Statseeker Service Packs are updates to released Statseeker versions which address minor issues though a patch. In instances where multiple Service Packs are made available for a given release, the latest pack contains the content of all previously released service packs for that version of Statseeker.
Currently Available Service Packs
Statseeker v5.6.2
5.6.2 Service Pack 1.0.3(scs_service_pack_5_6_2-1.0.3.scs)
System & Administration fixes:
- Fixes sporadic data gaps on very large Statseeker configurations due to slow poller load times after a configuration change
- Fixes sporadic data gaps on SNMPv3 devices from the first SNMP packet received after a configuration change.
- Fixes validation on device names with underscores in the manual device add page in the admin tool.
- Fixes issues when adding/updating/deleting devices which have mappings to IPv6 addresses
- Fixes issue where existing IPv4 entries in the hosts file could cause discovery of IPv6 entries to fail
- Fixes an issue where API calls fail when filtering on a linked field
- Fixes an issue where SNMP credentials fail to upgrade correctly
- Fixes an issue where Ping discover exits ungracefully when no new devices are found
Dashboard fixes:
- Addresses a dashboard graph display issue when presenting 'ping lost' data in addition to other data series
Statseeker v5.6.1
Download 5.6.1 Service Pack 1.0.5 (scs_service_pack_5_6_1-1.0.5.scs)
System & Administration fixes:
- Adds validation if a poller attempts to insert timeseries data using an incorrect time
- Fixes to OperStatus event insertion for servers upgraded from legacy versions of Statseeker (prior to 2015)
- Fixes an issue which could prevent RNA\OA services from restarting after upgrade
- Fixes an issue which slowed the discovery processes in some instances
Reporting fixes:
- Fixes an issue where drilldowns in some Ping reports would target incorrect data
Threshold & Alerting fixes:
- Fixes an issue with some mail servers rejecting alerting emails
- Fixes an issue with emails not being sent when upstream devices are configured
- Fixes a memory leak in the real-time poller
- Fixes the Search feature in Add/Edit Users
- Fixes an issue preventing records being added to the events database when discard filters are enabled
Statseeker v5.6.0
Download 5.6.0 Service Pack 1.0.7 (scs_service_pack_5_6_0-1.0.7.scs)
Dashboard fixes:
- Fixes dashboards with imagemap panels prompting to save when no changes have been made
Reporting fixes:
- Fixes the legacy Ping Status report sometimes reporting an incorrect ping state
- Fixes numeric user IDs breaking functionality in the device viewer
- Fixes Device Group SLA Availability Report missing entries
- Fixes scheduled CSV reports not being emailed
- Fixes the MAC/IP section of the Device Statistics interface drilldown showing details for all interfaces on the device
Threshold & Alerting fixes:
- Fixes SNMP state, ping, and custom polled event alerts not displaying event delta metrics
- Fixes SNMP State alerts not handling email 'wait' periods correctly
- Fixes upstream device alerts not sending events
Administration fixes:
- Fixes IP address changes on devices causing ping collection to fail
- Fixes an issue which caused assigning devices to pollers to fail in some instances
- Fixes an Observability Appliance IP address changing issue
- Fixes an issue which could cause SNMPv3 polling to fail
- Fixes SNMP timeout not honoring config file setting
- Adds validation if a poller attempts to insert timeseries data using an incorrect time
API fixes:
- Fixes RESTful API link delete endpoint causing invalid links in some reports
Installing a Service Pack
In order to install a previously downloaded Service Pack:
- Select Administration Tool > Statseeker Custom Services > Manage Packages
- Click Browse and browse to your previously downloaded Service Pack, select it and click Open
- Click Upload
Once the upload process is complete a summary of the results is displayed
- Click Details to review the upload process results
- Successfully uploaded packages offer a document link providing information on the package contents