitude | float | G | The user defined longitude of the device's location |
manual_name | User Defined Name | string | G | The user defined name of the device |
memorySize | Memory Size | integer | G | The amount of physical read-write memory contained by the entity |
mis | MAC/IP/Switch Collection State | string | G | Include this device in the MIS report calculations |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
noApplications | Application Profiles | integer | G | Number of Application ProfilesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
noBridgeDomains | Bridging Domains | integer | G | Number of Bridging DomainsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
noCEPs | Client Endpoints | integer | G | Number of Client EndpointsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
noControllers | Controllers | integer | G | Number of ControllersTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
noEPGs | Endpoint Groups | integer | G | Number of Endpoint GroupsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
noLeaves | Leaves | integer | G | Number of LeavesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
noNodes | Nodes | integer | G | Number of NodesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
noPods | Pods | integer | G | Number of PodsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
noSpines | Spines | integer | G | Number of SpinesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
noTenants | Tenants | integer | G | Number of TenantsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
noVRFs | VRFs | integer | G | Number of VRFsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_dup | Ping Duplicate | integer | G | Number of duplicate ping responses received from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_jitter | Ping Jitter | float | G | The ping rtt jitter to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_lost | Ping Lost | integer | G | Number of times that a ping request was lost from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_lost_percent | Ping Lost Percent | integer | G | The percentage of lost ping packets from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_outage | Ping Outage | integer | G | Number of seconds to wait before a device is considered to be down |
ping_poll | Ping Poll | string | G | The ping polling status of the device from the default poller |
ping_received | Ping Received | integer | G | Number of ping request received from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_rtt | Ping RTT | float | G | The current 1 minute average ping rtt to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_rtt_max | Maximum Ping RTT | float | G | The maximum ping rtt to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_rtt_min | Minimum Ping RTT | float | G | The minimum ping rtt to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_sent | Ping Sent | integer | G | Number of ping request sent from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_state | Ping State | string | G | The current ping state of the device from the default pollerCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
priv_method | SNMPv3 Privacy Method | string | G | Privacy method for SNMPv3 devices |
priv_pass | SNMPv3 Privacy Password | string | G | Privacy password for SNMPv3 devices |
region | Region | string | G | The region of the device |
retired | Retired | string | G | The device has been Retired |
site | Site | string | G | The site location of the device |
snmpEngineID | SNMP Engine ID | string | G | An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier |
snmp_credential | SNMP Credential | integer | G | The SNMP credentials currently used to poll the device |
snmp_maxoid | SNMP Max OID | integer | G | Maximum number of oids to poll in a single request |
snmp_poll | SNMP Poll | string | G | The SNMP polling status of the device |
snmp_state | SNMP State | string | G | The current SNMP state of the device from the default pollerCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
snmp_version | SNMP Version | integer | G | The SNMP version of the device |
sysContact | Contact | string | G | The textual identification of the contact person for the entity |
sysDescr | System Description | string | G | A textual description of the entity |
sysLocation | Location | string | G | The physical location of the entity |
sysName | System Name | string | G | An administratively-assigned name for the entity |
sysObjectID | Object ID | string | G | The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity |
sysServices | Services | integer | G | A value which indicates the set of services that the entity may potentially offer |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vendor | Vendor | string | G | The vendor name for the device |
Device - FreeBSD
The custom data entities for the device_freebsd table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
auth_method | SNMPv3 Authentication Method | string | G | Authentication method for SNMPv3 devices |
auth_pass | SNMPv3 Authentication Password | string | G | Authentication password for SNMPv3 devices |
auth_user | SNMPv3 Authentication Username | string | G | Authentication user for SNMPv3 devices |
boottime | System Start Time | time | G | The time that the system started |
chassisId | Chassis ID | string | G | The string value used to identify the chassis component associated with the local system. |
community | Community | string | G | The community string status of the device |
context | SNMPv3 Context | string | G | Context for SNMPv3 devices |
custom_data_details | Custom Data Details | string | G | A JSON string object indicating which custom entities have been found during a discovery |
default_poller | Default Poller | string | G | The poller where ping metrics for this device are polled from |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
discover_getNext | Use GetNext | string | G | Walk this device using SNMP getNext instead of getBulk |
discover_minimal | Use Minimal Walk | string | G | Walk this device using a minimal set of oids |
discover_snmpv1 | Use SNMPv1 | string | G | Walk this device using SNMPv1 |
hostid | Host Id | integer | G | Host Id |
hostname | Hostname | string | G | The hostname of the device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ipaddress | IP Address | string | G | The IP address of the device |
latitude | Latitude | float | G | The user defined latitude of the device's location |
loadavg15min | Load Average 15 Minute | float | G | The number of process being or waiting to be executed over a 15 minute periodTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
loadavg1min | Load Average 1 Minute | float | G | The number of process being or waiting to be executed over a 1 minute periodTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
loadavg5min | Load Average 5 Minute | float | G | The number of process being or waiting to be executed over a 5 minute periodTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
lock_processes | Locked Processes | integer | G | Number of locked processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
longitude | Longitude | float | G | The user defined longitude of the device's location |
maker | Maker | string | G | System Maker |
manual_name | User Defined Name | string | G | The user defined name of the device |
memorySize | Memory Size | integer | G | The amount of physical read-write memory contained by the entity |
mis | MAC/IP/Switch Collection State | string | G | Include this device in the MIS report calculations |
model | Model | string | G | System Model |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
nocpus | Number of CPUs | integer | G | The Number of CPUs |
osrelease | OS Release | string | G | OS Release |
osrevision | OS Revision | integer | G | OS Revision |
ping_dup | Ping Duplicate | integer | G | Number of duplicate ping responses received from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_jitter | Ping Jitter | float | G | The ping rtt jitter to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_lost | Ping Lost | integer | G | Number of times that a ping request was lost from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_lost_percent | Ping Lost Percent | integer | G | The percentage of lost ping packets from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_outage | Ping Outage | integer | G | Number of seconds to wait before a device is considered to be down |
ping_poll | Ping Poll | string | G | The ping polling status of the device from the default poller |
ping_received | Ping Received | integer | G | Number of ping request received from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_rtt | Ping RTT | float | G | The current 1 minute average ping rtt to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_rtt_max | Maximum Ping RTT | float | G | The maximum ping rtt to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_rtt_min | Minimum Ping RTT | float | G | The minimum ping rtt to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_sent | Ping Sent | integer | G | Number of ping request sent from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_state | Ping State | string | G | The current ping state of the device from the default pollerCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
priv_method | SNMPv3 Privacy Method | string | G | Privacy method for SNMPv3 devices |
priv_pass | SNMPv3 Privacy Password | string | G | Privacy password for SNMPv3 devices |
processes | Process Count | integer | G | Number of processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
region | Region | string | G | The region of the device |
retired | Retired | string | G | The device has been Retired |
running_processes | Running Processes | integer | G | Number of running processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
site | Site | string | G | The site location of the device |
sleeping_processes | Sleeping Processes | integer | G | Number of sleeping processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
snmpEngineID | SNMP Engine ID | string | G | An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier |
snmp_credential | SNMP Credential | integer | G | The SNMP credentials currently used to poll the device |
snmp_maxoid | SNMP Max OID | integer | G | Maximum number of oids to poll in a single request |
snmp_poll | SNMP Poll | string | G | The SNMP polling status of the device |
snmp_state | SNMP State | string | G | The current SNMP state of the device from the default pollerCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
snmp_version | SNMP Version | integer | G | The SNMP version of the device |
starting_processes | Starting Processes | integer | G | Number of starting processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
stopped_processes | Stopped Processes | integer | G | Number of stopped processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
swapin | Swap In | integer | G | Number of pages swapped in |
swapout | Swap Out | integer | G | Number of pages swapped out |
sysContact | Contact | string | G | The textual identification of the contact person for the entity |
sysDescr | System Description | string | G | A textual description of the entity |
sysLocation | Location | string | G | The physical location of the entity |
sysName | System Name | string | G | An administratively-assigned name for the entity |
sysObjectID | Object ID | string | G | The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity |
sysServices | Services | integer | G | A value which indicates the set of services that the entity may potentially offer |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vendor | Vendor | string | G | The vendor name for the device |
waiting_processes | Waiting Processes | integer | G | Number of waiting processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
zombie_processes | Zombie Processes | integer | G | Number of zombie processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Observability Appliance
The custom data entities for the device_oa table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
auth_method | SNMPv3 Authentication Method | string | G | Authentication method for SNMPv3 devices |
auth_pass | SNMPv3 Authentication Password | string | G | Authentication password for SNMPv3 devices |
auth_user | SNMPv3 Authentication Username | string | G | Authentication user for SNMPv3 devices |
boottime | System Start Time | time | G, U | The time that the system started |
chassisId | Chassis ID | string | G | The string value used to identify the chassis component associated with the local system. |
community | Community | string | G | The community string status of the device |
config_md5 | Config MD5 | string | G, U | MD5 Checksum of Applications Configuration on the Appliance |
context | SNMPv3 Context | string | G | Context for SNMPv3 devices |
currenttime | Currenttime | time | G, U | Current time returned from the Appliance |
custom_data_details | Custom Data Details | string | G, U | A JSON string object indicating which custom entities have been found during a discovery |
default_poller | Default Poller | string | G, U | The poller where ping metrics for this device are polled from |
detail | Detail | string | G, U | Details about the Appliance |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
discover_getNext | Use GetNext | string | G, U | Walk this device using SNMP getNext instead of getBulk |
discover_minimal | Use Minimal Walk | string | G, U | Walk this device using a minimal set of oids |
discover_snmpv1 | Use SNMPv1 | string | G, U | Walk this device using SNMPv1 |
filelist_md5 | Filelist MD5 | string | G, U | MD5 Checksum of Filelist configuration on the Appliance |
gateway | Gateway | string | G, U | Default IP Gateway on the Appliance |
hostid | Host Id | integer | G, U | Host Id |
hostname | Hostname | string | G, U | The hostname of the device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ipaddress | IP Address | string | G, U | The IP address of the device |
latitude | Latitude | float | G, U | The user defined latitude of the device's location |
loadavg15min | Load Average 15 Minute | float | G | The number of process being or waiting to be executed over a 15 minute periodTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
loadavg1min | Load Average 1 Minute | float | G | The number of process being or waiting to be executed over a 1 minute periodTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
loadavg5min | Load Average 5 Minute | float | G | The number of process being or waiting to be executed over a 5 minute periodTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
lock_processes | Locked Processes | integer | G | Number of locked processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
logfilelastupdated | Logfilelastupdated | time | G, U | Time log file was last updated |
logfilesize | Logfilesize | integer | G, U | Log File Size |
longitude | Longitude | float | G, U | The user defined longitude of the device's location |
maker | Maker | string | G, U | System Maker |
manual_name | User Defined Name | string | G, U | The user defined name of the device |
memorySize | Memory Size | integer | G | The amount of physical read-write memory contained by the entity |
mis | MAC/IP/Switch Collection State | string | G, U | Include this device in the MIS report calculations |
mode | Mode | string | G, U | Internal Mode status for Appliance |
model | Model | string | G, U | System Model |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
netmask | Netmask | string | G, U | Appliances IP Netmask |
nocpus | Number of CPUs | integer | G, U | The Number of CPUs |
oa_boottime | System Start Time | time | G, U | The time that the system started |
osrelease | OS Release | string | G, U | OS Release |
osrevision | OS Revision | integer | G, U | OS Revision |
ping_dup | Ping Duplicate | integer | G | Number of duplicate ping responses received from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_jitter | Ping Jitter | float | G | The ping rtt jitter to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_lost | Ping Lost | integer | G | Number of times that a ping request was lost from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_lost_percent | Ping Lost Percent | integer | G | The percentage of lost ping packets from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_outage | Ping Outage | integer | G | Number of seconds to wait before a device is considered to be down |
ping_poll | Ping Poll | string | G, U | The ping polling status of the device from the default poller |
ping_received | Ping Received | integer | G | Number of ping request received from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_rtt | Ping RTT | float | G | The current 1 minute average ping rtt to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_rtt_max | Maximum Ping RTT | float | G | The maximum ping rtt to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_rtt_min | Minimum Ping RTT | float | G | The minimum ping rtt to this device in ms to 3 decimal places from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_sent | Ping Sent | integer | G | Number of ping request sent from the default pollerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ping_state | Ping State | string | G | The current ping state of the device from the default pollerCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
priv_method | SNMPv3 Privacy Method | string | G | Privacy method for SNMPv3 devices |
priv_pass | SNMPv3 Privacy Password | string | G | Privacy password for SNMPv3 devices |
processes | Process Count | integer | G | Number of processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
region | Region | string | G, U | The region of the device |
retired | Retired | string | G | The device has been Retired |
running_processes | Running Processes | integer | G | Number of running processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
site | Site | string | G, U | The site location of the device |
sleeping_processes | Sleeping Processes | integer | G | Number of sleeping processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
snmpEngineID | SNMP Engine ID | string | G, U | An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier |
snmp_credential | SNMP Credential | integer | G, U | The SNMP credentials currently used to poll the device |
snmp_maxoid | SNMP Max OID | integer | G, U | Maximum number of oids to poll in a single request |
snmp_poll | SNMP Poll | string | G | The SNMP polling status of the device |
snmp_state | SNMP State | string | G, U | The current SNMP state of the device from the default pollerCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
snmp_version | SNMP Version | integer | G | The SNMP version of the device |
starting_processes | Starting Processes | integer | G | Number of starting processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
status | Status | string | G, U | StatusCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
stopped_processes | Stopped Processes | integer | G | Number of stopped processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
swapin | Swap In | integer | G | Number of pages swapped in |
swapout | Swap Out | integer | G | Number of pages swapped out |
sysContact | Contact | string | G, U | The textual identification of the contact person for the entity |
sysDescr | System Description | string | G | A textual description of the entity |
sysLocation | Location | string | G, U | The physical location of the entity |
sysName | System Name | string | G, U | An administratively-assigned name for the entity |
sysObjectID | Object ID | string | G, U | The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity |
sysServices | Services | integer | G, U | A value which indicates the set of services that the entity may potentially offer |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
timeout | Timeout | integer | G, U | Timeout to use when communicating with Appliance |
title | Title | string | G, U | Title |
ufdwriteattempts | Ufdwriteattempts | integer | G, U | Internal Write attempts to the Appliance disk (Used when upgrading Appliance) |
uptime | Uptime | time | G, U | System Uptime |
vendor | Vendor | string | G | The vendor name for the device |
version | Version | string | G, U | Version |
waiting_processes | Waiting Processes | integer | G | Number of waiting processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
zombie_processes | Zombie Processes | integer | G | Number of zombie processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Infoblox - DHCP
The custom data entities for the dhcp_infoblox_scopes table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
ibDHCPSubnetNetworkAddress | Subnet Address | string | G, U | Subnet Address |
ibDHCPSubnetNetworkMask | Subnet Mask | string | G, U | Subnet Mask |
ibDHCPSubnetPercentUsed | Percent Used | integer | G | Percent UsedTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Infoblox - DHCP Stats
The custom data entities for the dhcp_infoblox_stats table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
dhcpIdx | Index | string | G | Index |
ibDhcpTotalNoOfAcks | Acks | integer | G | Acks |
ibDhcpTotalNoOfDeclines | Declines | integer | G | Declines |
ibDhcpTotalNoOfDiscovers | Discovers | integer | G | Discovers |
ibDhcpTotalNoOfInforms | Informs | integer | G | Informs |
ibDhcpTotalNoOfNacks | Nacks | integer | G | Nacks |
ibDhcpTotalNoOfOffers | Offers | integer | G | Offers |
ibDhcpTotalNoOfOthers | Others | integer | G | Others |
ibDhcpTotalNoOfReleases | Releases | integer | G | Releases |
ibDhcpTotalNoOfRequests | Requests | integer | G | Requests |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
DHCP Scopes - Microsoft
The custom data entities for the dhcp_microsoft_scopes table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
AddressTotal | Total | integer | G | Percent UsedTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
noAddFree | Free | integer | G | Free AddressesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
noAddInUse | Used | integer | G | Used AddressesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
noPendingOffers | Pending Offers | integer | G | Pending OffersTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
percentUsed | Percent Used | integer | G | Percent UsedTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
subnetAdd | Address | string | G, U | Subnet Address |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
DHCP Stats - Microsoft
The custom data entities for the dhcp_microsoft_stats table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
dhcpIdx | Index | string | G | Index |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
parDhcpTotalNoOfAcks | Acks | integer | G | Number of Acks in given time |
parDhcpTotalNoOfDeclines | Declines | integer | G | Number of Declines in given time |
parDhcpTotalNoOfDiscovers | Discovers | integer | G | This variable indicates the number of discovery messages received |
parDhcpTotalNoOfNacks | Nacks | integer | G | Number of Nacks in given time |
parDhcpTotalNoOfOffers | Offers | integer | G | Number of Offers in given time |
parDhcpTotalNoOfReleases | Releases | integer | G | Releases |
parDhcpTotalNoOfRequests | Requests | integer | G | Number of Requests in given time |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Disk IO - FreeBSD
The custom data entities for the diskio table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
busy_percent | Busy Percent | integer | G | The percentage of time the disk has been busy |
busy_time | Busy Time | string | G | The amount of time the disk has been busy |
bytes_read | Bytes Read | string | G | The number of bytes read from the disk |
bytes_write | Bytes Written | string | G | The number of bytes written to the disk |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
trans_read | Read Transactions | string | G | The number of read transactions from the disk |
trans_write | Write Transactions | string | G | The number of write transactions to the disk |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Infoblox - DNS
The custom data entities for the dns_infoblox_stats table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
ibBindZoneTransferCount | Zone Transfers | integer | G | Number of zone transfers. |
ibDnsHitRatio | Hit Percent | integer | G | DNS hit ratioTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ibDnsQueryRate | Query Rate | integer | G | DNS queries per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Infoblox - DNS - Zone
The custom data entities for the dns_infoblox_zone table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
ibBindZoneFailure | Zone Failure | integer | G | Number of Failed queries since DNS process started. |
ibBindZoneName | Zone Name | string | G, U | DNS Zone name. The first one is global summary statistics. Index name for global statistics is 'summary'. All zones live in the default view. |
ibBindZoneNxDomain | Non-Existent Domain Querues | integer | G | Number of DNS query received for non-existent domain. |
ibBindZoneNxRRset | Non-Existent Record Queries | integer | G | Number of DNS query received for non-existent record. |
ibBindZoneRecursion | Recursion Queries | integer | G | Recursion Queries |
ibBindZoneReferral | Referrals | integer | G | Number of DNS referrals since DNS process started. |
ibBindZoneSuccess | Success | integer | G | Number of Successful responses since DNS process started. |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the eip_dhcp table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
eipDhcpStatName | eipDhcpStatName | string | G, U | Statistic Name |
eipDhcpStatValue | eipDhcpStatValue | integer | G | Statistics Value |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the eip_dns table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
eipDnsStatName | eipDnsStatName | string | G, U | Statistic Name |
eipDnsStatValue | eipDnsStatValue | integer | G | Statistic Value |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Environment Monitors
The custom data entities for the env_mon table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DewPoint | Environment Dew Point | integer | G | Environment Dew PointTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Humidity | Environment Humidity | integer | G | Environment HumidityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Status | Status | string | G | Status |
Temperature | Environment Temperature | integer | G | Environment TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TemperatureUnit | Environment Temperature Units | string | G | Environment Temperature Units |
Type | Type | string | G | Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
APC Environment Management System
The custom data entities for the env_mon_apc_ems table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DewPoint | Environment Dew Point | integer | G | Environment Dew PointTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Humidity | Environment Humidity | integer | G | Environment HumidityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Status | Status | string | G, U | Status |
Temperature | Environment Temperature | integer | G | Environment TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TemperatureUnit | Environment Temperature Units | string | G | Environment Temperature Units |
Type | Type | string | G | Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
APC Internal Environment Monitor
The custom data entities for the env_mon_apc_internal table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DewPoint | Environment Dew Point | integer | G | Environment Dew PointTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Humidity | Environment Humidity | integer | G | Environment HumidityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Status | Status | string | G, U | Status |
Temperature | Environment Temperature | integer | G | Environment TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TemperatureUnit | Environment Temperature Units | string | G, U | Environment Temperature Units |
Type | Type | string | G | Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Enviromux Environmental Monitoring - External - Dew Point
The custom data entities for the env_mon_enviromux_external_dewpoint table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DewPoint | Environment Dew Point | integer | G | Environment Dew PointTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Humidity | Environment Humidity | integer | G | Environment HumidityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Status | Status | string | G | Status |
Temperature | Environment Temperature | integer | G | Environment TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TemperatureUnit | Environment Temperature Units | string | G | Environment Temperature Units |
Type | Type | string | G | Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Enviromux Environmental Monitoring - External - Humidity
The custom data entities for the env_mon_enviromux_external_humidity table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DewPoint | Environment Dew Point | integer | G | Environment Dew PointTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Humidity | Environment Humidity | integer | G | Environment HumidityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Status | Status | string | G | Status |
Temperature | Environment Temperature | integer | G | Environment TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TemperatureUnit | Environment Temperature Units | string | G | Environment Temperature Units |
Type | Type | string | G | Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Enviromux Environmental Monitoring - External - Temperature
The custom data entities for the env_mon_enviromux_external_temperature table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DewPoint | Environment Dew Point | integer | G | Environment Dew PointTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Humidity | Environment Humidity | integer | G | Environment HumidityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Status | Status | string | G | Status |
Temperature | Environment Temperature | integer | G | Environment TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TemperatureUnit | Environment Temperature Units | string | G | Environment Temperature Units |
Type | Type | string | G | Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Enviromux Environmental Monitoring - Internal - Dew Point
The custom data entities for the env_mon_enviromux_internal_dewpoint table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DewPoint | Environment Dew Point | integer | G | Environment Dew PointTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Humidity | Environment Humidity | integer | G | Environment HumidityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Status | Status | string | G | Status |
Temperature | Environment Temperature | integer | G | Environment TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TemperatureUnit | Environment Temperature Units | string | G | Environment Temperature Units |
Type | Type | string | G | Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Enviromux Environmental Monitoring - Internal - Humidty
The custom data entities for the env_mon_enviromux_internal_humidity table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DewPoint | Environment Dew Point | integer | G | Environment Dew PointTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Humidity | Environment Humidity | integer | G | Environment HumidityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Status | Status | string | G | Status |
Temperature | Environment Temperature | integer | G | Environment TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TemperatureUnit | Environment Temperature Units | string | G | Environment Temperature Units |
Type | Type | string | G | Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Enviromux Environmental Monitoring - Internal - Temperature
The custom data entities for the env_mon_enviromux_internal_temperature table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DewPoint | Environment Dew Point | integer | G | Environment Dew PointTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Humidity | Environment Humidity | integer | G | Environment HumidityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Status | Status | string | G | Status |
Temperature | Environment Temperature | integer | G | Environment TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TemperatureUnit | Environment Temperature Units | string | G | Environment Temperature Units |
Type | Type | string | G | Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Geist Internal Environment Monitor
The custom data entities for the env_mon_geist_internal table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DewPoint | Environment Dew Point | integer | G | Environment Dew PointTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Humidity | Environment Humidity | integer | G | Environment HumidityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Status | Status | string | G | Status |
Temperature | Environment Temperature | integer | G | Environment TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TemperatureUnit | Environment Temperature Units | string | G | Environment Temperature Units |
Type | Type | string | G | Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Interseptor Environment Monitor
The custom data entities for the env_mon_interseptor table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DewPoint | Environment Dew Point | integer | G | Environment Dew PointTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Humidity | Environment Humidity | integer | G | Environment HumidityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Status | Status | string | G, U | Status |
Temperature | Environment Temperature | integer | G | Environment TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TemperatureUnit | Environment Temperature Units | string | G, U | Environment Temperature Units |
Type | Type | string | G | Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Vertiv Environmental Monitoring
The custom data entities for the env_mon_vertiv table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DewPoint | Environment Dew Point | integer | G | Environment Dew PointTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Humidity | Environment Humidity | integer | G | Environment HumidityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Status | Status | string | G | Status |
Temperature | Environment Temperature | integer | G | Environment TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TemperatureUnit | Environment Temperature Units | string | G | Environment Temperature Units |
Type | Type | string | G | Type |
airFlowSensorLabel | Label | string | G, U | Label |
airFlowSensorTemp | Temperature | integer | G | TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
F5 APM Sessions
The custom data entities for the f5_apm_sessions table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
curConns | Active SSL/VPN Connections | integer | G | The total current SSL/VPN connections in the systemTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
currentActiveSessions | Active Sessions | integer | G | The total active user sessions in the systemTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
F5 Big IP Monitoring
The custom data entities for the f5_bigip_interface table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
PauseActive | Pause State | string | G, U | The pause state of the specified interface. none is no pause, txrx is pause all data flow, tx is pause out going data flow, rx is pause in coming data flow.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
interfaceName | Interface Name | string | G, U | Interface Name |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
sysInterfaceStatBytesIn | Bytes In | integer | G | The number of bytes received on the specified interface. |
sysInterfaceStatBytesOut | Bytes Out | integer | G | The number of bytes transmitted out of the specified interface. |
sysInterfaceStatCollisions | Collisions | integer | G | The number of collisions on the specified interface, incremented by the number of collisions experienced during transmissions of a frame. |
sysInterfaceStatDropsIn | Drops In | integer | G | The number of packets dropped on ingress for various reasons on the specified interface. |
sysInterfaceStatDropsOut | Drops Out | integer | G | The number of packets aged out or with excessive transmission delays due to multiple deferrals on the specified interface. |
sysInterfaceStatErrorsIn | Errors In | integer | G | The number of received packets that are either undersized, oversized, or have FCS errors by the specified interface |
sysInterfaceStatErrorsOut | Errors Out | integer | G | The number of excessive collisions, incremented for each frame that experienced 16 collisions during transmission and was aborted on the specified interface. |
sysInterfaceStatMcastIn | Mcast In | integer | G | The number of multicast packets received on the specified interface. |
sysInterfaceStatMcastOut | Mcast Out | integer | G | The number of multicast packets transmitted out of the specified interface. |
sysInterfaceStatPktsIn | Packets In | integer | G | The number of packets received on this interface. |
sysInterfaceStatPktsOut | Packets Out | integer | G | The number of packets transmitted out of this interface. |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
interfaceName | Link to Port | cdt_port |
F5 Firewall Connections
The custom data entities for the f5_firewall_connections table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
clientCurConns | Current Client Connections | integer | G | The current connections from client side.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientMaxConns | Max Client Connections | integer | G | The maximum connections from client side. |
clientSSLAvgConns | SSL Avg Connections per second | integer | G | The average total SSL connections from client-side to the system in the last five minutes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientSSLCurConns | SSL Current Connections | integer | G | The current number of concurrent connections with established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientTotConns | Total Client Connections | integer | G | The total connections from client side. |
connectionMemoryErrors | Connection Errors - Memory Full | integer | G | The errors of that connection could not be created because memory was not available. |
currPvaAssistConn | Current PVA Assisted Connections | integer | G | The current number of the connections that are partially accelerated. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
maintenanceModeDeny | Connection Errors - Maintenance | integer | G | The connection requests rejected because the virtual server was in maintenance mode. |
maxConnVirtualPathDeny | Connection Errors - Over Limit | integer | G | The connection requests rejected because they exceeded the connection limit for a virtual server (IP:port). |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
pvaClientCurConns | Current PVA Client Connections | integer | G | The current connections from PVA client side.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
pvaClientMaxConns | Max PVA Client Connections | integer | G | The maximum connections from PVA client side. |
pvaClientTotConns | Total PVA Client Connections | integer | G | The total connections from PVA client side. |
pvaServerCurConns | Current PVA Server Connections | integer | G | The current connections from PVA server side.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
pvaServerMaxConns | Max PVA Server Connections | integer | G | The maximum connections from PVA server side. |
pvaServerTotConns | Total PVA Server Connections | integer | G | The total connections from PVA server side. |
serverCurConns | Current Server Connections | integer | G | The current connections from server side.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
serverMaxConns | Max Server Connections | integer | G | The maximum connections from server side. |
serverTotConns | Total Server Connections | integer | G | The total connections from server side. |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
totPvaAssistConn | Total PVA Assisted Connections | integer | G | The total number of the connections that are partially accelerated.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
F5 Load Balancer LTM Pool
The custom data entities for the f5_loadbalancer_ltm_pool table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
activeMembers | Active Members | integer | G | The number of the current active members in the specified pool.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
availState | Availability Color | string | G | The availability of the specified pool indicated in color.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
bytesIn | Rx Bytes | integer | G | The number of bytes received by the specified pool from server-side. |
bytesOut | Tx Bytes | integer | G | The number of bytes sent to server-side from the specified pool. |
curConns | Current Client Connections | integer | G | The current connections from server-side to the specified pool.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
maxConns | Max Client Connections | integer | G | The maximum connections from server-side to the specified pool.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
pktsIn | Rx Pkts | integer | G | The number of packets received by the specified pool from server-side. |
pktsOut | Tx Pkts | integer | G | The number of packets sent to server-side from the specified pool. |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
poolName | Pool Name | string | G, U | The Name of the pool |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
totConns | Total Client Connections | integer | G | The total connections from server-side to the specified pool. |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
F5 Load Balancer LTM Pool Member
The custom data entities for the f5_loadbalancer_ltm_pool_member table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
availState | Availability Color | string | G | The availability of the specified pool member indicated in color.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
bytesIn | Rx Bytes | integer | G | The number of bytes received by the specified pool from server-side. |
bytesOut | Tx Bytes | integer | G | The number of bytes sent to server-side from the specified pool. |
curConns | Current Client Connections | integer | G | The current connections from server-side to the specified pool.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
enabledState | Enabled State | string | G | The activity status of the specified pool member, as specified by the user.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ipaddress | IP Address | string | G | The IP address of a pool member in the specified pool. |
maxConns | Max Client Connections | integer | G | The maximum connections from server-side to the specified pool.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
nodeName | Node Name | string | G | The Name of the Node. |
pktsIn | Rx Pkts | integer | G | The number of packets received by the specified pool from server-side. |
pktsOut | Tx Pkts | integer | G | The number of packets sent to server-side from the specified pool. |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
poolName | Pool Name | string | G | The Name of the Pool. |
portNumber | Port Number | integer | G | The port number of the specified pool member. |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
totConns | Total Client Connections | integer | G | The total connections from server-side to the specified pool. |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
f5_loadbalancer_ltm_poolLink | Link to F5 Loadbalancer LTM Pool | cdt_f5_loadbalancer_ltm_pool |
F5 Load Balancer LTM Virtual Server
The custom data entities for the f5_loadbalancer_ltm_virtual_server table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
availState | Availability Color | string | G | The availability of the specified virtual server indicated in color.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
bytesIn | Rx Bytes | integer | G | The number of bytes received by the specified virtual server from client-side. |
bytesOut | Tx Bytes | integer | G | The number of bytes sent to client-side from the specified virtual server. |
csMaxConnDur | Max Connection Time | integer | G | The maximum connection duration in milliseconds among all connections through the specified virtual server.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
csMeanConnDur | Average Connection Time | integer | G | The average connection duration in milliseconds for all connections through the specified virtual server.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
csMinConnDur | Minimum Connection Time | integer | G | The minimum connection duration in milliseconds among all connections through the specified virtual server.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
curConns | Current Client Connections | integer | G | The current connections from client-side to the specified virtual server.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
currentConnsPerSec | Connections/Sec | integer | G | The number of current connections per second to the specified virtual server.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
defaultPool | Default Pool | string | G, U | The name of a default pool used by the specified virtual server. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
enabledState | Enabled State | string | G | The activity status of the specified virtual server, as specified by the user.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ipNetmask | IP Netmask | string | G | The wildcard netmask of the specified virtual server. It is interpreted within the context of an ltmVitualServWildmaskType value. |
ipProtocol | IP protocol | integer | G, U | The IP protocol (see RFC 1340) used by the specified virtual server. |
ipaddress | IP Address | string | G | The IP address of the specified virtual server. |
maxConns | Max Client Connections | integer | G | The maximum connections from client-side to the specified virtual server.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
pktsIn | Rx Pkts | integer | G | The number of packets received by the specified virtual server from client-side. |
pktsOut | Tx Pkts | integer | G | The number of packets sent to client-side from the specified virtual server. |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
portNumber | Port Number | integer | G, U | The port number of the specified virtual server. |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
totConns | Total Client Connections | integer | G | The total connections from client-side to the specified virtual server. |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
f5_virtual_server_default_poolLink | Link to F5 Loadbalancer LTM Pool | cdt_f5_loadbalancer_ltm_pool |
Sensor - Fan
The custom data entities for the fan_sensor table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
rpm | RPM | integer | G | shaft revolutions per minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Sensor - Fan - Cisco
The custom data entities for the fan_sensor_cisco table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
rpm | RPM | integer | G | shaft revolutions per minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Sensor - Fan - Entity
The custom data entities for the fan_sensor_entity table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
rpm | RPM | integer | G | shaft revolutions per minuteTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
File System
The custom data entities for the filesystem table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
storageAllocationUnits | DEPRECATED Allocation Units | integer | G | DEPRECATED |
storageDesc | Description | string | G | Eg: Mount point, fs type |
storageFree | Free | integer | G | The amount of storage free in Bytes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | The amount of storage free as a percentage.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageSize | Size | integer | G | The size of the storage in Bytes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
storageUsed | Used | integer | G | The amount of storage used in Bytes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | The amount of storage used as a percentage.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
File System - FreeBSD
The custom data entities for the filesystem_freebsd table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
storageAllocationUnits | DEPRECATED Allocation Units | integer | G | DEPRECATED |
storageAsyncReads | Async Reads | integer | G | Number of asynchronous read operations |
storageAsyncWrites | Async Writes | integer | G | Number of asynchronous write operations |
storageDesc | Description | string | G | Eg: Mount point, fs type |
storageFiles | Max Files | integer | G | Maximum number of filesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageFilesFree | Free Files | integer | G | Number of free filesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageFilesFreePercent | Free Files Percent | float | G | Percentage of files that are free |
storageFilesUsed | Used Files | integer | G | Number of used filesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageFilesUsedPercent | Used Files Percent | float | G | Percentage of files that are used |
storageFilesystemType | Filesystem Type | string | G | The type of the filesystem |
storageFree | Free | integer | G | The amount of storage free in Bytes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | The amount of storage free as a percentage.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageSize | Size | integer | G | The size of the storage in Bytes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageSyncReads | Sync Reads | integer | G | Number of synchronous read operations |
storageSyncWrites | Sync Writes | integer | G | Number of synchronous write operations |
storageType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
storageUsed | Used | integer | G | The amount of storage used in Bytes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | The amount of storage used as a percentage.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
File System - Host Resources
The custom data entities for the filesystem_hostres table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
storageAllocationUnits | DEPRECATED Allocation Units | integer | G | DEPRECATED |
storageDesc | Description | string | G, U | Eg: Mount point, fs type |
storageFree | Free | integer | G | The amount of storage free in Bytes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | The amount of storage free as a percentage.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageSize | Size | integer | G | The size of the storage in Bytes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
storageUsed | Used | integer | G | The amount of storage used in Bytes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | The amount of storage used as a percentage.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
File System - SNMP Informant
The custom data entities for the filesystem_informant table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
storageAllocationUnits | DEPRECATED Allocation Units | integer | G | DEPRECATED |
storageDesc | Description | string | G, U | Eg: Mount point, fs type |
storageFree | Free | integer | G | The amount of storage free in Bytes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | The amount of storage free as a percentage.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageSize | Size | integer | G | The size of the storage in Bytes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageType | Vendor | string | G | Vendor |
storageUsed | Used | integer | G | The amount of storage used in Bytes.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
storageUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | The amount of storage used as a percentage.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Fortinet Fortigate VPN Stats
The custom data entities for the fortigate_vpn_stats table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
fgVpnSslState | SSL-VPN Enabled | string | G, U | SSL-VPN Enabled |
fgVpnSslStatsActiveTunnels | Active SSL Tunnels | integer | G | The current number of active SSL tunnels in the virtual domainTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
fgVpnSslStatsActiveWebSessions | Active Web Sessions | integer | G | The current number of active SSL web sessions in the virtual domainTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
fgVpnSslStatsLoginUsers | Active Users | integer | G | The current number of users logged in through SSL-VPN tunnels in the virtual domainTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
fgVpnSslStatsMaxTunnels | Max SSL Tunnels | integer | G | The maximum number of active SSL tunnels at any one time in the virtual domainTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
fgVpnSslStatsMaxUsers | Max Users | integer | G | The maximum number of total users that can be logged in at any one time on the virtual domain.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
fgVpnSslStatsMaxWebSessions | Max Web Sessions | integer | G | The maximum number of active SSL web sessions at any one time in the virtual domainTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Frame Relay
The custom data entities for the framerelay table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
Discards | Discards | integer | G | The number of inbound frames dropped because of format errors, or because the VC is inactive |
Dlci | Data Link Connection ID | string | G | The Data Link Connection Identifier for this virtual circuit |
InSpeed | Rx Speed | integer | G | Interface Input Speed (Statseeker custom attribute) |
OutSpeed | Tx Speed | integer | G | Interface Output Speed (Statseeker custom attribute) |
ReceivedBECNs | Rx BECNs | integer | G | Number of frames received from the network indicating backward congestion since the virtual circuit was created |
ReceivedDEs | Rx DEs | integer | G | Number of frames received from the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created |
ReceivedFECNs | Rx FECNs | integer | G | Number of frames received from the network indicating forward congestion since the virtual circuit was created |
ReceivedFrames | Rx Frames | integer | G | Number of frames received over this virtual circuit since it was created |
ReceivedOctets | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Number of octets received over this virtual circuit since it was created |
RxUtil | Rx Util | float | G | The Rx UtilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
SentDEs | Tx DEs | integer | G | Number of frames sent to the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created |
SentFrames | Tx Frames | integer | G | The number of frames sent from this virtual circuit since it was created |
SentOctets | Tx Bytes | integer | G | The number of octets sent from this virtual circuit since it was created |
State | State | string | G, U | Indicates whether the particular virtual circuit is operationalCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
TxUtil | Tx Util | float | G | The Tx UtilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ifPoll | Interface Poll | string | G, U | Polling state of the interface |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
subifIndex | Interface Index | string | G | Index of the connected interface |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Frame Relay - Cisco
The custom data entities for the framerelay_cisco table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
Discards | Discards | integer | G | The number of inbound frames dropped because of format errors, or because the VC is inactive |
Dlci | Data Link Connection ID | string | G | The Data Link Connection Identifier for this virtual circuit |
InSpeed | Rx Speed | integer | G | Interface Input Speed (Statseeker custom attribute) |
OutSpeed | Tx Speed | integer | G | Interface Output Speed (Statseeker custom attribute) |
ReceivedBECNs | Rx BECNs | integer | G | Number of frames received from the network indicating backward congestion since the virtual circuit was created |
ReceivedDEs | Rx DEs | integer | G | Number of frames received from the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created |
ReceivedFECNs | Rx FECNs | integer | G | Number of frames received from the network indicating forward congestion since the virtual circuit was created |
ReceivedFrames | Rx Frames | integer | G | Number of frames received over this virtual circuit since it was created |
ReceivedOctets | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Number of octets received over this virtual circuit since it was created |
RxUtil | Rx Util | float | G | The Rx UtilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
SentDEs | Tx DEs | integer | G | Number of frames sent to the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created |
SentFrames | Tx Frames | integer | G | The number of frames sent from this virtual circuit since it was created |
SentOctets | Tx Bytes | integer | G | The number of octets sent from this virtual circuit since it was created |
State | State | string | G, U | Indicates whether the particular virtual circuit is operationalCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
TxUtil | Tx Util | float | G | The Tx UtilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ifPoll | Interface Poll | string | G, U | Polling state of the interface |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
subifIndex | Interface Index | string | G | Index of the connected interface |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Frame Relay - Juniper
The custom data entities for the framerelay_juniper table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
Discards | Discards | integer | G | The number of inbound frames dropped because of format errors, or because the VC is inactive |
Dlci | Data Link Connection ID | string | G | The Data Link Connection Identifier for this virtual circuit |
InSpeed | Rx Speed | integer | G | Interface Input Speed (Statseeker custom attribute) |
OutSpeed | Tx Speed | integer | G | Interface Output Speed (Statseeker custom attribute) |
ReceivedBECNs | Rx BECNs | integer | G | Number of frames received from the network indicating backward congestion since the virtual circuit was created |
ReceivedDEs | Rx DEs | integer | G | Number of frames received from the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created |
ReceivedFECNs | Rx FECNs | integer | G | Number of frames received from the network indicating forward congestion since the virtual circuit was created |
ReceivedFrames | Rx Frames | integer | G | Number of frames received over this virtual circuit since it was created |
ReceivedOctets | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Number of octets received over this virtual circuit since it was created |
RxUtil | Rx Util | float | G | The Rx UtilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
SentDEs | Tx DEs | integer | G | Number of frames sent to the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created |
SentFrames | Tx Frames | integer | G | The number of frames sent from this virtual circuit since it was created |
SentOctets | Tx Bytes | integer | G | The number of octets sent from this virtual circuit since it was created |
State | State | string | G, U | Indicates whether the particular virtual circuit is operationalCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
TxUtil | Tx Util | float | G | The Tx UtilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ifPoll | Interface Poll | string | G, U | Polling state of the interface |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
subifIndex | Interface Index | string | G | Index of the connected interface |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Frame Relay - Nortel
The custom data entities for the framerelay_nortel table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
Discards | Discards | integer | G | The number of inbound frames dropped because of format errors, or because the VC is inactive |
Dlci | Data Link Connection ID | string | G | The Data Link Connection Identifier for this virtual circuit |
InSpeed | Rx Speed | integer | G | Interface Input Speed (Statseeker custom attribute) |
OutSpeed | Tx Speed | integer | G | Interface Output Speed (Statseeker custom attribute) |
ReceivedBECNs | Rx BECNs | integer | G | Number of frames received from the network indicating backward congestion since the virtual circuit was created |
ReceivedDEs | Rx DEs | integer | G | Number of frames received from the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created |
ReceivedFECNs | Rx FECNs | integer | G | Number of frames received from the network indicating forward congestion since the virtual circuit was created |
ReceivedFrames | Rx Frames | integer | G | Number of frames received over this virtual circuit since it was created |
ReceivedOctets | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Number of octets received over this virtual circuit since it was created |
RxUtil | Rx Util | float | G | The Rx UtilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
SentDEs | Tx DEs | integer | G | Number of frames sent to the network indicating that they were eligible for discard since the virtual circuit was created |
SentFrames | Tx Frames | integer | G | The number of frames sent from this virtual circuit since it was created |
SentOctets | Tx Bytes | integer | G | The number of octets sent from this virtual circuit since it was created |
State | State | string | G, U | Indicates whether the particular virtual circuit is operationalCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
TxUtil | Tx Util | float | G | The Tx UtilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ifPoll | Interface Poll | string | G, U | Polling state of the interface |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
subifIndex | Interface Index | string | G | Index of the connected interface |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Fortinet Fortigate Firewall
The custom data entities for the fw_fortinet_fortigate table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
sessionCount | Active Sessions | integer | G | Number of active sessions on the deviceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sessionCountIpv6 | Active IPv6 Sessions | integer | G | Number of active IPv6 sessions on the deviceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the hh3c_nqa table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsAveNegativesDS | Dst to Src Neg Avg | integer | G | The value of time that records the average negative jitter value from destination to source.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsAveNegativesSD | Src to Dst Neg Avg | integer | G | The value of time that records the average negative jitter value from source to destination.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsAvePositivesDS | Dst to Src Pos Avg | integer | G | The value of time that records the average positive jitter value from destination to source.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsAvePositivesSD | Src to Dst Pos Avg | integer | G | The value of time that records the average positive jitter value from source to destination.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsMaxOfNegativesDS | Dst to Src Neg Max | integer | G | The value of time that records the maximal absolute values of negative jitter value from destination to source in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsMaxOfNegativesSD | Src to Dst Neg Max | integer | G | The value of time that records the maximal absolute values of negative jitter value from source to destination in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsMaxOfPositivesDS | Dst to Src Pos Max | integer | G | The value of time that records the maximal positive jitter value from destination to source in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsMaxOfPositivesSD | Src to Dst Pos Max | integer | G | The value of time that records the maximal positive jitter value from source to destination in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsMinOfNegativesDS | Dst to Src Neg Min | integer | G | The value of time that records the minimal absolute values of negative jitter value from destination to source in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsMinOfNegativesSD | Src to Dst Neg Min | integer | G | The value of time that records the minimal absolute values of negative jitter value from source to destination in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsMinOfPositivesDS | Dst to Src Pos Min | integer | G | The value of time that records the minimal positive jitter value from destination to source in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsMinOfPositivesSD | Src to Dst Pos Min | integer | G | The value of time that records the minimal positive jitter value from source to destination in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsNumOfNegativesDS | Dst to Src Neg Num | integer | G | The number that records negative jitter times from destination to source in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsNumOfNegativesSD | Src to Dst Neg Num | integer | G | The number that records negative jitter times from source to destination in the jitter test. The total number of all negative jitter values in packets sent from source to destination."Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsNumOfPositivesDS | Num Of Pos Dst to Src | integer | G | The number that records positive jitter times from destination to source in the jitter testTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsNumOfPositivesSD | Src to Dst Pos Num | integer | G | The number that records positive jitter times from source to destination in the jitter test. The total number of the value of all positive jitters in packets sent from source to destination.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsNumOfRTT | Num Of RTT | integer | G | The number of received destination device responses with which jitter test can reach round-trip time." |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsOperOfICPIF | ICPIF | integer | G | The ICPIF (Calculated Planning Impairment Factor) value for the latest jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsOperOfMOS | MOS | integer | G | The MOS (Mean Opinion Score) value for the latest jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsPacketLossDS | Dst to Src Loss | integer | G | The lost packets number sent from destination to source.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsPacketLossSD | Src to Dst Loss | integer | G | The lost packets number sent from source to destination.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsPktLossUnknown | Loss Unknown | integer | G | The number of packets which is lost with unknown reason.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsSum2NegativesDS | Dst to Src Neg Sum2 | integer | G | The value of time that records the sum of square of negative jitter values from destination to source in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsSum2NegativesSD | Src to Dst Neg Sum2 | integer | G | The value of time that records the sum of square of negative jitter values from source to destination in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsSum2PositivesDS | Dst to Src Pos Sum2 | integer | G | The value of time that records the sum of square of positive jitter values from destination to source in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsSum2PositivesSD | Src to Dst Pos Sum2 | integer | G | The value of time that records the sum of square of positive jitter values from source to destination in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsSumOfNegativesDS | Dst to Src Neg Sum | integer | G | The value of time that records the sum of negative jitter values from destination to source in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsSumOfNegativesSD | Src to Dst Neg Sum | integer | G | The value of time that records the sum of negative jitter values from source to destination in the jitter test. The total number of the value of all negative jitters in packets sent from source to destination.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsSumOfPositivesDS | Dst to Src Pos Sum | integer | G | The value of time that records the sum of positive jitter values from destination to source in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hh3cNqaJitterStatsSumOfPositivesSD | Src to Dst Pos Sum | integer | G | The value of time that records the sum of positive jitter values from source to destination in the jitter test.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Host Statistics
The custom data entities for the host_resources table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
hrSystemMaxProcesses | Max Processes | integer | G, U | The maximum number of process contexts this system can support. If there is no fixed maximum, the value should be zero. On systems that have a fixed maximum, this object can help diagnose failures that occur whenthis maximum is reached. |
hrSystemNumUsers | Number of Users | integer | G | The number of user sessions for which this host is storing state information. A session is a collection of processes requiring a single act of user authentication and possibly subject to collective job control.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hrSystemProcesses | System Processes | integer | G | The number of process contexts currently loaded or running on this system.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
IEEE 802.11
The custom data entities for the ieee_80211 table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
macAddress | Mac Address | string | G, U | Mac Address |
manufacturerName | Manufacturer Name | string | G, U | The name of the manufacturer |
manufacturerOUI | Organizationally Unique Identifier | string | G, U | A 24-bit number that uniquely identifies an organization. |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
productName | Product Name | string | G, U | The name of the product |
productVersion | Product Version | string | G, U | The version of the product |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
The custom data entities for the inventory table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
class | Class | string | G | An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity |
containedIn | Contained In | integer | G | Link to the physical entity this entity is contained in |
containerName | Container Name | string | G | Container Name |
description | Description | string | G | A textual description of physical entity |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
firmwareRev | Firmware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity |
hardwareRev | Hardware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
isFRU | Is Field Replaceable Unit | string | G | Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor |
model | Model | string | G | The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
serial | Serial Number | string | G | The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity |
softwareRev | Software Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vendor | Vendor | string | G | The name of the manufacturer of this physical component |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Device Information
The custom data entities for the inventory_device table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
class | Class | string | G | An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity |
containedIn | Contained In | integer | G | Link to the physical entity this entity is contained in |
containerName | Container Name | string | G | Container Name |
description | Description | string | G | A textual description of physical entity |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
firmwareRev | Firmware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity |
hardwareRev | Hardware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
isFRU | Is Field Replaceable Unit | string | G | Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor |
model | Model | string | G | The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
serial | Serial Number | string | G | The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity |
softwareRev | Software Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vendor | Vendor | string | G, U | The name of the manufacturer of this physical component |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Entity Asset Information
The custom data entities for the inventory_entity table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
class | Class | string | G, U | An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity |
containedIn | Contained In | integer | G, U | Link to the physical entity this entity is contained in |
containerName | Container Name | string | G | Container Name |
description | Description | string | G, U | A textual description of physical entity |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
firmwareRev | Firmware Revision | string | G, U | The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity |
hardwareRev | Hardware Revision | string | G, U | The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
isFRU | Is Field Replaceable Unit | string | G, U | Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor |
model | Model | string | G, U | The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
physicalName | Physical Name | string | G, U | Physical Name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
serial | Serial Number | string | G, U | The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity |
softwareRev | Software Revision | string | G, U | The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vendor | Vendor | string | G | The name of the manufacturer of this physical component |
Link | Description | Link Target |
containedIn | Link to Container | cdt_inventory_entity |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
F5 Asset Information
The custom data entities for the inventory_f5 table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
class | Class | string | G | An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity |
containedIn | Contained In | integer | G | Link to the physical entity this entity is contained in |
containerName | Container Name | string | G | Container Name |
description | Description | string | G | A textual description of physical entity |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
firmwareRev | Firmware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity |
hardwareRev | Hardware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
isFRU | Is Field Replaceable Unit | string | G | Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor |
model | Model | string | G | The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
serial | Serial Number | string | G | The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity |
softwareRev | Software Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vendor | Vendor | string | G | The name of the manufacturer of this physical component |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
F5 Chassis Information
The custom data entities for the inventory_f5_chassis table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
class | Class | string | G | An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity |
containedIn | Contained In | integer | G | Link to the physical entity this entity is contained in |
containerName | Container Name | string | G | Container Name |
description | Description | string | G | A textual description of physical entity |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
firmwareRev | Firmware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity |
hardwareRev | Hardware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
isFRU | Is Field Replaceable Unit | string | G | Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor |
model | Model | string | G, U | The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
serial | Serial Number | string | G, U | The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity |
softwareRev | Software Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vendor | Vendor | string | G | The name of the manufacturer of this physical component |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
F5 Slot Information
The custom data entities for the inventory_f5_slot table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
class | Class | string | G | An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity |
containedIn | Contained In | integer | G | Link to the physical entity this entity is contained in |
containerName | Container Name | string | G | Container Name |
description | Description | string | G | A textual description of physical entity |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
firmwareRev | Firmware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity |
hardwareRev | Hardware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
isFRU | Is Field Replaceable Unit | string | G | Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor |
model | Model | string | G | The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
serial | Serial Number | string | G, U | The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity |
softwareRev | Software Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vendor | Vendor | string | G | The name of the manufacturer of this physical component |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Juniper Asset Information
The custom data entities for the inventory_juniper table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
class | Class | string | G | An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity |
containedIn | Contained In | integer | G | Link to the physical entity this entity is contained in |
containerName | Container Name | string | G | Container Name |
description | Description | string | G, U | A textual description of physical entity |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
firmwareRev | Firmware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity |
hardwareRev | Hardware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
isFRU | Is Field Replaceable Unit | string | G | Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor |
model | Model | string | G, U | The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
serial | Serial Number | string | G, U | The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity |
softwareRev | Software Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vendor | Vendor | string | G | The name of the manufacturer of this physical component |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Riverbed Asset Information
The custom data entities for the inventory_riverbed table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
class | Class | string | G | An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity |
containedIn | Contained In | integer | G | Link to the physical entity this entity is contained in |
containerName | Container Name | string | G | Container Name |
description | Description | string | G | A textual description of physical entity |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
firmwareRev | Firmware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity |
hardwareRev | Hardware Revision | string | G | The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
isFRU | Is Field Replaceable Unit | string | G | Indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor |
model | Model | string | G, U | The vendor-specific model name identifier string for the physical entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
serial | Serial Number | string | G, U | The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity |
softwareRev | Software Revision | string | G, U | The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vendor | Vendor | string | G | The name of the manufacturer of this physical component |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
IP Address Table
The custom data entities for the ip_addr table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
broadcast | BroadCast | string | G, U | BroadCast Address. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ipaddress | IP Address | string | G, U | IP Address |
maxReasembleSize | ReasmMaxSize | string | G, U | Re-assembly Max Size. |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
netmask | NetMask | string | G, U | Network Mask |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface Table | cdt_port |
IP Address Table - FreeBSD
The custom data entities for the ip_addr_freebsd table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
broadcast | BroadCast | string | G | BroadCast Address. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ifName | Interface Name | string | G | Name of the interface configured with the IP Address |
ipaddress | IP Address | string | G | IP Address |
maxReasembleSize | ReasmMaxSize | string | G | Re-assembly Max Size. |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
netmask | NetMask | string | G | Network Mask |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface Table | cdt_port |
IP Address Table (includes IPv6)
The custom data entities for the ip_address table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
addrtype | IP Address Type | string | G, U | IP Address Type |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ipaddress | IP Address | string | G | IP Address. |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
origin | Origin | string | G, U | Origin |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
status | Status | string | G, U | Status |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
type | Type | string | G, U | Type |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
IP System Stats
The custom data entities for the ip_system_stats table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
discontinuityTime | Discontinuity Time | integer | G, U | The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this entry's counters suffered a discontinuity. |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ipDefaultTTL | Default TTL | integer | G | The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live field of the IPv4 header of datagrams originated at this entity, whenever a TTL value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol. |
ipReasmTimeout | Reassembly Timeout | integer | G | The maximum number of seconds that received fragments are held while they are awaiting reassembly at this entity. |
ipVersion | IP Version | string | G | IP version |
ipv4Forwarding | IPv4 Forwarding | string | G | The indication of whether this entity is acting as an IPv4 router in respect to the forwarding of datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this entity. |
ipv6DefaultHopLimit | IPv6 Default Hop Limit | integer | G | The default value inserted into the Hop Limit field of the IPv6 header of datagrams originated at this entity whenever a Hop Limit value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol. |
ipv6Forwarding | IPv6 Forwarding | string | G | The indication of whether this entity is acting as an IPv6 router on any interface in respect to the forwarding of datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this entity. |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
reasmFails | Reassembly Fail | integer | G | The number of failures detected by the IP re-assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc). |
reasmOKs | Reassembly Success | integer | G | The number of IP datagrams successfully re-assembled. |
reasmReqds | Reassembly Required | integer | G | The number of IP fragments received which needed to be reassembled at this entity. |
refreshRate | Refresh Rate | integer | G, U | The minimum reasonable polling interval for this entry. |
routingDiscards | Routing Discards | integer | G | The number of routing entries which were chosen to be discarded even though they are valid. |
rxAddrErrors | Rx Address Errors | integer | G | The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity. |
rxBcastPkts | Rx Bcast Pkts | integer | G | The number of IP broadcast datagrams received. |
rxBytes | Rx Bytes | integer | G | The total number of octets received in input IP datagrams, including those received in error. |
rxDelivers | Rx Delivers | integer | G | The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP). |
rxDiscards | Rx Discards | integer | G | The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued processing, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). |
rxForwPackets | Rx Forward Pkts | integer | G | The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination, as a result of which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination. |
rxHdrErrors | Rx Header Errors | integer | G | The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IPv4 headers, including bad checksums, version number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IPv4 options, etc. |
rxMcastBytes | Rx Mcast Bytes | integer | G | The total number of octets received in IP multicast datagrams. |
rxMcastPkts | Rx Mcast Pkts | integer | G | The number of IP multicast datagrams received. |
rxNoRoutes | Rx No Routes | integer | G | The number of input IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. |
rxPackets | Rx Pkts | integer | G | The total number of input datagrams received from interfaces, including those received in error. |
rxTruncatedPkts | Rx Truncated Pkts | integer | G | The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the datagram frame didn't carry enough data. |
rxUnknownProtos | Rx Unknown Protocols | integer | G | The number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
txBcastPkts | Tx Bcast Pkts | integer | G | The number of IP broadcast datagrams transmitted. |
txBytes | Tx Bytes | integer | G | The total number of octets in IP datagrams delivered to the lower layers for transmission. |
txDiscards | Tx Discards | integer | G | The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). |
txForwPackets | Tx Forwarded Pkts | integer | G | The number of datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination and for which it was successful in finding a path to their final destination. |
txFragCreates | Fragments Created | integer | G | The number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated as a result of fragmentation at this entity. |
txFragFails | Fragment Fail | integer | G | The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could not be, e.g., because their Don't Fragment flag was set. |
txFragOKs | Fragment Success | integer | G | The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented at this entity. |
txFragReqds | Fragment Required | integer | G | The number of IP datagrams that would require fragmentation in order to be transmitted. |
txMcastBytes | Tx Mcast Bytes | integer | G | The total number of octets transmitted in IP multicast datagrams. |
txMcastPkts | Tx Mcast Pkts | integer | G | The number of IP multicast datagrams transmitted. |
txNoRoutes | Tx No Routes | integer | G | The number of IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. |
txPackets | Tx Pkts | integer | G | The total number of IP datagrams that this entity supplied to the lower layers for transmission. |
txRequests | Tx Requests | integer | G | The total number of IP datagrams which local IP user protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission. |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Juniper CoS
The custom data entities for the juniper_cos table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
jnxCosFcName | Class | string | G | Class |
jnxCosIfIdx | ifIndex | string | G | ifIndex |
jnxCosIfName | ifName | string | G | ifName |
jnxCosQIdx | QIndex | string | G | QIndex |
jnxCosQstatTailDropPktRate | Tail Drop Pkt Rate | integer | G | The tail drop packet rate (expressed in packets per second) for the queue.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
jnxCosQstatTailDropPkts | Tail Drop Pkts | integer | G | The number of packets tail dropped at the output queue. |
jnxCosQstatTotalDropByteRate | Total Drop Byte Rate | integer | G | The queue's current total drop rate in bytes per second.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
jnxCosQstatTotalDropBytes | Total Drop Bytes | integer | G | Total Drop Bytes |
jnxCosQstatTxedByteRate | Tx Byte Rate | integer | G | The queue's current transmit rate in bytes per second.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
jnxCosQstatTxedBytes | Tx Bytes | integer | G | Number of bytes transmitted on the queue. |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
jnxCosIfIdx | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
jnxCosQIdx | Link to Juniper CoS Class | cdt_juniper_cos_class |
Juniper CoS Classes
The custom data entities for the juniper_cos_class table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
jnxCosFcIdToFcName | jnxCosFcIdToFcName | string | G, U | The name of the forwarding class for a given FcId. |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Juniper Firewall
The custom data entities for the juniper_firewall table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
Connections | Connections | integer | G | Incoming connections established |
Denied | Denied | integer | G | Packets dropped due to policy deny |
RxPermitted | Rx Permitted | integer | G | Incoming bytes permitted by policy |
TxPermitted | Tx Permitted | integer | G | Outgoing bytes permitted by policy |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Juniper Ping
The custom data entities for the juniper_ping table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
AvgRtt | Avg Rtt | integer | G | Average round trip time from all probes during this test. Measured in microseconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
JitterRtt | Jitter Rtt | integer | G | Variation in round trip time from all probes during this test. Measured in microseconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
LastRtt | Last Rtt | integer | G | Round trip time from most recent successful probe during this test. Measured in microseconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
MaxRtt | Max Rtt | integer | G | Maximum round trip time from all probes during this test. Measured in microseconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
MinRtt | Min Rtt | integer | G | Minimum round trip time from all probes during this test. Measured in microseconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
OwnerIndex | Owner Index | string | G, U | The Owner Index of the test. |
TestName | Test Name | string | G, U | The name of the ping test. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Juniper Pulse VPN Users
The custom data entities for the juniper_pulse_vpn_users table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
iveConcurrentUsers | Concurrent Users | integer | G | The Total number of Concurrent user Licenses used for the IVE NodeTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
iveMaxConcurrentUsersLicenseCapacity | License Capacity | integer | G | Total licensed concurrent users capacityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
iveSSLConnections | SSL Connections | integer | G | Total number of SSL connectionTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
iveVPNTunnels | VPN Tunnels | integer | G | The number of concurrent Pulse IPSec and NC usersTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
pulseVpnName | Pulse VPN Index | string | G | Pulse VPN Index |
signedInMailUsers | Mail Users | integer | G | Number of Signed-In Mail UsersTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
signedInWebUsers | Web Users | integer | G | Number of Signed-In Web UsersTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Juniper RPM
The custom data entities for the juniper_rpm table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
OwnerName | OwnerIndex | string | G | The OwnerIndex |
RTTSamples | RTT Samples | integer | G | The number of samples used in this calculations. |
RTTStdDev | RTT StdDev | integer | G | The standard deviation calculated over all the samples in the collection and measurement set associated with this row. Values are provided in units of microseconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RTTjnxRpmResCalcAverage | RTT Average | integer | G | The average of all the samples in the collection and measurement set associated with this row. Values are provided in units of microseconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RTTjnxRpmResCalcMax | RTT Max | integer | G | The maximum of all the samples in the collection and measurement set associated with this row. Values are provided in units of microseconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RTTjnxRpmResCalcMin | RTT Min | integer | G | The minimum of all the samples in the collection and measurement set associated with this row. Values are provided in units of microseconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RTTjnxRpmResCalcPkToPk | Jitter | integer | G | The difference between the minimum and maximum of all the samples in the collection and measurement set associated with this row. Values are provided in units of microseconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RTTjnxRpmResCalcPkToPkMilli | RTT PkToPk(ms) | integer | G | The difference between the minimum and maximum of all the samples in the collection and measurement set associated with this row. Values are provided in units of microseconds.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TestName | Test Name | string | G | The Test Name |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
halfRTTjnxRpmResCalcAverage | Latency | integer | G | The average of all the samples in the collection and measurement set associated with this row. Values are provided in units of microseconds. Result is the divided by 2 to estimate 1 way latencyTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
halfRTTjnxRpmResCalcMax | Half RTT Max | integer | G | Half of the maximum of all the samples in the collection and measurement set associated with this row. Values are provided in units of microseconds. Used to estimate 1 way latency.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
halfRTTjnxRpmResCalcMin | Half RTT Min | integer | G | Half of the minimum of all the samples in the collection and measurement set associated with this row. Values are provided in units of microseconds. For estimating one way delay latencyTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
halfRTTjnxRpmResCalcPkToPk | Half Jitter | integer | G | Half of the difference between the minimum and maximum of all the samples in the collection and measurement set associated with this row. Values are provided in units of microseconds. For estimating 1 way latencyTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
halfRTTjnxRpmResCalcPkToPkMilli | Half Jitter(ms) | integer | G | Half of the difference between the minimum and maximum of all the samples in the collection and measurement set associated with this row. Values are provided in units of microseconds. For estimating 1 way JitterTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
jnxRpmResSumLost | Probes Lost | integer | G | This object provides the number of probes lost within the collection identified by jnxRpmResSumCollectionTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
jnxRpmResSumPercentLost | Percent Lost | integer | G | This object provides the percentage of probes lost within the collection identified by jnxRpmResSumCollection. DIV(1000000) to get values to correct scaling)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
jnxRpmResSumReceived | Probes Received | integer | G | This object provides the number of probes received within the collection identified by jnxRpmResSumCollection.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
jnxRpmResSumSent | Probes Sent | integer | G | This object provides the number of probes sent within the collection identified by jnxRpmResSumCollectionTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
lost_idx | Lost Idx | string | G | Lost Idx |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
rpm_idx | RPM Idx | string | G | RPM Idx |
rtt_idx | Rtt Idx | string | G | Rtt Idx |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
rpm_idx | Link to Test Name | cdt_juniper_ping |
Alteon Group
The custom data entities for the loadbalancer_alteon_group table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
CurrSessions | Current Sessions | integer | G | Group Current SessionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
HighestSessions | Highest Sessions | integer | G | Group Highest SessionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Octets | Octets | integer | G | RServer Octets Tx + Rx |
TotalSessions | Total Sessions | integer | G | Group Total Sessions |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
lbName | name | string | G | name |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Alteon Real Servers
The custom data entities for the loadbalancer_alteon_rserv table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
CurrSessions | Current Sessions | integer | G | RServer Current SessionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
FailureTime | Failure Time | string | G, U | Time of the last failure. |
Failures | Failures | integer | G | The total number of times that the real server is claimed down.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
HighestSessions | Highest Sessions | integer | G | RServer Highest SessionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Octets | Octets | integer | G | RServer Octets Tx + Rx |
RealState | State | string | G, U | Current state of the Real ServerCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
RealStatus | Status | string | G, U | Current status of the Real ServerCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
TotalSessions | Total Sessions | integer | G | RServer Total Sessions |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Alteon Virtual Servers
The custom data entities for the loadbalancer_alteon_vserv table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
CurrSessions | Current Sessions | integer | G | VServer Current SessionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
HighestSessions | Highest Sessions | integer | G | VServer Highest SessionsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
IPAddress | IpAddress | string | G, U | Virtual Server IP Address |
Octets | Octets | integer | G | VServer Octets Tx + Rx |
TotalSessions | Total Sessions | integer | G | VServer Total Sessions |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the memory table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Alcatel
The custom data entities for the memory_alcatel table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Alcatel - AOS7
The custom data entities for the memory_alcatel_aos7 table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Alteon
The custom data entities for the memory_alteon table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Aruba
The custom data entities for the memory_aruba table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Avaya - RC
The custom data entities for the memory_avaya_rc table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Avaya - S5
The custom data entities for the memory_avaya_s5 table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - BlueCoat
The custom data entities for the memory_bluecoat table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Checkpoint
The custom data entities for the memory_checkpoint table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Checkpoint Swap
The custom data entities for the memory_checkpoint_virtual table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Cisco
The custom data entities for the memory_cisco table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G, U | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Cisco Enhanced
The custom data entities for the memory_cisco_nexus table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryAllocHit | Allocation Success | integer | G | The number of successful allocations from the memory pool |
memoryAllocMiss | Allocation Fail | integer | G | The number of unsuccessful allocations from the memory pool |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreeHit | Free Success | integer | G | The number of successful frees/deallocations from the memory pool |
memoryFreeMiss | Free Fail | integer | G | The number of unsuccessful frees/deallocations from the memory pool |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryHighestFree | Free High Water Mark | integer | G | The largest number of free bytes from the memory pool on the physical entityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryHighestUsed | Used High Water Mark | integer | G | The largest number of used bytes from the memory pool on the physical entityTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryLargestFreeBlock | Largest Free Block | integer | G | The largest number of contiguous free bytes from the memory poolTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryLowestFree | Free Low Water Mark | integer | G | The lowest recorded amount of available memory in the memory poolTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryLowestUsed | Used Low Water Mark | integer | G | The lowest number of bytes from the memory pool that have been used by applications on the physical entity since sysUpTimeTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryShared | Shared | integer | G | The number of shared bytes in the memory poolTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Cisco SAN
The custom data entities for the memory_cisco_san table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Cisco - WSA
The custom data entities for the memory_cisco_wsa table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
perCentMemoryUtilization | Memory Utilization | integer | G | This object provides a general idea of how much memory is being consumed by the appliance software.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Dell
The custom data entities for the memory_dell table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable | Size | integer | G | The total memory available.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree | Free | integer | G | The total memory free for utilization.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Dell F10 S
The custom data entities for the memory_dell_F10_S table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Dell DNOS
The custom data entities for the memory_dell_dnos table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Extreme
The custom data entities for the memory_extreme table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Extreme VSP
The custom data entities for the memory_extreme_vsp table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - F5 Host
The custom data entities for the memory_f5_host table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
sysGlobalHostMemTotal | sysGlobalHostMemTotal | integer | G | The total host memory in bytes for the system.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sysGlobalHostMemUsed | sysGlobalHostMemUsed | integer | G | The host memory in bytes currently in use for the system.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - F5 Host Other
The custom data entities for the memory_f5_host_other table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
sysGlobalHostOtherMemoryTotal | sysGlobalHostOtherMemoryTotal | integer | G | sysGlobalHostOtherMemoryTotalTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sysGlobalHostOtherMemoryUsed | sysGlobalHostOtherMemoryUsed | integer | G | sysGlobalHostOtherMemoryUsedTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - F5 Swap
The custom data entities for the memory_f5_swap table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
sysGlobalHostSwapTotal | sysGlobalHostSwapTotal | integer | G | sysGlobalHostSwapTotalTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sysGlobalHostSwapUsed | sysGlobalHostSwapUsed | integer | G | sysGlobalHostSwapUsedTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - F5 TMM
The custom data entities for the memory_f5_tmm table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryTotal | sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryTotal | integer | G | The total memory available in bytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module).Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryUsed | sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryUsed | integer | G | The memory in use in bytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module).Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Fortinet Fortigate
The custom data entities for the memory_fortinet_fortigate table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Fortinet Fortigate Hard Disk
The custom data entities for the memory_fortinet_fortigate_hd table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Fortinet Fortigate Low Mem
The custom data entities for the memory_fortinet_fortigate_lowmem table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Foundry
The custom data entities for the memory_foundry table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Foundry MLX
The custom data entities for the memory_foundry_mlx table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - FreeBSD
The custom data entities for the memory_freebsd table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
active_memory | Active Memory | integer | G | The amount of memory that is currently being used by processesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
buf_memory | Buffered Memory | integer | G | The amount of memory that is currently being used for disk cachesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
free_memory | System Free Memory | integer | G | The amount of memory that is available for useTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
inactive_memory | Inactive Memory | integer | G | The amount of memory that has been freed but is still cached for reuseTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
laundry_memory | Laundry Memory | integer | G | The amount of memory that is taken up by dirty inactive pages that can't be directly reusedTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
wired_memory | Wired Memory | integer | G | The amount of memory currently being used by the kernelTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Juniper
The custom data entities for the memory_juniper table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G, U | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - NetScaler
The custom data entities for the memory_netscaler table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memSizeMB | Size | integer | G, U | Total amount of system memory, in megabytes. |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Netscreen
The custom data entities for the memory_netscreen table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Nokia
The custom data entities for the memory_nokia table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Procurve
The custom data entities for the memory_procurve table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Server
The custom data entities for the memory_server table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryAllocationUnits | Allocation Units | integer | G, U | The size, in bytes, of the data objects allocated from this pool. If this entry is monitoring sectors, blocks, buffers, or packets, for example, this number will commonly be greater than one. Otherwise this number will typically be one. |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G, U | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - UCD - Real
The custom data entities for the memory_ucd_real table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryBuffer | Buffer | integer | G | The total amount of real or virtual memory currently allocated for use as memory buffers.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryCached | Cached | integer | G | The total amount of real or virtual memory currently allocated for use as cached memory.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryShared | Shared | integer | G | The number of shared bytes in the memory poolTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - UCD - Swap
The custom data entities for the memory_ucd_swap table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Viptela
The custom data entities for the memory_viptela table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Virtual
The custom data entities for the memory_virtual table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
hrStorageAllocationUnits | Allocation Units | integer | G, U | The size, in bytes, of the data objects allocated from this pool. If this entry is monitoring sectors, blocks, buffers, or packets, for example, this number will commonly be greater than one. Otherwise this number will typically be one. |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G, U | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Memory - Virtual - FreeBSD
The custom data entities for the memory_virtual_freebsd table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
memoryDesc | Description | string | G | Description |
memoryFree | Free | integer | G | Amount of memory free in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryFreePercent | Free Percent | float | G | Amount of memory free as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memorySize | Size | integer | G | Size of this memory object in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryType | Type | string | G | Type of this memory object |
memoryUsed | Used | integer | G | Amount of memory used in BytesTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
memoryUsedPercent | Used Percent | float | G | Amount of memory used as a percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Meraki Client
The custom data entities for the meraki_client table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
clientId | Client ID | string | G | Unique ID of the client - set to merakiId, mac or ip, see Meraki client tracking methods for more information |
clientName | Client Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the client |
connAssocFailures | Assoc Failure Count | integer | G | Number of wireless association failures on the client |
connAuthFailures | Auth Failure Count | integer | G | Number of wireless authentication failures on the client |
connDhcpFailures | DHCP Failure Count | integer | G | Number of wireless DHCP connection failures on the client |
connDnsFailures | DNS Failure Count | integer | G | Number of wireless DNS connection failures on the client |
connSuccesses | Connection Success Count | integer | G | Number of successfully established wireless connections |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
firstSeen | First Seen | time | G | Date and time the client was first seen on the network |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ip | IP Address | string | G | Client IPv4 address - if ID or MAC can't identify client correctly IP can be used instead, see Meraki client tracking methods for more information |
ip6 | IPv6 Address | string | G | IPv6 address of the client if set |
ip6Local | Local IPv6 Address | string | G | Local IPv6 of the client if set |
lastSeen | Last Seen | time | G | Date and time the client was last seen on the network |
mac | MAC Address | string | G | Client MAC addresss - can be used to identify clients unless there is a non-meraki L3 switch on the network, see Meraki client tracking methods for more information |
manufacturer | Manufacturer | string | G | Optional name of manufacturer provided by the client |
merakiId | Meraki ID | string | G | Meraki client ID used to track clients - can be used to identify clients if network devices are Meraki, see Meraki client tracking methods for more information |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
networkId | Network ID | string | G | Meraki Network ID - globally unique |
networkName | Network Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the network |
notes | Notes | string | G | Optional notes set on the client |
organizationId | Organization ID | string | G | Meraki organization ID - globally unique |
organizationName | Organization Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the organization |
os | Operating System | string | G | Optional operating system description |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
recentDeviceConnection | Last Connection Type | string | G | Set to wired or wilreless based on the last device the client was connected to |
recentDeviceName | Last Connected Device | string | G | Name of the last device the client was connected to - usually a AP or switch |
recentDeviceSerial | Last Connected Device Serial | string | G | Meraki serial code of the last device the client was connected to - usually a AP or switch |
recentPort | Last Connected Interface | string | G | Meraki port ID of the last port the client was connected to - only set if client was last connected to a switch |
recvBps | Rx Bps | float | G | Bits per second received by the clientTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
recvBytes | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Bytes received by the client |
sentBps | Tx Bps | float | G | Bits per second sent by the clientTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sentBytes | Tx Bytes | integer | G | Bytes sent by the client |
ssid | SSID | string | G | Service Set Identifier for clients connected to a wireless AP |
status | Status | string | G | Current online or offline status of the clientCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
trackingMethod | Tracking Method | string | G | Method Meraki uses to identify clients on the network - may be configured per nerwork using Meraki dashboard or API |
user | User | string | G | Optional user name |
vlan | VLAN | string | G | The VLAN ID the client was last connected to |
wirelessBand | Wireless Band | string | G | Wireless band client is using if connection is wireless |
wirelessLatency95th | Wireless Latency 95th | float | G | 95th percentile of latency from the client to the AP if connection is wirelessTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
wirelessLatencyMedian | Wireless Latency Median | float | G | Median latency from the client to the AP if connection is wirelessTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Poller | cdt_device |
merakiDeviceLink | Link to Meraki Device | cdt_meraki_device |
merakiPortLink | Link to Meraki Interface | cdt_meraki_port |
networkLink | Link to Network | cdt_meraki_network |
organizationLink | Link to Organization | cdt_meraki_organization |
Meraki Client Application
The custom data entities for the meraki_client_application table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
applicationName | Application Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the application |
clientId | Client ID | string | G | Unique name used to identify the client - set to merakiId, mac or ip, see Meraki client tracking methods for more information |
clientIp | Client IP Address | string | G | IPv4 address of the client the application was running on |
clientMac | Client MAC Address | string | G | MAC address of the client the application was running on |
clientName | Client Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the client |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
merakiId | Client Meraki ID | string | G | Meraki client ID used to track clients |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
networkId | Network ID | string | G | The network ID where the client was found |
networkName | Network Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the network |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
recvBps | Rx Bps | float | G | Bits per second received by the client for this applicationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
recvBytes | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Number of bytes received by the client for this application |
sentBps | Tx Bps | float | G | Number of bits per second sent from the client for this applicationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sentBytes | Tx Bytes | integer | G | Number of bytes sent from the client for this application |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
ClientLink | Link to Client | cdt_meraki_client |
deviceLink | Link to Poller | cdt_device |
networkLink | Link to Network | cdt_meraki_network |
Meraki Device
The custom data entities for the meraki_device table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
address | Street Address | string | G | Optional street adress set on the device |
configurationUpdatedAt | Last Configuration Update | time | G | Date and time of the last time the device was configured |
deviceEntityId | Device Entity ID | integer | G | Statseeker ID assigned to the device - set to 0 if no Statseeker ping or SNMP polled device exists with the same management IP |
deviceName | Device Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the device |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
firmware | Firmware | string | G | Firmware name and version on the device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
lanIp | IP Address | string | G | IPv4 address of the management interface |
latitude | Latitude | string | G | Optional geographical latitude set on the device |
licenseClaimed | License Claimed | time | G | Date and time the license was first claimed for this device |
licenseDurationDays | License Duration Days | integer | G | Total duration of the license for this device |
licenseExpiration | License Expiration | time | G | Date and time the license expires for this device |
licenseRemainingDays | License Remaining Days | integer | G | Number of days remaining on the license for this deviceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
longitude | Longitude | string | G | Optional geographical longitude set on the device |
mac | MAC Address | string | G | MAC address of the management interface on the device |
model | Model | string | G | Model code of the device such as MX64 |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
networkId | Network ID | string | G | The network ID the device is assigned to |
networkName | Network Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the network |
notes | Notes | string | G | Optional notes set on the device |
orderNumber | Order Number | string | G | Meraki order number of the device |
organizationId | Organization ID | string | G | The organization ID the device is assigned to |
organizationName | Organization Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the organization |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
productType | Product Type | string | G | Meraki product type of the device such as switch, wireless or appliance |
publicIp | Public IP Address | string | G | Public IPv4 address used to access the device - often the same as uplink IP for the network |
serial | Device Serial | string | G | Meraki device serial - globally unique identifier |
status | Status | string | G | Current online or offline status of the deviceCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
tags | Tags | string | G | CSV list of tags set on the device |
url | Meraki Dashboard URL | string | G | URL path to the Meraki dashboard for the device |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Poller | cdt_device |
merakiDeviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
networkLink | Link to Network | cdt_meraki_network |
organizationLink | Link to Organization | cdt_meraki_organization |
Meraki Network
The custom data entities for the meraki_network table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
clientCount | Client Count | integer | G | Number of active clients on the networkTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientTrackingMethod | Client Tracking Method | string | G | Set to identify clients by a smart Meraki ID, MAC or IP |
deviceCount | Device Count | integer | G | Total number of Meraki devices on the networkTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
networkId | Network ID | string | G | Meraki Network ID - globally unique |
networkName | Network Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the network |
organizationId | Organization ID | string | G | The organization ID the network is assigned to |
organizationName | Organization Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the organization |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
pollFailures | Poll Failures | integer | G | Number of times the network failed to poll because Meraki API rate limit was exceeded - polling attempted every 5 minutes |
pollStatus | Poll Status | string | G | Status indicating whether a Meraki network is polling successfullyCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
productTypes | Product Types | string | G | CSV list of device product types on the network |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
tags | Tags | string | G | CSV list of tags set on the network |
url | Meraki Dashboard URL | string | G | URL path to the Meraki dashboard for the network |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Poller | cdt_device |
organizationLink | Link to Organization | cdt_meraki_organization |
Meraki Organization
The custom data entities for the meraki_organization table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
apiEnabled | API Enabled | string | G | Flag indicating if API is enabled - either True or False |
cloudRegion | Cloud Region Name | string | G | Name of the geographical region of the organization |
deviceCount | Device Count | integer | G | Number of Meraki devices in the organizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
licensingModel | Licensing Model | string | G | Name of the Meraki licensing model for the organization |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
networkCount | Network Count | integer | G | Number of networks in the organizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
organizationId | Organization ID | string | G | Meraki organization ID - globally unique |
organizationName | Organization Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the organization |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
url | Meraki Dashboard URL | string | G | URL path to the Meraki dashboard for the organization |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Poller | cdt_device |
Meraki Interface
The custom data entities for the meraki_port table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
accessPolicyType | Access Policy Type | string | G | Access policy type configured on the interface |
description | Description | string | G | A short description of the interface |
deviceEntityId | Device Entity ID | integer | G | Statseeker ID assigned to the device - set to 0 if no Statseeker ping or SNMP polled device exists with the same management IP |
deviceName | Device Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the device |
deviceSerial | Device Serial | string | G | Meraki device serial - globally unique identifier |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
duplex | Duplex | string | G | Duplex setting on the interface such as full or half |
enabled | Enabled | string | G | Flag indicating if interface is enabled - either True or False |
errors | Error List | string | G | CSV list of current errors on the interface - empty if there are no active errors |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ifName | ifName | string | G | The ifName of the interface from IF-MIB if a matching SNMP polled port could be found in Statseeker |
isUplink | Is Uplink | string | G | Flag indicating if interface is an uplink to the internet - either True or False |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
networkId | Network ID | string | G | Meraki Network ID - globally unique |
networkName | Network Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the network |
organizationId | Organization ID | string | G | Meraki organization ID - globally unique |
organizationName | Organization Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the organization |
poeEnabled | Poe Enabled | string | G | Flag indicating if power over ethernet is enabled - either True or False |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
portId | Meraki Port ID | string | G | Meraki unique identifier of the interface - commonly set to IF-MIB.ifIndex |
recvBps | Rx Bps | float | G | Bits per second receivedTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
recvBytes | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Number of bytes received |
recvUtil | Rx Util | float | G | Rx utilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sentBps | Tx Bps | float | G | Bits per second sentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sentBytes | Tx Bytes | integer | G | Number of bytes sent |
sentUtil | Tx Util | float | G | Tx utilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
speed | Speed | integer | G | Speed of the interface in bits per second |
status | Status | string | G | Current connected, disconnected or disabled status of the interfaceCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
tags | Tags | string | G | CSV list of tags set on the interface |
type | Type | string | G | Interface type |
vlan | VLAN | string | G | VLAN ID assigned to the interface |
warnings | Warning List | string | G | CSV list of current warnings on the interface - empty if there are no warnings |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Poller | cdt_device |
merakiDeviceLink | Link to Meraki Device | cdt_meraki_device |
networkLink | Link to Network | cdt_meraki_network |
organizationLink | Link to Organization | cdt_meraki_organization |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Meraki Topology
The custom data entities for the meraki_topology table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
lldpChassisId | LLDP Chassis ID | string | G | LLDP chassis ID of connected port |
lldpManagementAddress | LLDP Management IP Address | string | G | Optional LLDP management IPv4 address of the connected device |
lldpPortDescription | LLDP Port Description | string | G | Optional LLDP description of the connected port |
lldpPortId | LLDP Port ID | string | G | LLDP ID of the connected port |
lldpSystemCapabilities | LLDP System Capabilities | string | G | Optional system capabilities of the connected device returned from LLDP |
lldpSystemDescription | LLDP System Description | string | G | Optional LLDP system description of the connected device |
lldpSystemName | LLDP System Name | string | G | Optional LLDP system name of the connected device |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
networkId | Network ID | string | G | Local network ID |
networkName | Network Name | string | G | Local network name |
organizationId | Organization ID | string | G | Meraki organization ID - globally unique |
organizationName | Organization Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the organization |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
srcDeviceEntityId | Source Device ID | integer | G | Statseeker ID assigned to the source device - set to 0 if no Statseeker ping or SNMP polled device exists with the same management IP |
srcDeviceName | Source Device Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the source device |
srcDeviceSerial | Source Device Serial | string | G | Meraki serial code of the source device |
srcIfName | Source ifName | string | G | The ifName of the source interface from IF-MIB if a matching SNMP polled port could be found in Statseeker |
srcPortId | Source Port Meraki ID | string | G | Meraki port ID of the source interface |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Poller | cdt_device |
merakiDeviceLink | Link to Meraki Device | cdt_meraki_device |
networkLink | Link to Network | cdt_meraki_network |
organizationLink | Link to Organization | cdt_meraki_organization |
portLink | Link to Meraki Interface | cdt_meraki_port |
Meraki Uplink
The custom data entities for the meraki_uplink table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceName | Device Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the device |
deviceSerial | Device Serial | string | G | Meraki device serial - globally unique identifier |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
gateway | Default Gateway IP | string | G | IPv4 address of the default gateway |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ip | IP Address | string | G | IPv4 address of the uplink |
ipAssignedBy | IP Assigned By | string | G | Method used to assign IP addresses - static or DHCP |
latency | Average Latency | float | G | Average ping latency between the uplink and the internetTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
lostPercent | Packet Loss Percent | float | G | Percentage of packets lost from the uplink to internetTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
networkId | Network ID | string | G | Meraki Network ID - globally unique |
networkName | Network Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the network |
organizationId | Organization ID | string | G | Meraki organization ID - globally unique |
organizationName | Organization Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the organization |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
primaryDns | Primary DNS IP | string | G | IPv4 address of the primary configured DNS server |
publicIp | Public IP Address | string | G | Public IPv4 address of the uplink |
secondaryDns | Secondary DNS IP | string | G | IPv4 address of the secondary configured DNS server |
status | Status | string | G | Current status of the uplink - usually active or disconnectedCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
uplinkId | Uplink ID | string | G | Meraki unique identifier of the interface - usually set to wan1, wan2 for uplinks |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Poller | cdt_device |
merakiDeviceLink | Link to Meraki Device | cdt_meraki_device |
networkLink | Link to Network | cdt_meraki_network |
organizationLink | Link to Organization | cdt_meraki_organization |
Meraki VPN
The custom data entities for the meraki_vpn table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceName | Device Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the local device |
deviceSerial | Device Serial | string | G | Serial number of the local device |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
networkId | Network ID | string | G | Local network ID |
networkName | Network Name | string | G | Local network name |
organizationId | Organization ID | string | G | Meraki organization ID - globally unique |
organizationName | Organization Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the organization |
peerNetworkId | Peer Network ID | string | G | Network ID of the VPN peer if it is a Meraki network |
peerNetworkName | Peer Network Name | string | G | Network name of the VPN peer if it is a Meraki network |
peerPublicIp | Peer Public IP | string | G | IPv4 address if it is a third party VPN peer |
peerType | Peer Type | string | G | Describes whether VPN connects to a Meraki peer or third party peer |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
reachability | Status | string | G | Current rechability status of the VPNCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
recvBps | Rx Bps | float | G | Bits per second received on the VPNTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
recvBytes | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Number of bytes received on the VPN |
sentBps | Tx Bps | float | G | Bits per second sent on the VPNTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sentBytes | Tx Bytes | integer | G | Number of bytes sent on the VPN |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Poller | cdt_device |
merakiDeviceLink | Link to Meraki Device | cdt_meraki_device |
networkLink | Link to Network | cdt_meraki_network |
organizationLink | Link to Organization | cdt_meraki_organization |
Meraki Wireless
The custom data entities for the meraki_wireless table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
clientCount | Client Count | integer | G | Number of clients connected to the APTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientCountBand24 | Client Count 2.4ghz | integer | G | Number of clients connected to the AP on the 2.4ghz bandTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientCountBand5 | Client Count 5ghz | integer | G | Number of clients connected to the AP on the 5ghz bandTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientLatency95th | Latency 95th | float | G | 95th percentile of the latency from all clients connected to the APTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientLatency95thBand24 | Latency 95th 2.4ghz | float | G | 95th percentile of latency from all clients connected using the 2.4ghz bandTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientLatency95thBand5 | Latency 95th 5ghz | float | G | 95th percentile of latency from all clients connected using the 5ghz bandTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientLatencyMedian | Latency Median | float | G | Median latency from all clients connected to the APTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientLatencyMedianBand24 | Latency Median 2.4ghz | float | G | Median latency from all clients connected using the 2.4ghz bandTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientLatencyMedianBand5 | Latency Median 5ghz | float | G | Median latency from all clients connected using the 5ghz bandTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
clientRecvBytes | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Total bytes received from all clients |
clientSentBytes | Tx Bytes | integer | G | Total bytes sent to all clients |
connAssocFailures | Assoc Failure Count | integer | G | Number of association failures on the AP |
connAuthFailures | Auth Failure Count | integer | G | Number of authentication failures on the AP |
connDhcpFailures | DHCP Failure Count | integer | G | Number of DHCP connection failures on the AP |
connDnsFailures | DNS Failure Count | integer | G | Number of DNS connection failures on the AP |
connSuccesses | Connection Success Count | integer | G | Number of successfully established connections AP |
deviceName | Device Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the device |
deviceSerial | Device Serial | string | G | Meraki device serial - globally unique identifier |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
networkId | Network ID | string | G | Meraki Network ID - globally unique |
networkName | Network Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the network |
organizationId | Organization ID | string | G | Meraki organization ID - globally unique |
organizationName | Organization Name | string | G | Short descriptive name of the organization |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
recvBps | Rx Bps | float | G | Bits per second received from all clientsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sentBps | Tx Bps | float | G | Bits per second sent to all clientsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Poller | cdt_device |
merakiDeviceLink | Link to Meraki Device | cdt_meraki_device |
networkLink | Link to Network | cdt_meraki_network |
organizationLink | Link to Organization | cdt_meraki_organization |
MAC/IP/Switch Port (Deprecated)
The custom data entities for the mis table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ip | IP Address | string | G, U | IP Address |
lastresolved | Last Resolved | time | G, U | Last Resolved |
linktype | Link Type | string | G, U | Link Type |
mac | MAC | string | G, U | MAC Address |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
oui | Vendor | string | G, U | Organisationally Unique Identifier |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
vlan_name | VLAN Name | string | G, U | VLAN Name |
vlanid | VLAN Id | string | G, U | VLAN Id |
Link | Description | Link Target |
arp_dev | Link to ARP Device | cdt_device |
connecteddevice | Link to Connected Device | cdt_device |
connectedport | Link to Connected Interface | cdt_port |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
port | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Optical Signal Monitoring
The custom data entities for the optical table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
SNR | SNR | integer | G | SNRTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
opticalName | Name | string | G | Name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
portLink | Port Link | string | G | Port Link |
rxPower | Rx Power | integer | G | Rx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rxPoweruW | Rx Power (uW) | integer | G | Rx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
txPower | Tx Power | integer | G | Tx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
txPoweruW | Tx Power (uW) | integer | G | Tx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | portLink | cdt_port |
Optical Signal Monitoring - ADVA
The custom data entities for the optical_adva table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
SNR | SNR | integer | G | SNRTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
opticalName | Name | string | G | Name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
portAdminState | Admin State | string | G, U | Administrative State of the port.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
portAidString | portAidString | string | G, U | portAidString |
portLink | Port Link | string | G | Port Link |
portOperState | portOperState | string | G, U | Operational State of the port.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
portRemark | Remark | string | G, U | Remark |
rxPower | Rx Power | integer | G | Rx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rxPoweruW | Rx Power (uW) | integer | G | Rx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
txPower | Tx Power | integer | G | Tx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
txPoweruW | Tx Power (uW) | integer | G | Tx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | portLink | cdt_port |
Optical Signal Monitoring - ADVA - Loss
The custom data entities for the optical_adva_measurement table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
linkLoss | Link Loss | integer | G | Link loss at termination in tenth of dB.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
measurementFpLineEndPos | End Pos | integer | G | End PosTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
portLink | Port Link | string | G | Port Link |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | portLink | cdt_optical_adva |
Optical Signal Monitoring - Aruba
The custom data entities for the optical_aruba table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
SNR | SNR | integer | G | SNRTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
hpicfXcvrModel | Model | string | G, U | Model |
hpicfXcvrSerial | Serial | string | G, U | Serial |
hpicfXcvrType | Type | string | G, U | A textual description of the transceiver type. |
hpicfXcvrWavelength | Wavelength | string | G, U | Wavelength |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
opticalName | Name | string | G | Name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
portLink | Port Link | string | G | Port Link |
rxPower | Rx Power | integer | G | Rx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rxPoweruW | Rx Power (uW) | integer | G | Rx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
txPower | Tx Power | integer | G | Tx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
txPoweruW | Tx Power (uW) | integer | G | Tx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | portLink | cdt_port |
Optical Signal Monitoring - Hirschmann
The custom data entities for the optical_hirschmann table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
SNR | SNR | integer | G | SNRTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
hmIfaceID | ifIndex Mapping | string | G | index to identify an interface within an interface card. |
hmSfpPartNumber | Sfp Part Number | string | G, U | The SFP's part description number (ASCII). |
hmSfpPartRev | Sfp Part Rev | string | G, U | The SFP's part revision number (ASCII). |
hmSfpSerialNum | Sfp Serial | string | G, U | The SFP's serial number provided by vendor (ASCII). |
hmSfpVendorName | Sfp Vendor | string | G, U | The SFP's vendor name (ASCII). |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
opticalName | Name | string | G | Name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
portLink | Port Link | string | G | Port Link |
rxPower | Rx Power | integer | G | Rx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rxPoweruW | Rx Power (uW) | integer | G | Rx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
txPower | Tx Power | integer | G | Tx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
txPoweruW | Tx Power (uW) | integer | G | Tx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | portLink | cdt_port |
Optical Signal Monitoring - Hirschmann2
The custom data entities for the optical_hirschmann2 table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
SNR | SNR | integer | G | SNRTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
hm2SfpCurrentBitRate | Bit Rate (Mbps) | integer | G | The current bit rate in units of Megabits per second.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hm2SfpCurrentRxPower | Rx Power uW | integer | G | The SFP's internally measured Rx Power in units of 1/10 microWatts or -10000 if not supportted.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hm2SfpCurrentRxPowerState | Rx Power State | string | G, U | The state of the SFP's internally measured Rx.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
hm2SfpCurrentTemperature | Temperature | integer | G | This signed integer is used to identify the temperature within the SFP in units of centigrade (Celsius). Contains -1000 in case of a device read error.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
hm2SfpCurrentTxPower | Tx Power uW | integer | G | The SFP's internally measured Tx Power in units of 1/10 microwatt or -1 if it is not supported.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
opticalName | Name | string | G | Name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
portLink | Port Link | string | G | Port Link |
rxPower | Rx Power | integer | G | Rx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rxPoweruW | Rx Power (uW) | integer | G | Rx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
txPower | Tx Power | integer | G | Tx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
txPoweruW | Tx Power (uW) | integer | G | Tx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | portLink | cdt_port |
Optical Signal Monitoring - MOXA
The custom data entities for the optical_moxa table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
SNR | SNR | integer | G | SNRTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
opticalName | Name | string | G | Name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
portLink | Port Link | string | G | Port Link |
rxPower | Rx Power | integer | G | Rx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rxPoweruW | Rx Power (uW) | integer | G | Rx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sfpModelName | Model | string | G, U | The SPF ModelName of monitor function |
sfpPort | Port Index | string | G, U | The SPF index of monitor function |
sfpVoltage | Voltage | integer | G | The SPF Voltage of monitor functionTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
temperature | Temperature | integer | G | TemperatureTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
txPower | Tx Power | integer | G | Tx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
txPoweruW | Tx Power (uW) | integer | G | Tx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | portLink | cdt_port |
Optical Signal Monitoring - NBS
The custom data entities for the optical_nbs table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
SNR | SNR | integer | G | SNRTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
nbsOsaChannelIfIndex | ifIndex | integer | G, U | The Mib2 ifIndex of the optical spectrum analyzer port |
nbsOsaChannelOSNRMax | Maximum OSNR | integer | G | The user-specified maximum OSNR of this channelTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
nbsOsaChannelOSNRMin | Minimum OSNR | integer | G | The user-specified minimum OSNR of this channelTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
nbsOsaChannelRxPowerMax | Power Max | integer | G | The user-specified maximum signal strength, in millidecibels (mdBm), of this channel. Not supported value: -100001Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
nbsOsaChannelRxPowerMin | Power Min | integer | G | The user-specified minimum signal strength, in millidecibels (mdBm), of this channel. Not supported value: -100001Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
nbsOsaChannelStatus | Status | string | G, U | If the OSA thinks the channel is there or not.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
opticalName | Name | string | G | Name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
portLink | Port Link | string | G, U | Port Link |
rxPower | Rx Power | integer | G | Rx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rxPoweruW | Rx Power (uW) | integer | G | Rx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
txPower | Tx Power | integer | G | Tx PowerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
txPoweruW | Tx Power (uW) | integer | G | Tx Power (uW)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | portLink | cdt_port |
Sensor - Optical - Cisco
The custom data entities for the optical_sensor_cisco table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
dBm | Decibel Milliwatts | integer | G | dB relative to 1mW of powerTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
mW | Milliwatts | integer | G | milliwattsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
OSPF Neighbor Monitoring
The custom data entities for the ospf table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
ospfNbmaNbrPermanence | Permanence | string | G, U | PermanenceCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ospfNbmaNbrStatus | Status | string | G, U | StatusCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ospfNbrEvents | Events | integer | G | The number of times this neighbor relationship has changed state or an error has occurred. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ospfDiscontinuityTime. |
ospfNbrHelloSuppressed | Hello Suppressed | string | G, U | Indicates whether Hellos are being suppressed to the neighbor.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ospfNbrIpAddr | IP Addr | string | G, U | The IP address this neighbor is using in its IP source address. Note that, on addressless links, this will not be but the address of another of the neighbor's interfaces. |
ospfNbrPriority | Priority | integer | G | The priority of this neighbor in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the neighbor is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ospfNbrRtrId | Rtr Id | string | G, U | A 32-bit integer (represented as a type IpAddress) uniquely identifying the neighboring router in the Autonomous System. |
ospfNbrState | State | string | G, U | The state of the relationship with this neighbor.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
OSPF Neighbor Interfaces
The custom data entities for the ospf_if table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
ospfIfAdminStat | Admin Status | string | G, U | The OSPF interface's administrative status. The value formed on the interface, and the interface will be advertised as an internal route to some area. The value 'disabled' denotes that the interface is external to OSPF.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ospfIfAreaId | AreaId | string | G, U | A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the area to which the interface connects. Area ID is used for the OSPF backbone. |
ospfIfBackupDesignatedRouter | Backup Designated Router | string | G, U | Backup Designated Router |
ospfIfBackupDesignatedRouterId | Backup Designated RouterId | string | G, U | The Router ID of the backup designated router. |
ospfIfDesignatedRouter | Designated Router | string | G, U | The IP address of the designated router. |
ospfIfDesignatedRouterId | Designated RouterId | string | G, U | The Router ID of the designated router. |
ospfIfEvents | If Events | integer | G | The number of times this OSPF interface has changed its state or an error has occurred. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ospfDiscontinuityTime. |
ospfIfHelloInterval | Hello Interval | integer | G | The length of time, in seconds, between the Hello packets that the router sends on the interface. This value must be the same for all routers attached to a common network. |
ospfIfIpAddress | If IpAddress | string | G, U | The IP address of this OSPF interface. |
ospfIfMulticastForwarding | Multicast Forwarding | string | G, U | The way multicasts should be forwarded on this interface, not forwarded, forwarded as data link multicasts, or forwarded as data link unicasts. Data link multicasting is not meaningful on point-to-point and NBMA interfaces, and setting ospfMulticastForwarding to 0 effectively disables all multicast forwarding.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ospfIfPollInterval | ospfIfPollInterval | integer | G | ospfIfPollInterval |
ospfIfRtrDeadInterval | Rtr Dead Interval | integer | G | Rtr Dead Interval |
ospfIfRtrPriority | ospfIfRtrPriority | integer | G | The priority of this interface. Used in multi-access networks, this field is used in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. In the event of a tie in this value, routers will use their Router ID as a tie breaker. |
ospfIfState | State | string | G, U | The OSPF Interface State.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ospfIfType | Type | string | G, U | TypeCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ospfNbrIdxZero | NbrIdxZero | string | G | Nbr Link Index |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
ospfNbrLink | Link to OSPF Nbr | cdt_ospf |
Sensor - Other
The custom data entities for the other_sensor table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
type | Type | string | G | sensor type |
value | Value | string | G | sensor valueTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Sensor - Other - Cisco
The custom data entities for the other_sensor_cisco table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
type | Type | string | G, U | sensor type |
value | Value | string | G | sensor valueTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Sensor - Other - Entity
The custom data entities for the other_sensor_entity table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
type | Type | string | G, U | sensor type |
value | Value | string | G | sensor valueTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Palo Alto Firewall Connections
The custom data entities for the palo_alto_firewall_connections table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
ActiveConnections | Active Connections | integer | G | Total number of active sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ActiveIcmpConnections | Active ICMP Connections | integer | G | Total number of active ICMP sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ActiveTcpConnections | Active TCP Connections | integer | G | Total number of active TCP sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ActiveUdpConnections | Active UDP Connections | integer | G | Total number of active UDP sessions.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
ConnectionUtil | Connection Util | integer | G | Session table utilization percentage. Values should be between 0 and 100.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
MaxConnections | Max Connections | integer | G, U | Total number of sessions supported. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Palo Alto Firewall Connections Zone Stats
The custom data entities for the palo_alto_firewall_connections_zone table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
panZoneActiveOtherIpCps | Other IP Cps | integer | G | Number of active Other IP connections per second for this zone.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
panZoneActiveTcpCps | TCP Cps | integer | G | Number of active TCP connections per second for this zone.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
panZoneActiveUdpCps | UDP Cps | integer | G | Number of active UDP connections per second for this zone.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Palo Alto HA
The custom data entities for the palo_alto_ha table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
paloHAName | Palo Alto HA Index | string | G | Palo Alto HA Index |
panSysHAMode | HA Mode | string | G, U | Current high-availability mode (disabled, active-passive, or active-active).Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
panSysHAPeerState | HA Peer State | string | G, U | Current peer high-availability state.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
panSysHAState | HA State | string | G, U | Current high-availability state.Can be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Palo Alto VPN
The custom data entities for the palo_alto_vpn table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
paloVpnName | Palo Alto VPN Index | string | G | Palo Alto VPN Index |
panGPGWUtilizationActiveTunnels | Active Tunnels | integer | G | Number of active tunnelsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
panGPGWUtilizationMaxTunnels | Max Tunnels | integer | G | Max tunnels allowedTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
panGPGWUtilizationPct | Utilization | integer | G | GlobalProtect Gateway utilization percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
The custom data entities for the ping table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
dup | Duplicate Pings | integer | G | The number of duplicate ping packetsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
ipaddress | IP Address | string | G | The IP Address of the device |
jitter | Ping Jitter | float | G | The ping jitterTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
lost | Ping Lost | integer | G | The number of lost ping packetsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
lost_percent | Ping Lost Percent | float | G | The percentage of lost ping packetsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
outage | Outage Time | integer | G | The duration in seconds before device is declared down |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
poller_id | Poller ID | integer | G | The Entity ID of the the Poller Device |
polltime | First Polled Time | time | G | The time this entry was created |
received | Ping Received | integer | G | The number of received ping packetsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rtt | Average Ping RTT | float | G | The Average ping RTT to the DeviceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rtt_max | Maximum Ping RTT | float | G | The maximum ping RTT to the DeviceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
rtt_min | Minimum Ping RTT | float | G | The minimum ping RTT to the DeviceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
sent | Ping Sent | integer | G | The number of sent ping packetsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
state | Ping State | string | G | The current ping state of the DeviceCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
pollerDeviceLink | Link to Poller Device | cdt_device_oa |
PoE Device
The custom data entities for the poe_main table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
consumptionPower | Consumed Power | integer | G | Measured usage power expressed in WattsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
operStatus | Operational Status | string | G, U | The operational status of the main PSECan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
percentUsed | Percent Used | integer | G | The used power divided by nominal power of the PSE expressed in percent.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
power | Nominal Power | integer | G | The nominal power of the PSE expressed in WattsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
usageThreshold | Usage Threshold | integer | G | Measured usage power expressed in WattsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
PoE Device - Cisco
The custom data entities for the poe_main_cisco table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
consumptionPower | Consumed Power | integer | G | Measured usage power expressed in WattsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
descr | Description | string | G, U | A textual string containing information about the Power Source Equipment (PSE) group |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
operStatus | Operational Status | string | G, U | The operational status of the main PSECan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
percentUsed | Percent Used | integer | G | The used power divided by nominal power of the PSE expressed in percent.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
power | Nominal Power | integer | G | The nominal power of the PSE expressed in WattsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
pwrMonitorCapable | Power Monitor Capable | string | G, U | Whether the given PSE group is capable of monitoring the power consumption of the interfaces that belong to the group |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
usageThreshold | Usage Threshold | integer | G | Measured usage power expressed in WattsTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
inventory_entityLink | Link to Inventory Information | cdt_inventory_entity |
PoE Interface
The custom data entities for the poe_port table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
adminEnable | Admin Enable | string | G, U | Whether an interface can provide PSE functionCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
detectionStatus | Detection Status | string | G, U | The operational status of the port powered device detectionCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
invalidSignatureCount | Invalid Signature Counter | integer | G | The number of times PSE state diagram enters the state SIGNATURE_INVALID |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
overLoadCount | Overload Counter | integer | G | The number of times PSE state diagram enters the state ERROR_DELAY_OVER |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
powerDeniedCount | Power Denied Counter | integer | G | The number of times PSE state diagram enters the state POWER_DENIED |
shortCircuitCount | Short Circuit Counter | integer | G | The number of times PSE state diagram enters the state ERROR_DELAY_SHORT |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
PoE Interface - Cisco
The custom data entities for the poe_port_cisco table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
adminEnable | Admin Enable | string | G, U | Whether an interface can provide PSE functionCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
detectionStatus | Detection Status | string | G, U | The operational status of the port powered device detectionCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
deviceDetected | Device Detected | string | G, U | Whethera Powered Device (PD) has been detected on the interfaceCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
invalidSignatureCount | Invalid Signature Counter | integer | G | The number of times PSE state diagram enters the state SIGNATURE_INVALID |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
overLoadCount | Overload Counter | integer | G | The number of times PSE state diagram enters the state ERROR_DELAY_OVER |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
portDescr | Physical Description | string | G | Physical interface description |
portEnable | Interface Enable | string | G, U | Enable status of the PSE portCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
powerAvailable | Power Available | integer | G | The amount of power available for the Powered Device to useTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
powerConsumption | Power Consumption | integer | G | Actual power consumption of the Powered Device connected to this interfaceTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
powerDeniedCount | Power Denied Counter | integer | G | The number of times PSE state diagram enters the state POWER_DENIED |
powerMax | Power Max | integer | G | The maximum amount of power that the PSE will make available to the PD connected to this interface |
shortCircuitCount | Short Circuit Counter | integer | G | The number of times PSE state diagram enters the state ERROR_DELAY_SHORT |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
inventory_entityLink | Link to Inventory Information | cdt_inventory_entity |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
The custom data entities for the port table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
InBroadcastPkts | Rx Bcast Pkts | integer | G | Number of received broadcast packets |
InBroadcastPps | Rx Bcast Pps | float | G | Number of received broadcast packets per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
InDiscards | Rx Discards | integer | G | Number of received discards |
InErrors | Rx Errors | integer | G | Number of received errors |
InMulticastPkts | Rx Mcast Pkts | integer | G | Number of received multicast packets |
InMulticastPps | Rx Mcast Pps | float | G | Number of received multicast packets per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
InOctets | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Number of received bytes |
InOutBroadcastPkts | Total Bcast Pkts | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx broadcast packets |
InOutDiscards | Total Discards | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx Discards |
InOutErrors | Total Errors | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx Errors |
InOutMulticastPkts | Total Mcast Pkts | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx multicast packets |
InOutOctets | Total Bytes | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx Bytes |
InOutSpeed | Total Speed | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx Speed |
InOutUcastPkts | Total Ucast Pkts | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx unicast packets |
InUcastPkts | Rx Ucast Pkts | integer | G | Number of received unicast packets |
InUcastPps | Rx Ucast Pps | float | G | Number of received unicast packets per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
OutBroadcastPkts | Tx Bcast Pkts | integer | G | Number of transmitted broadcast packets |
OutBroadcastPps | Tx Bcast Pps | float | G | Number of transmitted broadcast packets per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
OutDiscards | Tx Discards | integer | G | Number of transmitted discards |
OutErrors | Tx Errors | integer | G | Number of transmitted errors |
OutMulticastPkts | Tx Mcast Pkts | integer | G | Number of transmitted multicast packets |
OutMulticastPps | Tx Mcast Pps | float | G | Number of transmitted multicast packets per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
OutOctets | Tx Bytes | integer | G | Number of transmitted bytes |
OutUcastPkts | Tx Ucast Pkts | integer | G | Number of transmitted unicast packets |
OutUcastPps | Tx Ucast Pps | float | G | Number of transmitted unicast packets per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxBps | Rx Bps | float | G | Received bits per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxDiscardsPercent | Rx Discards Percent | float | G | Rx discards percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxErrorPercent | Rx Errors Percent | float | G | Rx errors percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxTxDiscardsPercent | Total Discards Percent | float | G | Total discards percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxTxErrorPercent | Total Errors Percent | float | G | Total errors percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxUtil | Rx Util | float | G | Rx UtilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxBps | Tx Bps | float | G | Transmitted bits per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxDiscardsPercent | Tx Discards Percent | float | G | Tx discards percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxErrorPercent | Tx Errors Percent | float | G | Tx errors percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxUtil | Tx Util | float | G | Tx UtilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
if90day | if90day | integer | G, U | Status of port usage over 90 days |
ifAdminStatus | ifAdminStatus | string | G, U | The desired state of the interfaceCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ifAlias | Alias | string | G, U | Interface Alias (ifAlias) |
ifDescr | Description | string | G, U | Interface Description (ifDescr) |
ifDuplex | ifDuplex | string | G, U | Interface Duplex. (half/full/auto) |
ifInSpeed | Rx Speed | integer | G, U | Interface Input Speed (Statseeker custom attribute) |
ifIndex | ifIndex | string | G, U | Interface Index (IF-MIB.ifIndex) |
ifName | ifName | string | G, U | Interface Name (IF-MIB.ifName) |
ifNonUnicast | NUcast Polling | string | G, U | NonUnicast Polling status of the port |
ifOperStatus | ifOperStatus | string | G, U | Current operational status of portCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ifOutSpeed | Tx Speed | integer | G, U | Interface Output Speed (Statseeker custom attribute) |
ifPhysAddress | PhysAddress | string | G, U | Interface MAC Address (ifPhysAddress) |
ifPoll | ifPoll | string | G, U | Polling status of the port |
ifSpeed | Speed | integer | G, U | Interface Speed (based on ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed) |
ifTitle | Title | string | G, U | Interface Title (Statseeker custom attribute - ifTitle) |
ifType | Type | string | G, U | Interface Type (ifType)One of:
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
macLink | Link to MAC | mac |
merakiPortLink | Link to Meraki Interface | cdt_meraki_port |
Interface EtherLike
The custom data entities for the port_etherlike table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
InPauseFrames | Rx Pause | integer | G | |
OutPauseFrames | Tx Pause | integer | G | |
alignmentErrors | Alignment Errors | integer | G | A count of frames received on a particular interface that are not an integral number of octets in length and do not pass the FCS check. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the alignmentError status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for which multiple error conditions pertain are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC. |
carrierSenseErrors | Carrier Sense Errors | integer | G | The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame on a particular interface. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented at most once per transmission attempt, even if the carrier sense condition fluctuates during a transmission attempt. This counter does not increment when the interface is operating in full-duplex mode. |
deferredTransmissions | Deferred Transmissions | integer | G | A count of frames for which the first transmission attempt on a particular interface is delayed because the medium is busy. The count represented by an instance of this object does not include frames involved in collisions. |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
excessiveCollisions | Excessive Collisions | integer | G | A count of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails due to excessive collisions. |
fcsErrors | FCS Errors | integer | G | A count of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check. This count does not include frames received with frame-too-long or frame-too-short error. |
frameTooLongs | Frame Too Long | integer | G | Interface that exceed the maximum permitted frame size. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameTooLong status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user). |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
internalMacReceiveErrors | Internal MAC Receive Errors | integer | G | A count of frames for which reception on a particular interface fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object. |
internalMacTransmitErrors | Internal MAC Transmit Errors | integer | G | A count of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object. |
lateCollisions | Late Collisions | integer | G | The number of times that a collision is detected on a particular interface later than 512 bit-times into the transmission of a packet. Five hundred and twelve bit-times corresponds to 51.2 microseconds on a 10 Mbit/s system. A (late) collision included in a count represented by an instance of this object is also considered as a (generic) collision for purposes of other collision-related statistics. |
multipleCollisions | Multiple Collisions | integer | G | A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by more than one collision. A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts or ifOutNUcastPkts object and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames object. |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
singleCollisions | Single Collisions | integer | G | A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by exactly one collision. A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts or ifOutNUcastPkts object and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames object. |
symbolErrors | Symbol Errors | integer | G | Number of times there was an invalid data symbol when a valid carrier was present. See MIB for details |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Interface - FreeBSD
The custom data entities for the port_freebsd table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
InBroadcastPkts | Rx Bcast Pkts | integer | G | Number of received broadcast packets |
InBroadcastPps | Rx Bcast Pps | float | G | Number of received broadcast packets per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
InDiscards | Rx Discards | integer | G | Number of received discards |
InErrors | Rx Errors | integer | G | Number of received errors |
InMulticastPkts | Rx Mcast Pkts | integer | G | Number of received multicast packets |
InMulticastPps | Rx Mcast Pps | float | G | Number of received multicast packets per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
InOctets | Rx Bytes | integer | G | Number of received bytes |
InOutBroadcastPkts | Total Bcast Pkts | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx broadcast packets |
InOutDiscards | Total Discards | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx Discards |
InOutErrors | Total Errors | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx Errors |
InOutMulticastPkts | Total Mcast Pkts | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx multicast packets |
InOutOctets | Total Bytes | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx Bytes |
InOutSpeed | Total Speed | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx Speed |
InOutUcastPkts | Total Ucast Pkts | integer | G | Combined Rx and Tx unicast packets |
InUcastPkts | Rx Ucast Pkts | integer | G | Number of received unicast packets |
InUcastPps | Rx Ucast Pps | float | G | Number of received unicast packets per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
MTU | MTU | integer | G | The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) configured for the interface |
OutBroadcastPkts | Tx Bcast Pkts | integer | G | Number of transmitted broadcast packets |
OutBroadcastPps | Tx Bcast Pps | float | G | Number of transmitted broadcast packets per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
OutDiscards | Tx Discards | integer | G | Number of transmitted discards |
OutErrors | Tx Errors | integer | G | Number of transmitted errors |
OutMulticastPkts | Tx Mcast Pkts | integer | G | Number of transmitted multicast packets |
OutMulticastPps | Tx Mcast Pps | float | G | Number of transmitted multicast packets per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
OutOctets | Tx Bytes | integer | G | Number of transmitted bytes |
OutUcastPkts | Tx Ucast Pkts | integer | G | Number of transmitted unicast packets |
OutUcastPps | Tx Ucast Pps | float | G | Number of transmitted unicast packets per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxBps | Rx Bps | float | G | Received bits per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxDiscardsPercent | Rx Discards Percent | float | G | Rx discards percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxErrorPercent | Rx Errors Percent | float | G | Rx errors percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxTxDiscardsPercent | Total Discards Percent | float | G | Total discards percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxTxErrorPercent | Total Errors Percent | float | G | Total errors percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
RxUtil | Rx Util | float | G | Rx UtilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxBps | Tx Bps | float | G | Transmitted bits per secondTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxDiscardsPercent | Tx Discards Percent | float | G | Tx discards percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxErrorPercent | Tx Errors Percent | float | G | Tx errors percentageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
TxUtil | Tx Util | float | G | Tx UtilizationTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
if90day | if90day | integer | G | Status of port usage over 90 days |
ifAdminStatus | ifAdminStatus | string | G | The desired state of the interfaceCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ifAlias | Alias | string | G | Interface Alias (ifAlias) |
ifDescr | Description | string | G | Interface Description (ifDescr) |
ifDuplex | ifDuplex | string | G | Interface Duplex. (half/full/auto) |
ifInSpeed | Rx Speed | integer | G | Interface Input Speed (Statseeker custom attribute) |
ifIndex | ifIndex | string | G | Interface Index (IF-MIB.ifIndex) |
ifName | ifName | string | G | Interface Name (IF-MIB.ifName) |
ifNonUnicast | NUcast Polling | string | G | NonUnicast Polling status of the port |
ifOperStatus | ifOperStatus | string | G | Current operational status of portCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event FormatsOne of:
ifOutSpeed | Tx Speed | integer | G | Interface Output Speed (Statseeker custom attribute) |
ifPhysAddress | PhysAddress | string | G | Interface MAC Address (ifPhysAddress) |
ifPoll | ifPoll | string | G | Polling status of the port |
ifSpeed | Speed | integer | G | Interface Speed (based on ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed) |
ifTitle | Title | string | G | Interface Title (Statseeker custom attribute - ifTitle) |
ifType | Type | string | G | Interface Type (ifType)One of:
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Interface - Cisco NBAR
The custom data entities for the port_nbar table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
DiscoverEnable | Protocol Discovery Enable | string | G, U | Whether protocol discovery is enabled on an interfaceOne of:
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
portIdx | Port Index | string | G | Index of the host interface |
portName | Port Name | string | G | Name of the host interface |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
portLink | Link to Interface | cdt_port |
Sensor - Power - Amps
The custom data entities for the power_amps_sensor table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
amperes | Amperes | integer | G | electrical currentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Sensor - Power - Amps - Cisco
The custom data entities for the power_amps_sensor_cisco table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
amperes | Amperes | integer | G | electrical currentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Sensor - Power - Amps - Entity
The custom data entities for the power_amps_sensor_entity table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
amperes | Amperes | integer | G | electrical currentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems - Battery
The custom data entities for the power_system_battery table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
batteryCurrent | Battery Current | integer | G | Battery CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryName | Battery Name | string | G | Battery Name |
batteryPercentRemaining | Battery Percent Remaining | integer | G | Battery Percent RemainingTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryRecommendedReplaceDate | Battery Recommended Replace Date | string | G | Recommended Battery Replace Date |
batteryReplaceIndicator | Battery Replacement Indicator | string | G | Battery Replacement IndicatorCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
batteryState | Battery Status | string | G | Battery StatusCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
batteryTemperatureCelsius | Battery Temperature (C) | integer | G | Battery Temperature (C)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryTemperatureFarenheit | Battery Temperature (F) | integer | G | Battery Temperature (F)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryVoltage | Battery Voltage | integer | G | Battery VoltageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
runtimeRemaining | Battery Runtime Remaining | integer | G | Battery Runtime RemainingTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems Battery - Alpha Power
The custom data entities for the power_system_battery_alpha table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
batteryCurrent | Battery Current | integer | G | Battery CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryName | Battery Name | string | G | Battery Name |
batteryPercentRemaining | Battery Percent Remaining | integer | G | Battery Percent RemainingTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryRecommendedReplaceDate | Battery Recommended Replace Date | string | G | Recommended Battery Replace Date |
batteryReplaceIndicator | Battery Replacement Indicator | string | G | Battery Replacement IndicatorCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
batteryState | Battery Status | string | G, U | Battery StatusCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
batteryTemperatureCelsius | Battery Temperature (C) | integer | G | Battery Temperature (C)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryTemperatureFarenheit | Battery Temperature (F) | integer | G | Battery Temperature (F)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryVoltage | Battery Voltage | integer | G | Battery VoltageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
runtimeRemaining | Battery Runtime Remaining | integer | G | Battery Runtime RemainingTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems Battery - APC Schneider Electric UPS
The custom data entities for the power_system_battery_apcups table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
batteryCurrent | Battery Current | integer | G | Battery CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryName | Battery Name | string | G | Battery Name |
batteryPercentRemaining | Battery Percent Remaining | integer | G | Battery Percent RemainingTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryRecommendedReplaceDate | Battery Recommended Replace Date | string | G, U | Recommended Battery Replace Date |
batteryReplaceIndicator | Battery Replacement Indicator | string | G, U | Battery Replacement IndicatorCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
batteryState | Battery Status | string | G, U | Battery StatusCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
batteryTemperatureCelsius | Battery Temperature (C) | integer | G | Battery Temperature (C)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryTemperatureFarenheit | Battery Temperature (F) | integer | G | Battery Temperature (F)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryVoltage | Battery Voltage | integer | G | Battery VoltageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
runtimeRemaining | Battery Runtime Remaining | integer | G | Battery Runtime RemainingTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
upsAdvBatteryTemperature | Battery Temperature (C) | integer | G | The current internal UPS temperature expressed in Celsius. Temperatures below zero read as 0. Consider using upsHighPrecExtdBatteryTemperature instead.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
upsBasicBatteryLastReplaceDate | Last Replacement Date | string | G, U | The date when the UPS system`s batteries were last replaced in mm/dd/yy (or yyyy) format. For Smart-UPS models, this value is originally set in the factory. When the UPS batteries are replaced, this value should be reset by the administrator. For Symmetra PX 250/500 this OID is read only and is configurable in the local display only. |
upsHighPrecBatteryCapacity | upsHighPrecBatteryCapacity | integer | G | The remaining battery capacity expressed in tenths of percent of full capacity.Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems Battery - Generic UPS
The custom data entities for the power_system_battery_generic_ups table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
batteryCurrent | Battery Current | integer | G | Battery CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryName | Battery Name | string | G | Battery Name |
batteryPercentRemaining | Battery Percent Remaining | integer | G | Battery Percent RemainingTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryRecommendedReplaceDate | Battery Recommended Replace Date | string | G | Recommended Battery Replace Date |
batteryReplaceIndicator | Battery Replacement Indicator | string | G | Battery Replacement IndicatorCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
batteryState | Battery Status | string | G | Battery StatusCan be combined with an event format for event-based analytics, see Event Formats |
batteryTemperatureCelsius | Battery Temperature (C) | integer | G | Battery Temperature (C)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryTemperatureFarenheit | Battery Temperature (F) | integer | G | Battery Temperature (F)Timeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
batteryVoltage | Battery Voltage | integer | G | Battery VoltageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
runtimeRemaining | Battery Runtime Remaining | integer | G | Battery Runtime RemainingTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems - Input
The custom data entities for the power_system_input table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
inputCurrent | Input Current | integer | G | Input CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
inputName | Input | string | G | Input |
inputVoltage | Input Voltage | integer | G | Input VoltageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems Input - Alpha Power
The custom data entities for the power_system_input_alpha table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
inputCurrent | Input Current | integer | G | Input CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
inputName | Input | string | G | Input |
inputVoltage | Input Voltage | integer | G | Input VoltageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems Input - APC Schneider Electric PDU
The custom data entities for the power_system_input_apcpdu table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
inputCurrent | Input Current | integer | G | Input CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
inputName | Input | string | G | Input |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems Input - APC Schneider Electric UPS
The custom data entities for the power_system_input_apcups table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
inputCurrent | Input Current | integer | G | Input CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
inputName | Input | string | G | Input |
inputVoltage | Input Voltage | integer | G | Input VoltageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems Input - Generic UPS
The custom data entities for the power_system_input_generic_ups table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
inputCurrent | Input Current | integer | G | Input CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
inputName | Input | string | G | Input |
inputVoltage | Input Voltage | integer | G | Input VoltageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems - Output
The custom data entities for the power_system_output table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
outputCurrent | Output Current | integer | G | Output CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
outputLoad | Output Load | integer | G | Output LoadTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
outputName | Output | string | G | Output |
outputVoltage | Output Voltage | integer | G | Output VoltageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems Output - Argus/Alpha
The custom data entities for the power_system_output_alpha table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
outputCurrent | Output Current | integer | G | Output CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
outputLoad | Output Load | integer | G | Output LoadTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
outputName | Output | string | G | Output |
outputVoltage | Output Voltage | integer | G | Output VoltageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems Output - APC Schneider Electric PDU
The custom data entities for the power_system_output_apcpdu table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
outputCurrent | Output Current | integer | G | Output CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
outputLoad | Output Load | integer | G | Output LoadTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
outputName | Output | string | G | Output |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems Output - APC Schneider Electric UPS
The custom data entities for the power_system_output_apcups table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
outputCurrent | Output Current | integer | G | Output CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
outputLoad | Output Load | integer | G | Output LoadTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
outputName | Output | string | G | Output |
outputVoltage | Output Voltage | integer | G | Output VoltageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems Output - Generic UPS
The custom data entities for the power_system_output_generic_ups table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
outputCurrent | Output Current | integer | G | Output CurrentTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
outputLoad | Output Load | integer | G | Output LoadTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
outputName | Output | string | G | Output |
outputVoltage | Output Voltage | integer | G | Output VoltageTimeseries Data: Stats, Formats & Options |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems - Status
The custom data entities for the power_system_status table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
psMake | Make | string | G | Make |
psModel | Model | string | G | Model |
psName | Name | string | G | Name |
psStatus | status | string | G | status |
table | Table | string | G | The table to which the entity belongs |
Link | Description | Link Target |
deviceLink | Link to Device | cdt_device |
Power Systems Status - Alpha Power
The custom data entities for the power_system_status_alpha table
Field ID | Field Title | Type | Get, Add, Update | Description |
deviceid | Device ID | integer | G | The ID of the parent device |
id | ID | integer | G | The entity identifier |
idx | Index | string | G | The base SNMP index for this entity |
name | Name | string | G | The entity name |
poll | Poll State | string | G, U | The poll state of the entity
psMake | Make | string | G | Make |
psModel | Model | string | G, U | Model |
psName | Name | string | G, U | Name |
psStatus | status |